21 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

They "planet-based diet" typo is amusing. Accounts for some of the obesity epidemic, I'm sure.

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Oops, thank you for calling out the typo. Fixed!

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Lol. Yes, it works either way.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Thanks christopher for all you're hard work it is much appreciated.

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Thank you for your steadfastness and support!

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21 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

One woman wrote that caveman got 4/5 of their nutrition from the vegetables that women gathered. Everybody started quoting that whenever they made comments about nutrition. It turned out to be completely false. Another way to disparage men who actually kept us all alive with the calories from meat 🥩

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People do this all the time. Remember the study 40 years ago (roughly) that said that 1 in ten people had a homosexual orientation. The study was utter garbage, but everyone ran with it for 30 of those 40 years as if it were fact.

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I surely remember that. Though My experience suggested a much lower percentage... Haha!

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Yeah. The real percentage is much lower!

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Indeed. When I look out at the “transgender movement,” and know that it was not long ago that about 0.003% of People wanted to hack and slash Their bodies to resemble the opposite gender, it becomes clear that there was zero organic in what We see today.

Money sure does buy some propaganda, eh?

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22 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Vegan is the Lakota word for bad hunter.

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🤣 😁 🤣 😁 🤣

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Love this one!

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22 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Vegan ribs are delish, but sure is hard to catch those vegans 🤦🏼‍♀️😁🤣🤣🤣

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🤣 😁 🤣 😁 🤣

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18 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

My daughter, now 29 has been vegan for the last 7 years. I’m worried sick. We can’t even talk about it because she gets so aggressive if I try to tell her that she should take some supplements like iron, iodine and vit. D. She has very bad body odour, meloplasma on her face, very unstable mood.

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I hope that she is able eventually to see the light through the fog. I have known many people like your daughter. Sending good vibes your way.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Have you ever thought of the idea that they're not getting it wrong, but doing it deliberately?

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Indeed, that was My point in My comment. They are surely doing it apurpose.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Just another data point. (hopefully not in the wall)

As for «left’s weird obsession with soy», it probably stems from several sources:

- left's fascination with [mostly cartoon image of] Oriental despotism;

- the simple fact that soy and the left were spreading rapidly at about the same time and thus became associated as «progressive»;

- it being perceived as Malthusian inevitability.

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Interesting. Could soy’s testosterone-reducing effect be (subconsciously) involved as well?

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soy was the first experimentation, 50's & 60's. all through the years the scientists actually involved in the work repeatedly caution & say we dont know what will happen. lefties as u call them had been the primary movements opposing the genetic modification of organisms which is different than genetic engineering or hybrid.

As the results have poured in through the decades they are ignored, poo-poohed, confused, basically forgotten or obscured by all sectors. such as phyto estrogens & all the ither associated & subsequent changes to the human body.

then, as seen now, soy & beets become good & healthy for you, superfoods even. nah, no ty.

Eisenhower warned us of military INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. JFK told us what sectors that comprised. LBJ told us where they were & he couldn't/wouldn't fight them.

these are not separate "big" complexes, but one.

it is funny how many "lefties" ended up shifting right since 2020, not by their choice but by being told by govt we were enemies. i will not ever forget the calls for my death, imprisonment along with MAGA & others calling for election reform.

my point is this topic, like so many others, now cannot truly be labeled as leftie. all of us have been pawns, especially when it came to food. the agenda is loyal to none but itself. we adapt, evolve or die.

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I am hearing you.

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safe travels. i hope you are hearing more than my fear & anger...not ever directed toward you. i dont like labels but I have loved learning the old original ideologies as you have explained them. ty

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Well said, Anne. When you know, you know.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

That thought did occur to me. A big plus for their depop agenda is the fact that like GMO corn it is grown with lots of glyphosate and even organic, if not fermented, it has some toxic qualities. Not a healthy combination.

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I hear people talk about going to Europe and eating the bread and not getting sick the way they do here…

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our bread is so unhealthy, some is sprayed with Roundup to dry it out for harvest, most has potassium bromate which is carcinogenic, body takes it up in place of iodine, is toxic https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9898660/

some has HFC, major cause of diabetes, bleached flour but even so called whole wheat is mixed with bleached and "enriched" with cheap lab produced vitamins which do more harm than good, use wheat strains that are high in lectins and gluten...I could go on. Shoot, I will go on a bit...high in preservatives like calcium proprionate, potassium sorbate, dough conditioners like azocarbonamide which is banned in Australia and many European countries, Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Monoglycerides which the FDA says is safe, but rat tests showed that it caused heart muscle fibrosis, and adrenal overgrowth. Not to speak of the fact that empty carbs add to the blood sugar problems that plague many Americans. I guess that's enough for now.

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Nonsensical partisanship, again.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

No rush, my friend, please don't stress cuz that ain't good for you. We got your back and want you to work at your own pace. You are deeply appreciated and will be here for you. Now take a deep breath, sit back and stay focused on your own life. Be good to YOU and nobody else. Prayers. 🙏👍🌞💪☮

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T H A N K Y O U 🙏🩷🩵💜🙏

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Why not do something fun - change your profile pic to a more whimsical yet prfound image? That would be cool! Loosen up your faceplates, Christopher, you'll live a longer, happier life.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

I am not in a hurry to get to the "good part." I am enjoying the insights of your book Christopher and I know that a basis or foundation must be provided before any major project or enterprise can be successful and lasting. Keep it coming!

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Thank you, Hat. That helps me to hear.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

I would up upvote this, except for you and other's INSISTENCE of blaming "the left" for EVERYTHING! What's the matter with being more honest? Do you Not Know that PsyOps are conducted by nonpartisans?

You and other's continue beating these drums because you have deep seated ideology that you can't bring under control. I ask you to investigate FIRST the ideologies of the Companies that bribed the FDA, as well as ALL the perpetrators of such deceits. I believe you'll find that the criminals are really just plain old GREEDY BASTARDS. Neoliberals come in every flavor, for crying out loud.

I can't trust information from sources that are IDEOLOGICAL like yours. I believe you are sincere in your FACT checking, but you let your hatred get in the way. Are you reporting what the "Rightests" have done or are doing? I can't trust that you are. Maybe your reporting is simply to smear "Leftists" and blame "Leftists" for ALL the wrongs of the world. Is that your AGENDA?

The Deep State is mostly the CIA with other branches participating purged during the Bush jr administration by Dick Cheney, a unarguably "Rightest". Do you ignore that because you'd rather blame EVERYTHING on "Leftists". The assassination attempts on Trump are being done by the Deep State, I believe. The Deep State is NEITHER Democratic nor Republican and you should know this. The Deep State is a State that will function under and control any administration administration. It's mission is Non-Partisan. Can you wrap your head around that?

Non-Partisan bad actors are the problem. Right or Left doesn't really come into play as to anything is factual or not.

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I suggest that the Ones who did the bribing are psychopaths aiming to make Us sick and weak - and dead, based on the plannedemic They created and the jabs They told Us were "safe and effective" against unicorns..er...viruses.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Exactly. Fauci, who works under any administration (deep state?) worked with and got US funding to that Wuhan lab for, is the term ‘gain’ development(?) and that is where this weapon escaped from. The ‘gain’ experimentation is supposed to be about changing a substance or virus, bacteria, etc. enough to be used for other purposes.

Darn, Jim Jordan asked him specifically about this in a Congressional interrogation, but I can't remember the term.

Of course, at the time I was still under the mass hypnosis of our government and I thought it was nonsense and theater.

Ah huh! Here it is: Gain-of-function research is more than just tweaking risky viruses.

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Uh... There was no weapon "escaping." No such things as viruses or contagion... The bioweapon was the jab. GOF was used as a scare tactic.

There was a 5G wave of deaths in a few major cities, New York being one. But beyond that, there were no deaths in 2020 beyond normal.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Totally agree - all political parties labels are defunct... they are all in thrall to the public-private partnership diktat and the Agenda

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Humans are omnivores. If we were meant to be vegan we'd have GI tracts like horses or cows.

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Yup! So it makes sense that our bodies would want animal fat and protein, and might make us sick if we don’t get it.

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Again, I bring up something I would address in Your work:

"Government. The left. Corrupt scientists. Is there anything they don’t get wrong?"

They don't "get it wrong." They know full well what They are doing. The Ones who own the governments are the same Ones who are behind the plannedemic and the toxic and deadly jabs.

They have been sickening Us for many decades. "The left" is one of Their wings. They use it for some purposes. "The right" is used for other purposes." And yeah, They pay "scientist" to say what They want the "scientists" to say....

And the tool - money - gives Them the power, as I point out often. Haha!

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

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Bingo and 100%

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We are carnivores, we need meat protein. If you think being vegan is healthy????

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I really enjoy eating meat, and it seems pretty clear that we evolved to do so.

It sometimes seems sad to think that we have to kill other beings to eat. But then, that is the planet we live on. And even plants know that they are being eaten, and they don’t like it.

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Circle of life, and all that. If one is honest and thinks about these matters, it is inevitable to conclude that we, humans, are the only animal that is actually "humane". We nearly always, for example, kill our prey prior to eating. All other animals tend to kill their prey *by* eating them. Only when the prey is too big and strong do they bother to kill it first. We are much nicer.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Christopher Cook

Eyes in front = meat eater. Basic biology.

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Yeah. Omnivore at very least!

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I'm vegan because (1) I don't like animals being slaughtered and (2) I don't like animals being tortured from birth to slaughter in appalling, unsanitary conditions, pumped full of chemicals and antibiotics.

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I understand.

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