Ukraine plane LOL. Beefeaters ! The best probably, highway to hell by Bill and Melinda Gates. Great prognose for Greta too. Schools. Absolutely. Need to forward this to some people ! Thanks for laughingly telling the truth !

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Memes may be the sixth revolution in human communication!

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I don't recognise the lady at the top of the set wearing the McDonald's uniform. Who dat?

While I appreciate the information coming out, I am not noticing any long lists of indictments going in. It seems to be essential that there be costs to the leadership of the District of Corruption for violating laws, constitutional provisions, and human decency. Yes, it is wonderful to see videos today of people with little banker boxes of what we presume is their personal gear leaving the USAID offices. But firing a million of the 4.3 million civilian and military personnel on payroll isn't going to "drain the swamp." It was one of the finest things Trump said in the 2016 election that Hillary would be jailed. I feel like we're all gonna look like the Greta pic before we see any of the Clintons get indicted, let alone imprisoned.

Thank you for the choice selection of memes. Good stuff. I do think there is room in the world for a meme version of the bumper sticker I first saw in 1999 near the Kountry Korner Kafe in rural Texas: "Seven days without beef make one weak." Yes, I did advert on the initials of that restaurant at the time. Probably why they didn't have a beer and wine licence, huh? Austin is sleazy with commies imo

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The person in the picture is the repellent Joy Reid, who just lost her TV show.

I don’t presume to predict what Trump et al will do. But maybe they are ramping up to prosecutions later…

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I don't know Joy Reid. I don't watch television. Losing a television show sounds like carelessness. I'm not sure I would want a careless person to serve me at a restaurant. Was her show about food service? Is she qualified to be a counter person at McDonald's? So many questions arise.

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I do not watch TV news at all. But info occasionally filters in. She is a hate-filled statist leftist racist who had a show on MSNBC, I believe. And now, from what I've heard, she's dragged her slavering followers here to Substack.

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Gosh MSNBC. What does that mean? Massively Socialist Nasty Bloody Communism?

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Gotta be a hoodrat that’s been kicked off of welfare.

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Nice set You have there! LOL! Yes, that one meme is funny even if it suggests CO2 is bad. CO2, as You know, is the live-giving gas and the death cult wants Us to hate it.

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I will exhale it with pride!

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🤗 💜 🤗 As Will I, knowing I am helping a struggling plant somewhere!

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Strange how so many Twilight Zone episodes are still relevant today. I am sending a check to Zalensky so he can fuel his plane and start it up and head for Miami where he has a $50 million mansion awaiting courtesy of the American taxpayer who just happens to be the kindest beast on the planet...we fund EVERYTHING!

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Think he’ll let any of us hang out at his mansion?

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Surely I can’t be the only one to catch this! 😁

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You mean on the DOGE meme?

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Yep … guess you caught it too! 🙂

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Yup 😁

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So completely unhinged.

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That’s it. I’m selling my McDonalds stock.

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Where she always belonged.

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Get rid of that nasty pile of steaming excrement

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I've heard she's dragged her 30,000 acolytes here to Substack…

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This person looks vaguely familiar to me. Probably because I only go there in the morning before coffee.

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I do not watch any television news ever. I allow a certain amount of information into a section of my brain, and that is where knowledge of this person's identity resides.

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It's theater for sure, but demented theater. At least memes can make you chuckle about it.

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Memes are a magical weapon in the war of ideas.

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I wouldn’t want her near my French fries!

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There were some gems in this one😝

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Thanks, I can use some of these!

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How dare you steal the memes I stole.

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Comrade! We shall all share in the memes of production!

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Many of them are very funny and True!

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