Jan 22Liked by Christopher Cook

Yo man, your brain works in a beautifully organized, structured way. Mine’s all woohoo and shit lol. I’m gonna pour over this and put some thought into it. However my initial reaction is the same as the reasons we came to the decision we did and the way we are trying to set our lives up moving forward. The people in the Highlands of Scotland, or Afghanistan, or the Appalachias even have always been strong because the family tribe was strong. They put the majority of their energy in their home and their tribe and were therefore strong, they gave very little of their power away. I can only control the way my family and I live, the serenity prayer being what it is and all, that’s good enough for me. If others choose the same then govt will eventually have to follow, in theory anyway ❤️

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Jan 23Liked by Christopher Cook

This is a very similar rabbit hole (In a good sense) as what I have found myself in, I have concluded that we will end up with a hybrid social system where a loyalty to territory and the systems/organisations including online/meta will bring a new way of being.

It is hard to get our heads around these things, it is truly a life work, but current systems are hard to understand too, like how many of us actually understand the tax system? we generally just know the parts that we need to right, so what you are talking about is bigger than our normal headspaces, however in order for humanity to expand more of us need to be stretching our minds like this. (Expand volume and quality of perceptions)

I believe a portion of human choice is in our location, a portion within our political system, and personal choices in general, our challenge is to expand human ability and opportunity to be responsible and actively engaged in choice. Whatever systems we run should have this in front of mind.

Thanks again for tilling our thinking in your posts Christopher!

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In times past I would have been overwhelmed by the way your mind works and the details poured into your change models.

I believe you are earnestly seeking answers on how to improve human polity models and social interactions. A tall order.

Were I still a humanist, I would in principle agree that such changes as you propose might one day be achievable.

But it’s the Theological matter that upends the cart.

Specifically, because I have come to believe that Scripture is God Breathed, I believe Scripture details the end-game of the “governance conundrum.”

Human government coalesces around a central fount of power that portends a future of hope so attractive that the masses embrace it enthusiastically.

The restraining effect of God’s Spirit will have been drawn back so that spiritually dead people see in the Leaders of this yet-future polity the resolution of all of the world’s problems.

Of course, eschatologically speaking, the end-game is a disaster of unparalleled proportions.

The details are found in the book of Revelation and elsewhere in scripture.

My money is on the Creator God, so to speak.

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Apr 18Liked by Christopher Cook

This is a very nice easy to follow breakdown. You directed me to this article a few days ago and I read it almost right away. I have had to digest it for awhile before responding. I may reply with a fully thought out answer in an article soon, but I am not sure. To be short, Ideally, I am down on the anarchy chain. I fully believe in voluntary associations. (Beyond all of the mainstream literature on the topic, there is a book written a few years ago by Sean Leal titled "Consent is Morality" that you may enjoy. - for clarity - while I mention in my work that I have authored a few books I am not Sean. I met him on facebook 6 years ago and purchased his book. )

However, when I begin to put serious thought into how society would be structured down that chain I run into problems... particularly as it relates to where we are now and the path to getting to my "ideal". The 19th century would have been so much easier... Furthermore, I also run into the problem of how does such a society prevent a monolithic government from rising and cannibalizing all of the anarchist community /states back into a managerial fold? I have been revisiting the ideas of the articles of confederation as well as a concept of an inverted government I have been working on. Perhaps I will have the article out in the next month or so.

With all of that being said, I appreciate how you approach this topic looking for answers. Many of us see the problems for the most part, but we are all so busy attempting to survive we often stop looking for a way out.

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Feb 6Liked by Christopher Cook

The way you lay out and walk us through the process of unpacking this thinking is great, thanks Chris!

If we are to make a society that is free, one thing that must be nailed down early, IMO, is there must be a good way for all us free folk to be able to prevent psychopaths and sociopaths from ruining everything, like that type does to every group that has ever formed.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Christopher Cook

It's great to see you challenge such a huge topic, Christopher. Fair play to you! I can't say I've understood it yet, but I skimmed it as it helps me to get an overview. I agree that we are at a time when we all need to start thinking about finding a new way. Two things came to mind as I was scanning your article, I hope they are somewhat relevant. Firstly, the privatization of health care and other free services will be a problem for the working and middle class. I know in the US, you do not have free health care, but we do in Ireland and the UK. We do not want a system like the US as we know how stressful that is. The second thing that comes to mind is.. are you referring to anarchy as the third option between communism and democracy? Forgive me for not reading your article in detail, but it was a bit complex. I will follow along to see what I feel you are trying to put forward and how that would unfold in reality.

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This podcast came to mind while reading your post.

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As a result of many converging conditions, a window of opportunity is opening for Humanity 2.0.

I cover one aspect of this in which humanity is become more self-aware -- individuals are beginning to understand the hidden truths about 'who and what' we really are, and what life on Earth actually is in terms of our 'greater selves'. I refer to these conditions collectively as "The Shift in Consciousness", or "Consciousness Evolution."

And whether you know or believe any of the things I speak of in my columns, what the next decades will require is boots-on-the-ground helping to define the parameters of a new way of living.

I have been feeling pretty lonely on this front, so imagine my surprise and delight to find you (actually, you found me) having already begun the discussion that will be necessary as we re-create our world in a way that works for all peoples everywhere!

Imagining the mechanisms and systems that will make this possible is not my strong point, so I wholeheartedly support your movements and discussions in this direction. These discussions are the steps towards a collaborative and cooperative society that we can all take part in.

Cheers to all of us taking these steps!

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Jan 23Liked by Christopher Cook

What a timely piece! My eldest is working on a “utopia” for philosophy class. Honestly middle school is not the right place for this assignment--we have left the unbounded imagination of the toddler years and not yet reached the age of greater worldly experience so the teenagers are basically getting in their own way all the time. Nevertheless, I have forwarded it to her for her consideration. Thank you.

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For now, the green one, but I reserve the right to change my mind.

Interesting model.

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Your mind is so the opposite of mine!! SO organized and logical!! I'm not here to offer much but I'm curious about whether or not you've looked into PMA's? I know of a lot of groups are studying up on them and they seem to be quite the loophole and access point to sovereignty. That's all!

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22Liked by Christopher Cook

Which sort of manifestation sounds good to you? Does this work for you?

i am similar to others lol this is all a little mind-bending for me! my thinking is simpler. its very interesting. thanks for sharing this perspective and model.

We are the ones who will begin building the next world. What do we want it to look like?

in the context of this post i interpret the next world to pertain to political economy. so to give context i am an American and more of a Constitutionalist so coming from that perspective. in that regard I would like to see Americans get back to amending the Constitution with expanding personal rights of freedom (right to employment, rights to freedom of the body, etc.) and leverage that framework to check government infringement and expand scope of personal autonomy (right not to have one's livelihood f'ed with by government mandate, rights to resist mandatory medical procedures, the wholesale incarceration of people convicted of drug use in war on drugs, abortion, guaranteed income or standard of living, just listing desires expressed by significant blocs of Americans in recent times rights like these could be used to promote.) As well as renewed expansion of the framework of the federal states - such as full statehood for Puerto Rico and building toward integration of Canadian and Mexican states into the federated union of north American states in the future. 50++ stars

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One of the aspects of human nature is our capacity to be selfish. That is one of the characteristics of humanity that is called sinfulness in the Christian worldview. It is an idea dismissed by Enlightenment philosophers and so is an ingredient in the cultural stew in which we all swim. From my chair, it is still a viable proposition. I have never seen any evidence to the contrary. We can say we are basically good and do evil things, or we are basically evil and do good things; the result is the same. To pretend otherwise is foolish.

The point is that, regardless of the attempts made to corral this penchant of human nature, they end in the dustbin of history. They all look so good on paper when this one single aspect of humanity is ignored in the critical equations of political theory.

The only solution I have ever found in my investigations in pursuit of Truth, has been the historical claims of Christianity (properly pursued) This worldview addresses actual human nature, providing a cure for its ills based on Divine Intervention. Imagine being impelled to serve the poor, love your neighbour, AND love your enemies. Imagine finding the ability to accomplish those and so much more in serving the common good; in being a part of something metaphysically greater than yourself.

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Jan 22Liked by Christopher Cook

Interesting analysis. How would you categorize the Hanseatic League?

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Jan 22Liked by Christopher Cook

I have not fully given up on the notion that a government can be held in check, by an enlightened populace. But, I'm also open to any of the branches of your tree, and if I were choosing a new place to live, its position on the tree's branches would matter less to me than how friendly the place was to freedom and how difficult or easy it would appear to be for the place to slide into tyranny. I'm not convinced that any particular structure is per se more resistant to the slide than another, obvious examples aside.

The actions we take today will, I expect, by tailored to the events of today (highlighting government incompetence and injustice as specific instances arise; judging the mood of others to communicate most effectively; etc.), with tomorrow's actions similarly influenced by things we don't know yet. So, is it really "time to figure it out" right now?

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Would you consider an analysis of today, they are killing us and incarcerating us and there is a solution at hand.

Do you writers and readers hope to return to a Constitutional republican form of government or not? Do you acquiesce to evil, do you permit infringements on your unalienable rights granted by God?

Never mind the bullshit!! We have heard it all before, read it, written it. We are living it and we are doing it to us. Bell curve anyone?

Mindset!! Nomenclature!! Definitions and the proper source for your definitions!!. Assume the mantel of a man or woman with our progeny. Your provenance, unique on Earth, from the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, read the opening paragraph again When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to

(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and

(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should

(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 1776; the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's articles styled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 prior to 1861. The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. is the de facto. We are sovereign (see https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm ) all of us are Sovereign. Only us and kings, other governments. See also de facto and de jure page 416 Black's 6th edition) illegal and illegitimate. They changed the definition in Blacks 11th edition.

So, only you can obtain and hold the mindset, no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone. Use the proper names for everything and spell it out. Then definitions: Bouvier 1856 is the only Constitutional dictionary. We have Black's 1st edition 1891, 4th, 5th, 6th 1991, 11th current. Words are important, use them correctly, as best as you can.

The solution is written out, read and follow the prompts, no interpretation needed. We have the documents, close enough, we have the dictionaries, good enough, now for the mindset. the initial conversion to implementing your move to the III%. Then the perseverance and determination to see it through www.orsja.org.

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