Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

Beautifully expressed in a form anyone should be able to understand Christopher. I remember so vividly the day I realized the truth about this fraud and how enraged I was. It was one of the reasons I got off the grid 22 years ago and went to a strict self employed cash only basis. I am 80 and to this day I have not even been able to stomach applying for my social "security" "benefits" even when I had no job, no money in my pocket and not knowing where the next dollar would come from. But I knew that by getting it I would simply become a receiver of stolen money, the beneficiary so to speak of a crime against the next generation. Of course there is more, it is a way of sneakily giving you an universal government ID number, which was resisted for so long. It is in fact the inventorying of of human flesh. How despicable, and yet today most people would howl if this popular program was threatened with termination or replacement with something honest. I remember the SS card I once carried when I was ignorant had printed in red letters "Not to be used for Identification" and I notice this has been removed on all the ones printed after a certain date. Now when I am doing a crossword and the clue is a three letter word for identification..well you know what the answer is.

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Yes to all that. But then, even if you did take you SS benefits, you could easily say you were just trying to reclaim what was stolen from you. The system puts us in nothing but no-win scenarios!

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

Yes, I could say that and it was stolen from me, but two wrongs don't make a right. I should now steal from the next generation? Who am I really "reclaiming" it from Christopher. Don't get me wrong, I don't judge anyone who feels dependent and needs what they think they are owed. Taking money from criminals who you know are stealing it is okay then? The money is being thrown away in any case and I could see why some think why not help along the inevitable collapse that's coming and put it into something worthwhile. On the other hand I'd have to get a bank account and support the criminal banks who are responsible for all the wars they facilitate, and be tracked like a piece of inventory. No thanks. My notion, if you want to call it that, is that I believe there is a Higher Power that I can depend upon far more dependably than a criminal so called "government" if that is where I place my trust. So far I have felt supported and even blessed by doing that. Most of what I have now is the result not only of my own hard work, but a few miraculous windfalls that were unexpected and highly unusual and I expect there is more where that came from.

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I understand and admire the course you have taken!

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

Thank you. There are probably a number of courses that can be taken that suit particular circumstances. I just hope people will choose to take one of them. Hopefully one that is honorable, ethical and practical.

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right on.

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

You choose a great way to live into old age.

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

Being a millionaire isn't worth much.

A free flowing river of drinkable water might deliver 10 tonnes per second.

If water costs 0.1 pence per litre, then it's £1 per tonne. So the river is worth £10 per second.

If you bathe in the river for an hour, you have used £36,000 worth of water.

Do that every day for 20 years and you've spent £260,000,000.

A tiny 1 square kilometre forest absorbs about 300 MW of energy from the sun, for about 12 hours a day. A MWh is worth £250.

So the forest is accruing £900,000 every day.

If the forest lasts 20 years, it has made £6,570,000,000.

Industrialisation has made everyone poor not rich.

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Interesting viewing everything in terms of energy accounting tokens... I aim to remove that psychopath-promoting tool...

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

I left my patriotic Crack pipe at home 🏡. Great essay christopher.

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Me too. Thanks!

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I am 67 and was forced to get "early retirement," being taken off the disability I finally received (after 15+ years) and had been on for 1 year, and discovered that I did not get 1/2 a studio apartment's rent. I presently am homeless. And though the Social "Security" is a full scam, what's even more infuriating is that I am already a multimillionaire.

And so are You. And everyOne on Our planet.

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

I work to effectively return to Us what has been stolen from Us and We made slaves to the thieves.

A Better Economic System (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/A-Better-Economic-System:2

And though I don't speak of morals but rather, Ethics, I agree with You 100%.

Morality and Ethics (8 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/morality-and-ethics:e?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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It is infuriating indeed!

Your social security does not even cover rent? Do you live in an expensive area?

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I'm out on Long Island, crashing on a friend's studio apartment floor. And rents are higher than some places, but what I get barely covers food, so... Would not be able to pay rent and eat virtually anywhere - unless maybe I figure out how to move to Mexico... LOL!

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That is tough!!

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It is what it is. LOL! I focus on co-creating vastly better - for Humanity, not just Me. [smile]

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Aug 30Liked by Christopher Cook

“Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the rest of the “entitlements” system are going to destroy the economy of the United States. It is not an if; it is a when.”


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Just have to be ready when it goes kerflooey.

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Aug 30Liked by Christopher Cook


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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

As always Christopher you drop knowledge on me that I never had, even in my ripe old 50's. The social security thing is criminal, but then again, what do they do that isn't?

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"What do they do that isn't [criminal]?"

—Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Exactly jack.point.squat.

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My education of constitutional matters is so old and dusty now, and out of my care that I am no longer certain, but doesn't voting (I don't play) purportedly select your members of congress that will Represent YOU? Are you not consenting to him the authority to act on your behalf? If so, have you not consented to some of the nastiest things above that you claim have NOT been consented to?

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Seems like a reason not to vote, doesn't it?

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Among several others, yes.

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Feel free to enumerate them. If there any I haven't thought of, I will add them to the list! 🤣

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I offered a bit above to DSKlauser...

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Not only all that, but You have to REGISTER to vote, and... Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

The for-profit corporation (since 1871), USA Inc., appoints its officers, holds "elections" to maintain the illusion We have a say, "counts" the "votes," and tells U who "won" (who They appointed).

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The good news. Yes, most Americans will retire as millionaires.

The bad news. The price of a loaf of bread will be one million dollars.

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That is definitely bad news.

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

I've gone from wanting to be wealthy, which is what I was taught since birth, to the complete opposite end of the spectrum. I want as close to zero dollars as possible. I only keep enough around to pay bills and taxes and buy what I need. Now I am wealthy in spirit, time and physical assets.

Money is not the only measurement of wealth.

<bankers rant>Keep a bare minimum in your bank account - it's not like it's drawing any meaningful interest. By pulling money from large banks, we hurt them ten fold! They can only lend 10X what they have (legally anyway, they've been busted lending more). Find a local credit union that loans most of it's money to local businesses. You'll get better interest rates and help your local economy. It's a no-brainer win-win-win move! Kick them where it hurts! Do it today! </bankers rant>

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I want to put nearly all our money into hard assets. But this is a two-vote democracy at the moment, and mine is but one. We will reach consensus eventually—hopefully before it is too late.

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

That’s my mom & dads story too..hope y’all can all figure it out.

IMHO, the man is the head of the household. I’ll probably get an earful for saying as such, but Bible..

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I get it!!

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

LOL Took you a bit o time there Mr. Cook

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

The investment geniuses want you to save up 2-3 million for retirement. They say you can't retire without a few million buckaroos. I often wondered what I would need a million bucks for at retirement. What they don't tell you is that you might spend that million during the last few years of your life trying to stay alive.

That money you saved is almost exclusively meant for the medical honchos to steal and fund their retirement plans. You don't need a whole lot of money to retire if you start out being in decent health and have few debts.

Do I want to live another 25 years to 100? No. I am sure gates and the boys have other plans for us oldsters. But not without one heck of a fight, billy boy.

Another well thought out post, Mr. Cook.

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"Never give in. Never give in. Never never never never."

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Aug 29Liked by Christopher Cook

That painting says it all.

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It suddenly popped into my head that that was the image to use!

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Christopher Cook

I’d love to retire all millionaires currently in power to let us get on with our thing, ideally.

(Kudos on your choice of Goya! I haven’t read the piece yet, this is just in passing.)

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Thanks, and same here!!

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Aug 30Liked by Christopher Cook

Placing my life gods hands🐾💚

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Aug 30Liked by Christopher Cook

Saturn eating his child

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Aug 30Liked by Christopher Cook


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The next decades in Europe with an aging population will be very interesting. How long can the burden on young people keep increasing in size?

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It's all gonna come crashing down. We just have to be ready.

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