Is the End Coming Soon?
Or is it a new beginning? Be a happy warrior either way. (#FreedomMusicFriday)
A couple of days ago, in the course of a long conversation with
, a song popped into my head, and along with it, a thought. (I am not sure how a discussion of search engines led to a song about armageddon, but whatever—I don’t question the pathways my brain—or anyone else’s brain—takes.)The song is “(The End Is) Coming Soon” by Michelle Leverette. (video/audio below)
On the surface, the message is what the title says it is: armageddon is coming, so make your peace. But recently, I heard it in a different way.
The end is comin' soon
I heard this (as I have many times before, since this song is in my playlist), but this time, I asked myself—Wait, what is it that is ending?
As far as I can tell, certain things end, but time itself marches on. Empires fall, but they are replaced by something else. Eras end, and new ones begin. Even if this song is referring to armageddon, it is referring to the end of something, not the end of everything.
Thus, even if we were to assume that everything is about to get crazy, it does not mean that everything is about to end. Some things will end; others will continue; and new things will begin.
What if some of the things that end are things that should end?
I am not rooting for armageddon. I am just noting that there is a happy-warrior way of hearing this song.
If you are here reading this, then there is a good chance that you are awake. Not woke, but awake. Awake to the fact that all is not as it seems. Awake to the fact that some seriously shadowy stuff is afoot. For most of you, I need not elaborate any further. The world is weird, and it seems like it might get a lot weirder before it gets better.
Most of you feel some calling to fight back. To spread information. To spread truth. To awaken more of us.
But the more informed we become, the easier it is to feel overwhelmed. To feel black-pilled by the wickedness of it all. And then you hear a song like this, and you think, Yeah, to heck with it. Things are just too much of a mess.
And on the surface, the lyrics seem to reinforce that thought…
Everything we do and that we say
We're livin' for the moment
'Cause we've only got today
Some amount of present-orientation (living for the moment) is good, no matter what the external circumstances. You should plan for the future, enjoy the present, and learn from (but try not to dwell on) the past. So that’s good advice right there.
But then it seems to get more fatalistic:
Time is wavin' bye and setting sail
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
No worry that we'll fail
Perhaps, however, all of this comes down to interpretation—to the messages we choose to take away. And I choose to take away the message that if we are forced to fight, should we do so as happy warriors.
I am not always happy, but I want to be. I am not always optimistic, but I try to be. Dwelling in despair is the worst thing we can do. Hopelessness is a fait accompli.
Perhaps the lyrics are reinforcing that message (whether the writer intended it or not).
The end is comin' soon
So grab yourself the reigns
And hang on 'til we're through
Happy warriors don’t let the task before them crush their joy. They do the task because it needs to be done. And if it’s a wild ride, then it’s a wild ride. Might as well grab the reins and enjoy it!
The end is on its way
So paint that smile upon your face
Until the end of days
I am not in an especially good mood today. Quite the contrary, actually.
I think it’s probably just the lack of sunlight and fresh air—it seems to happen every year around this time. Where I live, in the winter, we can easily go two weeks without the sun peeking out once. And we can go over a month without an actual sunny day.
In December, we have the magic of Christmas to cast a warm glow over the otherwise monochromatic gray and white. But once January rolls around…sigh.
Plus, there is the omnipresent weirdness of the world—the sense that sinister people are doing sinister things in the shadows, and it’s all designed for their benefit and our detriment. That feeling certainly does not help.
But what am I to do? What are we to do? Sit back and let it happen? Sit back and let them rob us of the joy of living?
No. It’s not our end that is coming. It is theirs. They cannot win if we don’t let them. They cannot win if we stay strong, and grow our numbers. And we do not grow our numbers with despair; we do it with joy.
So paint that smile upon you face and be a happy warrior. What happens next is up to us.
wants you all to be happy too. And he says this song’ll do it!
What a great post! I appreciate the thought you put into this.
I have heard and read about "what is really going on" and sometimes I get really overwhelmed and scared. After a few days the feeling lightens but it's still there. The thing is that I don't believe remaining afraid and overwhelmed serves me, or anyone else (except those behind the scenes. I truly believe that giving in to panic and overwhelm makes their plans easier to move forward.) There IS stuff going on behind the scenes but there always has been. It's on a greater scale now but if we pay attention and refuse to play along, it will slow them down and maybe even stop them..
I always have to keep in mind that all I have is Right Now and to pay attention to what is important to me. The fear and overwhelm does nothing for me except make me feel bad, and I refuse to go along for the ride. Much of the time I don't think about it (once again, it serves No One if I panic) and that puts me in a place where I can talk my family down from what they've read or heard.
Hang in there folks. Everything changes.
Remember, they may be coming for us, but we don't have to go.
"No. It’s not our end that is coming. It is theirs. They cannot win if we don’t let them. They cannot win if we stay strong, and grow our numbers. And we do not grow our numbers with despair; we do it with joy."
WOW, thanks for this. Great post. Exactly what I needed today.