Everybody that really understand self-ownership and personal responsibility must either go steps towards greater freedom (however they may look like) or shut the hell up. You can either take direct action (in whatever way you wanna do this) or complain all day long. Here, spreading the word and teaching principles of liberty are also steps towards achieving more freedom (in my opinion), but if somebody is just complaining all day long, they don’t live by principles of liberty.

I’m very interested in where this story will lead us!

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Well said. And one type of doing nothing is the "we should have a revolution" emote. I expect that hear a fair amount of that in the weeks to come.

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Oh yeah, fun times ahead. 🙄

Although one has to recognize that fact that some of the "we should have a revolution" folks actually did take some action last time. That was far from a revolution (and I am not commenting on who started this and why), but the taking-action aspect was present.

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To which revolution are you referring?

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The January-6 "uprising" or whatever you wanna call it.

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Ah yes. But what did it get them?

There is a decent argument to be made that violence is exactly what our oppressors want—so they have the excuse the need to crack down. (Isn’t there some Buckminster Fuller quote about that?) The J6ers have our sympathy and they have inspired our righteous rage on their behalf. And they raised our consciousness to the fact that our government is just as totalitarian (in some ways) as the Soviets or Chinese. But other than that, it did not do much good…especially for them!

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Definitely. It was an odd event and didn't achieve anything, but, in my opinion, we can acknowledge that the people involved at least took action (in a strange way).

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The "Harry Browne route" is a philosophy that I have held since I realized, way back in high school, that we live in an unfree world. It's a little bit hard to articulate but it can be felt. I call it the "No Exit" philosophy; since there is no exit from the system, the only escape is internal, through adjusting our own mindset to recognize that we are each sovereign individuals.

It is, I admit, a bit easier said than done.

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I think that route has got to be a part of it. But I also believe we can and should work towards being able to be free in our own homes, on our own land. It's going to take some time!

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Perfect breakdown overview Christopher! My first reaction was no negations with the Predator Parasite Psychotics System. But I know a bit about and knew some of them the Hutterites in MT and SD as well as the Amish and Mennonites in many places such as PA, NY, MI and ON and they have done amazingly well being mostly outside the System, though the System rears its ugly head from time to time. Maybe it is a 2 or 3 step process.

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I am quickly realizing that some small number of people are going to reject any approach that does not call for immediate bloody revolution. Rather short-sighted. I understand the anger, and even the desire to express that anger aloud. But it serves no purpose other than as an emotive release. It does not actually launch a revolution. All it does is send a message to fedposters: “Watch this guy.”

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I believe you are right. I have tried the last 40 years to utilize Marcus Aurelius Stoic Philosophy to bypass the emotions when making decisions and living life. Works well when I do, which is usually, though sometimes I don't utilize it and usually end up making make bad decisions based on emotions. Emotions are very controlling.

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Yes. And we all have these emotions. But we have to think before we act.

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No debate with evil

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I understand that sentiment very well.

But then what's your plan?

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Wake people up.

I'm not USA based.

I'm in Ireland, and we're fucked.

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I have been paying some attention to the situation in Ireland, and I am so sorry. 😞

It seems pretty clear what the goal is—in Ireland, in Sweden, in Denmark, and everywhere else in the West: population replacement and mayhem. The agenda seems to be coming not from our national capitals, but from Davos or some other such place filled with globalist devils.

Waking people up is definitely an important part of the plan.

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Davos, Geneva, Turtle Bay, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, implementation is open in Agenda 2030.

Remember that Agenda 21 culminated in mass worldwide lockdown.

IOM.int is part of the UN and calls for REGULAR mass migration as its strategic goal.

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Virtually every government in the West is not only useless in stopping it, but in on it.

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The only time you can negotiate with anyone is if they have proven over time to be completely honest and worthy of your trust. That precept eliminates government from any consideration.

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That is a strong point. But are they always faithless? Yes, what is given by one government another may take away. But negotiation still can buy time…

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We are so in sync is crazy man, I will upgrade to paid suscriber as soon as I get payed because there are many old post that I would like to read.

Now, I'm exploring this path you lay out: "Look for legal loopholes in our respective countries—some way to use their own laws to remove ourselves from their jurisdictions?"

I found in the peruvian constitution a somewhat obscure and never used article to give people the right to insurrect in defense of the Constitutional order (art.46). It's not explicit HOW to do it, but it's there. So I was thinking about "institutional secession" as a sort of Fork to the goverment but very specifically, from the Congress. But the thing is... The Congress has taken over the Constitutional Court... Any demand that comes that way if it's against the politicians insterest, gets deleted. We can't count on them for something as radical as this... So to whom we could talk to? The UN? To whom do we have to go and denounce this tyrany?

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"We are so in sync is crazy man, I will upgrade to paid suscriber as soon as I get payed because there are many old post that I would like to read."

—I appreciate that very much. I will keep doing my best to help us find our way forward.

"So to whom we could talk to? The UN? To whom do we have to go and denounce this tyrany?"

—The U.N. is part of the tyranny. I guess my first question is this: to what extent do other Peruvians share your views?

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Exactly. That's where I get stuck. What I'm planning then is to go to the people. We are currently going through the worst crisis on defense and people are being shot on schoold and the streets because politicians changed the law in a way that they can't be prosecuted giving certain freedom to this criminal gangs a gap to explote. This country is waking up to the realization that even the police isn't trustworthy. We had a great Anarchist back in the day. Gonzales Prada... he said: "Peruvians are anarchist without knowing it. The profess the doctrine but get scared with the name". This country is waking up man, big time change is coming. Those politicians are just too stupid, prideful and corrupt to back down on what they did. The next French revolution might erupt here if I don't manage to create the software required to empower the people

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This phenomenon whereby the political officials empower criminal gangs to terrorize the law-abiding people is a common enough tactic. It is happening more and more throughout the world. In some places, they use high levels of immigration of criminal elements to do it. (Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, etc.) it sounds like they are using gangs to do it in Peru. In the U.S., they are doing both: heavy immigration, plus “bail reform” and policies promulgated by Soros-appointed justice officials—both of which are calibrated to increase crime without seeming like their goal is to increase crime.

One writer described this phenomenon as “anarcho-tyranny”—where a government increases its own power, or serves some other nefarious aim, by using/allowing criminals to terrorize good people.

I understand the impulse to want to fix Peru (or the United States, or any other country) as a whole unit. But that may not be possible. Secession and forming smaller polities or free/autonomous regions may be the only viable option…

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This is a big and diverse country as we’ve discussed before. Baby steps might be a better path - amend the Constitution to reflect the intent of the Articles of the Confederation - and have no [federal] President or Supreme Court. Surely these last several months with Biden only proves that we don’t need a President!

And then let the states decide how to run each sovereign state - baby steps -


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Oh, but also, please keep in mind that ultimately, I am not calling/hoping for some sort of change to “the country” of America or any other. I do not want to force anything on anyone. Just as I don’t want anything forced upon me. Granted, that does mean at least a partial change in countries as we know them—they would have to let some of us “go” (for lack of a better term). But I am not looking to impose systemic change on anyone. Just looking to change the fact that the system is imposed upon me and anyone else who does not wish it so.

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I would certainly be happier to live under the AoC than the Constitution. But I see zero prospect of using the system to change the system to that degree. I mean heck—we couldn't get one lousy balanced budget amendment through.

But I certainly do not begrudge anyone trying. It's just not the way for me.

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UCT has used their own rules of International law and convention against them. Therefore there is nothing they can do legally or lawfully to prevent nations within UCT jurisdiction forming communities. This is the reason the state and common purpose simply will not mention us, like we don't exist.

In this link, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office could not even give a 'yes' or a 'no' as to whether they received the Treaty in 2012 😂 https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/treaty_of_universal_community_tr

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I am about 2/3rds of the way through the MOB video you sent me. Exciting stuff!

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Some Beasts can not be negotiated with. They must be SLAIN.

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I understand why you feel that way. I really do.

But that isn't really a plan. It's just an expression of our feelings.

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it can only begin with the individual reclaiming & acting in that which encompasses several paths you detailed. as far as negotiations, what is granted/given can be taken. one must be aware of all and keep that in mind in going forward. new world order, one world govt, whole world, whole of society is in full swing and implementation. the secretary general of the UN has issued the call to hurry up the implementation of cbdc. we are part of nato and their defensive plans & handbook, written by US, with specific parts for the citizen participation & prep. that been passed out to you? been part of the current govt prep campaign commercials? this is a battle for hearts & minds not bodies. the more of us that reclaim our own mind & heart and truly live it the more we gain.

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Yes, whatever is granted can be taken away. Negotiations, then, cannot be the whole plan.

I have not received any handbooks, and I do not watch any campaign commercials, so I have not seen the things to which you refer.

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since i landed here i get 3 channels & have noticed the commercials about having a plan. i read org websites & saw an interview where the whole world, whole of society approach was mentioned (that was new to me) so i went looking. found the nato defense strategy handbook. for those interested https://www.nshq.nato.int/Library/DownloadFile/e8a86ab2-cbf4-900e-3fcc-c3daa451c067

& the un headline about the cbdc. i didn't read that. the bottom line is talking about & implementing the thinking. our "govt" is.

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Let us do our best to outthink, outplan, and outmaneuver the bad guys.

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Only as a tactical diversion.

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But if the real strategy is violence….as much as our oppressors may deserve it, I am not sure exactly how that could actually work, even if we were willing to accept all the moral consequences.

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Rule one in war,


Rule two,

Distraction .

Deceive the enemy regarding your intentions.

Distract the enemy from your actions.

Force the enemy to respond to the unexpected.

Regardless , you interfere with their plans, and achieve the initiative.

Whether the action is violent or nonviolent, maintenance of initiative is critical.

Not to mention, if successful, the enemy is forced to expend resources upon non-existent actions/ intentions.

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I had not given that aspect any thought, really. I will now.

I hope you will be able to help me consider possibilities in the coming weeks!

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Hi, Christopher! What about native American reservations? Aren’t they, in theory, self-governing enclaves?

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I am not an expert on reservations, but no, I do not think so.

The are independent from the state government, and they have some ability to government internally. But they are also subject to the control of Congress and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Starting in 1970, the U.S. government sterilized, without knowledge or consent, 70,000 Indian women—close to one in four. I suspect that that if they were truly self-governing, they would not have chosen that.

They also don't really properly own their own land. They have usufruct—they can use it and live on it, but they cannot transfer or alienate it. (That is a recipe for disaster. Humans are a lot less likely to care about property when they do not own it, and cannot pass real ownership to their kids.)

An analogy occurs to me: A parent telling a child, "This is my house, and my rules, but you are allowed to do what you want in your own bedroom…unless I tell you otherwise." That, it strikes me, is a decent metaphor for the degree of self-governance that Indians enjoy.

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The Revolution is already in process in case you're not paying attention. Just ask General Michael Flynn who told US that we are NOT going to allow liberal leftists or republican RINOs to have the Civil War the UNIPARTY wants, that we would be having a Revolution instead. Perhaps it is and will continue to be mostly peaceful like the Summer of Love was in 2020. The steeple who condone modern liberal blue haired mentality and Crimes Against Humanity truly disgust me.

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I have heard that Flynn is at the head of a white hat army, with a fleet of ships, ready to act. I have always been highly skeptical of that assertion. It has struck me the same way that Q ended up striking me—as a planted false seed of hope, to keep us calm. To keep us believing in a hope that was always right around the corner.

But what you're saying seems maybe somewhat different than that (??). That there will be some sort of peaceful revolution? Do you have any details as to how this will come about?

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It will likely come in the form of Election Observers who were either prohibited in 2020 by democRAT strongholds through community action. A friend of mine in the next county told me of Election Observer Classes there as one example. Conservatives are by no means going to allow the status quo to continue after over 100 members of Congress' reports on Voter Fraud fell on deaf ears while 388 Traitors signed US up for the last 4 years of Mandated Experimental vaccinations and within 6 months of traitor joe coming into office creating energy dependence leading to 4X Gasoline prices in Northern Illinois in 2021. Today we are at 2.6X Gasoline prices of December 2020. We have had our fill of Shear Traitors in charge. #DeliverTheOriginal11ToTheICCnow

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I do believe they cheated last time. (In fact, the Democrats have been cheating since Tammany Hall.) And if you gave me a completely binary choice of living in a country with Trump or Harris (or Biden or Obama or whoever) as president, I would pick Trump.

That being said, I do not hold out much hope that

A) a president Trump would be willing and able to take the actions required to properly punish all those who are truly oppressing us,

b) anything substantive can be fixed in any democratic system, be it parliamentary, constitutional republic, etc.

Thus, while I would prefer for the things you describe to be handled, I do not believe they can be or will be. And any marginal changes that are made will be just that—marginal.

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If we permit it, it will come to pass. If we Demand it. It will come to pass.

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Stop liking your own posts! And as for negotiating? Do you negotiate with a PARASITE? Or do you KILL it? I see NO WAY OUT OF THIS MESS without some major nastiness on the horizon.

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Are you talking to me? I do not like my own posts. I do not see any instances of my having done so, and any such instance would be an anomaly, as even a cursory examination of my posts and comments would easily reveal.

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A satisfying thought emotionally, given our condition of oppression.

But is that really the best plan?

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Indeed. That is just what I am trying to do!

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