The criminals in organized criminal enterprise known as "government" don't prosecute themselves. Like psychopaths, they must be physically stopped and sterilized or castrated.
Simialr to days of old when criminals were tarred and feathered and ran out of town to prevent them from spreading their evil seed.
Under Obozo I think gallows/guillotines were already built! Waiting for us! But hey, the gallows/guillotines THEY built are now going to bu used for THEM! Ha!! Just like Haman in the book of Esther!! Biblical moments ahead!!!
these are the old terms i use. usaid came under JFK i think, in the early 60's. plz let go of any idea this is partisan as it is only related to power & swaying the hearts & minds of the people through "education". cough cough.
i am totally thrilled with the demolishing of usaid and hope it is total. i have wished for that for a very long time. the committee hearings i watched through the years, the whitewashing for public view made me sick because in their own documents as well as state dept dicuments the truth was plainly written.
organized crime is simply that no matter who does it. in many regards the families, the "mafias" are much more honest as they are loyal.
exposure of all of this garbage, absolute filth, i continue to look for.
So glad the Trump team is exposing the insanity now, but we have to credit Sen. Rand Paul, who has been issuing his Festivus Reports for a decade now - with no applause at all. The 2024 Festivus Report revealed over 1 trillion dollars of the crazy wasted $$.
When people say that "They do it on the right, too," I am forced to point out that virtually no one in power/government is actually on the right, if the right is properly defined. Rand Paul is one of the few.
That is just absurdly false. 🫣 Bi-Partisan Support for: the War Machine, The Security State, Attacks on Privacy Rights, Dismantling of Education, whole sale destruction of Social Welfare programs, corporate protectionism at the expense of the working class, a race to the bottom against immigrants, privatization at any cost. By every metric imaginable the United States government is made up of people from the right to the far-right. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. I accuse you of logocide.
I have done a fair amount of work, as part of writing a book, on the subject of the terms "left" and "right." The definition of the left has been reasonably stable and consistent since the French Revolution. When someone says it, you know what they mean. The definition of the right, by contrast, has been muddled, confused, and conflated in a variety of ways, also since its birth as a term at the same time.
The only stable definition of it that makes sense is related to the only stable way to define a political spectrum: with a consistent, durable, impartial unit of measure. The only measure that makes sense for that unit is "amount of government" in inverse proportion to "degree of individual freedom." (This is the only measure that measures exclusive, sine qua non characteristics of a movement or policy position, rather than secondary characteristics that have been applicable to movements across any conceivable spectrum (e.g., racism, nationalism, truculence, etc.)
By that measure, the right is a classical-liberal phenomenon in which anarchists are the furthest right, then minarchist libertarians, then mainstream libertarians, then core conservatives as being still to the right, but the least rightward of the lot.
This is not inconsistent with one of the ways by which the mainstream defines "the right" (IOW, my definition is not out of whole cloth), but it does remove all the inconsistencies that result from all the other muddled definitions of the right (being both monarchist and anti-monarchist, authoritarian and anti-authoritarian, reactionary and anti-reactionary, etc.).
It is not logocide. In fact, as laid out in the first six chapters of my book (, it is an extremely painstaking rescue of the term "the right" from the last 240 years of logocide to which it has been subjected. If, after having read those six chapters, you still disagree with the conclusion, I would certainly understand. However, you would not be able to deny that I have done the work to justify the position.
“The only measure that makes sense for that unit is "amount of government" in inverse proportion to "degree of individual freedom”
I’ll entertain that, its cogent enough. But I think you are laboring under contradiction, because if the right means less government more individual freedom then that is exactly what the Corporate control of the federal government entails. Less regulation more power for corporations, who I will remind are recognized legally as individuals. Thats seems pretty libertarian to me. If you can’t recognize that a bipartisan platform in full public view; that the promotion of privatization at any cost to the public good is a rightwing wet dream, then I fear you have lost yourself in a sea of abstraction.
To say that they are not right wing because there is further right to go is a relativization unto the point of meaninglessness. Furthermore if you think that the right has been misdefined for its entire history, I think you need to a recourse in semantics. Meaning is use qua public context and understanding. You are selling a private language.
You are correct—privatization definitely IS right-wing according to this proper, classical-liberal definition. Reducing regulation is too.
Corporate personhood, however, is not. Corporate personhood is a grant of government, and thus in the strictest sense is impermissible. The classical liberal (libertarian, core conservative, anarchist) who understands the logical conclusions of his own principles (or the principles he claims/believes himself to uphold) will see that corporate personhood is an abominable outgrowth of crony capitalism/fascist corporatism—one which we ought to oppose. We similarly ought to oppose any help by governments to corporations whatsoever, or any relationship therebetween whatsoever. Corporations should ONLY be subject to market forces, and not receive any help or special status from any entity. (Ultimately, in the most austere version of classical liberalism [anarchism/voluntaryism], government ceases to exist.)
The people in government that you see as "right wing" are, according to a spectrum with a proper unit of measure, hovering somewhere near the centerline, to one side or the other, but usually slightly to the left.
Part of the reason for this is the general victory, throughout the West, of third-way economics. In the battle between extreme laissez faire and totalitarian state socialism, the mushy middle won. Some combination of fascist corporatism, fabianism, taylorism, and crony capitalism. Everyone's a third-wayer now. And thus they are somewhere in a giant mushy middle.
And really, it does make sense to note that it is possible to be further left or right when gauging someone's position on the scale. For example, the Whigs of the 18th and 19th century would have called the Tories "right wing." But when you compared the Tories to certain continental powers (Say, Russia, Prussian, and Austria at the time of the Congress of Vienna), the Tories were radical by comparison. The full length of the spectrum matters when making judgments about where everything falls along it. Rand Paul is definitely to the right. Mitt Romney is definitely not. America's political spectrum is sufficiently skewed that most Republicans are hovering near the centerline.
(Note, I also define, in the book, what that centerline is and how it ought to be understood. It is far more than a vague gray area—it has specific determining characteristics.)
Thanks man I appreciate you not dismissing me in my knee jerk reaction, this is actually the kind of political debate of substance I enjoy. I wish I had more time to talk to you today because you’re offering an interpretation with more nuance than I thought at first but I am on my way out the door. I’ll think over what you’ve said, but as a socialist I still take issue with where you are drawing the line. I have often warned other leftists to be more respectful of people with radically different perspectives than our own, I think this is an opportunity to practice what I preach. Maybe for another day.
It’s called the uni-party for a reason. It all boils down to the fact that human nature is naturally self-serving and who runs the government?
The Mother Theresas out there are few and far between and who I suspect was the rare old soul this earth needs more of. Maybe Ron and Rand Paul are old souls?
The “Bi-partisan support” is not the right. That’s why it’s called the uni-party. All the way to the right is anarchy and all the way to the left is total state control- totalitarianism. Fascism is absurdly labeled as right, when it’s totalitarian.
Human nature is naturally self serving and who runs the government? It’s very, very rare to have someone like Rand (and his dad Ron) continually try to show
I am sympathetic to the uni-party label but think bi-partisan support is apt because these two factions are competing with each other for control while only coming together to crush the working class or to protect the imperium when it is necessary. The factions of the bourgeoisie have a class unity that the working class lacks because they work together to balkanize us, but they are allies of convenience and never pause to throw the other faction under the bus. They hate each other. I prefer this factional conflict interpretation because it describes the shared interests of the bourgeoisie and explains the enmity between the two Parties, they do operate separately and they are not literally conspiring together. Shared interests and shared social history explain why it looks like a uni-party.
It will never change, kind of like how the high-ranking politicians and their lackeys never get punished for their pedophilia and trafficking children. Did anyone get prosecuted over Pizza Gate? I think not.
Do you think the taxpayer should be funding the meals the Senate eats in its dining facility or even their haircuts? Rand never seems to complain about the benefits he gets.
Excellent article again, Christopher. Thank you. Spending bills, particularly of the omnibus genre are notorious for simply being paybacks to donors. Remember Solyndra, that donated millions to Obama only to get millions in taxpayer money as a reward? This is now how politics works.
The new media play now is "look how much foreign aid helps people" then cherry pick the one project that went well and ignore the 99 kickbacks to donors.
A Trump appointed judge just put a hold on the cuts (how some circuit court judge can rule on an international issue is another question), so it might go to Congress and then we can see which of that “wretched hive of scum and villainy” are on the take.
I feel like there is too much crap that can be smeared on RINO reps and senators who vote to sustain USAID if it comes to that. They don’t want to lose their sinecures. Dems in shaky seats would also need to worry.
Think we’ll learn about many problems in the DoD. It’s the one expense no one wants to be viewed as being against what they want. Heard we have 40 active 4 star generals.
There is fraud in every corner of the government because no one has been looking or watching for several decades. It's human nature to expect free everything if you work for the government or are funded by it. There is NO accountability, NO responsibility and no ABILITY.
The 1960's bands will never die. Especially the unknowns or the garage rockers.
Sometimes it is interesting to read international newspapers. Since a while I got the Russian news on the computer. The Belgian press yesterday reported that the deported in the US were treated 'as if they were criminals'. Belgium is my former homeland. The press there has not reported the least little bit about the jabs, and now makes a meme out of itself, because indeed, these people ARE criminals - not only for entering the country illegally (which, speaking for itself, is illegal) but also because they are murderers, rapists and the kind!). Netherlands, UK and several others have 'underground' news, comparable to some of the Substackers, but Belgium has zilch. They still go for the jabs can you believe it.
If they don't steal from you through taxes, they print money, take on debt to steal from you. Human enslavement. Everyone's watching YouTube for any advice as how to make a side hustle work. Everyone's overworked and the cost of living is cranking. Saddening
Nothing competes with the heist the moneyed psychopaths have done to Humanity on Our planet, stealing Our share of the wealth of Our planet and putting it in "TRUSTS" (legal caps), with Them as "TRUSTEES." Every One of Us is a multimillionaire. But the MPIC (moneyed psychopaths in control) own nothing and control everything.
And, of course, money is the tool They use to do all They do.
I don't want My money back. I want My wealth back - and for You to have Your wealth back. And the rest of Humanity... But as long as We cling to the tool that promotes psychopaths and gives Them the power over Us... We will be wage slaves and chattel.
Ergo, I work to eliminate that dangerous and archaic practice of accounting for the energy We add into Their (the MPIC's) system.
I have an array of articles on how We can save Humanity from the MPIC's.
Inclusive is Marxist doctrine. A store I used to shop at went woke and extremist inclusive. They could have just said 'open to the public' which "includes" everyone. But no, they had to hire a bunch of angry queers and hang rainbow flags. Extremism at its worst.
I knew it happened, I just had no comprehension of the depths. It's like knowing there's an engine in a car without realizing how many parts are inside that engine. I am completely embarrassed 😳 that we haven't seen this in all its horrifying ugliness until now. I want my money back, too. Yesterday.
So well put Christopher! We are robbed of treasure which is used as theft for our own demise to the tune of a TRILLION $'s. This is one more reason for The Plan!
BTW: Trump and Musk are cleaning up many things like bulls in a china shop. Hitler and Mussolini did the same. Expect the Worst Fascist Technocratic Plutocracy from them!
It's a rigged game "govenment". It's like gambling in Vegas the gambler "citizens" wants to ride the money , then the house "govenment" takes the money, but it's a 100 times more corrupt then Vegas could ever dream. I hope we can act before the house destroys us and then itself.
There will never be zero government, but striving toward that is the only hope for keeping the authoritarian parasites in check.
Never say never 🤩
If no One consented to being ruled by Other, there would be no controlmind (government).
Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):
USAID has made a shitload of millionaires.
To describe this as merely criminal is to drastically understand the matter.
I believe this is exactly why RICO statutes were drawn up.
Indeed! But please see the first meme here:
I wonder which company the government will hire to build a 20 man gallows?
The criminals in organized criminal enterprise known as "government" don't prosecute themselves. Like psychopaths, they must be physically stopped and sterilized or castrated.
Simialr to days of old when criminals were tarred and feathered and ran out of town to prevent them from spreading their evil seed.
Under Obozo I think gallows/guillotines were already built! Waiting for us! But hey, the gallows/guillotines THEY built are now going to bu used for THEM! Ha!! Just like Haman in the book of Esther!! Biblical moments ahead!!!
There are lots of carpenters who would do it for free, including materials.
Yes, immoral, unethical, etc, and criminal! Not enough jail cells for them all but plenty of room in the depths/fires of HELL with the 👺
They deserve jail and more. But I would be satisfied if they just let me and mine secede.
crony capitalism
organized crime
these are the old terms i use. usaid came under JFK i think, in the early 60's. plz let go of any idea this is partisan as it is only related to power & swaying the hearts & minds of the people through "education". cough cough.
i am totally thrilled with the demolishing of usaid and hope it is total. i have wished for that for a very long time. the committee hearings i watched through the years, the whitewashing for public view made me sick because in their own documents as well as state dept dicuments the truth was plainly written.
organized crime is simply that no matter who does it. in many regards the families, the "mafias" are much more honest as they are loyal.
exposure of all of this garbage, absolute filth, i continue to look for.
It ALL needs to end. step at a time.
or maybe a stomp.
i am not cheering yet but it is a step in exposure of the truth.
Say it again - I want my money back in cash!
So glad the Trump team is exposing the insanity now, but we have to credit Sen. Rand Paul, who has been issuing his Festivus Reports for a decade now - with no applause at all. The 2024 Festivus Report revealed over 1 trillion dollars of the crazy wasted $$.
How does this story end?
When people say that "They do it on the right, too," I am forced to point out that virtually no one in power/government is actually on the right, if the right is properly defined. Rand Paul is one of the few.
That is just absurdly false. 🫣 Bi-Partisan Support for: the War Machine, The Security State, Attacks on Privacy Rights, Dismantling of Education, whole sale destruction of Social Welfare programs, corporate protectionism at the expense of the working class, a race to the bottom against immigrants, privatization at any cost. By every metric imaginable the United States government is made up of people from the right to the far-right. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. I accuse you of logocide.
I have done a fair amount of work, as part of writing a book, on the subject of the terms "left" and "right." The definition of the left has been reasonably stable and consistent since the French Revolution. When someone says it, you know what they mean. The definition of the right, by contrast, has been muddled, confused, and conflated in a variety of ways, also since its birth as a term at the same time.
The only stable definition of it that makes sense is related to the only stable way to define a political spectrum: with a consistent, durable, impartial unit of measure. The only measure that makes sense for that unit is "amount of government" in inverse proportion to "degree of individual freedom." (This is the only measure that measures exclusive, sine qua non characteristics of a movement or policy position, rather than secondary characteristics that have been applicable to movements across any conceivable spectrum (e.g., racism, nationalism, truculence, etc.)
By that measure, the right is a classical-liberal phenomenon in which anarchists are the furthest right, then minarchist libertarians, then mainstream libertarians, then core conservatives as being still to the right, but the least rightward of the lot.
This is not inconsistent with one of the ways by which the mainstream defines "the right" (IOW, my definition is not out of whole cloth), but it does remove all the inconsistencies that result from all the other muddled definitions of the right (being both monarchist and anti-monarchist, authoritarian and anti-authoritarian, reactionary and anti-reactionary, etc.).
It is not logocide. In fact, as laid out in the first six chapters of my book (, it is an extremely painstaking rescue of the term "the right" from the last 240 years of logocide to which it has been subjected. If, after having read those six chapters, you still disagree with the conclusion, I would certainly understand. However, you would not be able to deny that I have done the work to justify the position.
“The only measure that makes sense for that unit is "amount of government" in inverse proportion to "degree of individual freedom”
I’ll entertain that, its cogent enough. But I think you are laboring under contradiction, because if the right means less government more individual freedom then that is exactly what the Corporate control of the federal government entails. Less regulation more power for corporations, who I will remind are recognized legally as individuals. Thats seems pretty libertarian to me. If you can’t recognize that a bipartisan platform in full public view; that the promotion of privatization at any cost to the public good is a rightwing wet dream, then I fear you have lost yourself in a sea of abstraction.
To say that they are not right wing because there is further right to go is a relativization unto the point of meaninglessness. Furthermore if you think that the right has been misdefined for its entire history, I think you need to a recourse in semantics. Meaning is use qua public context and understanding. You are selling a private language.
Not really—I am just removing the contradiction.
You are correct—privatization definitely IS right-wing according to this proper, classical-liberal definition. Reducing regulation is too.
Corporate personhood, however, is not. Corporate personhood is a grant of government, and thus in the strictest sense is impermissible. The classical liberal (libertarian, core conservative, anarchist) who understands the logical conclusions of his own principles (or the principles he claims/believes himself to uphold) will see that corporate personhood is an abominable outgrowth of crony capitalism/fascist corporatism—one which we ought to oppose. We similarly ought to oppose any help by governments to corporations whatsoever, or any relationship therebetween whatsoever. Corporations should ONLY be subject to market forces, and not receive any help or special status from any entity. (Ultimately, in the most austere version of classical liberalism [anarchism/voluntaryism], government ceases to exist.)
The people in government that you see as "right wing" are, according to a spectrum with a proper unit of measure, hovering somewhere near the centerline, to one side or the other, but usually slightly to the left.
Part of the reason for this is the general victory, throughout the West, of third-way economics. In the battle between extreme laissez faire and totalitarian state socialism, the mushy middle won. Some combination of fascist corporatism, fabianism, taylorism, and crony capitalism. Everyone's a third-wayer now. And thus they are somewhere in a giant mushy middle.
And really, it does make sense to note that it is possible to be further left or right when gauging someone's position on the scale. For example, the Whigs of the 18th and 19th century would have called the Tories "right wing." But when you compared the Tories to certain continental powers (Say, Russia, Prussian, and Austria at the time of the Congress of Vienna), the Tories were radical by comparison. The full length of the spectrum matters when making judgments about where everything falls along it. Rand Paul is definitely to the right. Mitt Romney is definitely not. America's political spectrum is sufficiently skewed that most Republicans are hovering near the centerline.
(Note, I also define, in the book, what that centerline is and how it ought to be understood. It is far more than a vague gray area—it has specific determining characteristics.)
Thanks man I appreciate you not dismissing me in my knee jerk reaction, this is actually the kind of political debate of substance I enjoy. I wish I had more time to talk to you today because you’re offering an interpretation with more nuance than I thought at first but I am on my way out the door. I’ll think over what you’ve said, but as a socialist I still take issue with where you are drawing the line. I have often warned other leftists to be more respectful of people with radically different perspectives than our own, I think this is an opportunity to practice what I preach. Maybe for another day.
It’s called the uni-party for a reason. It all boils down to the fact that human nature is naturally self-serving and who runs the government?
The Mother Theresas out there are few and far between and who I suspect was the rare old soul this earth needs more of. Maybe Ron and Rand Paul are old souls?
"Maybe Ron and Rand Paul are old souls?"
—I think they must be!
Mother Theresa abused and sold/traficked children.
Lots of it. Dig a bit. I’ve been reading about it for years.
The “Bi-partisan support” is not the right. That’s why it’s called the uni-party. All the way to the right is anarchy and all the way to the left is total state control- totalitarianism. Fascism is absurdly labeled as right, when it’s totalitarian.
Human nature is naturally self serving and who runs the government? It’s very, very rare to have someone like Rand (and his dad Ron) continually try to show
I am sympathetic to the uni-party label but think bi-partisan support is apt because these two factions are competing with each other for control while only coming together to crush the working class or to protect the imperium when it is necessary. The factions of the bourgeoisie have a class unity that the working class lacks because they work together to balkanize us, but they are allies of convenience and never pause to throw the other faction under the bus. They hate each other. I prefer this factional conflict interpretation because it describes the shared interests of the bourgeoisie and explains the enmity between the two Parties, they do operate separately and they are not literally conspiring together. Shared interests and shared social history explain why it looks like a uni-party.
It will never change, kind of like how the high-ranking politicians and their lackeys never get punished for their pedophilia and trafficking children. Did anyone get prosecuted over Pizza Gate? I think not.
The State is the State and we cannot change it, much like stripes on a zebra
But you can persuade them to follow the law by increasing the cost of doing 'business'.
Do you think the taxpayer should be funding the meals the Senate eats in its dining facility or even their haircuts? Rand never seems to complain about the benefits he gets.
Excellent article again, Christopher. Thank you. Spending bills, particularly of the omnibus genre are notorious for simply being paybacks to donors. Remember Solyndra, that donated millions to Obama only to get millions in taxpayer money as a reward? This is now how politics works.
The new media play now is "look how much foreign aid helps people" then cherry pick the one project that went well and ignore the 99 kickbacks to donors.
It's an exsanguination machine!
Problem is, the patient only has so much blood that can be extracted without causing serious problems. Oh wait! That’s already happening!
You should include that Solyndra went bankrupt shortly thereafter.
What a mess and I think that is the tip of the iceberg. Put on the hip boots it a deep swamp.
Can they summarily cut these expenditures? Do they need an act of Congress?
A Trump appointed judge just put a hold on the cuts (how some circuit court judge can rule on an international issue is another question), so it might go to Congress and then we can see which of that “wretched hive of scum and villainy” are on the take.
Unless the Romneys of the world stop it.
I feel like there is too much crap that can be smeared on RINO reps and senators who vote to sustain USAID if it comes to that. They don’t want to lose their sinecures. Dems in shaky seats would also need to worry.
You mean they might actually listen to the plebes and peasants? Imagine that!
They will need to dig all the way to China to get to the bottom of this massive corruption.
Indeed they do.
perfect start tho!
cut the head & see what falls out.
Think we’ll learn about many problems in the DoD. It’s the one expense no one wants to be viewed as being against what they want. Heard we have 40 active 4 star generals.
There is fraud in every corner of the government because no one has been looking or watching for several decades. It's human nature to expect free everything if you work for the government or are funded by it. There is NO accountability, NO responsibility and no ABILITY.
The 1960's bands will never die. Especially the unknowns or the garage rockers.
Have you seen "Spinal Tap"?
But it goes to 11
Accountability can be had in the form of pecuniary penalties.
Where can we sign up to receive USAID?
Half joking.
I'd happily pretend to care about whatever they want for millions of dollars. Better that it goes to me than some lunatic who actually believes in it.
Your check's been in the mail since 1987. Hold on, it's coming.
Sometimes it is interesting to read international newspapers. Since a while I got the Russian news on the computer. The Belgian press yesterday reported that the deported in the US were treated 'as if they were criminals'. Belgium is my former homeland. The press there has not reported the least little bit about the jabs, and now makes a meme out of itself, because indeed, these people ARE criminals - not only for entering the country illegally (which, speaking for itself, is illegal) but also because they are murderers, rapists and the kind!). Netherlands, UK and several others have 'underground' news, comparable to some of the Substackers, but Belgium has zilch. They still go for the jabs can you believe it.
Is there anything you think might wake them up?
Belgians sounds like Mormons, I call the most gullible people on the planet. They have a policy of don't ask don't tell.
If they don't steal from you through taxes, they print money, take on debt to steal from you. Human enslavement. Everyone's watching YouTube for any advice as how to make a side hustle work. Everyone's overworked and the cost of living is cranking. Saddening
It is absolutely human enslavement. Which is why we must become abolitionists!
Nothing competes with the heist the moneyed psychopaths have done to Humanity on Our planet, stealing Our share of the wealth of Our planet and putting it in "TRUSTS" (legal caps), with Them as "TRUSTEES." Every One of Us is a multimillionaire. But the MPIC (moneyed psychopaths in control) own nothing and control everything.
And, of course, money is the tool They use to do all They do.
I don't want My money back. I want My wealth back - and for You to have Your wealth back. And the rest of Humanity... But as long as We cling to the tool that promotes psychopaths and gives Them the power over Us... We will be wage slaves and chattel.
Ergo, I work to eliminate that dangerous and archaic practice of accounting for the energy We add into Their (the MPIC's) system.
I have an array of articles on how We can save Humanity from the MPIC's.
this little 3 min video sums up well what usaid really was/is
Very interesting!
We should be grateful, look how “inclusive” the world is…. 😵💫
Inclusive is Marxist doctrine. A store I used to shop at went woke and extremist inclusive. They could have just said 'open to the public' which "includes" everyone. But no, they had to hire a bunch of angry queers and hang rainbow flags. Extremism at its worst.
Yep. Communism wants to create many individual groups of oppressed v oppressor. And wants everyone to turn to the government to solve the problem.
I think you would really like this article:
I knew it happened, I just had no comprehension of the depths. It's like knowing there's an engine in a car without realizing how many parts are inside that engine. I am completely embarrassed 😳 that we haven't seen this in all its horrifying ugliness until now. I want my money back, too. Yesterday.
There may be a way to recover damages if one can point out what laws were violated and who violated them.
Nice. Thank you for the information
So well put Christopher! We are robbed of treasure which is used as theft for our own demise to the tune of a TRILLION $'s. This is one more reason for The Plan!
BTW: Trump and Musk are cleaning up many things like bulls in a china shop. Hitler and Mussolini did the same. Expect the Worst Fascist Technocratic Plutocracy from them!
I do hope they do not replace "bad" with "other bad." We shall see.
Ultimately, I swim in a whole new direction.
It's a rigged game "govenment". It's like gambling in Vegas the gambler "citizens" wants to ride the money , then the house "govenment" takes the money, but it's a 100 times more corrupt then Vegas could ever dream. I hope we can act before the house destroys us and then itself.
“The house always wins”…which means we need to get rid of the house!
Amen dude. I concurr.