Nice work. My favorite is the endless war on 'terror'. Terror is a concept. They can't have war against a concept without television.

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I think we need to step back and appreciate the sea change that has taken place on the (so-called) right. 20 years ago, so much of the movement was anti-socialist but also generally pro-war, or at least not particularly skeptical of claims that we need to go to war. Now, the right are still anti-socialist but also increasingly anti-war. It is a good thing.

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Yes, the truth tide is turning in our favor. Too bad they're still planning on fulfilling the Georgia Guidestones as evidenced bt the Deagle Report.

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Perhaps their best-laid plans will still go awry. More people wake up every day…

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There best laid plans have a small hurdle to overcome...A REVIVAL that is in the process of starting that will sweep the PLANET. I FEEL it in my VERY BEING!!!! https://bornagainclassics.com/MarkReynolds-MP3s/IsThereRoom/Z-MarkReynolds-Can'tYouFeelTheKingdomComing.mp3

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Jan 6
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Hat, yes, the sole purpose of the television is to 'fix your gaze', whereby one can be hypnotized in under two minutes. At that point, all bets are off.

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Some of us must have a built in idiot filter that keeps the garbage from entering the gray matter.

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I saw some meme recently that talked about people with "open" pineal glads being better able to withstand programming. Tho' it was just a meme, I suppose…

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Since I don't get any so called liberal left feeds, intentionally because I just can't deal with folks that don't actually research the things that are important, before actually posting absolute nonsense, I'm going to see what they are up to these days. By heading over there in the alter-algorithm. I'm betting someone has re-engineered your memes. Because they are the best!



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Happy New Year!

Good luck in the belly of the beast!

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Thanks, CC Yes, and I will be adorned with Armor of The God of Life!

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I think about that slippery slope idea a lot. In the 90s, gay men were like “We just want to adopt kids too, but no one would ever want to get married.” Then we were like, “But you might rape the kids, and you’ll eventually want to get married!” And they were all, “Psssssh … homophobe. We’d never do that. ” Then they started demanding to get married and we were like, “But if you use our word, you can require services reserved for real married people” and they went all, “Pssssh … homophobe. We’d never do that.”

Then we’re all, “But I actually want to know you’re a real woman before we date and get married,” and they all go, “Pssssh … transphobe. Suck my female penis.”

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There were people in the 80s (Jerry Falwell types) warning of this slippery slope. It sounded overwrought to me at the time, as a know-it-all high schooler. But they turned out to be correct. The slope has probably been even slipperier, and gone even further, than they imagined it would.

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🤣🤣🤣excellent. Half the battle is not treating these parasites seriously, the more we laugh at them, the more they’ll throw their toys out the pram, the more we’ll laugh! On a serious note though: they’ve positioned themselves over decades to be able to totally control our money, food, energy and freedoms. Pushing back is our duty…

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Pushing back. Laughing. And opting out.

Three great tastes that taste great together!

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Pretty much

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That hate is rotting them from the inside.

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I am out of the loop on that last one....

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It is from an iconic moment in an iconic episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. (Maybe more of a Gen X thing.) But then that scene, in turn, is draws from a scene in Orwell's "1994."

Basically, the torturer is trying to get the tortured to deny reality and instead accept the torturer's reality.

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4 lights.

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Love that episode!

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Thank you for all the effort you made gathering these memes together so that I could swipe a bunch!! Good job Christopher! EXCELLENT JOB as a matter of fact. Some made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair and as they say…LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE! I commend you.

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Glad I could help—and kudos to the creators of these great memes!

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Mises always gets a like!

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That sense of humor is going to save us!

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I have had times when I gave THEM the power to bring me down, and times when I have refused to do so. I much prefer the latter.

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I have always wonder who hates me the most?

Democrats, Republicans, Women, Union members, other Libertarians, other Christians, or the Elites? lol

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Especially the "other libertarians" thing. The infighting is just absurd.

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When an agency can upgrade a criminal charge to include “terrorism”... that is totally abhorrent.

Slapping on a Terrorist charge to the alleged shooter is wrong and could be illegal. First, there is no statute that defines when to invoke “Terrorist”. Second, by invoking Terrorist, it removes NYC from the prosecution process. Thirdly , this trial could very well be held as a military tribunal which effectively prevents the defense from obtaining actionable evidence. Fourthly, coverage of the trial will be determined by the Military Tribunal. If the government continues to add on and label him as a “non-combatant enemy”, he could spend his entire life in Guantanamo.

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About whom are we speaking?

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I apologize... its Magione, the man who shot the United Health CEO.

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Ah, gotcha.

Yes, the "terrorism" add-on is a statist scam in general. And they are using it in ever-more profligate ways since 9/11/01. Perhaps that was the point all along…

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You bring up a good point... Feds taking control from a traditional (Constitutionally protected) State crime. The Executive branch changed the charge for both Mangione and the man in Florida who was hiding in the bushes during Trump’s round of golf. As I best understand the separation of powers and what the functions of the Executive office (protection of our borders and citizenry) but nowhere in our Constitution is there a provision that allows the Executive branch can do this capture of a State’s right without being a Constitutional Amendment.

Can you shed any light as to how or when the Executive branch took this over?

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I am not qualified to answer that question dispositively.

In a way, though, there is no dispositive answer. The arrogation of authority from the states towards the federal began when Hamilton and his cronies considered to undo the Articles of Confederation. And then the process continued under the Constitution—slowly moving away from more decentralized to more centralized—before the ink was even dry.

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Hamilton... talk about nefarious and then to have a Broadway play about him is quite strange.

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It's a rogue government, now an administrative state, since around 1947-1948.

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Fantastic and all of it 100% true. Someday the DC Swamp will be great again...when it reverts to being forests, rivers, lakes and fields.

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So True!

Thanks Christopher!

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The only one I would contend is BS too is the "lab leak" one. There's no such things as viruses or contagion - neither have been proven to this very day. The "lab leak" was more BS to prop Rockefeller's twin towers of lies.

But the rest...? GOLD!!!!!

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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I figured someone would make that point about the lab meme. But I think we can at least say that whatever they did, they concocted it somewhere.

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Concocted what? 5G was involved in early deaths, and the jab kicked in with more. Likely some spraying of toxins helped. But there was no “covid 19.”

There is no such things as viruses or contagion.

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Well *something* had my wife and I sicker than either of us has ever been before.

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Yes, it could have been 5G. Or toxins. They have been spraying Us like bugs a fair while, and maybe They changed the formula or upped the quantity. But no virus has ever been proven to exist, nor has contagion.

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Ameterasu you are dialed in. I like what you have to say.

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🤗 💜 🤗 Most humble thanks!

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Jan 6
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I stopped using Firefox years ago. It is a total resource pig—or at least it is on MacOS. Anytime there was any memory pressure and I turned on the Activity Monitor to check the cause, it was Firefox 19 times out of 20.

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That would be 95% of the time.

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I was about to write 95% and then I switched at the last second. I am not even sure why 🤣

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That would make sense!

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I will probably build a Linux machine at some point

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Jan 6
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Yeah, Ff was great, especially in the early days. Now, I am all Brave, and it has been working well.

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Taki's estimate is a bit off by 20 million! LOL!

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