I recently purchased the complete Wilson LaNague Federation series and am well into "Enemy of the State" since Christopher had mentioned them to me. This is actually very much at the core of my long time Xandara ideas in that you must not give in to a struggle mentality or become that which you are resisting, which is a core concept in my opinion, and I expand on it somewhat here: https://substack.com/home/post/p-150871150

This series seems so far to me to personify that principle which I don't often see in much anarchist literature. Most violent revolutions result in something as bad or far worse than what it was seeking to replace. The French Revolution, The Bolshevic Revolution and the Maoist Revolution are all good examples of this. These conflicts are all illustrations that a revolution based on hatred of something rather than a love of something will fail. They validate the illusory (delusional) justification for even greater suppression and violence from those who are attempting to rule over others without their consent, and contaminate the motivations and cause for which a people are working to achieve.

I love the deep thought Christopher has put into this movement for true freedom and peace. He asks: "So what do you think—would that work here in the real world? Could a nation of free people cohere around these principles? Could you ?"

My answer is not only yes, but I intend to do so.

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This is exactly right. A massive mistake would be to think that force to overtake monarchy (what all government is at its core) would lead to anything productive. This is why, though it’s painfully slow, we must nurture the collective along until they make the decision. The pen truly is mightier than the sword and, in my opinion, we simply need more and more people to opt out of the current systems.

It’s foolish to think that there won’t be some failures in a world absent government as we know it now. Of course there will. There are failures with any experimentation. Equally foolish however is to let this idea of an abolishment of authority consume you. Egregores seek to do just that.

A good litmus test is to ask whether you could put this cause down the moment the goal is achieved. Would your identity survive the loss of this energy source? We don’t need more politicians after-all. But, long before that, one should be able to live his or her own life even in the midst of what is very clearly the wrong way to structure society. This was once a real problem for me, it’s still something that I struggle with, and I check in on these feelings daily. We can never let them make our opposition a negative thing. This is about the positive benefits that come from an abolishment of government.

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Your whole first paragraph is pertinent to the subject of an upcoming section of a chapter. I hope you will share more of your brilliant thoughts then. You are helping me to clarify my own.

"A good litmus test is to ask whether you could put this cause down the moment the goal is achieved."

—I just want to run a wedding venue and grow wildflowers. And then watch the bees on the wildflowers.

I do this because it must be done.

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Yes, that is why many of us are making some personal sacrifices to be here and do this. We look forward to the day when we will reap the joy that comes from accomplishing something that benefits us all and gives many the freedom to find what individually gives them real joy and fulfillment.

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Yes and that can only happen in a system where the rights of the individual are protected form the tyranny of the collective. A system where we are not a tax slave and can create our own credit so that we have time to be productive and do that which makes our heart sing.

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you got it Calvin!

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That’s just it. No one was created and put here to toil. Nor was anyone given this gift of life to fight arbitrary authority. One leads to another. Once we defeat the latter, we can move beyond the former.

It’s simple enough to tune out and watch the wildflowers right this very moment (and there’s certainly a time for that even now), but humanity owes you a debt of gratitude for also remaining engaged and lending a voice to truth. Because truth has no voice of its own. But it’s a powerful thing just the same, because truth is caustic. It can be covered temporarily, but it will always make its way back to the surface. People like you help to expedite that process and I celebrate and thank you on behalf of those who don’t even know that they should.

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Thank you for being here with me for this fight.

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There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, friend.

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Same here. There is something deep within those who have some idea of who they really are that loves to help and to make things right. This is the real reward for what seems like a sacrifice, but isn't really. It is an exchange of some work and effort, even some risk, for a vastly more valuable reward. Knowing yourself as truly a loving and worthy creation of the Divine.

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Beautifully said. It's a simple case of living peacefully under natural law by forming communities of self governed people. No violent revolution, just peaceful secession from a blatant tyrannical state.

I never knew what was meant by 'The pen truly is mightier than the sword' until I became a trustee of universal community trust, read the treaty, which created the jurisdiction and utilised all the administrative remedies available within UCT. Now I truly understand what that means and have witnessed the outcomes and benefits.

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yes, I think that is why the Amish have had more success with living the life they have chosen in a country that isn't free because they have taken a non violent but strong stand for the values they cherish.

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Yes. A deep dive into trust law will open one’s eyes rather quickly. It could be said that our entire existence is simply trusts jockeying for position.

The trick is to know the score and use the trust effectively. It brings a whole new perspective to the saying that has everyone all agitated: ‘You’ll own nothing, and be happy.’.

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And it seems that we are right back to OWNING property as a start - unless you will be nomadic. And again I am here trying not to black-pill Chris' efforts, but to note, once more, that THEY will not let you break free.

To Calvin: this UCT that you speak of, it is in practice now, somewhere?

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Hey, DSKlausler. Just got your last note but I’m unable to respond to it due to (I guess) the way Substack has formatted what has become a very long thread.

No. Use of federal reserve notes isn’t me contracting with them again. You see, Congress has the power to coin money (Article I, Section 8, Clause 5), but just won’t do that for me. So I have to use these damn pieces of paper.

But you’d better believe that anytime I increase the value of said pieces of paper within their jurisdiction, I pay them a usury fee in the form of income taxes for the pleasure.

*** happy to keep this party going, though I’d recommend we start a new thread.

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Can you expand on what you mean by ‘owning property as a start’.

Let me ask you this. Let’s say I gave you an irrevocable right to live on a piece of land and in a corresponding abode for the rest of your natural life, but that you didn’t legally own said land or abode - I did. Would that make any tangible difference to how you live out your life on the land and in the abode?

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That would be fine, of course, but as far as I know, there is no such thing (here in the U.S.) that you may grant me... YOU probably don't own it (again: here).

EVERYTHING is taxed here - including property. Try stopping the payment of "property taxes" and the bank, some bank, some overlord entity, will soon have the local sheriff evicting you - by force, if necessary.

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Yes, but Strength in Defense.

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Of course. That is a natural right, to protect oneself and community. All part of do no harm take no shit.

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I’ve heard that in Russia, there are rural areas where most people grow their own food and they are pretty much living free and are either minimally or not utilizing the communist freebies. They just trade amongst themselves. Their harvests mostly. Just what I heard. I feel this kind of thing is the beginning of a shift out of the nanny state that so many seem to think is a good idea. Based on a few yt channels from rural people living in what seem to be tyrannical based locations, at least if one were immersed in the cities of those nations, where the country folk are probably mostly left alone, then this sounds like a plausible approach. And before I heard about this, I had that vision. I believe it’s possible for suburbanites living mortgage free to accomplish similar, in today’s world, they could disconnect from the grid, or at least be ready for that, but could still be close to the resources of the city, while forming a backyard agricultural alliance. There are only two problems I see… wherever you are, you are a sitting duck. However, they can’t and probably won’t ‘get’ most of the people building an independent and free system within the nanny state or beast system as I prefer to call it. I have also heard that large swaths of Germany during the Nazi rule, were unaffected and I wonder how many were not required to send their children to the Hitler youth indoctrination activities or who refused, without being jailed once it had gotten to that point. But, as was depicted in the film inglorious basterds … and considering things like Waco and other rural shakedowns, one can see that you could be a sitting duck and the others might get scared. It seems to me, that as in the Russian example, people gotta know the heavy hand in order to weather those things. Basically, things aren’t bad enough. Even people who see a problem, still think they can vote their way back to freedom and won’t get involved in anything autonomous. Now, I’ve tried to seek out people to form some kind of ‘build’ our own society starting with food growers and a trade system at the onset of 2020. It’s not easy and most people that might be interested, were selling their houses and moving out to start homesteading and they had the money to get that going, but there is no support system for them. It’s best to have some rural neighbors on board and it takes time to get organized.

With all that said, I have moved out to a rural area in the US where there seems to be a lot of acknowledgement of the current tyranny and people who want to encourage local agriculture. We are all living off grid. However, three of my immediate neighbors are in their fifties and sixties, none are growing anything, living on SS or disability, and are here because they can’t afford the city. Not so much because they see the problems. And there are people who only see a few of the problems, but then they go get their boosters and think Trump will save us in both the cities and the rural areas, at this time. However, with the Russians… well I was told that most of them knew the news was lying and that they were living in tyranny while Americans thought the press was free… if we weren’t experiencing tyranny, we wouldn’t need to consider these things. And most people still don’t see the tyranny. So the big challenge is finding people with the right motivation at this point.

This is a rough draft, please excuse any lack of proper grammar, or poorly formed substantiation or a lack of a bibliography.

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"However, with the Russians… well I was told that most of them knew the news was lying and that they were living in tyranny while Americans thought the press was free"

—I have been saying this for years. Everyone knew that Soviet-era Pravda and Izvestia were lying. But here, the myth of the "free press" has kept people from being able to accept that we have a one-party media.

Though I think a lot more people are starting to get that now.

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Thank you Crystal for the great, real information and heartfelt energy. So many Americans are so deluded by the Right or Left it must be Mass Programing.

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I appreciate the acknowledgement as I often receive comments like ‘no one cares about your stupid ideas’ to which I usually reply, if they are particularly just rude like a jr high kid… ‘does anyone in real life actually like you or would they like you if they knew the real you?’ … much appreciation, my only hope is to spark inspiration in those more capable than I.

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It is very liberating to stop caring what such people think of us! 😁❤️😎🔥

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Crystal you have so much to share from your unique life experiences, research and goodness and that's what we need and want.

Don't let the idiots and morons throw you off as their job is to disrupt. Thankfully on Christopher's very positive, clear, honest and forward thinking blog which seems to attract those who are similar they are a tiny minority.

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Thanks Albert… we are seeds just beginning to germinate.

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It all comes down to respecting others. I live by this philosophy as much as I can in U.S. society, probably one reason I live in rural Texas. I can be armed, most of the people I know and see are armed, and we are all respectful of each other, and we all respect each other's stuff. I have no problems with anyone that does not want to take from or hurt me.

Sounds like an interesting series of stories, too bad I gave up reading fiction years ago. Just so much non-fiction I want to catch up on.

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I hear you re: fiction/non-fiction.

And yes, strong, peaceful people don’t need much to keep things peaceful!

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Love it Christopher! It all comes down to KYFHO.

Decades ago we had a few family businesses in a NJ Port City and my Dad and Uncles were mostly WWII And Korean War Veterans, some boxers, very hard working tough guys, good guys, who did not look for trouble but rapidly took care of it when it came. Their kids adhered to their philosophy too. The word got out and their businesses were open many hours after others closed because they were scared. We never called the police. Even the local Mob guys after one incident that did not go their way never tried any BS again. WE NEVER GOT HELD UP IN THE OVER 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS.

Strength for Defense!

Melissa Mistretta has so many interesting insights.

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Right on!

There are a couple of other works of ancap/sci-fi that hit this issue: "Freehold" and "Darkship Thieves." Both paint a picture of worlds where things work just fine because of people like your dad and uncles.

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Yes, otherwise known as natural justice.

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The same way castle doctrine applies at unlawful evictions.

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"Opt out of the current system"!!

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Seems the best plan!

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I'm still hoping that "the circus" will crash all by itself.. I fear that zombie land won't wake up in time.

That may have to do with my recent outing and a few shocking conversations.. 😂

Keeping the faith is hard.

Thank you!!

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Maybe collapse will be our opportunity. We will try to be prepared. Indeed, part of our ethos ought to be to stay prepared ourselves, and unite with others, to be fully prepared. But we cannot fully bank just on collapse, so we will have to do other things too.

Can you share any stories of your recent shocking conversations?

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Agreed! "In the midst of chaos lies opportunity"! :)

Friend ( she is aware of alternative medicine, much needed life style changes and so on ) is on 6 different meds, 2 doc appointments every week or so, she will tell you that meds don't work. She by now is taking meds for all the side effect, she keeps making appointments. When I saw her, she happily reported to have found a new doctor and new prescriptions.

Me, we see less and less holiday decorations in the neighborhoods.

Lady, we've had two storms this year.

Me, we have storms every year.

Me, I don't believe in voting anymore, I find the candidates unacceptable and I believe politics has become the problem, they all seem to be lying and we know it.

Trillions in debt, tent cities, medical crisis, involved in constant wars, legal pribing through lobbyists.

Mismanagement all around.

He, even more reason to vote..

Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.

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Yep. Sigh. At any moment in history, most people are normies. I don't know if that will ever change. I hope so.

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I really hope so.. sigh is right!! I need to let go of that more.. my expectations on human kind are too high it seems.. we used to call that common sense.. and logic hahahaha

Maybe we need to come up with a slogan.. like: What would T. Jefferson do, what would J. Adams do??!!!

Make America intelligent again??? 😂😂😂

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Thanks for that. I may post it at the end of the road. I was considering just "NO!"

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KYFHO does say it pretty danged well!

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I think I'm a Flinter type of person. Why? Because first you have to teach people there are consequences that come along with their choices.

I've long thought about trying to include specific people to fill certain roles, though I don't know how they might obtain their education. If you could build a community that has doctors, cooks, teachers, mechanics, builders, farmers etc. you'd have much of what is already provided, as long as they do those things willingly. Of course, that's a totally separate topic. My mind was just imagining.

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I think this is very important stuff to start imaging!

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100% KYFHO!

I know Your time is slim, but if You ever have a moment to take a peek, I wrote a novella that illustrates anab (anarcho-abundancist) manifesting...

The Abundance Paradigm: https://tapyoureit.boards.net/thread/242/abundance-paradigm-novella

(And no, it has nothing to do that that ghastly new age piece the CIA put out to obfuscate My work six months after I posted it on AboveTopSecret dot com - a CIA site that at the time I did not know was...)

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The see ~ eye ~ eh seem to have their fingers in every pie!

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Indeed! I strongly suspect it is Them who target Me. Not a “People haunting One wherever One goes” targeting…

Targeted Individual (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/targeted-individual

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Thanks. I'll read that. Too many have given up on being "good at it," I'm afraid.

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Yep. I even stopped doing karate—but I am in my 50s and was getting injured way too much. There are other modes of defense.

You will like "Enemy of the State." I might also recommend "Freehold," By Michael Williamson.

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..."after centuries of effort"...say 250 years, about the life span of the current US, from what will things be like in the first few years verses at the end of 250? We have experience with this idea and we see how it has evolved. Somewhere along the line things went haywire as by now our country and it's people should be bullet and bomb proof. We are at the opposite. Digitalism has made us very vulnerable.

While the concept of no government and no power hungry leaders is quite intriguing and desirable, you may need an army to keep the current government from overrunning your new establishment. I still think that a true free state must come from a place of higher thinking. Science fiction and the like can invent anything but it always fails to create things that do not have a strong scent of humanism.

A monumental changed is needed in human nature. Is that possible?

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Yep, fiction can be whatever the author likes, for sure.

Here IRL, I think Irish democracy is going to play a big role. We're not going to win in open combat. We are going to win by turning sideways to the sun and disappearing. By doing our own thing in greater and greater numbers. By opting out. Starving them of oxygen and victims.

We will have to abide by some of their laws for a long time, in order to keep from being martyred. But a slow pace away from their world is (part of what is) going to win the day.

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In my mind being beholden to someone for the greater of society does not mean handing my children over to them for their pleasure, society is at it’s weakest point!

So what are we doing?????

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I am not sure I even know what being "beholden to someone for the greater of society" means.

Beholden to whom? Who decides what the "greater" is?

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"There must be no bloodshed, no violence unless it is defensive. No coercion! We must do it our way and our way alone! To do otherwise is to betray centuries of hardship and struggle. Above all else, Kyfho. Forget Kyfho in your pursuit of victory over the enemy, and you will become the enemy...worse than the enemy, because he doesn't know he is capable of anything better." Question...that I seem to never get an answer to...if we are living under this type of system, and a rapist moves into your community and it is proven by witness testimony that he has raped a number of women...under this kind of system would I, as a bystander who was never raped or attacked by this individual be able to SHOOT HIM IN THE FACE and be able to justify it? After all, I wasn't raped. I wasn't attacked. So how could I claim it was defensive? I want to hear your answer. LOUD AND CLEAR.

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Firstly, a community would be as discerning as possible before allowing an individual in. Secondly, a common law court, equity, a grand jury and trial by jury would be the justice system of any community. Violence begets more violence. It is important for the perpetrator of the crime to be reconciled with the victim, natural justice. However, a jury is the conscientious voice of the people and it is the voice of the raped victim and the family that is of the most importance in that situation, in accord with a common law jury. Not just shooting someone in the face.

I quote from the treaty of UCT - The right to expect no detainment, supervision or arrest without a sealed writ issued by a rightful authority alleging breaches of Natural Law, the right to be presumed innocent of allegations until proven otherwise before a jury of our peers and the protection of the community wherever we may roam.


There are three rightful applications of equity: prevention of actual suffering, harm, injury, damage and loss; compensation and/or restitution for all injured parties; and assurance of equitable resolutions, peaceful civil proceedings and the reconciliation of the accused with their accusers.

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Solid description of a wise system.

How do you feel about crime victims defending themselves in the moment of victimization with proportional protective force?

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Self defence can never be deemed as violence. It's Natural justice and perfectly reasonable. Do no harm but take no shit.

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Agreed. But it does raise a lot of interesting questions…

Like what constitutes "proportional"?

Also, I am not sure I would much care if a victim shot her rapist dead. Is it proportional? Not sure. But I don't think I would feel particularly bad that she did it.

But someone might. His aggrieved family, for example. So then they, or their protection/insurance agency, might initiate some sort of action based on that grievance. And then that has to get solved.

Also, tho' Courageous Lion's question was framed in needlessly hostile fashion, it does raise good questions about vigilantism and other people coming to the defense of victims…

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It's common sense, which is why I always use the term natural justice. If, from a victims perspective, taking a life stopped an individual being the victim of rape or murder, that is natural justice, do no harm take no shit. However, an accusation would require a jury. I think, in the moment, we would all be prepared to inflict violence to prevent someone causing serious harm or death to an individual. The same way none of us would stand idly by if our families were attacked. Everyone being armed would reduce violent crime greatly. Reasonable force could mean taking a life if the situation warranted it.

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That all sounds quite right to me.

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Also, in a nation full of communities governed upon the principles of natural law, being excommunicated would be the worst punishment possible because no community would accept you.

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Certain crimes are worthy of death. Rape is one. Actual rape. Not some contrived thing where the woman claims it took place when it really didn’t to get back at some guy she is having issues with. The idea of bearing false witness comes to mind where the person bearing it would suffer the fate that the were trying to obtain for the one they are lying about.

There are other crimes worthy of death also. Premeditated murder would be one. In your world it would become like Escape from New York. All the criminals would congregate to one location and that would be their community. Hardly the worst punishment available being excommunicated from the place you had been residing.

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No violence doesn’t beget violence. In the case I’ve described it ENDS violence. You’re simply reiterating the current existing system. What Christopher is suggesting is a different kind of system.

If the community is already in existence, such as the community I reside in right now, how would you know or vet those already here? And to say “would be” is presumption on your part. “It is important for the perpetrator of the crime to be reconciled with the victim, natural justice” How does this take place between the perp and the victim? Christopher’s society isn’t the one you are describing. And yours is the one that used to be, not the one that is anymore. The judge in most cases will lie to the jury and since they think he is infallible they will follow his “instructions” even in the face of their own conscience.

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You are mistaken, Natural law is the basis of all jurisprudence. It's just that the current judiciary in the existing system is working against us. Which is why every community would have it's own. This is why in UCT formed a natural law jurisdiction. So that all this can be achieved legally and lawfully, including our own treasury.

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We got separated from our child at Disney once. Terrifying! Thankfully it only lasted a few minutes.

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