Could you two be more adorable?? 🥰

Thank you for feeding my imagination with what's possible....

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Tee hee.

Somewhere out there is a man who chops wood and does manly things while also playing dumb games! :-)

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The perfect combo. 😊

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Same here (smile)

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LOL! Enjoy your vacation.

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Thx :-)

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As I have lived alone for many moons, I'd be afraid of what answers I'd give myself... 😉

Which brings me to the reason I never played this when I had a woman in my life, and a strict rule I have for myself: Never ask questions you don't want the answers to 😁

It's fun how you two play it, though ☺️

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About ten seconds ago, my wife said, "You look retarded right now." So really, you never know what they're going to say!

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"Would you still love me if I occasionally emitted a high-pitched whirring sound?"

As someone who does this naturally, it never occurred to me that some people feel the need to ask for permission

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OMG, I was thinking this same thing a little while. I already do that, and occasionally randomly break into show-tunes, more than my wife would like 🤣

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Funny. When I was younger her looks were important to me. Now in my 60's less so and more about the heart and mind.

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Easy enough to craft dumb questions to fit the bill for that too!

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“Would you still love me if you found out I had an affair with your sister?” “No! Did you.” Eyes dart back and forth. “No. Ha. No, of course not”

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I loved reading this. I have not played that game. But regarding the potential neediness in the question, I have a story about something Marshall Rosenberg said in his non-violent communication class:

Wife (needy and insecure): “Do you love meeeee?”

Marshall: “When?”

The point was, the emotions we feel change. And I always found that little story quite funny.

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Emotions do indeed change. Hopefully they get better, but sadly, they don't always.

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"Would you still love me if I had to turn back into a manatee for one week out of every month, and in order for us to be together, you had to become one too, and we had to eat kelp all day…?"

Answer: That would make me love you even more, if that were possible.

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Yo ho, yo ho, a manatee’s life for thee…

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Never played the game. If I can still play Go fish, Scrabble and Mexican Train (dominoes) I am ahead of my expected old-age curve.

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What about canasta? That’s a fantastic game at any age, but only people over 90 seem to play it anymore…

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I play it on a game site - and I'm only 68. Haha!

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I LOVE canasta. I used to play it with my grandma.

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Yep, it was Granny who taught Me to play, lo these 60+ years ago.

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Grannies are wise.

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I thought of so many wildly dark and inappropriate "Would you love me if" scenarios that I could not write in the comments for fear of coming off like a psycho 🤣

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Oh c’mon, bro, don’t leave us hanging. You’re among friends here.

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I do this all the time with my wife, really just to kind of annoy her but also because of the absolutely ludicrous things she'll ask me just to see what my response would be. If she wants to ask me something because she wants to test my response, well two can play that game. In the end it's a form of entertainment between the two of us and I enjoy it, nothing better than acting like a fool with your spouse, if you can't with them than for who can you act a fool?

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Right there with you on all of that!

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Interestingly... I have never asked anyOne if They would still love Me if... Nor has anyOne asked Me that. Huh. And I have had plenty of relationships over the years.

Happy You two have a game to enjoy!

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We have lots of different games. Makes the day more fun.

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