“Would you still love me if I looked like this?” **Wife lifts up the tip of her nose with her finger, distorting its normally attractive shape.**
We have played this dumb game so many times over the last two decades that I really don’t recall for sure who did it first, or what variant happened first. But my wife, and her nose, is as good a guess as any.
Recently, some Substack shenanigator (
, IIRC) mentioned this game, and I was surprised to learn that it wasn’t exclusive to my wife and me. I shouldn’t have been surprised, of course—there is very little new under the sun—but I was nonetheless.In the course of the discussion, I learned that for some who play this game, it is a plea for affirmation of love. In some cases, even a needy, manipulative plea.
That’s not the reason my wife and I do it. Our relationship is more than solid. For us, it’s about seeing how bizarre, obscure, or ridiculous we can get.
Would you still love me if I occasionally emitted a high-pitched whirring sound?
Would you still love me if my name were Aloysius Crapburger?
Would you still love me if, once per day, no matter where we were, I had to sing show-tunes for five minutes straight or I would die?
Would you still love me if I were a koala bear?
Likely answers:
Yes, but I am keeping my own name.
That would be tough.
Yes…but in a different way.
For us, it’s really just an excuse to laugh.
Sometimes, the gag is subtlety:
Would you still love me if I looked like this? (Wife barely changes the shape of her nose.)
How about this? (Nose moved a little more.)
This? (A little more.)
What about this? (A little more.)
No freaking way.
**Insert wife’s feigned outrage here.**
As I say, we’re just passing the time when we do it. But it does appear to be a natural and normal thing that people do, so I would love to hear if you do it, or have done it in the past. (Or if you have been subjected to it by a spouse or girl/boyfriend and hated it!) I bet we could collect a pretty funny list of examples.
Finally, it did recently occur to me that a better title for this game might be,
Would there have been a second date if…
The reason is simple: There are lots of things you might overlook or accept after you’ve already fallen in love, but might have been a dealbreaker on that first date.
(No matter what the title or variant, I suppose this game might be dangerous for relationships that aren’t fully solid, so I certainly am not recommending that anyone start playing it. I don’t want to cause trouble!)
Anyway, please share stories if you’ve got ‘em.
PS: My apologies to those who were expecting a Distributed Nation installment this week. I am on a quasi-vacation, and my writing time is more limited. I was working on one, but there was no way I was going to finish it in time. We still have to go to a cider tasting, and then see manatees.
Would you still love me if I had to turn back into a manatee for one week out of every month, and in order for us to be together, you had to become one too, and we had to eat kelp all day…?
Could you two be more adorable?? 🥰
Thank you for feeding my imagination with what's possible....
LOL! Enjoy your vacation.