Dec 18, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

I have heard of Rothbard but I haven't read his writings, and probably, after reading that one section, never will. Comparatively, I guess I'm a lightweight critical thinker. Careening off the rails is an understatement.

I am a big proponent of principles, but find myself living in a world without any. Sadly, I find myself in a personal dilemma with my two oldest grandchildren that has changed the dynamics of the holiday season for us. Without going into all the sordid details, the traditional Christmas has ended because both have crossed the line of civility for my husband and me. We can no longer go along to get along. After a period of angst, I have come to terms with our decision and am at peace with it. Fortunately, my daughter understands and has accepted our decision to bow out. We will celebrate with her and my youngest grandson the day after Christmas. The compromise that we can live with is sending the two older ones a card with some money. I still love them, but I can't be around them unless they make amends for their past behavior, but I have no expectations. I'm still unsure if this is the correct course of action, but I think it's one I can bear. I am trying to send the message that we are held accountable for our actions. At least, that's how it happens in my world.

I found this article particularly thought provoking for me personally. It made me quite aware that what I consider as principles universally shared are no longer a given.

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deletedDec 19, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook
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