What a great post! I appreciate the thought you put into this.

I have heard and read about "what is really going on" and sometimes I get really overwhelmed and scared. After a few days the feeling lightens but it's still there. The thing is that I don't believe remaining afraid and overwhelmed serves me, or anyone else (except those behind the scenes. I truly believe that giving in to panic and overwhelm makes their plans easier to move forward.) There IS stuff going on behind the scenes but there always has been. It's on a greater scale now but if we pay attention and refuse to play along, it will slow them down and maybe even stop them..

I always have to keep in mind that all I have is Right Now and to pay attention to what is important to me. The fear and overwhelm does nothing for me except make me feel bad, and I refuse to go along for the ride. Much of the time I don't think about it (once again, it serves No One if I panic) and that puts me in a place where I can talk my family down from what they've read or heard.

Hang in there folks. Everything changes.

Remember, they may be coming for us, but we don't have to go.

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I love this. 🙏🏻 I am going to restack it…

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I think fear is based of ignorance. Ignorance means that we don't understand how things are.

The way things are is that we are NOT our body. We're the consciousness that's working THROUGH our body. Just like the radio and the radio signal - if the radio gets broken the signal (consciousness) just finds another radio to work through.

Thus if we get to the point where we experience the reality like this (via meditation, therapy, etc) then it all becomes a fun game. Because we know that we will have limitless amount of bodies. We become fearless just like playing a 3D shooter with an immortality cheat. So then the game becomes to expand our imagination, hook it into our desire and create as much freedom as we can while we have this body. Why? Because it's gonna be much more fun coming back in the next body with more freedom from the get go :-D

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Maintain the rage!

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"No. It’s not our end that is coming. It is theirs. They cannot win if we don’t let them. They cannot win if we stay strong, and grow our numbers. And we do not grow our numbers with despair; we do it with joy."

WOW, thanks for this. Great post. Exactly what I needed today.

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Thanks, Dennis. Me too, frankly!

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This is so pertinent Christopher! I like your attitude to it and I believe it is the only way. In Michigan, like where you are, we often don't see the sun for weeks at a time in the winter.

I Awakened, I was stirring for about 5 years before that, the evening of 911 and then had terrible pneumonia for 6 weeks, I was a few miles from the the WTC. It was not what we were told and being local to it many things came out which did not nationally. I changed many things since then.

The Monsters Plans are in active execution from 911 forward though many of their most heinous were thwarted some years ago to delay their One World Order which we are now on the threshold of.

The Divine does not forget its own in all levels of consciousness'.

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What things did you notice, being local, that did not get reported nationally?

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Some of them which you may or may not know

1. 5 "Arabs" were pulled over in a white moving van on RT3 near the Meadowlands/Giant stadium by local police and told the police: "We are Israeli's and not your problem, your problem are Arabs". They arrested them all and found $7000 or so in cash, various passports and they were all Israeli's. The Police did not want to release them some days later but Michael Chertroff (Devil in Russian dialect - you can't make this stuff up), the disgusting head of homeland security, released them.

2. These 5 Israeli's, 3 of them Mossad Members and 2 associates, were filmed in a river park in West NY (the NJ side of the Hudson River across from lower Manhattan and the WTC) set-up with professional camera equipment pointing at the WTC BEFORE the first plane hit. An older Hispanic lady saw them and after the first plane hit they were hi-fiving each other, putting a lighter up to the catastrophe, hugging and kissing. Then the 2nd plane hit and they did the same. Obviously they knew it was going to happen and when. The Lady called the cops and reported Arab Terrorists which led to #1 above.

3. About a month or so later a few of these monsters went on an Israeli TV talk show and said they were their: "To document the event". No investigation was ever done by the W bush government.

4. Soon after the twin towers came down Netanyahu was interviewed and said: "It's a great day for Israel". You know our bestest friend partner country.

5. A BBC reporter talked in the afternoon of 911 of news that the 47 floor Building 7 of the WTC came down, it was not hit by the planes, while the live video behind her showed the building standing. The BBC tried to cover it up but failed miserably. BBC and she were sued in the UK and they lost.

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Part II

6. Building 7, which was not hit, fell on its own foot print in an obvious Controlled Demolition which takes many weeks to set-up.

7. Al Franken the comedian and eventually MN Senator said live, and wrote in his book which I have, that he got the: "Jew Call" From former NYC Mayor Ed Koch, as well as did many prominent Zionists and SF Willie Brown - Kamala's guy, not to fly on 9-10/9-11 and especially not to NYC. Hmm.

8. America has NORAD Protecting the US skies 24/7 since WWII. It is virtually Ironclad. You may remember a year or so before 911 a famous golfer (I know nothing about golf but the article struck me on how well our military protection system works - until it was really needed like on 911) had a heart-attack in his small plane and died and his plane went off his flight plan by 5 miles or so. First he was contacted and no answer so 2 US Air Force F16's automatically go right up and our on his sides ready to shoot him down if there is any monkey business. The pilots saw he was dead and let the plane crash in an out of the way area. This is an AUTOMATIC AIR FORCE RESPONSE. Questions were asked about this in the NYC area in the media etc.

9. I lived in Vermont for 3 years soon after 911 and a technician I went to was dressed in his VT National Guard Air Force clothes as he had to report to duty at the airport in Burlington. He asked where I was from and I told him NJ, originally near NYC and he asked where I was on 911 and I told him I was at Port Newark on a project and saw the 2nd tower burning.

He told me he was at the Air Force base, a small military airport next to the small public airport, and they had F16's ready to go to shoot the planes down near NYC that had veered about a hundred miles from their flight plans and were not communicating. His group were told to stand down but be ready for the order to Go - which is not the NORAD Protocal. They finally got the go ahead, which was NEVER NEEDED BEFORE, and were a few minutes late getting to NYC before the 2nd plane hit. They could have shot down both planes as per protocol.

He said Newburgh NY has an Air Force base much closer to NYC which by protocal could have easily shot down both planes much sooner and another base on Cape Cod.

VP Cheney was running Hijack drill on 911 and ordered all NORAD to Stand down!

10. Israeli Mossad Agents tried to storm the Mexican Senate because they would not join Bush's "War on Terror" but got caught by Mexican Senators and beaten to a pulp.

That's small taste for now.

I'll leave it at that for now but this is just a taste.

He then told me about the Air force Base in Newburgh NY not far from NYC which should have shot down both planes,

He then told me his story

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That you for the detailed reply. I have heard some of those things before. I was most curious about your firsthand experiences, like talking with the Air Force guy. In a world where digital info flows like wine, that kind of firsthand info is powerful.

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Yes. There is much more.

And if it was Italians, Irish, Scotch or Tibetans I would call them out just as vehemently!

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My country Great Britain is rapidly descending into an evil hell hole.

The look on people’s faces in the street is a mixture of depression, fear , bewilderment and yes lingering anger.

But I am currently reading Spengler…

Caesarism is coming….

Please hurry.

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I wish I had a magic wand to wave. The plans I am developing will take time to implement. It's a worthy endeavor, and we do need to get started on it. But it won't fix things in the short term.

But in the short term, let's figure out what we can at least do to help each other. For example, when we re feeling that depression, fear, bewilderment, and anger, can we talk with each other, at least to alleviate some of that?

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In Britain now you would likely be sent to prison for that.

Fast tracked too.

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For talking? Or for planning a distributed nation for a freer future?

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Well for having a genuine opinion.

He’s one people speaking up against mass rape of young White girls will get you 3 years.

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Are Brits gonna do something about this situation?

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Well reality is now kicking in.

The Social consensus is now entirely broken.

The pendulum is swinging right.

All bets are off.

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Yes indeed.

Fast forward to 2025….

A women sleeps with 1057 men in 12 hours.

The British Government gaslights the Public over the Southport massacre/ Grooming gangs.

Pensioners denied Heating Allowance so Illegal migrates can be put up in 4* hotels.

Farmers been driven off the land.

Giving Ukraine 3 billion for the next 100 years!

The Armed Forces once the envy of the world are now a pitiful has been.

The best people are leaving.

A Economy that is past saving.

Now raiding pension schemes.

Net zero goals the lights are now going out.

Town centres that have fundamentally changed Demographicly.

A Male Suicide epidemic

On and on.

Thankfully I am now off to light some candles for my ancestors in one of Englands finest Cathedrals.

There’s always hope in the eternal.

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And people keep voting for, defending, and supporting it because…virtue-signaling. Because they think it makes them one of the BeautifulPeople™. Grotesque.

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These 26 pages floored me…..


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I read the summary.

"Sense of duty" struck me.

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If I could a bit sentimental here.

A bit of my family history here…

One Great Grandfather a piper in one of the Highland regiments leading his fellow soldiers out of the trenches.

One Great Grandfather killed at Cambrai.

The other 2 so shell shocked one committed suicide.

My Granda came over from Ireland to work on the first Radar sites and later in Burma.

My other Granda was a Bevan boy who worked down the mines. They had a worse survival rate than people in the forces.

Then there was my Grandmas cousin who came over from Canada and joined the RAF in the Mother Countries greatest need.

He was 21 and got up from his sick bed because he missed his comrades/mates.

His Lancaster that very night was shot down over Germany. His body never recovered.

A sense of duty indeed.

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I feel you.

I had a great uncle shot down in a B-17. I had a great great uncle die in the Civil War.

Of course, I also had an 8X g-grandmother tried as a witch, and my 15x g-grandfather was James II of Scotland, who razed the lands of his own son and my 14x g-grandfather, the first Earl of Arran.

Oh and another was the mayor of London who put down the Wat Tyler rebellion.

Ancestors doing good things and bad things!

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Well maybe in our lifetimes there will be goats grazing on Wembley football ground or cattle on Lords Cricket ground.

Or the local warlord living in Buckingham Palace or my Clan Leader living in Edinburgh Castle.

We would also be living under Darwinian conditions….

Survival of the fittest.

I am fascinated by thinkers like John Michael Greer , Spengler , Toynbee , Evola and the astonishingly accurate Sir John Bagot Glubb.

We are in the Winter of our Civilisation.

But which season follows Winter?

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Have you seen Fight Club? Your first four grafs remind me of a scene from that great movie.

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Yes great movie.

Could you make a film like that in Hollywood today?

Erm NO….

There’s another thing people need to start buying physical media again.

Books , CDs , Records , DVDs , great Art Work etc.

All the good things about our Civilisation.

They need preserved.

I suspect Stonehenge will be here in a Millennium but perhaps not some Brutalist 1960s utopian Leftist monstrosity.

The problem is we are getting stupider Britain’s i.q has dropped by 20 points since 1880.

But there again we will be under Darwinian selection.

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Sadly, digital/online technology is playing a role in that IQ reduction.

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Extremely unrelated, but at the very least, the end of my 18 years has arrived (I turn 19 today :P)!

But more importantly, I can completely relate to the gloominess of the post-snow weather, and can't wait for the beginning of spring. A lot of the evil that's transpiring (around the world, to be honest) is also taking a toll on my perspective, and any non-naturalist explanations only end up distressing me even more, haha. It's weird that something that brings comfort to many can have that effect :P

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Just a couple months younger than my son. Happy Birthday!

Yeah, the gloominess has really gotten to me over the last couple of weeks. I only kind of consciously realized it today, though. My substrate is a happy person, so it always feels like a sadness add-on to that normal state. Hence, I don't always notice it right away.

And yeah, the evil in the world has been taking its toll too. For me, that started in the early 90s (Waco and Ruby Ridge were my wake-up that things were weird). But the evil of the last few years has been next-level.

I didn't quite understand your last sentence, though.

But I am glad we are talking about this. I want to help people be happier, and that starts with talking.

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This stuff is heavy. Yesterday I too was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the sheer magnitude and pervasiveness of the evil that has control over our world. It really is something to wrap one's brain around.

I'm curious as to whether you have heard any of the more esoteric, out-there, "woo" explanations for it the evils of this place, and if so, what are your thoughts?

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Sorry you were feeling overwhelmed. I have a desire to help people with that—to get us all talking, so that we don't feel so isolated.

Sure, I have heard plenty of woo explanations. But these days, I really don't remain on any one branch of the explanation tree. I land briefly, listen to the explanation in question, and then flutter on. It just seems so hard to know for sure what is actually true, so I don't even try.

Of course, that lack of solid ground has its own emotional effects. But I am not sure what else to do. How do we prove anything dispositively?

Moral principles of natural law—those, I can prove. The love of my family—that, I can see. Explanations for the mad crap going on? Not so much.

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I tried to respond earlier but my internet was accidentally shut off. Perhaps it's a sign to rework the reply entirely. Here goes:

I appreciate your efforts, Christopher! I really like the analogy of fluttering between branches of the explanation tree. Specifically, the feeling conjured up by the word "fluttering" brings to mind the idea of taking a lighthearted approach to the horrors. Now that I'm rewriting this, I note that it also brings to mind the concept of nonattachment. I had earlier referenced Stoicism -- a philosophy that I have been encouraged to adopt, difficult as that one is for me -- but perhaps the Buddhist idea of nonattachment is relevant here as well.

My problem is that I tend to be too curious, so it's difficult for me to disengage. I have a scientist's mind -- as well as an artist's, which is a weird balance -- and the urge to know WHY often drives me to dig too deep, I believe, and that leads to the feeling of being overwhelmed. Especially when the "why" goes down rabbit holes that include Luciferian death cults and reptilian aliens that eat people.

Then I find myself on X watching a clip of Joe Rogan and getting mad at him for calling actual reptiles "evil" (I happen to love that particular maligned sect of God's creation), and realize that perhaps I need to just tune it out and draw pictures for awhile. :P

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Im was just talking with my wife about this. I said that there is a WHY for everything. She said that sometimes, stuff just IS how it is.

Of course, we're both right. There really is a WHY for everything. But there are times when one ought to just let it go and SAY that it is what it is.

I have actually managed to do that with a lot of the rabbit holes. But there are certain health things that I keep looking for the WHY of. Not that I am especially unhealthy—it's just little things. I remain convinced that even the little things can be fixed, if we only knew how…

(Please show us the picture you draw!)

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Hmm ...

What if your wife is truly correct, though, and there is no "why" because there is no such thing as time (it's an illusion) and therefore no actual cause and effect? What if our brains are simply wired to generate reasons as to "why" things occur in order to keep the fragile ego sane? (I don't know as I do believe this to be true, but I could also totally see it being the case.)

Also -- what "health things," if you don't mind my asking? (I do know a thing or two about that sort of thing, and generally enjoy speculating ..!)

(Working on uploading drawings! I might just migrate my artwork to my Substack. Instagram has become horrid in so many ways.)

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"What if your wife is truly correct, though, and there is no "why" because there is no such thing as time"

—Somewhat related: I woke up thinking about this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPeY7Mq3hC0

"what "health things," if you don't mind my asking"

—I will message you :-)

"I might just migrate my artwork to my Substack. Instagram has become horrid in so many ways.)"

—If I were in your shoes, I would! I got off instagram and didn't miss it one bit. In fact, I believe my life improved. Substack is just better.

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How about the idea that according to the theory of quantum physics, we manifest our reality through our thoughts and feelings?

Combine that with the idea of stages of spiritual development - an idea which is present in many spiritual schools of thought. M.Scott Peck in The Road Less Travelled postulated that the majority of people on earth at the moment (because of the exponential rise in global population compared historically) were 'baby' souls - very undeveloped. Good summary here: https://brandonacook.com/four-phases-of-spiritual-development-part-i

Peck also explored evil in 'People of the Lie'.

Maybe all these baby souls are manifesting the chaos all around us and we're in effect in an understaffed nursery with the 'children' running amok!

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Verrrrry interesting.

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I absolutely believe that we manifest our reality. All of us, for sure. Some, I do believe, have more power to manifest than others, but the collective manifestation trumps all ... All except for God, that is.

Your theory makes a ton of sense to me. It also greatly intrigues me, because I am familiar with the concept of soul development and baby souls from another book that was written around the same time frame called Messages from Michael.

It's very curious. The skeptic in me is disappointed, as the Michael book was evidently published in 1979 while The Road Less Traveled was published in 1978, meaning that, in theory, the Michael "channelers" could have simply bogarted their ideas from Peck ... ... Except that I am pretty sure the channeling sessions (ostensibly) took place quite awhile before the book was published, and the publishing process takes time regardless. So ...


Regardless, I think it quite a logical theory.

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People of the Lie helped me tremendously in understanding more about the nature of evil in humans. His first chapter, about the parents who gifted the very gun that the one son had already used to commit suicide, and give it to the surviving son. Phew. Powerful stuff. After reading that book and pondering about the nature of NPC's...this helped me a lot.

I'd never seen anyone refer to this book ever, nice to see someone else cite it.

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The manifestation of reality through our thoughts, feelings and actions has been plaguing me for a while now, the mention of “baby souls” really resonates and I have never considered that as a component in this mess. Consider my interest in this idea piqued!

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There is a ‘do not fear’ for every day of the year in that old spoiler alert called ‘The Living Word of G-d.’

Faith is the opposite of fear.

All knowing that goes beyond the immediate experience of the moment, is a matter of faith.

To help us walk in faith, God’s word helps to prepare us, not scare us.

Believe in Christ Jesus - he has already crushed the forces of spiritual darkness when he went to the cross - to save us.

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The message of "Do not fear" is a powerful one.

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My girl friend is a happy worrier, blissfully unaware, lives in a Peter Pan world filled with endless rainbows and unicorns. I credit her mom for this way of thinking, who announced: "I have grandbabies and football, I don't want to know", while I on the other hand live in a world with agent Smith: "Do you hear that Mr. Anderson, that is the sound of your death"

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LOL :-)

It sounds like she has the "happy" part down, but not the "warrior" part.

The trick is to know the truth, to fight, and to remain happy in spite of those. It isn't easy!

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Buddhism, the root of suffering (dukkha) is often tied to the misconception of permanence. According to Buddhist teachings, everything in the world is impermanent (anicca), and this includes our thoughts, emotions, bodies, and even material possessions. When we mistakenly believe that things are permanent, we become attached to them. This attachment, or clinging, leads to suffering because, inevitably, everything changes or fades away.

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I think this is one of the many reasons why kids are so wonderful. You can let go knowing that they will carry on (remembering you, living on the same old farm, etc.).

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Very well said!

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This one brought this song to mind for me... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiXpDz3ASjo

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This is good! How about I do it for a future #FMF? (Unless you plan to…)

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Go right ahead!

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I loved this so much. Your blog is one of the best investments I ever made. I had a strange day yesterday at an event, learning more about upcoming tech and things being built on Bitcoin. Some people want things I do not. And some people see the world much differently than me (“Lucifer is God, Terra. Just the other side of the coin.”). Not “Lucifer is an angel caught in delusion”, but actually God. It was a challenging day. I may need to move soon etc…etc… and you are so on point with all you write (and I wish for a good red light for you as that might help with the lack of sun and your mood…or possibly a second home somewhere sunny…maybe somewhere near me and other people interested in similar things 😉). I put “lovely day” on my playlist. And I just feel, if God is love, which I believe to be the case, that there is support and regardless of what we do, the energy with which we do it matters most. Personal integrity, and honoring our sovereignty and that of others seems paramount. I do not want a brain chip regardless of if the control of it is decentralized. Some people feel differently (I learned yesterday as I listened to a talk that mentioned the importance of those brain chips not being under centralized control…they need to be tied to your sovereign decentralized identity 😒). I guess it is their business if they want chips in their brains as long as they keep their scalpels away from my scalp. It is an interesting time to be alive and knowing you are here makes me feel that there is hope.

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"knowing you are here makes me feel that there is hope."

—Same back to you.

Where might you move?

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I think I may continue to travel in a month or so after I get my permanent residency (which I hope happens soon). So I would move my body, but not settle yet. I may go to Costa Rica to continue working on my book and then have other places that interest me. But first the residency...

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"Your blog is one of the best investments I ever made."

When I was 19 or 20, I lived in a crappy apartment in a crappy neighborhood in New Haven, CT. One day, I walked out the front door and smelled something delicious. Meat. Smoky, greasy meat. Not sure why, but I decided to follow the smell.

After a couple blocks of walking and sniffing, I found the source. A man was on the east edge of Edgewood Park with a charcoal grill, cooking racks of ribs. Not for himself, but for sale. Ten bucks for a full rack! I had to have one.

Then I told him that I found him by following the smell. He laughed a belly laugh like Geoffrey Holder from the old 7up commercials, took the top off the grill and started waving the smoke around, saying, "I want EVERYBODY to smell them."

That is how I feel about your lovely comment. I want everybody to hear it! 🤣🤣

Seriously—thank you.

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A wee bit dark there? We had 6 hours and 41 minutes twix sunrise and sunset here, North Pole, Alaska today. I've also spent time a bit farther north where there's around 50 days twix sunset and sunrise. One adapts, or goes crazy or both.

& yep change is coming. Retent, the end is near an yep it'll all be interesting.

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Yes, I too have lived further north than this. Between 56 and 57, so not quite as crazy-north as you, but still, pretty dark.

But seasonal effective disorder is a real thing, as you well know. Northern countries have higher rates of suicide, alcoholism, etc. It can be rough.

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I made a comment before I read the complete article, word for word. My comment, below, still stands however, this is the most re-affirming post that I have read in a long time. Regardless of the lyrics quoted, your message resonates with me and, I hope, with all those on the same resonance plane. May I add another Dylan classic? "The answer is blown' in the wind". Thank you Christopher.

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I have an old boss who is a huge Dylan fan. I think he's sad that I became an anarchist, but he still likes me (and I him). 🤣

I am glad it resonated with you!

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No, the end is not approaching! Bob Dylan said it all in 1964 and the lyrics remain true to this day: "The Times They Are a-Changin' ".

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That's a good way to put it.

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Yes, the end is coming soon--at least sooner than most expect it. The darkness of most rock music has built toward a crescendo. Its connection to the dark side is unquestionable. There is no question which side will be victorious, and the closer we are to the end, the louder and more foul the dark side gets.

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Some of the dark stuff isn’t aligned with evil, though—it is an expression of frustration. Anger and angst, filtered through the raw energy of youth. If you listen close, you can hear the evil stuff—it’s different.

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