Feb 23·edited Feb 24Liked by Christopher Cook

I have a customer that owns a huge gym and health center in the town I live. I’ve done all the carpentry/contracting there for almost 40 years. His manager is a brilliant Jewish guy who’s helped me here and there with minor tech issues, we are friends. I was working at his house in Canton Mass and we got into a bit of a heated conversation to say the least about the president forcing the vaccine, masks, social distancing etc… Eventually he said because I’m unvaxed I should be locked in my house and not allowed out period. I told Steve that my father volunteered to go to Germany, risk his life, to help free his ancestors from the same type of totalitarian bullshit he was pushing on me. I told him my father was shot in the back by a Nazi that had similar ideas to his and that my father had a lung ripped out of him after being shipped to England on his death bed. I mentioned that my father died when I was 20 mainly due to the hell he went through in the battle of the bulge etc saving his friggen relatives. I told Steve I will never comply to his Nazi thoughts of locking people up for not taking a shot that I don’t believe in. I also said back in Nazi Germany they would inject Jews with different chemicals to see what would happen and that this created the Nuremberg Codes one being informed consent. This they decided was essential to all. Steve was dumb founded and never brought anything related up about it again. J.Goodrich

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

I've come to the conclusion that people who wear masks (in their car for instance) like to be hidden.

Kind of like the people who throw punches online in forums and commentary who don't even have a picture of themselves showing. It empowers them, because they are basically cowards.

Now, I give a broad stroke to older people in Walmart who still mask up because they really don't want to get sick, and if the mask has even the slightest possibility of helping them avoid it, they are all in. And they're not expecting everyone else to follow suit.

But I've always felt like our face was the centerpiece of our expression. There's a reason we have a face, and a reason why it is so expressive. Hiding my face was an absolute affront to me. I did it for a short time at the time, but I can count on one hand those instances, and it always made me sick to my stomach and angered me greatly, as well as resentment when I discovered how it was being used to normalize servitude and remove identity from us, much the same way as slaves have no identity.

I had a lot of RATM on my playlist in that time.

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I never wore a mask the whole time. Only a few chose to give me shit. I think it's cuz I'm kind of a big dude, not fat, well built. I can give a mean glance though I am very amiably and wish people would talk more, be more vibrant and alive, in public. I guess they save that for their rants behind keyboards. Not all. My wife did occasionally wear one for a bit in awkward situations. She soon quit though and we did our thing. Even the folks I know who knew, a couple tough dudes included, still just wore it. I would tell them to join me, that we needed mass resistance. What is a man who doesn't stand up for his ideals? He ain't a man. They took a lot of years to soften people up, make men more effeminate which naturally makes women more masculine and definitely kills the sexual vibrations! It's a nation of cucks really, with some exceptions thrown in. I'm proud I never did that shit! Ya, and RATM, they've all signed contracts, they're owned by those who impose such ludicrous things as turning the flu into the crown virus. That's what they did. If you publish numbers of daily deaths of anything the people fly into panic. We are a nation afraid of death and truth, for the most part. I kind of think most would just do it again. I sure hope not. That was an ugly, embarrassing period. Our culture was already dull and pretty lifeless, now it's almost intolerable. Ya, fat people with masks and shopping carts full of diet Mountain Dew... Reminds me of Maui Burst... More of the same. Thank you for not complying. It was very rare for me to run into others that did the same. I did have quite a few people thank me, from behind their masks, for not wearing mine. A Romanian man, who wasn't wearing a mask, came up to shake my hand in the market. He told me this shit had happened in his country and he would never go along with it. People looked at us like we were crazy. In Traitor Joe's they made me push a special cart with a white flag on it cuz I wouldn't wear a mask. I mean how stupid do we get??? This nation is a sad affair at this point. "We'll know our disinformation programs are complete when everything the American public believes is false."- William Casey. We've hit that point. Thank you for not complying. I never will to madness.

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I relate to this post. The masking thing felt like such an indignation it made me furious.

Aside from 2 hospital visits and a funeral, I did not wear masks anywhere, and of course, had some confrontations. In one instance someone at the grocery store followed me around screaming that people were dying and why didn't I care!? He was carrying a mask for me to put on. I ignored him till I had enough then turned and started walking right for him. He scampered away. The manager of the store came over and asked me to leave. I said, "Great. You operate under public accommodation laws so my lawyer will be really happy to hear you're kicking me out." (No lawyer). He then asked if I could speed it up since my - gasp - uncovered face was upsetting other shoppers.

Here's the thing that I really noticed. I didn't like being looked at as an enemy, it's not my nature to seek out attention let alone confrontation, but there was a real sense of me - more of me -coming into my body more fully during the experience and I did not walk out of that store as the same person I walked in as.

Fewer confrontations, and def less extreme ones after that and I wonder if it was the signal I was putting off. It kept people at bay.

It's uncomfortable to be seen as an outlier. But it also quickens something inside, really important. Thanks. Great Friday theme. Maybe I'll write one for next week. Thanks.

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Yeah man. I can proudly say no one forced me to put anything behind my ears either. Never wore a mask once, outside of a black bandanna on occasion. Even that bothered me, so I would take it a step further and wear a black rag, black hoodie, black shades.....lol fuck em, if I gotta be uncomfortable, so do they ❤️

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Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

Thanks for sharing Chris! I am already working on next Friday’s! So many avenues to explore with the topic of freedom, and pairing it with music??? Y’all just gave me an outlet like no other. My riders and I go deep down that path……so much good music. I hope your readers will explore Xavier Rudd beyond the two songs I linked to. His music is pure FREEDOM. ❤️👻

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I can't stand the face diaper! It was a source of conflict between me and many others.

I took a stand with a friend when the stupid vaxx passes were in effect. They put a fence up around the food court seats in the mall like a pig pen. A friend and I bought food and went through security enforcing the pass for the seating area. We sat down, started to eat when we were approached by the security guard telling us we have to leave. We refused, stated that we know our human rights and we continued eating. Security stated he had to call the police to which my friend replied "great, we would like to ask them questions". The police arrived as we were exiting the "pig pen" and we had a rational conversation. My friend had all the necessary documents saying we were within our rights to eat at the public food court. After a 10 minute conversation the officers agreed that we didn't do anything illegal and they were off. The mall security told us both we were banned from the mall for 6 months, without even knowing our names.

I have several mask stories but I don't want to type them.

It's nice to hear you stood your ground and refused to wear the face diaper when so many men wouldn't! Go Chris!

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Heck yeah :)

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Feb 24Liked by Christopher Cook

It's a fkng honor to have been featured for freedom music friday, and also ,this story is unbelievably relatable, hilarious and awesome. THIS right here... I am proud to be associated with. I love how you outlined exactly what you were going to do to Mr Wear A FKNG Mask 😆 my brain works the same way. Lord if they try again they will find out. Pretty soon you'll be writing FAFO Fridays if that happens 😂 Thank you dude!

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Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

We wore the masks the first couple days then ditched them entirely. I had a a guy come up to be in the produce department, approached from the back, mind you, I could feel his breath on my shoulder and he scolded me for not masking. I was ok with keeping my distance (although that too was stupid), but he ran across the isle to tell me I was killing people. We just felt it was mass psychosis, but it scared me that it could compell so many people to to do things like he did. Now it’s happening again…. People are masking up. Next thing you know they’ll declare another emergency and mail in voting will be the answer to prevent mass deaths from

disease X.

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Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

I’m a woman and I only wore a mask a handful of times, but then I knew the message I was sending my sons was wrong. I had one guy come up to me in an Aldi and thank me for being so brave...then I told him he could be brave too, and he looked at me like I had 2 heads. I will never comply again.

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Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

Love this!! I agree with you Never Again!! Tell me you didn't read roundhouse like Peter Griffin says it or at least thought it when you were writing it. I am not loosing to a Where's your mask bro! ❤️🔥🙏 Great choice. Let those effers know!

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Feb 23Liked by Christopher Cook

I actually walked into a few stores maskless and watched while everyone else was wearing a mask. Since I never pay attention to the mainstream news, I didn't know that the mask slavery had been reignited. No one said anything. That was in 2020 or 2021. Now, who the frick cares about what any of these medical clowns say?

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Feb 27Liked by Christopher Cook

Fun times. I get a chuckle out of walking in those shops now that was kicked out of too. I enjoyed it being so obvious I was above all these plebes.

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I remember those days, and I went about my business maskless so I empathize with you. I usually went about being the only one wearing one, and I was left alone. Juan said a grocery store and employee stash greeting every customer offering them a mask. She was polite and I explained my ADA rights so I refused her offer. The management was on top of things because she knew forcing me to wear one it was against the law.

During that whole time I only encountered two places where I experienced resistance from management. One was at a Mexican grocery store where I got into a huddle with the manager. She backed off when I gave detailed information about the federal ADA laws. The same thing happened at a Starbucks. I stayed away from most businesses which required you to wear them. I know those businesses and now I won’t go near one. Recently an owner of a beauty shop here in town sent an advertisement inviting me to her salon. I let her know why I would never step foot in her business.

I think the worst thing that happened to me as I was in a parking lot at a grocery store not wearing a mask and a friend of mine wearing a mask approached me. I let her know as she was approaching me I was not vaccinated and she saw I wasn’t wearing a mask, as if we needed to wear them outside. Anyway she turned on her heels and started making disgusting sounds showing me her dislike. Later her three times vaccinated husband suddenly died from an aggressive cancer and I saw her when the mask requirements are lifted and we gave each other a big hug. It was nice to know our relationship has been mended. A few other times I was accosted by elderly people in grocery stores for not wearing a mask.

I’m so proud of you and your wife that you stood by your convictions 🙏✨💖

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Yes!!! I felt so alone and also "empowered" by my own strength defying the masking, my soul could not - would not do this....so many times I stood there watching others (men and women) stare at me, sometimes shout, sometimes whisper under their breath, how could she not comply? At first I had anxiety, had to psych myself up to walk in somewhere, knowing I might meet confrontation or get kicked out, which did happen a few times, but I found peace over time, more inner calm....it felt surreal, where were the others? Appreciate this post!

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