Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by Christopher Cook

I credit this phenomenon to the Shift in Consciousness that is nascent.

As more and more people become more self-aware, one of the aspects of that self-awareness is a hard look at how one "self-identifies."

Burgeoning self-awareness offers one a review of where and how we are duplicitous. Once we gauge where we are, we also begin to see duplicity around us. And one of the biggest purveyors of duplicity is in our Government's actions.

If we identify with our Country, that becomes a problem. We must then begin the process of de-identifying with our Country if we wish to become whole and cohesive personalities.

As this becomes more widespread, queue the Government's response by censoring true information that exposes their duplicitous actions.

Where we are now is a government that is clearly lying about anything and everything, and no longer cares about those who see the truth. Only desperately trying to maintain the veil of control over those who are less self-aware, and still prone to propaganda.

For those of us who have dispelled the illusion of a righteous, caring government, we cannot move fast enough to dis-associate ourselves from that in any and every way possible.

Will it survive? Thankfully, no. We are witnessing the death throes, and it will become increasingly more ugly, and will result in great trauma for those who cling to that identity.

And it isn't going to take a century -- a decade or two at the most.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by Christopher Cook

As a Texan, I used to see us as a member of the United States. The older I've gotten, the more I desire to see Texas return to what it was in 1836: a free and independent country that could do its own thing. The United Corporation of States, which used to be the American States, is full of greed, laws meant to keep people in fear, and high taxation unless you aren't a citizen.

The government that used to be by the people, of the people, for the people, has now become by the powerful, of the powerful, for the powerful, and the common people's rights have slowly been stripped away.

It's not a matter of if communism will take over; it's a matter of when.

I think it will happen within fifteen to twenty years, if not sooner.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by Christopher Cook

In decades past we had many politicians that had seen the horrors of war. Most of the high ranking generals had been on the battlefield and or worked their way up through the ranks. Combat veterans that became politicians would avoid conflict knowing and fearing death to fellow citizens, war was a last resort. Today the majority of politicians have no clue of the horrors of war. We have parade generals like Milley who promise to notify our enemy if the commander and chief was ever to make a strike against them. He is then praised by the liberals for his treason, hard to believe. Yesterday was the 30 year anniversary of my mothers death. My two siblings that are left and I met at the cemetery to talk about the old times and our family that had been buried there. My father was a WW2 veteran and my brother was an army ranger. My fathers era showed men lining up to volunteer to go fight the enemies that had attacked us. The enemies were all nationalists that were ready to defend themselves. How the world has changed. Now it is portrayed as a computer game. Our government uses 5th generation warfare against us to create outcomes for what they want. Recruitment for a government that hates the citizen is dead. Patriots like myself look at the past. It’s hard to know what the future will bring but I still look forward and hope for positive change. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0dbJw4ZLCR1Z9xWlyQqQjIcoA

Cards my father took from a dead Nazi soldier that carried these in Germany 1945, showing their nationalism and love for country. https://share.icloud.com/photos/04d6lURg_HZK1pCg5Mc6gLVBw J.Goodrich

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Mar 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Great Topic!

Though Nationalism is far from ideal its better than the Planned One World Government in Total Control!

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Mar 31Liked by Christopher Cook

On 'north to south' migration: There may be a growing flow, or there may be more news about the same flow, or greater chatter in some circles yet no net increase in flow. Or the apparent increase owes to cognitive illusions: Once news of X crosses your radar, it seems to be everywhere (Repo Man: Plate o shrimp); and/or noticing X only recently makes it seem X is new.

Anyone today who thinks s/he can move to these areas and live the good life unmolested or free from oppression by authorities is... imperfectly informed. Nature abhors a vacuum and weak, failed, fragile, incompetent states do not create a safe space for the average Joe, whether local or expat. To the extent there is less sophisticated (state) authority within a territory, petty (state and non-state) authorities will innovate, and proliferate. States and those they tolerate keep Joe in line even more arbitrarily, brutally, messily, and with even greater impunity. Look up necklacing in Nigeria, or go back to tarring and feathering in US colonial times, and scapegoating at any point in human history. Still, the grass is always greener and Western mobility to the other side of the fence is not new. My hunch is that different folks may be talking about it more, like every four years different people talk about leaving country Y if person Z is elected). I've lived and worked in "low-resource settings" aka LMICs aka developing countries aka the third world over the course of more than three decades. Western refugees to these places are traditional, if anything.

Smaller groups in smaller areas compete more intensely for (access to) the same more-valued resources, other things being equal. I mean, sure, we can nuke nationalism and go back to clans raiding each others' crops, herds, and women, but that seems unlikely to yield a world of peace or prosperity.

In equilibrium conditions, expats in weaker-state countries have two paths to lesser molestation: tie into the top, or tie into the middle. That is, either be really wealthy and establish enclave networks that wield influence effectively to stave off those who would molest/oppress, or be really low profile and connect deeply into resilient lower-mid level networks that are highly effective and practiced in avoiding or navigating the most oppressive molestations. Ideally, either way, go as a single person and marry up or down. (Marrying into a group also accelerates an absolute essential: Become fully fluent in local languages.)

The larger gotcha is: What do we know about low-resource settings, class? They tend toward disequilibrium and volatility, instability and insecurity (physical, economic, and societal). If that's the way the West also ultimately trends over the next several decades, downstream destruction will be apocalyptic.

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Mar 28Liked by Christopher Cook

“The age of nations has passed; now if we do not wish to perish, we must set aside ancient prejudices and build the Earth”. - Teilhard de Chardin.

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Mar 28Liked by Christopher Cook

— “the inexorable arbiter and determinant of men’s businesses and attitudes and opinions.”

My sense of what the Pandemia did up in Canada and the western world

All Covidian believers identified with their tyrannical governments to take jobs,property and enjoyment of life away

Only “malcontents”

we’re attempting to stop the bureaucratic class(politicians hid behind them)from infringing further on our rights and freedoms

Two Weeks was the mantra morphing quickly into ad hominem attacks against anyone who questioned their Answer

Herd behavior at its zenith

How easy it was to scare and divide the population

How is it was to twist and control the narrative

Four years later and our Karenocracy still is in power

Vi ses


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Mar 28Liked by Christopher Cook

There is only one reason any government exists. That is to establish control of the masses by the control freaks. Government is never about freedom. It never can be.

Your only salvation while living on earth is to live on it but not be a part of it. Never attach yourself psychologically to the doings of society and mankind. That is how you are controlled and mentally in pain and distress.

That is why things are so screwed up...it's the blind leading the blind. Your task is to awaken to the true self and see the fallacy of the world around you. If you be spiritual, then you must think from spirit and not from man.

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Yes, good points. However I really believe humans can still form locally based civil society structures without oppressive nation states and murderous forms of nationalism and chauvinism. Yes there would be a need for global organizations to maintain some sort of peace, order and cooperation. I know this may sound too optimistic, however when I go to any big city I cannot help but notice the mix of cultures and peoples and how communication technology has brought differs parts of the world together. I don’t think ‘globalism’ is necessarily a negative trend, though there is always the danger of an oppressive global order run by transnational oligarchs.

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Let me get this straight. No overbearing world government, nor worldwide assemblage of overbearing national governments, could rule in a world without national borders?

So the path to decentralization and freedom from overbearing government is a world of open borders without limits on immigration?

Libertarians have always favored open borders (though they seem to be walking that back a bit now) but for reasons of international trade. Not as a way to undermine the governments of the world, I don't think. So maybe the idea in this post is something new.

But, the nations of the EU have open immigration, and that has not prevented the Brussels government from becoming overbearing and indulging in massive overregulation.

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