My wife and I are soon to have our first grandchild, a girl. We're thrilled by it, and it helps focus my mind on your question.

My knee-jerk response to your question is that I would sue the school, the school board, the male player involved, his parents, and anyone else culpable for gross negligence, bodily harm, and I'd seek hefty punitive damages.

I'd seek a lawyer who would take the case on contingency and demand an eye-watering judgment. I would not pick a 'nice guy' lawyer. I'd choose a shark who wears $5000 suits, wears two gold chains around his neck, and drives a Lamborghini.

I'd hope to see the liability insurance for offending school districts be canceled or have premiums that jump so high that the virtue-signaling, self-righteous weenies who allowed transgenders would have a convenient excuse to end their moronic policies on transgenders in sports. It would be a public service.

The nameless "woman" in this case has XY chromosomes in every cell in "her" body, with the exception of about half the sperm cells in "her" reproductive tract, which would be XX chromosomes. Henceforth a DNA test would be required for any self-declared "woman" to play on a women's team. No BS, no exceptions.

Otherwise, I guess I'm neutral on this subject.

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Feb 21Liked by Christopher Cook

The crazies want it both ways. They convicted a mother for not stopping her son from killing people. And they take children for not acknowledging their newfound pronouns. Our government is full of self absorbed idiots.

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I see this from outside the political sphere as a pure safety concern. We do not allow featherweights to fight heavyweights. The creation of leagues catering to people who are trans and want to play seems a reasonable solution and I'm sure there are plenty of groups who would fund that.

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Feb 21Liked by Christopher Cook

Excellent post, thank you! So insane. In more Massachusetts madness, check this out. The "disgruntled" custodian (note the mention of his gun rights stance, which is media code for ignorant redneck) is the bad guy, not the teacher distributing porn to (select?) 13 year olds! The teacher outed the custodian (for public shaming by alphabet activists no doubt) but wants her name kept secret!? What a travesty.


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Feb 21Liked by Christopher Cook

Homeschool, martial arts, music, and survival skills. That’s what I would do/did do to prevent myself from having to react to something like this

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Feb 21Liked by Christopher Cook

What do you call a female tranny?

Ben Hur

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21Liked by Christopher Cook

Proof that the sexes are not interchangeable is the God’s patent he stamped on every living being with specific chromosomes unique to each one.

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Feb 21Liked by Christopher Cook

I’d hurt its parents; physically. I would.

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A bully needs to be opposed with force. A bully, such as the basketball player, needs a blown-out knee to stop him from playing anymore. Maybe a bigger and better player, a ringer if you will, would scare him enough.

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These stories are awful, and the overwhelming majority of folks reading them are probably left feeling demoralized, frustrated and even helpless to respond.

What positive action could be taken to remedy the problems caused by the individuals perpetrating these attacks on our communities, our institutions, and our CHILDREN?

I wish I had an answer. Whether or not one subscribes to belief in Karma, observation indicates that everyone gets exactly what’s coming to them- when the timeline is stretched long enough.

If that’s not enough of a consolation, it’s important to remember that accidents do indeed happen.

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Our countries leaders have descended into mindless deceit. I have witnessed well intentioned people that have gone to into government and completely lost their integrity and their way. There obviously are only two genders so when they push this idea you can be a boy or a girl they are sewing these lies into our children. They themselves have probably been brainwashed throughout their college education. People that listen to these dregs of society, absorb it, and continue the chain of insanity are a huge part of the problem. Yesterday I mention that there are people that can’t and shouldn’t be able to live in a true free society. We cannot expect to get from these educators something they don’t have which is truth, integrity and the idea of guiding a child to become self sufficient and a reliable part of society. J.Goodrich

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Feb 29Liked by Christopher Cook

Yes, castellano first language, Italian second, English third, speak, read and write, Portuguese understand and read, French read and understand some and speak little because my heritage is half French.

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As a parent if I knew ahead of time I would pull my daughter from the game, it’s too dangerous and not worth it. I’m glad I didn’t grow up when such things were acceptable. I was a very nice kid but not on the basketball court, I probably would have wound up with hate crime charges…in the immortal words of Dalton : “Take the biggest guy in the world, shatter his knee and he'll drop like a stone.”

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Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

I saw the news from Fox, no because I watch Fox no any other news simply because during Covid we cancel Cable realizing that were the source of so much programming citizens, also a thing that I recommend to everyone who were full of fear during the pandemic and still recommend, cut out most of the outlets that get inside your own peace and home because we like it or not we are influenced in so many ways. But the way Fox presented the news was from the “ religious “ angle, so the parents did not call his boy she because their Catholic beliefs, Catholics has been the more persecuted among Christians and none of our rights have been respected, if you are a Catholic you are “ up for grabs “ and go to the grinder meat machine. And we are all for love God and others as ourselves, those are the principles, of course there are bad Catholics too as in any religion but we are not fundamentalists and we respect everybody. The point is that the parents didn’t call his son she because they are Catholics, they call the boy he because he is a boy, a very confused one but HE IS A BOY and religion doesn’t have nothing to do with that. If a judge thinks that a boy can’t be a girl and a girl can be a boy is not fit to be a judge, simple because he is mental, transgender ideology is one of the most perverse one and contradictory, they say that your sexual parts doesn’t define you but at the same time you must cut your breast or put some silicone or castrate yourself, add or take parts that “ doesn’t define you” in order to look more like the opposite sex. If that is not madness I don’t know what it is anymore.

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Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

We have a Deep State now that it’s like a monster eating the ones who feed it. There’s not justice, only for the ones who can pay the attorneys and even tough they can persecute you if they don’t like what you think. So yes, tyranny always produce an anarchic response.

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Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

Well we have the constitutional right to own guns not to kill each other but to resist the government or authorities, the problem is that we must keep the State that was created only to protect the Constitution and the citizens doesn’t overreach or changed its purpose ( in an ideal world) reality shows us that greed and ambition motivated most humans and that power potentialized these sins. Bad combination!

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