I think Biden is just a figurehead, a face to read some lines from a script. Just like every other president for several decades. In that sense, who gets picked is kind of irrelevant, the real question is who's doing the picking.

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My wife and father in law were watching some Netflix show recently, and I overheard the Russian agent/assassin character say to the American words to the effect of, "If you go high enough up the chain, we're working for the same people." Increasingly that notion makes sense to me.

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Yep, it does make perfect sense and no matter who they are, they're all working for the same "person," the devil, because who else would divide and conquer the whole Earth?

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Bill Gates maybe? Or possibly Whoopi Goldberg…

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

She did do that movie… jumpin jack flash… song in the movie… “crossfire hurricane “

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The only thing I have ever seen her in is ST:TNG.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Maybe one of them IS Satan. They both fit the "profile." So does George Soros. An illegitimate ruler doesn't have to be American.

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"An illegitimate ruler doesn't have to be American."

No, certainly not.

Plus, is there any such thing as a legitimate ruler?

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Well now Pardner here in Texas we’re not lookin at it quite the same way. That sidewindin serpent don’t have no say so it has to ask God first like it did with Job. Nothing exists without God’s say so know what I mean? Just teasin with the Texas drawls I moved to Fort Worth about a year and a half ago from Canada different worlds for sure but really you are so right the devil is trying to divide and conquer us. His goal is to destroy humanity completely either spiritually or physically so his forked tongue uses that two pronged attack. BUT GOD is in control and whatever fiery darts the adversary throws at us they either are extinguished or I think for example in my case they hit the mark and burn away the sun and deception that I am attached to. They are actually transformed into purifying fire for my ultimate benefit by my Father who knows what I need. Love and peace to you friend I am going to reply to that assassin comment by the author because yes it could be looked at that way. The devil simply doesn’t realize he is actually assisting God. You think he would have learned after the Crucifixion and Resurrection but I think he may be too blinded by Pride

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook


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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook


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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

See my reply to Bandit. God is in control the devil is just too blinded by pride to see it.

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

I didn't watch the whole thing, I watched clips and checked out some reactions from both sides of the aisle. My immediate and instinctual response upon seeing the panic from the left wing pundits was that it felt orchestrated - very much like they needed a narrative that would allow them to make a spectacular last minute switch and use the drama of that to boost the new candidate's profile and approval - it is all theatre.

Unfortunately, Alice Cooper does not have the answer, but it's still a classic track 😜

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Alice Cooper has all the answers.

Thank you for confirming the orchestrated feel. (I did not watch, so it was just instinct on my part.)

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Agreed. All theater. Has been in the planning stages for a year. Humiliate Biden into resigning. At the convention or before they will parachute in Michelle Obama to lead Hope and Change 2.

Any reluctance on her part will be eliminated by calling on her collective instincts to suppress her individual preferences. She is the lone wolf able to take down the existential threat. This sets up Barak for his fourth and fifth term.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

They have certain legal and ballot considerations, so they will have to do it quick.

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Hard to imagine this administration letting the law interfere with their intentions.

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Yeah. I said that exact thing to my wife. The law is there, but will it be an impediment to them?

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Surprisingly the Dems (usually so good at this stuff) have painted themselves into a corner:

- Biden: a senile (now obvious to everyone), crooked child molester;

- Harris: moronic, creepy, token DEI hire;

- Newsom: white, upper-middle class man, elbowing aside Harris in an age of identity politics...not a good look;

- Clinton: the ultimate "Karen", universally hated by everyone except diehard Dems and rejected twice already (2008 & 2016);

- "Big Mike": Oh fuck off, no really, fuck off...

- Err, nobody else.

So maybe for once the "evil" party has turned out to be the "stupid" party...


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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

I think they might be able to pull off foisting Newsom or Michelle on us. After all, the human population has proved to be incredibly gullible.

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Yes, and I might have gone a bit over the top with my original comment for the sake of "shits and giggles", but I maintain that the Dems have really screwed up their tactics/strategy on this one and it's Trump's to lose..

...until the early hours of Wednesday 6th November when 25 million votes will suddenly appear out of "nowhere" (sic)...

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Yep. And I did not think your first comment was over the top. Nothing is over the top these days.

Except for the movie "Over the Top."

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

On reflection I think they can sell Newsom to their base (oddly enough, Michelle not so much)...sort of a "west-coast Bill Clinton de nos jours who will give you everything you want (look at the paradise he's created In CA!) but can actually be elected"...

I wouldn't rule it out and remember it's not who actually wins but who they can present as a credible winner to the normies (I know you know this shit obvs, Christopher).

But what will they have to give Harris for her to accept it?

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"But what will they have to give Harris for her to accept it?"

—It just took a couple of extra houses from Bernie Sanders. Maybe that would work again? Or maybe a "Do this or you'll have a tragic accident six months from now" is how they roll.

And yes, it does not matter how badly Newsom has screwed up CA. He's plausible. That is all they need.

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

So, we're agreed...our slogan for this November is..."Vote Early, Vote Often, Vote Newsom!".

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NOT Newsom!!! Pleeeeze!

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Not any of them.

For that matter, not any person anywhere. I am not a slave. I do not require a master.

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I could have written this myself. Totally agree.

Also, we had the switcheroo called a looong time ago.

We said they would use Biden up, then how hard would it be to throw him to the dogs? You knew this was going to happen when they refused to primary anyone against him. And then all they had to do was have him in a debate that he (Biden himself) was certain he would win (because they told him so), and voila! One extra crispy democrat party ripe for saving by the right individual who can now swoop in to save the party, save DEMOCRACY, save the WORLD FROM TRUMP. Pure Hollywood.

And since there were no contenders, now they can really swing for the seats with their "Angel of Mercy."

So who will it be? Hillary was always possible, but too many people straight-up hate her, and it didn't work the first time.

I think my money is on Micheal Obama (don't hate me). I don't think anyone else can queue up the type of excitement they need but he/her. And he and hubby are just so adorable in the White House, no?

I wonder if Vegas is running odds -- that seems like a pretty good bet. And the media would swoon.

I can see it now lol.

But yeah, it was NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN WITH BIDEN. We knew that a long time ago. I'll take credit for that.

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So far, Biden is refusing to budge…

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ahh, the plot thickens. Now, he needs to die unexpectedly so someone can save the day.

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Oh dear. Yeah, they would do that, wouldn't they.

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Even his wife Jill is in on it. There is no act to decrepit, and as far as Joe is concerned, it's elder abuse. But he knew this when he signed on.

These are not regular, real people like you and me.

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And yet 95 percent of the humans around me think that we must be ruled by such people.

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Such is the gift and curse of being self-aware.

You don't want to be in these people's shoes.

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

I agree with your piece. So, what do you believe would be a workable alternative?

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

I am a market anarchist/ancap/voluntaryist whatever-you-want-to-call it. So my preferred alternative is for anyone who wishes to to be able to live in a condition in which they can pick from among a variety of market agencies competing to provide security and justice services. Rather than being forced to pay for the protection-racket variant imposed involuntarily by governments.

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My personal opinion is that voting does a lot more harm then good, we don’t really know what the true numbers of left to right voters are and we never will do it doesn’t matter who wins, by voting we are giving government consent to govern us regardless of the outcome of the election. Voting is automatic consent to whatever evil plans governments have for us. After all of our cities got flooded with fentanyl we supposedly are asking for government to have more control which is always the plan.

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Well said. Voting is also giving government consent to do what it does to our fellow humans. It is not only consenting to violence against ourselves, but against our fellows.

I love the fact that more and more people are figuring this out. Evolution is happening!

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Jun 29Liked by Christopher Cook

How could there be a debate when neither person had been chosen at their respective conventions? Orchestrated is an understatement. This was one big very unfunny joke, and the numbers falling for it is depressing.

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I have had to accept that the mass of mankind will fall for just about anything.

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Agreed! Voluntaryism for the win.

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Carry the flame and light the fire!

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

The debate was entertaining when supplemented by copious bong rips.

I suspect the goal of the June scheduling was to give them time before the convention for an alternative. I do have a hard time believing all of this was planned.

Does it make sense for the media to beclown themselves for months by saying Biden is sharp as a tack while simultaneously demanding social media clamp down on misinformation if this was all planned?

The powers that be took another enormous credibility hit last night. I doubt the intent was to dunk on themselves.

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There are so many potential answers to this, and all of them are conjecture. For example, do the real PtB care what the media looks like? The media serve their purposes either way. The media get away with it either way. And if some people are driven batty by the fact that the media are so obviously fraudulent, are the PtB harmed by that? No, they use that to their advantage too. This could be happening on so many layers. I really just have no idea—I don't think any of us know for sure.

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Clearly it’s conjecture, but i don’t think this is some kind of 3 dimensional chess game where you inexplicably sacrifice the queen. What isn’t conjecture is the sheer power of controlling the flow of information. This does damage to both their credibility, and their ability to justify censorship of their opponents.

They just damaged one of the most effective tools they have for controlling the populace. Maybe they don’t care, but I highly doubt that. There has been a concerted effort to amplify the voices that toe the official line and silence others. The “misinformation” rationalization for that effort just took a big hit.

I can’t prove it, but that’s my take. I think it’s hubris and incompetence not strategy.

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I sure do hope you're right, brother!

Just as info: I am not pessimistic. I am just baffled by the myriad unknown permutations of everything 🤣

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

I'll take the otherside of that bet and offer the findings of the Church committee as evidence. The puppet masters have been at this for 70 years, there is a lot they don't control, but I think they get the big moves to playout like they want them. Trillions of dollars are on the line.

"In the early 1950s, at the height of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency launched a covert operation to manipulate and control the media in order to promote pro-American propaganda and spread misinformation. This classified large-scale secret program was known as Operation Mockingbird.

For nearly three decades, the CIA worked closely with journalists and media organizations to shape public opinion by planting stories, providing classified information, and influencing coverage. Though the full extent of Operation Mockingbird may never be known due to the clandestine nature of the agency and the program, declassified documents and investigative reporting have revealed how the CIA infiltrated newsrooms, established front organizations, and recruited top journalists to push their agenda."


Operation Mockingbird Starfire

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

I’ll see your operation mockingbird and raise you an operation northwoods. No doubt these people have been playing these games for a long time with success. If destroying the credibility of their media handmaidens is by design than a hat tip to them for the brilliantly rube goldberg setup here.

If I had to pick a brilliant queen sacrifice I’d say they are willing to sacrifice their censorship goals, and media credibility by pushing Trump into office ahead of an economic meltdown to saddle populist movements with the blame for the situation. This would also explain populist ascension in Europe.

I’m still in the camp that this was merely bungled. I just don’t think they are that good.

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Was not familiar with Operation Northwood. Thanks for the reference. But it sounds like it was orchestrated by the same bunch.

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Jul 2Liked by Christopher Cook


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Anything is possible!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Christopher Cook

Alice Cooper sure had a lot of good songs. Well, you pretty much explained where we are at. Not much to question. I don't know if you read any Gary Barnett, but he speaks in similar tones. The rebates...a complete waste of time. CNN even more so. The democrats and leftists don't even register on any scale of worthiness.

I am undecided about voting myself. All it really is boils down to picking the master you hope will tax you less or do some slight thing to improve your station in the grand scheme of things. The government is a separate entity from the country and this government sure does hate the people of this country. The retardicans are not much better.

I do not expect the election to be anything close to fair. We put up with The Dementia Dummy for 41 months and all of the sudden he is unfit? Ain't buying it. Even if Trump is installed for the next four years, what happens in 2028? I see no saviors on the horizon because honestly this current system cannot be saved, rebuilt or reconstituted. It is an abject failure and there are not enough good and decent and trustworthy people to ever fix it.

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I hear you.

If one votes strictly to buy a little more time to work on true anarchist/voluntaryist solutions. Voting is, fundamentally, a morally criminal act. BUT…if one votes for the above reason, and then actually works to get rid of the system of voting and instantiate something that actually respects human consent, then I think it can be morally justified.

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Also we know that free will exists so who is to say that our definition of government is the same as the government’s definition of government!!!! We are still consenting by voting alone!

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I think it’s a perversion of language, I think they are using language against us, because we believe we are using the same definitions. I get a little tongue twisted when trying to explain it. There are plenty of words with multiple definitions, what they’ve taken it a step further. It seems like they have separated themselves from us what they call the American people and what we call the American people are different but the same language is being used. We use it in a way that frees us they use it in a way that controls us. If they are caught it was a miscommunication not Evil! From a religious standpoint point they have to tell us what they are doing in advance so we are able to exercise our free will, I think somehow free will has also been hijacked although I’m not sure I was really ready to explain it yet so I may have jumped the gun with that term!!

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I think I am at least partially getting it.

The section here on Newspeak (and the rest of this excellent essay) hits on some of it, I think:


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I apologize for the length of my explanation, but I feel that it is important ( when I’m asked to elaborate ) to try and explain what lead me to where I am, so it’s understandable for one, but also incase there is a similarity that can be built off of.

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Not exactly, i used to be very into quantum theory, panpsychism ( conscious universe fully aware of us ), also very into psychedelics especially DMT and ayahuasca because of the link to what I thought in a way was angels ( because of the way machine elves act with almost pure love in a child like state ). I’ve always had the feeling that something was very wrong, I could never grasp the idea of money because at its core it can only lead to negativity. The interpretation I was given of the cosmos in school is very much to blame for that mindset I’ve come to learn. As much as I thought I could see through the system I was still using it! In 2012 I came across a documentary by a man named Ben Stewart called kymatica, it was Ben’s perspective on logos that lead me down the path of questioning how we are perceiving language as opposed to how it’s being spoken to us!!! It’s a fantastic documentary I would recommend it and the rest of his documentaries to anyone on the beginning of this journey. Psychedelics actually lead me to start studying the Bible believe it or not, because of the acacia tree on mt. Sinai, the acacia tree happens to hold more DMT then any other plant we know of at this point, other then the Mamosa the two are equal one masculine and one feminine ( this is still very interesting to me ), for a while I thought the pineal gland was maybe our transmitter to god and it was purposely being classified to keep the transmission from happening with DMT some how bridging the gap as it is in every living thing and acacia tree link in the Bible. Before all this I thought I was an atheist, but as I studied the Bible to gain perspective God came into my life in a way that took all the questions of what happens next, and all the worry and anxiety left me in that regard. Im just stuck with all of the questions about why people act the way they do here and now. I’m really good at noticing patterns and anomalies if I had to explain to someone else how my brain actually works the best term I can use to describe the way I think is called cause and effect analysis, it’s not my term but it is definitely how I operate!! So not as simple as typing my theory into a browser and looking at the first story that pops up!!!

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Well, if you hold that free will is an important driver of human behavior, then I very much agree.

I know that there are a lot of people who argue that we don't have free will—that it is either all biology or all circumstances or all upbringing. I do not agree with them. Of course all three of those things matter, but each individual is still choosing for himself. The metaphor I use is this: your biological substrate and upbringing are the ocean beneath you. External circumstances create the weather. But you still decide how and where to sail your ship—and even what kind of ship you want to build for yourself. That is free will, and I believe it is very, very real.

Indeed, I believe it is one of God's greatest gifts. If we did not have free will, we would not be real living, sentient beings. We would just be robots.

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And robots we shall be, because we decided to let it go that far!!!! We are most definitely free to make our choices but so are the ones who believe they should be making those choices for us. I like what you said a bit further up about layers, that is kind of we’re my head is at also. This thing is deep, it’s clearly been going for a very long time. Those of us that are fortunate or unfortunate enough to feel it are still so incredibly divided by our everyday day lives ( which is also clearly planned ) , that assembly is a huge improbability, so many choices we have to chose from!!! Still I can hope that truth is as viral as fake virus. I think that assembly is definitely the solution to this thing but would rather leave out what I fear makes that assembly possible, although it’s definitely in the air!!!

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I can guess at what you mean by your last sentence. But before it gets there, we have the power to wake people up. And once a critical mass has awoken, we win.

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Ooh, I would love for you to elaborate on that free will idea and definitions. Can you tell us more about what you mean?

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Let's take a bet 🎰🎰🎰

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So far, he is refusing to step down. Will “they” take more drastic action?

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I invite you and your readers to get to know Gretch-bot. Or as we call Great Lakes Gretch. Or simply Grotch. On our podcast, my partner and I have featured the Michigan Trifecta Gov Gretch-bot, Attorney General Dana "Darth" Nessel, and Socialist .. er ... Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

"Michigan is the microcosm of our future" as Michigan is featured front and center in the World Economic Forum white papers regarding the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Just a few links to Rumble:



We are in real trouble in Michigan, we have the CCP EV battery factory rolling full steam ahead in farm country, they will be seated on the 3rd largest watershed in the state which flows directly into Lake Michigan. All the greens ignore the ground water requirements of 715,000 gallons of water PER DAY.

I mention this because Gretch checks the Green / Globalist boxes and her destruction of Michigan isn't completely manifested yet, so she actually looks more competent than Gavin Newsome.

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So the WEF captures politicians and then uses them to pursue its agenda in states and countries.

The WEF could not do that if governments did not exist. Government gives them the power vector to impose their will.

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Jun 29Liked by Christopher Cook

Reminded me of “ Do you remember the “Unaccompanied Minors Crisis” of 2014, when thousands of children were said to have walked the 2,000 miles from southern Central America to the United States largely unaccompanied by adults?

Something about that just seemed so fishy.”

maybe a coincidence, maybe

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Jun 29Liked by Christopher Cook

I was in an airport Sunday morning around 2014 and saw a line of kids all in line, quiet as a church mouse, all same tennis shoes, shirts and backpacks being led from gate to gate. What struck me is man those kids are well behaved.

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Who do you think they were?

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