Back in 2009 and 2010, we learned where the money went in the Obama/Democrats’ 2009 “Stimulus.” It went to public employee unions. It went to state and local governments. It went to Chrysler dealerships that had donated money to Democrats, but not to Republicans.
In other words, the money was routed to friends, allies, and supporters of the left. Almost a trillion dollars.
As I watched all this come out at the time, I realized—
They’re running a racketeering operation.
The left is using government to extract money from individuals in order to make those individuals pay for the left’s operations. They money is taken by force, laundered through government, and then given to the left’s entities, allies, and operatives.
So I shouted it from the rooftops—people, this is a racket!
(Note: Please don’t come back at me with “both parties do it.” I am not fighting for Team Red. I am an anarchist; I am opposed to all forms of involuntary governance. But if you cannot see how the ideological left uses government—here and throughout the world—then you have not been paying enough attention. There is a difference.)
Later, as I was becoming a voluntaryist/anarchist/whatever, I realized that all government is a racket. Government is a mafia, sending its enforcers to extract money from you in exchange for its “protection.” And if you refuse to pay, they’ll do exactly what the mafia do: force you to pay whether you want it or not.
That being said, the are definitely more and less sleazy ways that they can use the money they steal from you. And we now know that forces within government have been doing very sleazy things indeed. Sleazier than even many of the most most jaded among us realized…
The New York Times, Politico, and dozens of other media outlets are not just biased. They are state-funded media, operating on behalf of The Party, just as Pravda and Izvestia were in the old USSR.
In fact, according to Wikileaks, “USAID was funding over 6,200 journalists across 707 media outlets and 279 ‘media’ NGOs, including nine out of ten media outlets in Ukraine.” Isn’t journalism supposed to be independent of governments? Isn’t that part of the point of it all?
For all these years, we’ve known that the mainstream media have an agenda—that they favor one side ideologically. We didn’t know the half of it. In fact, forces in America (and other countries too) have been trying to turn it into a particracy—with one party in charge. And you have been paying for it all.
NGO scams
USAID money is going to a crazy list of projects,
$7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid “binary-gendered language”
$20 million for a new Sesame Street show in Iraq
$4.5+ million to “combat disinformation” in Kazakhstan
$1.5 million for “art for inclusion of people with disabilities”
$2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
$6 million to “transform digital spaces to reflect feminist democratic principles”
$2.1 million to help the BBC “value the diversity of Libyan society”
$10 million worth of USAID-funded meals, which went to an al Qaeda-linked terrorgroup
$25 million for Deloitte to promote “green transportation” in the country of Georgia
$2.5 million to promote “inclusion” in Vietnam
$16.8 million for a SEPARATE “inclusion” group in Vietnam
~$5 million to EcoHealth Alliance, one of the key NGOs funding bat virus research at the Wuhan lab
$20 million for a group related to a key player in the Russiagate impeachment hoax
$1.1 million to an Armenian “LGBT group”
$1.2 million to help the African Methodist Episcopal Church Service and Development Agency in Washington, D.C., build “a state-of-the-art 440 seat auditorium”
$1.5 million to promote “LGBT advocacy” in Jamaica
$2 million to promote “LGBT equality through entrepreneurship” in Latin America
$500K to solve sectarian violence in Israel (just ten days before the Hamas October 7 attack)
$2.3 million for “artisanal and small scale gold mining” in the Amazon
$3.9 million for “LGBT causes” in the western Balkans
$5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda
$6 million for advancing LGBT issues in “priority countries around the world”
$6.3 million for men who have s*x with men in South Africa
$8.3 million for “USAID Education: Equity and Inclusion”
And on and on.
While these are all left-wing “causes,” please note that they don’t actually care about the causes. Not really. This is all just part of their racketeering operation. It’s money laundering. A way to enrich themselves.
Remember—it’s not just the recipients of the cash. Everyone else who touches along the way—everyone whose job exists because of this money transfer—is in on the racket.
The politicians and their families get rich too, as in the $84 million raked in by the Clintons—putatively for various “causes.”
Large Scale Social Deception
Chances are, you’ve also heard about the $9,147,532.00 given by the the Department of Defense provided to Reuters for “ACTIVE SOCIAL ENGINEERING DEFENSE (ASED) LARGE SCALE SOCIAL DECEPTION (LSD).”
That goes beyond media bias. That speaks to an active attempt by government to undermine the psychology and personal lives of individual human beings. AND it is also a money racket, of course.
You are most likely paying attention to these revelations yourself right now, so I won’t belabor the point with more examples. (Though this one is pretty wild too.)
The most important takeaway here is that all of this is a racket—and always has been.
The goal of human beings, in its most basic form, is to acquire the things we need and want in order to survive and thrive. Not all of these things are material, though many, if not most, are.
There are only two ways to get these things: coercion and persuasion. Extract or trade. Taking or making. Clobbering or cooperation. Slavery or free exchange.
Using government to take from some and give to itself, and others, is an example of the former. It is coercion, force, fraud, theft.
The fact that a third party is in the way does not change that. The fact that we paper over it with all sorts of euphemisms about “democracy” (or “republics”) doesn’t change that. It is no less a form of coercion than the actions of a common thief. Except a common thief does not lie about what he’s really up to.
I want my money back. I don’t want the money to be returned to “the people.” I want MY money back. In cash.
Today is #FreedomMusicFriday, and I have the perfect song to describe these uncommon thieves.
There will never be zero government, but striving toward that is the only hope for keeping the authoritarian parasites in check.
USAID has made a shitload of millionaires.