May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

Right on Christopher, I especially appreciate the Warrior Queen and:

The first step in liberation is to stop believing that they are omnipotent.

Totalitarianism is very strong until people realize that it is a house of cards. At that point, a single breath will do it.

In the end I believe it is Metaphysics with an Ontology issue with a Divine Spiritual Solution.

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I am starting a new Netflix series called "Doom Porn Porn," featuring a string of TDS-infected Leftwing Climate Hysteria Church acolytes getting together to watch PBS documentaries about fracking, which then leads to a weird frantic orgy of despair with equal helpings of primal despondent screams and yelping money shots.

We go into principal photography this summer.

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I have my SAG card…

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You do know you don't need a SAG card for fluffing, right?

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But SAG fluffers are better at it…

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

I would LOVE to see the empirical data behind that assertion. How large a control group? Are these sensors hooked up to measure various bio factors? Is timing / efficacy one of the measurable, ahem, dimensions? The data science empiricist nerd in me is dying to know.

Tangentially, was this the Harvey Weinstein defense?

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I am just repeating what the SAG rep said. Apparently, we're better at everything. In fact, when I went from being a non-union extra to a union extra, I got 78% better at my job overnight.

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Unions sure are magic, aren't they? They transmogrified you into a 78% superior version of yourself just like that.

No wonder Democrats love unions.

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook


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Thank you, Christopher, for the very kind mention of me and my difficult emotional time a handful of days ago here on Substack. The fact that so many people reached out with prayer and encouragement, was amazing. I am an odd mix of both sensitive soul and blunt Oregon warrior. Life is certainly a rough ride at times. I hold fast to God and keep going, one single day at a time. You write so well, Christopher, you have a great mind and are a deep thinker, as are many of us on Substack. I have some hope for humanity on here. Blessings to all, today, WEW

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Thank you and bless you, WEW.

And rock on, Substack!

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

Whenever I get to focusing too much on the darkness I remind myself that it is always darkest before the dawn. Right now we are going through The Big Ugly, things are kind of crazy and it seems the Globalists are only accelerating their agenda. But the harder they push, the more people wake up to it and that is the white pill moment that people need to focus on. It is almost as if we need them to go hard in order to force a global awakening. Who knows? For my own part, I like to think we're just getting to the good stuff.

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Well said. I am under no illusions about the darkness. But it's not all darkness.

I am also willing to commit to a generational project, if that is what it takes.

I will carry the flame, even though i may not live to see the bonfire.

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

"The Big Ugly". that's good.

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

This bit

“we outnumber them by thousands to one.”

Reminds me of this great clip from bugs life.


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Wish more people understood!

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

Thank you!

... what are "they" without us?!!

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well said.

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

Thank uou!

It doesn't take a war!

All we need to do is stop playing their game, stop supporting their "wares" in whatever shape or form.

We The People, for The People.


We are The Power!

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"All we need to do is stop playing their game."


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If they were so omnipotent they wouldn't be scrambling so hard to silence and censor. They would have never revealed their hand and come out of the shadows to try and maintain control if they weren't losing it to begin with.

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YES! Spread this message of hope!!

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I love how you describe and explain the lack of power in centralized groups. True power. Power that understands and responds to it all. I find your writing quite hopeful. And there is such power in saying no to things and walking away from them. I realize I have been doing that and hadn’t seen it for what it was which is a response to things that don’t resonate or land well for me. Those two images are fantastic. “No!” Even the wind cannot have or steal one’s soul.

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It's a powerful word, and sometimes it needs to be THE word.

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May 11Liked by Christopher Cook


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May 11Liked by Christopher Cook

As long as they (tyranny style rulers) don’t start terrorizing us similar to what they’ve done to the Iranian people using torture, imprisonment and random murdering of students and citizens. This kind of terror is very effective. The Iranian people have been governed by an iron hand of terror for more than 6 decades. This started with 600 military style men. When this level of terror is used against its citizens, it’s relatively easy to control the majority. Very Hitlerian. So far we’re mostly afraid of being insulted. We definitely need to grow a backbone. This illegitimate government is gaining control daily. The more they’re threatened the more dangerous they become. Voting is the only legal weapon we have. Anyone allowing their dislike of Trump’s personality get in the way of voting, will be part of the support of this tyrannical takeover.

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I am more of an opt-out/exit-and-built/decentralize-secede guy, but I hear where you are coming from!

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I wrote a while back about "Primary vs. Secondary Experience".

This is a nice self-check when we get overwhelmed and reminds us of what is really important.


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Sort of like the dictum that everything that truly matters is within 20 feet of you?

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What we make important is always a choice. And we are taught and conditioned to pay attention to things that our Government wants us to pay attention to. So it's a means of bringing us back to center and ourselves.

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Sounds like a plan!

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Beautiful piece!

Just LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS and follow the #livewithoutlimits-Mantra:

The best is yet to come!

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

Love it!

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

Nice article. I will reply to some of this in the essay we previously discussed.

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

someone on one these forums stated it quite perfectly:

"The Matrix is Glitching".

so yeah. it's a rough time right now, it's palpable, in the air, everybody from the wildest conspiracist to the most extreme "normalist" (everything is normal and can be explained in normal gov't behavior terms), we all feel it, half of us deny it but are still crazy, half of us embrace it... everybody feels it right now.

whatever's happening, it has to happen for whatever reason we'll find out in due time.

It's all working out somehow.

My best advice to myself is enjoy the commentary, make and enjoy as much absurd humor as I can out of it, break out the popcorn.

We're still all gonna die at the end of whatever happens. have fun with it as it comes, honestly.

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I really think that is excellent advice. We do our best, and then what will be will be.

The one area where I have not been able to reconcile that approach is in picking a place to buy some land. I keep thinking I have to get out of NY, even though we are in the rural western part and family is here (and the land is cheaper). Do I just say "what will be will be" and do it here, or do I try to upend the whole family and move us to a more expensive (but less fascist state) where we know none…?

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

I know.. we're a Calif Bay Area. we have a getaway place in the Mojave Desert, which feels like a total escape from California but it's not totally.. but it sure feels like it. We'll leave the Bay Area for sure, not sure exactly when - have daughter/grandson close. These are not easy decisions. We think about maybe Nevada/Eastern Sierra. The desert has captured our souls it seems. Never would have though it, always being a coast guy myself.

also the grass is always greener elsewhere, and I kind of believe if the whole "totalitarian lock-up" happens it will either happen all over or it will implode itself all over and a good reconciliation and reckoning will occur. I see it imploding. and those states more attached to it (CA and NY) won't be able to hold on to the dream. it's likely that cheaper western NY land will become quite valuable in time.

Upstate is a beautiful place for sure.

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We lived in the Sonoran Desert in AZ. Gorgeous! But hot as %$#@.

It helps to talk with others in similar shoes. Thanks!!

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

just don't "go to canada".. yikes. they've got an even deeper hole to crawl out of.

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Oh for the love of God no. I would be less optimistic if I lived there. Alberta and Saskatchewan should secede!

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May 10Liked by Christopher Cook

They get the USA.. and parts of British Columbia, just cause the great west speaks to freedom. I'm a transplant originally Netherlands, by way of Canada (east coast and west) before I ended up down here in 2000. Naturalized here of course now.

The big thing that struck me when I settled in the USA, the stark difference to Canada was "oh my god.. these guys do NOT trust their government!"

Many Canadians find our brash, open, individualistic nature as unseemly, inferior. or, they try to convince themselves and others. It's a very haughty demeanor. (based on nothing, Canada is a great place but it's nothing on the world stage)

But back in the day, Canada was very much a "live and let live" place, higher taxed sure, but still very open and free.

The DNA, however, to openly question and challenge government is not strong there culturally.

They find themselves in that predicament, having walked themselves compassionately in (the main thing is "don't make noise").

The flip side is the Canadians that do recognize all this and sympathize with us are incredibly passionate about it.

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Yeah, baby, YEAH!!!

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