Voting is what’s called in magic as an “Equivoque”, where the participant believes he or she has multiple choices but in actuality is forced to make one choice funneled by the magician. You think you had a choice when picking a card but you didn’t. That’s what I see happening on a grand scale during the voting process. it’s really quite an amazing illusion.

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NO. Voting in the sham-show upholds the sham show.

(Haven’t even read it yet, and I’m answering the question. Ok I’ll read it now!)

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Voting, petitioning it’s all the same. It’s begging the master to be a more kind master. It’s Stockholm Syndrome. It’s robbing your neighbors in a cowardly way instead of robbing them yourself. It’s participating in enslavement. It’s saying please use what you’ve stolen from me for what I would have liked to have used it for autonomously. It’s promoting a protection racket which uses aggression against people at home and abroad. It promotes murder, theft and kidnapping even if the one voting wants it to be a little less of those heinous acts. It hands over rights to a group of people who never had those rights to begin with. All power given whether in kings, systems, economics, or behind the throne comes from people who were born, magically handing an imaginary right to do harm (authority) to other people who were born. The rituals of schooling, paegantry, theater, breads and circuses have commandeered the lack of imagination required to release the bond. In short, it is a disease of the mind, the very place where it began, as all things do(Hermetic principle #1).

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As a philosophical as opposed to political anarchist, I appreciate your perspective. But there are local elections that really do matter. Also, a lot of those making the argument not to vote act like it makes them superior, more enlightened. I'm not saying you are doing that, but I am saying that is bs.

As for the presidential election, as sordid as it is, and as much as Trump is not a savior, I'm looking at it like not voting for Trump is like support for the authoritarianism that has grown in opposition to him. If nothing else, a vote for Trump is like a protest vote against the woke, globalist, trans totalitarianism that has been ascendant the last three years esp, open borders etc.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Christopher Cook

Yes, I came to this conclusion after the Bernie debacle in 2016.

And, like yourself, I identified strongly with my Country. I took personally the policies and actions that the U.S. took. I had believed the promise made to me in my childhood that my Country was good, and at a minimum, had my best interests and the interests of all Americans. That identity that I held caused me a great deal of angst, and the only answer was to realize that it was, by and large a lie. A propagandist fairy tale for schoolchildren.

I found that I had to disassociate myself from that. I no longer consider myself an American inasmuch as I am not associated with its choices and decisions and policies. That gave this American a great deal of relief.

A couple of conclusions I have come to for myself: I will not vote in Federal elections, not blue or red, not Kennedy, or West or Stein. I would consider voting for Kucinich if he is indeed running -- if nothing else, to send a message.

No congressional votes -- these people no longer serve their constituents, and even the good ones cannot overcome the massive negative influence of D.C. The last straw for that was Ukraine and Israel support while our country languishes in despair and need. Any actions by congressional reps or senators are simply histrionics to give an appearance of being on the 'right' side of issues, but it is all calculated.

I will vote in State and Local Elections where my vote has more effect, and where the results can be instrumental in shaping my State and where my State tax dollars go.

It also was suggested to me that IF I choose to pay taxes, that I set an intent for what those tax dollars are used for, and what they are NOT used for. It seems ridiculous, but we are more powerful in our intentions than we give ourselves credit for. It is not just one big pot. We CAN have an effect.

Anyway, I'm right there with you Christopher. This is going to end, and it's not going to end well for those who operate in duplicity. The time is coming and soon.

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I agree with you completely. (This should surprise no one at this point.) But I have a thought needling in the back of my head that I think came from a friend's Facebook essay eight years ago that I will never be able to find again. In it, he comes to the conclusion that not voting demonstrates our lack of faith in our governance and that if only a tiny percentage of people vote this somehow gives the UN the opportunity to come in and take over because we are not consenting to the rule of our government. Was this some kind of fever dream he was having in the throes of 2016-induced psychosis... or is that really a thing we ought to be concerned about since the UN seems poised to make an attempt at overtaking us either way (even though they are currently unable to pay their electric bill because too many member countries are defaulting on their dues)?

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Jan 29Liked by Christopher Cook

I would definitely encourage NOT voting. This sends a message of withdrawing consent from the entire system.

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As the saying goes, if voting made any difference they wouldn't let you do it.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 30Liked by Christopher Cook

Christopher, just the other day I was saying how important it is to read, hear or see different ideas from opposite and opposing views. It’s the only way you can make intelligent decisions. When the government censors ideas that they disagree with we are unable to make informed decisions. This is the exact reason the first amendment is so important. I never looked at voting from your perspective!!! Lately I feel like we the slaves more than we the people. From memory the tree of liberty letter from Thomas Jefferson eventually end up with John Adams I believe (it was delivered to Adams son in law), Jefferson talks of rebellions every 20 years or so, this to force the rulers to remember the citizens may not be content with the government. As an example of an issue that plagues me and my family, if we are forced to take poisonous experimental injections by our government or loose our ability to make a living, how much different from the Nazis are we? Is that what is on the ballet? If you take a persons ability to make a living and feed his family away from him you are killing the man!!! I very much appreciate the twist on the idea of voting and the implications of playing into this corrupt system. J.Goodrich

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Jan 29Liked by Christopher Cook

I have thought of this many times, but not to the depth you have delved here plus your July 17 2023 article I just read, and you break it down and Expose it so well!


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Thanks for continuing to flesh out this difficult decision. You know I stand with you on this Chris . I still think this what we must do. The irony for me is that the outcome of this election could effect my personal circumstances for better or worse, but I just can’t play the game any longer.

Our choice may or may not make a palpable difference this time around.

But , every time I think about this unique opportunity to jump in now, right at the very headwaters of this revolutionary idea , I can’t shake these words that keep echoing through my mind... “ for such a time as this .”

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Jan 29Liked by Christopher Cook

When I sit down to pay my taxes with a check the balance in the checking account has only the money I deposited but none from any other voter. The majority determines the slave master but in truth the earth is the Lords. All down hill from there and it is a prison we have constructed and do not know how to escape. God have mercy

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Jan 30Liked by Christopher Cook

I can understand your point of view; however, Our Nation was founded on Christian principles even though we have demonic forces in the subverted White House right now.

I personally believe God would want His children to have faith in HIM; thereby rallying to support the Constitutional right and civic duty to vote the illegal regime out of office.

There IS power in prayer AND power in the pen, providing the inkwell doesn’t run dry.

“If ye have the faith of a tiny mustard seed you can move a mountain.” ((It doesn’t matter if it’s Mt McKinnley))

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Christopher Cook

All of our social and business interactions are voluntary, consensual and based around either formal contracts or trust / reputation (loss of reputation being a HUGE incentive to honour agreements).

Anyone who does not behave this way is defined as a thief, mugger, fraudster, rapist, murderer etc and universally condemned - and socially/ economically ostracised (or removed from society altogether).

The point being.... we ALREADY live in a society which is based on the principles of anarchy ('no rulers' AKA equal rights for all).

'Rule by force' (statism) is legacy of a previous, barbaric age, and it's only able to linger on in our society thanks to the trick of 'voting'.

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You sound like some of my Japanese friends, they always claimed it was all a sham, and that they knew their government to be an illusion as it had had a majority since 1960. Good argument.

On my part, given that the candidates I would normally vote for have been banned from ever entering parliament in most places in Ottawa and I can't vote in the Quebec elections (not being from there) I see no point to vote next time. Especially since all members of the 3 main Canadian parties are all scum who hate Canadians, there's no point.

I'm just glad I'll be out of the country, and abroad with no intention of ever returning to live in Canada again, and thus not subject to the clown-show. With that said, it depresses me that my countrymen and women will still be subject to it, and pray they wake up and that the show is soon over and they could change the way things are done. Once abroad I intend to keep writing and fighting with my pen, for both sides of my heritage (Anglo & French) with equal fervour.

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