Clear, concise and a call to arms. As more and more folks are speak out, and the pressure to capitulate is going to increase, as is the danger -- just like when a woman finally tells her violent husband she is leaving. Like that woman, we're going to need to be prepared on all fronts: in education, politics, law, science, arts & entertainment, in non-profit and corporate America. This may call for radical action, but unless we're willing to surrender the soil, we must persevere.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

It’s an issue that has been hijacked and generated for destructive purposes by people with evil agendas. All our reasonableness and tolerance and kindness used against us.

Jennifer Bilek explains who and what is driving this insanity. https://tube.source.news/videos/watch/4ef78a59-dd64-4e54-83eb-94c0262739d9

There is definitely an agenda to destroy our culture as spelt out in Claus Schwab’s Agenda 30. They are attacking from many angles.

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The silent majority needs to get loud. Spot on with everything. Silence is acquiesce. We are the white knights who must destroy the insanity before there are no sane people left

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I was a leftist for 30 years from roughly 1980 to Occupy in 2011. Occupy is when I saw the first wave of what was to become "woke" coming and I bailed afterwards, I am currently dissident right adjacent.

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Yeah, that's one of the programs that's running. I feel like that happens on every topic. There is money being spent, there are people being hired, there are influencers being paid, there are people put in place to cause problems on every front. I don't know if the trans community would have ever taken it this far on their own. I feel like things have been deliberately put in place to create this environment. There are a lot of reasons why the numbers of people experiencing gender dysphoria could have skyrocketed, I won't get into that. I have to wonder how much of that is intentional as well. It felt like an agenda and the flames were fanned and fanned. Now it is absolutely out of control. Now they say things like "you don't need to know what your child goes by at school" and "if you won't have sex with me you are a trans phobic". Of course, none of the trans people I know act that way. So, I wonder how prevalent that is. I know it's prevalent on social media. Maybe it's just more garbage to muddy the waters? Anyway, it's a thoughtform. It's ugly. I do not enjoy "chest feeding" or "person with a uterus". Also, "chestfeeding" is probably not healthy for a baby(just guessing, how is that even happening?). . I don't know how it is supposedly taking place, but I will assume that it is not the most healthy choice for a baby. I also do not like the word "cis gendered" I never agreed to that. I will not be calling myself that, ever. I don't think a person who is born as one sex, then transitions, should play sports with the new "gender". It's just a biological fact of differences. I believe people should be able to live and let live. No one should be forced to wear a rainbow pin if they are uncomfortable doing so and it doesn't mean that person has a problem with the gay or transgender folks. It doesn't mean I would not stand up for a trans friend. Maybe it just means they don't want to identify with the "movement" running roughshod over everything. I wouldn't have wanted to be involved with anyone setting fires during a Black Lives matter protest either. There are feds at everything these days, or at least it seems to be feds. It is my belief that George Soros pays for a lot of the mayhem. We are being manipulated on every front. That's my belief.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

"It’s not everyone on the left. It’s not every trans person. But it’s enough to have taken control and poisoned the water of public discourse across the developed world." I see what's happening as the globalists controlling the narrative via their controlled media outlets in order to divide us - any way they can.

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Keep rolling and speak truth!

For a look at gears behind this color revolution follow the 11th Hour Blog:


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Another great article, Chris ... the Left's identity politics is leading to endless bickering, conflict, and confusion, with no happy ending anywhere on the horizon. The Tower of Babel comes to mind.

After a DNA test a couple years ago (which I don't recommend to anyone else -- who knows what Big Govt might do with it!), I discovered I am 98.6% Eastern European Ashkenazic Jewish and 1.4% North African Ashkenazic Jewish (mostly Tunisian & Egyptian)

That makes me 10 times more African American than Elizabeth Warren is Native American! I've begun checking "nonwhite" on all those questionnaires that I'm forced to fill out. What could it hurt?

As for gender, Monty Python had a handle on it back in 1976 - https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/88rtsg5vkd83ok3/Men_%2526_Babies_1979_.mp4/file

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One of my favorites.

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The activists have scored an own goal. It won't be fully apparent to them until violence occurs as the inevitable backlash against bullies.

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