They keep people on the edge of survival mentality. Busy bees just trying to pay the bills, and keep the trolley going. Too busy to deal with things. So majority rule will solve it? Or the constitution will help...?

Oh that's not how it works, slave.....While you were too busy we undermined everything that could help. And we own you. You are the puppets that keep us very very rich. And you fight each other for the privilege of being robbed of your humanity and all you work for.

I wish we could do the wave and sweep these predators and parasites into the sea, and wake the people up. The demoralization is just so blatant.

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Great statement! Teach!

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Sep 18Liked by Christopher Cook

Ain't government wonderful? Many parents must think so since they never question this commie crap.

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"It's the only way it can possibly be! What, do you want anarchy or something?"

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6 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Yes, the "who would build the roads?" response drives me insane 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Yep! All we can do is develop the best possible explanations and answers and help them to get to where we are now.

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Yeah, I'm not a great evangelist, more like a bad-tempered maths teacher trying to teach the 14 year old me differential calculus and getting exasperated because the maths dummy in front of them has some weird mental blocks preventing understanding.

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Sep 18Liked by Christopher Cook

It is so infuriating how they have so cleverly set things up so we end up paying generously for everything that is destroying us and any remaining freedom or individual sovereignty that's left. Well I for one have cut down drastically on what they get from me, but it is so cleverly and subtly arranged that even with a lot of out of the box thinking and personal sacrifices they still manage to steal significant though smaller amounts with their scam financial system and maze of enforcement gimmicks.

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Perhaps massive sovereign-debt- and unfunded-liability-induced collapse will come along and save us all!

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Sep 18Liked by Christopher Cook

It's gotta happen at some point. Painful but necessary. Evil always self destructs in the end, we'd better have something better to replace it with though or it will be a long unpleasant crawl back up out of the pit.

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How about a monetary system based on chicken eggs?

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20 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

LOL, afraid not, not fungible, not durable, not easily stored. Good try though, could be better than government controlled fiat.

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If we made the system based on seashells, my wife is the richest woman in the world.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

and I do have a chicken coop.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Christopher Cook

The saddest part about the whole thing is that the absolute majority of us are living our lives and minding our own business. I don’t know what the media is doing.

I speak as an ICU nurse who knows and keeps everyone’s darkest secrets. 💯 🙏🏻

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Yes! The vast majority are decent enough, and just want to live our lives. Then we have a small number of psychos who commit crime, and a small number who want to rule everyone else. Talk about bad apples.

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Spoiling the whole bunch! Let’s hope they don’t destroy Substack, I like it here and I don’t generally like social media

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Agreed 💯

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Sep 18Liked by Christopher Cook

It’s the only place you could write anything decent. do you know how many times in the last 40 years I’ve tried to rail against feminism only for me to be censored everywhere. Just like all the bad stuff I know about daycare and have tried to warn people about. Always censored.

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It’s worth mentioning that my ahem “pretty face” easily got me over 11,000 followers on TikTok in a few short months last year. Too bad it didn’t feel good to be there and I much prefer it here. I find this to be a much more rational and open minded space. For now.

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Women have an advantage in that regard.

I had to work a little harder to get to 12K followers on Twitter. But now I am so badly throttled there that it's entirely pointless to tweet anything.

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Sure do! I’ve been known to use it for my benefit once or twice. Never tried Twitter, too short for my style

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Might as well use all the advantages one has!

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Unfortunately, Substack has begun to fall. 30% fee deals to get a few crumbs from Apple, a politics tab where their editors consolidate the 'best' articles for you to read before the election, increasingly that unknown authors show up in my feed rather than just the ones whom I follow. But nothing is perfect, right? Ha!

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Oops, had to edit my typos! I'm only on my third cup of coffee after working the last 4 days in a Level 1 Trauma center and still trying to wake up.

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When did parents stop being parents, to give their kids over to "THE SCHOOL SYSTEM" which meant THE GOVERNMENT? 1950'S? 1960'S? HOLLYWOOD WAS IN FULL SWING THEN, telling kids what to say, how to dress, and what was "KOOL". TV AND MOVIES RULED TEENS' CONVERSATIONS. CHILDHOOD IN AMERICA WITHOUT PARENTAL SUPERVISION STARTED A LONG TIME AGO.... try putting that toothpaste back into the tube..... now, Mom and Dad are at work, 8, 9 and 10 year old girls, looking adorable in their tiny shorts and tops, are flying through the entire neighborhood on motorized skate boards, laughing and screaming to each other... avoiding traffic and walking adults, Grandma is old and tired, in the big house 'fixing dinner', doing laundry, etc... trying to grab a nap... by the age4 of 10, kids are street kids, but are they savvy to street activity if they are several blocks away from home? Yesterday, I received an email from the Sexual Offender Alert System....??? to say a sexual predator/criminal had just MOVED OUT of my neighborhood and into a half-million dollar home on the Lake. Photo included but the address in my neighborhood not included. Who knew? Who cared to know? Do parents know they can check on this activity?

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What surprised me was Horace Mann. I had known about John Dewey, et al, for a long time. But I did not realize that the push for a public education/indoctrination system had begun before the country was even 100 years old.

So the answer (to some of what you said) is that this has been in the works for a long long time.

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Sep 18·edited 23 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Another brilliant piece! And yet again I have one wee issue, and perhaps it's just Me and My experience, but...

Our Children Are Not Kids! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/our-children-are-not-kids

I hope the world reads this!

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Sep 18Liked by Christopher Cook

When are you going to reveal your design for the ultimate perfect system for us humans to live in? I'm sure I'm not the only one who desires this revelation . Every day I thank God for the life I have been privileged to live, and also that I will not have to endure the insanity of this world much longer.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

We had the perfect system when we had perfect humans - before sin entered the world. There is no way to have a perfect system with a world full of sinners. This is the why we need the good news of the Gospel. This world is passing away and with it, sin and death. Those of us who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ know that someday, we will spend eternity in His perfect system!

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I still have to do my best with what's here, while I am here, though.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

And God Bless you as you try to do just that!

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Thank you, and God bless you too!

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It won't be perfect 🤣

I am sorry that it is taking a while to get there. Doing things in order has its drawbacks. I will move as quickly as I can!

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Not to be a naysayer, but this is the Kamala tactic. I'll get there and it will be good. Or the Pelosi, we have to pass the bill to see what's in it. If you have thought through your proposal, you can drop small indications of it with each post. From your past statements, it appears you'll be proposing some form of capitalistic anarchy. The relevant applications of that system can be explained as you criticize the status quo. Of course, it might be harder (a la university academic technique) to argue with the expert (you) when the 'final solution' refers to hundreds (thousands?) of previously articulated statements. A new worldview can be articulated progressively and in response to current observations. I agree with @neener that you should be doing this as you move through points in order.

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“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.“—(Mis-)Attributed to Einstein

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So true!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

When my country voted for sex ed to become an integral part of the curriculum, ALL of the members of Parliament voted in favour, with a couple abstentions (for "budget reasons", not for "it's wrong" reasons).

There were huge parents' protests that went nowhere and I couldn't help but wonder -- who is representing these people in Parliament? They voted, they paid taxes, and yet there was nobody to speak for them. The press brushed the problem away by calling the protestors "far right" and that was the end of that particular example of democracy.

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That's bad. But not at all surprising.

And even if 99% of the people were in favor of it and only 1% were opposed, it would STILL be a violation of the consent of that 1%.

There is an expression among people who truly get this (anarcho-libertarians, mostly): "gang rape is the will of the majority." That sums it up.

I'm sure your country, like all democracies, has laws saying that a majority cannot, for example, vote to rape or murder an individual or minority. But all that does is slightly reduce the range of things that can be imposed by vote against unwilling people. Democracies still allow a majority to vote to steal from a minority, for example.

Democracy is evil pretending it's good.

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> The…system…itself…is…not…morally…permissible.

Coercive civil authority is inherently, intrinsically evil. Yes, even if there's "voting."


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Yes, even if there’s voting. Even if you wear a tricorne hat and play the fife while voting!

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23 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

All 50 states in the U.S. have legal homeschooling.

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Yep, and the numbers have grown from a couple of thousand in the early 70s to something like five million today.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Problem is that, in the UK at least, two incomes are needed to survive, so school has become essential childcare. One reason why birthrates are falling is that people cannot afford to have children. This is no accident.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

if you cut supply in half, wages will double

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23 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

You are Blessed Christopher with your Clarity and Depth!

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Thank you :-) It does take a little mind-grinding to get there!

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22 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook


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Dude, You should run for President- haha. But seriously, you make so many valid points in every article but I can’t get on board until I see how the Solution - market anarchy? - works in real life. Any real time examples? We know what doesn’t work but what does work, or has it not evolved yet at this point?

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Thanks. Haste makes waste, right, so expediting might not be the answer if it is evolving but I think the feeling I have, and maybe others too, is the feeling that we are Desperate!

I’ve read Michael Malice and his compilation of various anarchists through the ages but most seem to talk about all the problems of democracy/ republics and I haven’t seen any examples of what actually worked in the present.

And there is that problem in America that diversity is not our strength. Not sure I could swallow Somalia as an example but they are homogenous, so that issue alone sticks out to me. IDK but, you write very persuasive articles nevertheless.

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You make a good point about haste making waste, and also a good point. about desperation. Frankly, I am desperate too. I feel a fire lit under me every day. For now, I will keep cranking, but I may cut this first part a little bit shorter than planned. At least so I can get to the next part.

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The Somalia thing is very much an in-comparison metric. The point there is not that Somalia became an ancap paradise. Rather, it is that the use of Somalia as some sort of slur—"look what happens without government"—is not supported by the facts. Somalia was not a great place, but it did not fare WORSE without government, and in a few small ways got better.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

I'm wondering how Argentina is getting on with libertarian Milei in charge...

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I heard something recently about people in the Pampas describing life as slowly returning…

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I am starting to feel people getting antsy at the pace at which I am approaching that part of the story. I am sorry—there are definitely downsides to going in order. I will try to expedite.

In the meantime, here's this: https://christophercook.substack.com/p/building-island-3-historical-examples-anarchism

Also, have you read any of the main market-anarchist works?

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Sep 18Liked by Christopher Cook

No!!! Please don't expedite. We've been doing this for hundreds of years. You are setting things up and knocking them down methodically. Anything else is born out of our own limited attention spans we've developed. That's on us.

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Thank you for this input. I am feeling pressure not only from readers, but from myself. But this is a good reminder to do it right.

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