Churches and castles in medieval Europe have been built by people that knew they wouldn't see the buildings' completion. Nowadays, we suffer from high time preference. We can witness this all around us. There may be quick fixes, but real solutions always take time.

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Low time preferences FTW!

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I marvel at the connection between time preferences and currencies. Deflationary = low, inflationary = high. 🔥

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It is revelatory how well you can describe the development of a civilization through the lens of time preference. Further, it is equally amazing that you hear so seldomly about this concept.

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It is both revelatory and amazing! 😉

I first learned about this concept when listening to Robert Breedlove who I’m gonna go ahead and assume you know already. And then in reading Jeff Booth’s The Price of Tomorrow. Really connected the dots for me.

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Always fun to hear how people learn about money and, as an extension, civilization through magic internet money. For me, it was The Bitcoin Standard. (And your assumption is correct.)

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The Bitcoin Standard was huge for me as well!! Great book! Have a wonderful day, David. :)

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Christopher Cook

Likewise :)

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Aug 17Liked by Christopher Cook

It's only reasonable, if your currency is inflating, to want to spend whatever money you've got before it becomes worthless. Inevitably, that will pollute your psyche in other ways. If currency is deflating (or you have some other reliable way of earning from savings), you have a direct incentive to keep your wealth parked, and that's bound to spill over to other habits.

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Absolutely! It all makes so much sense.

Inflation instigates a scarcity mindset based on a need for immediate survival.

In eras of low time preference, we build beautiful things made to last and we make art that is reflective of our abundant mindset. True renaissance periods.

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Have you read "Enemy of the State" by F. Paul Wilson?

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Aug 17Liked by Christopher Cook

No, but looking on amazon, it appears that people who have read it like it.

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I am partway through and loving it. Full-blown anacap fiction. Another good one is "Freehold" by Michael Williamson. And the Heorot trilogy by Niven/Pournelle/Barnes.

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Luckily there's groups, collectives and other organized people's who share this view and are taking steps to either reform or abandon the current system.

I personally chose abandonment of the failing society of greed and over reaching government/corporate control.

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100 percent. We need all of these experiments to keep chugging down the tracks towards FreedomTown!

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Christopher Cook

Having just finished the excellent read you recommended in an earlier post--Paul-Emile de Puydt's "Panarchy" ( https://panarchy.org/depuydt/1860.eng.html )--I'm impressed by how well you express the same spirit, in almost (updated) the same voice. In other words, cutting to the chase, articulating a baseline of freedom. Hats off! ;)

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Thank you! I will keep it rolling…

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Aug 16Liked by Christopher Cook

Thanks for the reference.

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Aug 17Liked by Christopher Cook

"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The next best time is now."

- old Chinese proverb.

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That is a wise proverb!

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Aug 16Liked by Christopher Cook

Christopher, when we see typo type errors would you like them flagged in the comments?


But it it what it is

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Yes, absolutely; thank you! Just trying to stay ahead of the wave and keep these things coming, so there are bound to be typos here and there. I really appreciate the second set of eyes!

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Every hero needs that pithy line before the destroy the complex:

“This is your power source. And feeble though it is, I can use it to blow this whole room if I see one thing that I don't like. And that includes karaoke and mimes, so take no chances.”

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I stole that from Doctor Who, Deep Breath. First Peter Capaldi episode. He’s the Doctor I identify with the most. It’s a Scottish and being a pain in the ass Capricorn thing.

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I've known more than one pain-in-the-ass Scot in my day! 🤣

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Sep 3Liked by Christopher Cook

Hey Christopher — a heads up that adding something along the lines of “Previous Chapter” “Next Chapter” at the very top of each section, and “Next Chapter” at the bottom of every section — would be helpful to the overall navigation of this quite fascinating endeavor.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Author

At the top, I have navigation to everything that came before. Will that work well enough for what is previous?

When I publish these, I do not yet have a link to the next installment, because that isn't done yet. (I am writing this particular book on the fly.) Though I can start adding links retroactively to previously published posts…

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Christopher Cook

Previous links at the top the way you have it should work for going backward just fine. You could have “Back” “Next” at the top for a simple speedy way to go quickly between published sections, but not necessary.

For continuity in reading forward/linearly, especially for those new to this particular work, a link to the next chapter at the bottom of each would definitely be beneficial.

I hear you on not having forward links for chapters as yet unpublished; I deal with that myself and usually just have “next chapter” at the bottom in regular unlinked text, and update it whenever the next one is published.

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I really ought to do it!

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Aug 18Liked by Christopher Cook

Despair gets us nowhere. 💯

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Jesus started our project. It will continue with all that believe and maybe it is the end time. For myself I look at the last generation and more than 50% are lost souls. A shame in itself.

We keep going forward with the Armour of God.i like your writings. Marvelous. Thank you.

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I will keep doing my best. Thank you, Walter.

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Aug 17Liked by Christopher Cook

I just watched this video and what Angela Small has uncovered is immense! In less than 30 minutes she unpacks a wealth of information and proof it exists on the UN’s Agenda 2030 and the land grab/property grab that is being ramped up by every city in the US. All major cities have the plan in place already and with a little digging into your major city’s planning documents you will find it. This is a must watch!


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I think if they try stuff like that, they are going to get a lot of resistance. Especially in the U.S. I am not going to watch this; I already believe that it will get that bad. But good for you for raising awareness. The more people whop know, the better!

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Aug 17Liked by Christopher Cook

Yes, I figured you wouldn’t watch it and obviously, that’s okay! The more sources I list with the same information, the more eyes will be open to believe!

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I appreciate you taking the bullet for me and so many others!

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Aug 17Liked by Christopher Cook

I live to serve!!😇

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Your service honors us. 🖖

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Aug 17Liked by Christopher Cook

In one sense there is a "quick fix": we can cast aside the fantasies and illusions pushed by the government and the media and see things as they really are. Having taken that one step, we immediately become transmitters, without even willing it and without (necessarily) standing on a soapbox, of healthy ideas. Seen from this perspective, it matters much less whether the entire process does not come to fruition within one particular person's lifetime; what matters is the energy each person radiates while here.

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Are you living inside my mind, bro? That describes much of my thinking as well.

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Aug 17Liked by Christopher Cook

Well said, let's get to it then!

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Let's get started indeed.

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The do nothing approach is what got us in this mess. I really appreciate this, as despair is such a real reaction but it will sink us like a stone. We have to process and move forward. One bite at a time, like you eat an elephant. Thank you. I've felt pretty powerless since the system has rejected me, but I have survived. So I know there is another way.

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“Eat an elephant”—how have I gone 56 years without ever hearing that expression before?

Though I don’t want to eat a poor elephant, the expression is entirely apropos. “Despair will sink us like a stone.” Well said.

And I am already encountering a little of it. Which I totally understand—the situation is FUBAR! But we can turn things around if we act!

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Well said, it is a very old expression 😂 You know you'd have to be very hungry to eat an elephant. They are majestic indeed.

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Aug 16Liked by Christopher Cook

You know I’m not pushing back against an anarchistic agenda, but being just a bit critical here because - deja vu. This is starting to remind me of the Free State project. Not saying that’s the kind of goal you have, but there is a sense of collectivism. My pronouns of choice are I & me, not us/we.

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I understand the objection. But I have questions…

Collectivism is forced. Community is chosen. Collectivism is evil. Voluntary community is good for the people who want it. I think it is pretty clear thus far that I am not advocating collectivism (and if it isn't, it will be soon). Is there verbiage in the preface or introduction to suggest otherwise?

Also, what is wrong with the Free State Project? IIUC, they are asking people voluntarily to choose to try to create overwhelming numbers in a single location. Yes, they want to use that within the system at first. I have mixed feelings about that aspect, though if they use it eventually for full secession to something anarchic, then maybe it was a reasonable temporary compromise.

But from what I am hearing, your critique of it lies elsewhere? Like with some collective aspect? Can you elaborate on that for me?

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Aug 16Liked by Christopher Cook

I would suppose that before trying to create a new world, we might disengage from the current crop of imbeciles (government) as much as possible. At least that might buy us time and stifle their plans to finally destroy us.

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I think that just might be one of the steps ;-)

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