
The Lefties are always looking for ways to be somebody else's "hero," even when the "somebody else" doesn't want their damnable help. Jason Riley, a black Wall St Journal writer & commentator, wrote a fine book titled "Please Stop Helping Us" on this theme.

"Cultural appropriation" is the ultimate compliment to another culture -- it's not 'theft'.

Old aphorism: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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Well said.

Rather than do something that is actually useful, leftism gives low-status wastrels the excuse to LARP as "Fighters of Fascism" and "Racist Slayers."


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Jun 7Liked by Christopher Cook

Absolutely agree with you! Cultural appropriation is evil and Harmful scam. We're enriching our lives by absorbing other cultures' products.

I love French music and Italian food, Chinese philosophy of Tao and yeah Mexican Day of the Dead, so the Left could stick their cultural appropriation where sun don't shine.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Author

Amen, brother.

We will defeat this anti-human attitude.

Leftism may seem powerful now, but one day, humankind will look back on this ideology the way we now look back on phrenology, witch burnings, and Aztec mass sacrifice. There will come a day when leftism will be discredited—in all of its manifestations, in every corner of the universe, for all time. We will want to look back, point, and laugh, but we will forbear, out of respect for the nine-digit figure of human souls slaughtered by leftists in a single century.

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Jun 7Liked by Christopher Cook

Amen to that too! I hope to live to that day, and when Islam in all its ideological shapes will be exposed for what it really is too.

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Jun 7Liked by Christopher Cook

I've asked people to define the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. No one's been able to do it. A member of our Worldanz group made the accusation once. She happened to be an editor for Gourmet magazine. I questioned her on what foods we would eat if our ancestors had all staying in their lanes. Boring, is the answer.

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Right, and how narrow should those lanes be? One of the four major racial groupings? Sub-racial ethnicity? Sub-ethnic regional origins. Tribe? Clan? Kin group? Family?

The reason they cannot answer is because the real answer is the Postmodernist answer: whatever gives us power in the moment, THAT is the definition.

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Jun 7Liked by Christopher Cook

I really feel like we need to get rid of "race" and "ethnicity" on 99% of forms, because it really only serves a purpose in medicine and anthropology. France (to my knowledge) didn't have prominent issues with race for centuries because they never encouraged people to look at those differences, but rather to see themselves as a single unit: as Frenchmen. But the US, with its woke ideology, has ruined it for the world. From "my culture is not your prom dress" to videos of Korean pop singers being humiliated for wearing braids, culture hoarding has become widespread. And it sucks.

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All well said. Yes, it sucks.

Step 1: Get rid of 80% of the organizations that have forms.

Step 2: Get rid of most of the remaining organization's forms.

Step 3: Get rid of race and ethnicity questions.

Step 4: Eat a croissant while watching a K-Drama!

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Jun 7Liked by Christopher Cook

I always skip that one. .. also now I’m skipping the ridiculous Gender questions.. have you seen them.

On my last Dr it left a blank by Gender so you could fill in … so I put two-spirited dog 🐕 , which is actually one of the genders…

Ask a stupid question..

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Jun 7Liked by Christopher Cook

Remember if you ever get arrested you are a Two-spirited Animal and they have to supply you with appropriate accommodations. 🤪🤪🤪… those poor police officers now

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Jun 7Liked by Christopher Cook

Great article and awesome video. This really highlights the absurdity of 'cultural appropriation.' You hit the nail on the head—once we start labeling things with this ridiculous concept, where do we draw the line?

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Excellent question.

And while we're at it, we should ask ourselves, and each other, why we continue to tolerate the ideology from which this vile notion oozed forth.

And, for that matter, why we continue to impute "good motives" to an ideology the adherents of which managed to slaughter 262 million human souls in a single century.

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Jun 10Liked by Christopher Cook

I know I’ve seen the video that is used in article.

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James' expansion of the English language has not yet been appropriated - as far as I know.

A wonderful version:


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Listening now. Good stuff.

My wife worked in the music industry for many years. She has a funny Lars Ulrich story. Eventually I will start posting some memoirs like that here. Mostly mine, but some of her cool ones too.

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Jun 9Liked by Christopher Cook

The printing press was invented in 16th century Germany. Every time you teach someone something "new" (of course there is really nothing "new") is there "theft" involved? Sincerest form of praise. Bridge builders. No copyright needed.

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There are times when intellectual property matters. And there are times when information just transfers, in the way you describe. I think our current common-law system of justice actually tells the difference rather well.

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What does it mean to be "White " in the uSA?

A Breakdown of the American Whiteness


Beautifully done.

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Whoa, that's long! Did you read the whole thing? What's the gist?

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That's my article. Gist is...

Whiteness has been used as a scapegoat for anything wrong with the world. It has become synonymous with conqueror.

But it I not true. Cultural appropriation has been focused on white people stealing from other cultures, especially native Americans. But this is just part of the greater issue... the "white" vs other narrative.

I describe the meaning and origins race. How white or any other color is not a race, just pigmentation.

I describe the history of various white tribal roots, general proto-indo-European roots and how pigment has changed in Europe over the millenia. How Romans and Spaniards were often dark skinned population, the black Irish origins, the white Cartheginians, and Tyrians.

I elucidate on the origins of African Slavery, and how only 5% of African slaves ever were dispatched to Colonial American shores. How most were sent to places like Brazil, where the majority populace was darker skinned.

Basically. I break down "whiteness" and provide a clearer perspective on origins of light skinned peoples.

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Sounds like impressive work, and work worth doing. Thank you for that, and for kindly providing that informative summary.

Anti-white racism is becoming a worse problem by the day.

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Jun 8Liked by Christopher Cook

Cultural appropriation is too close to what happened in WWII with Germany. Only “white” Germans were the race that was superior. I have 1/8 Cherokee indigenous blood, my birth father is even registered. Having to register so the government doesn’t screw them (AGAIN), or know how to find them so they can be screwed again. I have never been registered, as my late mother (finest woman on the planet) also of Cherokee descent (but farther back), and her father before her, didn’t believe in registering or claiming what you haven’t suffered for. I wasn’t raised on a reservation (the worst property the government didn’t want and is [usually] not in any way productive to live off of), and her father, her, and myself haven’t suffered. By dad (who raised me), is Chilean (paternal, dad was first to be born in the US) and indigenous (maternal, 6th generation with white blood). His tribe is small and considered a part of the Paiute tribe, but not enough to allow him to register, not that he would’ve. He also did not suffer or believe in registering as he wasn’t raised on the reservation for his tribe. They got out before my grandmother was born. In fact, he is a 6th generation descendant of the very first white people to live (and marry) in the valley where I was raised. Half his family (including him) have brown eyes and skin with black hair (now silver since raising me 😉). The other half looks completely white. Anyway, my point is that my mixed up family mark white/Caucasian on forms that ask our race. Should we be allowed to claim indigenous status when we were raised a whites? The government would say yes. The tribes (except my dad’s) would say no, not enough native blood according to them. At least on my maternal side. The Cherokee people allow registering under a small amount of indigenous blood, yet my Momma who has 1/32 (far back in her bloodline) isn’t considered part of the tribe. But wait… are conservative white racists? Should I be against my own family?

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Very interesting all around.

No one should have to register anything with a government, because there should not be a government.

No one should have to be faced with the choice of living on a reservation because there should never have been a reservation system (because there should never have been a government).

No one should have to concern themselves with genetics in order to survive, to feel safe, or to feel better about themselves by looking down on others.

And lefties are more racist than anyone.

Thanks for telling your story!

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Jun 8Liked by Christopher Cook

Secondly, my favorite cultural appropriationist from a misspent musical childhood:


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Seems to me like you've got the makings of your own #FreeedomMusicFriday post there!

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Jun 8Liked by Christopher Cook

First of all, in agreeing with your stance on cultural appropriation, I would like to point out that we are no longer the black and white people who came or were dragged here in colonial times.

If your family has been here a hundred years. you are, genetically speaking, a mongrel American hybrid and nothing but. From one mutt to another, congratulations. Our hybrid vigor may save us yet.

By way of contrast, here are some actual white people, y'all, and 'way back up an Appalachian cove must you venture e'er you find their pitiful inbred cousins here: https://youtu.be/YbBU06irWT8

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Great comments, and that Russian band doing Appalachian folk music—magnificent!

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The Diversity Imperative, DI virtuously leads us to commit a Cultural Appropriation, CA thought crime, bringing us to the happy state of White Flight, WF from White Guilt, WG to a nirvana of sorts ...

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Do you know the Underpants Gnomes' business model from South Park?

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😂 Sounds very utilitarian.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Author

It's become a bit of a cultural trope, so it's worth knowing (note: NSFW):


Anything where someone is sure of step 3 without having a clue about step 2…

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Jun 8Liked by Christopher Cook

My psychiatrist told me not to engage with people less intelligent and able than myself. So I can't actually engage with lefties but occasionally I like to go their houses for an ethnic feast and halfway through the meal, mention cultural appropriation.

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Take video next time.

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My shrink told me the same. Alas that's resulted in full-on isolation. It's strange, the streets & buildings are empty ...

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Jun 8Liked by Christopher Cook

You’d not be able to have a real debate anyway.

There’s a quotation, from a film or something, “I can’t reason you out of something you didn’t reason yourself into.”

For the current modern or postmodern Left position is based not upon ultimate, first, or core principles, but is often a denial or rejection of those principles.

But if they’re right in disavowing any knowable, objective right or wrong, then all that seems to remain of the Left position is preference: their multitude of censorious ideological prescriptions and proscriptions are on the level of liking pistachio more than butter pecan.

But if it’s all just preference, then they have sawed off the branch supporting themselves, they have no basis to object to your own politics, nor even to object to the things they object to that are really wrong, like racism or genocide.

One left-of-center friend of mine was more candid than most, he said, “You believe that human rights exist. I pretend they do, and we end up in the same place.”

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In truth he pretends human rights don't exist which releases him to impose horrific genocides on a worthless humanity. This is why no negotiation is possible with the Left; only expulsion from the company of civilized discourse. We expel; they genocide. That's what it's come to.

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I know that reply was to Dan, but I am just going to chime in and agree 100 percent.

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Thank you, Derrida, Foucault, Rorty, et al!

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Jun 8Liked by Christopher Cook

"Oh, but that's okay, because he's not white."

(Remember the rule: Hispanics are only white when they commit crimes against black people.)

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Jun 8Liked by Christopher Cook

Ouch! But you’re right, that does seem to be the party line.

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💯 We must tell the truth.

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Jun 8Liked by Christopher Cook

“Cultural appropriation” has been defined as “the inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity.” That term makes a common and innocent act sound sinister. “Culture”, the root of “cultural”, is a broad term that seems to refer to anything a particular social group acquires through learning. “Appropriation” refers to taking something for one's own use without the owner's permission. “Cultural appropriation” thus suggests that whatever sorts of actions or entities the first members of a particular social group have learned how to perform or produce are their property and anyone else who learns from them and performs the same sorts of acts or produces and consumes the same sorts of goods without their permission is guilty of stealing from the first group.

I've wondered what we'd have left in the absence of “cultural appropriation”. At first, I suspected that most of the world's population would be reduced to living in hunter-gatherer societies. But then I recalled that we'd be even worse off than that, because the first hunter-gatherer society is thought to have emerged in a small region of Africa. I doubt that the opponents of “cultural appropriation” would be willing to give it up if they thought the matter through rationally.

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Leftists do not think rationally.

Leftist cognoscenti apply Critical Theory and Postmodernist tactics to everything: that is, logic is not required; anything that brings them power is good. So if they gain power by accusing you of cultural appropriation in one breath and cultural chauvinism the next, then that is good. It does not have to be coherent at all.

And the leftist rank and file are operating on pure virtue-signaling narcissism. "Look at me, I am saying all the things they tell me make me a good person to say."

That is it.

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Jun 9Liked by Christopher Cook

Although they apparently don't realize it, those who think they're virtue-signaling are actually vice-signaling.

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