My final post😊. I’ve heard testicular injuries in woman’s sports are up 10,000 percent over the past 4 years.

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It's an epidemic!

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In the firearm community the leveling effect of firearms is always and persistently hammered. In preparing for real life or death scenarios, you don't have time for fantasy.

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Very true!

The great equalizer.

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My daughter is one of the “girls rule” movie fans. I let her have her delusion because the argument is useless, and I hate when she is mad at me. However, when I watch these movies with her (rarely) all I can do is roll my eyes and wonder how she can possibly buy into the lie.

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This is why truth is so important. People can be easily programmed by lies.

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God forbid she ever gets into a fight with a man. She'll find herself flat on her back and wonder how it happened.

The man won't even have to lay a hand on her, just give her a good shove.

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I hearted your comment. To be clear I am not at all saying I condone a man hitting a woman!!!!

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The lie that women are as physically strong as men removes the stigma from men hitting women, even though most men could kill a woman with a strong punch. As a woman, I would never hit an elderly person or a child, even i fthey hit me first, because I am much stronger than they are. But if women are just as strong as men, then we become fair game for men to hit. Is this what the "feminists" wanted???

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You make an excellent point!

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If you don't disabuse her of her fantasies ("I hate her being mad at me") you're leaving her vulnerable to danger. That's your job as a mother.

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Yes, I understand my responsibility. However, she’s 49. If she hasn’t changed her mindset by this time, there is nothing I can say.

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Take her to an MMA studio free trial

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If she genuinely believes that you should probably educate her quickly before she tries something dumb in real life and finds out different.

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The woman kicking ass trope is SO boring.

Can we have one cop show without a woman? I never knew there were so many female cops.

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Right. There aren't. It's all TV bullsh1t. It would have been cool to do it here and there. But now it's just the norm. As you say…BORING.

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Until we can watch shows or movies where the creator alone decides the characters’ gender and race, the left is still winning.

Check the box characters are SO boring. Hey, there’s another black female cop…

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And she is the captain of the force.

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A recent movie I watched for some dumb reason about a terror threat at an airport was beyond idiotic. Some skinny black chick managed to outsmart a trained assassin, survive a major car accident and save the day. It was absurd. I was laughing. Can’t remember name of movie.

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To get even with women kicking men’s asses on tv, we let men pretend to be women and beat their ass in sports.

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And there all lesbians

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It’s gotten SO bad that we typically scroll on by all action movies with female protagonists. I look at my husband say, “Seriously, where have all the men gone? I’m so sick of women starring in every single film.” Maybe that’s why we’re digging Tulsa King and Land Man these days. Not films, but definitely binge worthy!

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"we typically scroll on by all action movies with female protagonists."

—Yup. I just can't do it anymore. A female protagonist is fine. But this many of them isn't organic---it's agenda. So sick of it.

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What happened to Tulsa King though? The first season was so good and the second is unwatchable. It's like they fired everyone who knew what they were doing and just got 1st year film school kids to make it instead.

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I also loved Tulsa King drain 1 but I disagree on Tulsa King season two. Season 2 started out bad. Episode 2 was very bad. After that it did recover and become decent.

Aside from episodes 1 and especially 2, my biggest criticism for season 2 is it became too self aware and lost some of its vibe.

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oh ok, I stopped watching after s2ep2. I couldn’t believe how awful it was. That scene where the guy is doing his music in the sound booth at the club is possibly the worst thing I’ve ever seen on TV.

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That happened to Longmire too.

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Or a show that starts with the 'bad bitch' trope then just has the real world results of loads of really puzzled guys getting challenged by a 5'2 lady.

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Right. Or all the women are good and all the men are villains, cads, weaklings, monsters, betas, etc.

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Very true. They're just the badged prostitutes for the department, until they get the promotion and turn lesbian. A female is not who you want having the police mans back in a street fight. They are normally the worst shooters in the force and just DEI hires. - generalizing from experience.

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The trope is EXTREMELY insulting to women. It's as if the only "good" women are those who act most like stereotypical men. It's stupid.

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Good point!

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The obvious is invisible to the blind, especially the willfully blind.

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Yup. But normal people can also get tricked by propaganda and cultural tropes, so it is very helpful to spread the truth.

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I owned a bar. My sole advertising was sponsoring rec teams. After practice or a game they would come to the bar.

One team we sponsored was a top ranked BC women’s soccer team. Usually they would place second in women’s soccer in the province. And BC has a huge soccer fanbase. Lots of good men and women soccer players. Each year they would play all the bar regulars. Out of shape alcoholics. Non soccer players. There were two guys who were really good and played on top ranked mens local teams. They played on the women’s team. The out of shape alcoholics would be gasping for air after twenty minutes.

The guys won every single year. It wasn’t even a close game. 5-2 etc. and the guys had stopped scoring at half time because they were out of gas. Running all the way to the other end was too much trouble.

The women were early 20s, tip top

Shape, well coached, and had played together for years. The guys were just whoever felt like playing. No coaching etc.

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That is an even more striking example than the second video with the retired soccer players. A perfect demonstration.

I got a couple of unsubscribes after this posted, and I am pretty confident I know why. Either they were deluded by the narrative and hated hearing otherwise, or they thought I am trying to score points against women. But that is a really dumb reaction. This is not a battle-of-the-sexes thing; it's just a battle for the truth. Enough of the lies. (I will restack your comment; it is a perfect illustration.)

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Artie Lange played 1 on 1 vs an all American woman’s basketball player and he only lost 11-10. Guy was 70 pounds overweight, purposely drinking jack and cokes and probably high on heroin. The girl was 5-6 inches taller than him.

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Among the movie lie buys; I remember way way back there was a shooting caught on tape & many if not most commenting said it was fake.

Their reasoning was the victims fell down where they were instead of being slammed five, ten feet through the air wen hit by a .38 inch diameter chunk of lead.

Hey, that's what happens in the movies so it must be so!

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Or silencers just sounding like a little mouse sneezing. NOT!

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Actually not not but YES!

However with a few caveats; Silencers don't work, as far as really silencing goes, on revolvers, part of the boom slips out twix the barrel & cylinder even if a silencer's on the end of the barrel. They don't work on semiautos, some boom out back of barrel when cartridge is ejected. They don't, can't silence to mouse sneezing level any round going supersonic, -which is most (Pretty much all, except for special loads.) ammo today.

However back in the '50s when I was in college, U. of Fla., one of my housemates had a bolt action .22 fitted with a silencer. He also had some sub-sonic .22 rounds (I seem remember they were black powder, not smokeless, but I could be wrong.). One evening we took it out in the back yard, houses all around I fired it into the dirt, pssft, not even as loud as a mouse sneeze, no neighbor complaints, no lights turning on, I doubt if someone even 20 feet away could have heard the pssft let alone think a gun had fired. I admit I was quite surprised.

OK, grin, none the less you're right, in most cases a silencer only reduces the noise, it can't as in the movies make a .44 MAGs boom quieter than a vole fart.

My housemate also had a 20 gauge shot pistol I'd borrow when going swamp stomping. Point & shoot it in the general direction of a rattler or a cottonmouth and the snake pieced. A bit of recoil though, the barrel would be pointed pretty much straight up at the sky after firing.

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I am always surprised at how quiet a .22 is to begin with. Especially after firing anything bigger. A little pop, and what seems like virtually no recoil.

"the barrel would be pointed pretty much straight up at the sky after firing"

—I rented a .50 desert eagle at the range once. Maybe not pointed at the sky, but that was some kick!

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Back in the 50’s when you were in… college? Am I reading this right or is it a typo? So you’re…. At least 100 years old on substack ..????

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New Math?

As I was in college in the 1950s, that makes me somewhere around 86 (As noted by my birth certificate.) not over a hundred.

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Probably a typo…

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So this is why they are raising my monthly fee by a buck? Watching that Cobra Kai series on Netflix at least it is guy verses guy and girl verse girl, mostly. They sure have dragged that one out.

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Yes, thank God Cobra Kai got that right (because it was a fun show, especially for those of us who grew up with the Karate Kid).

I had to spar during a karate test with a female blackbelt. I was sort of mid-level at that point, and at first, I thought that I'd have to be extra wary since she's a blackbelt. But within 30 seconds, I found myself saying, "Sorry, am I hitting you too hard?" And I was not especially strong or a good fighter. The gap is just huge.

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My wife had one too many one night and wanted to drive. I followed her out and took the keys and said “nope!” She got silly and threw a punch which I simply caught with my palm. Then I spun her around and picked her up from behind and carried her into the house like a child. That’s the only time she ever pulled that crap. She knows now.

Women are tiny and they should be thankful most men instinctually want to protect them.

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Yup. And Netflix is no doubt convincing some to do things to men who do not have that instinct. Very dangerous.

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They closed out strong with the last six episodes though. This show really highlights the difference between a franchise extension created by people who love the originals, vs a franchise extension created by people who hate the originals and just see them as another vector to deliver The Message(TM).

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Well and rightly said. It was so refreshing, and the last few episodes were truly perfect.

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I’m not crying you’re crying! 🤣🤣

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Totally! Every storyline wrapped up in the most touching and GOOD way.

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Season six, 2nd episode of 2nd half of season was hilarious. That German dude told those shitlib city commissioners he was gonna decide it the old way, they were all confused, the German guy squared up with the black commissioner, who still didn’t know exactly what was going on, he then kicked the black dude in the face and knocked him out, “any more questions” I was laughing my ass off.

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This is an important subject intersection.

There's a haunting adjacent narrative to this that always gets highlighted for me when any related element comes up...

...that in communities where men expect that women can protect themselves just as easily as the men can protect themselves, women end up significantly more vulnerable and preyed upon because men think it's offensive to the women for the men to show up as protectors with greater physical strength...

...and women think that they should be able to protect themselves just as well, until they find out the physical strength differential is real; and they end up in dangerous positions they can't escape by themselves.

This has been part of my personal experience — including cases where I thought I should have been able to defend myself (you know, because the chicks on TV did) and found out I couldn't.

I've watched it unfold in many other ways in communities I've cared about, where predatory interests increasingly are able to take hold specifically because of this kind of media-inculcated somatic disconnection and disorientation in the collective body.

In many communities, men are conditioned against recognizing the shared power and relational integrity in being able to use their greater physical strength to increase physical safety for those around them who are more vulnerable; leaving predatory interests to leverage strength against those who can't get away.

And women are too often conditioned against recognizing the forms of strength and vitality that men can bring to the community body, even thinking men are not needed.

Just a few facets of how the web of wholeness and relationship and livingbeingness is broken down by manipulative influences.

I appreciate the conversation here a lot. Thank you.

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I miss female heroes who had to be clever and resourceful to out-fox their stronger male adversaries. Writers were able to showcase the non-martial strengths that women can master to level the playing field.

In comparison, this obsession with female protagonists needing to fight like men is both uninteresting and anti-feminist.

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Both very good points!

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I grew up with 2 older brothers. I never won a fight…..

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Of course. Hopefully they also protected you from bullies at school, though…

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Actually, yes. Which shocked me 🤣

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Another take on the “girls rule” topic of today’s post: I was, in my younger years, one who believed women could do anything men could do…ANYTHING. As I rediscovered my my faith in my later years (mid 40’s) it became clear to me that, as Christopher wrote, men are better at some things and women are better at other things. It is my belief, and I’m not saying it has to be yours, God created us to be a compliment to one another. More basically, men are protectors and providers and women are nurturers and care givers. That is not to say that women cannot be strong both physically and emotionally or that women cannot run companies. There are myriad endeavors women are as capable as men of doing. However, the just because you can doesn’t mean you should philosophy has to take precedence when it comes to the strength and survival of a society and culture. That is an entire additional essay that I could write but will save for another day. Suffice it to say that God had it right in His perfect design for creation. In our Babelesque desire to be God we have crewed things up.

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Well said. The ideal scenario is one in which people are free to choose. In most cases, such choices end up comporting with the basic sex-based characteristics, and that should be fine. Just as it should be fine when people make different choices.

My wife and I, for example, have reversed *some* of the normal ways, based on our personalities and aptitudes. And that should be fine, just as it is fine for others to do it their way.

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Just one example of how large numbers of people can accept (everybody knows that....) things that are completely false. Old wives tales, urban legends, socialist talking points, but not to be compared to the weird fact that some of these "woke" folk will actually argue with you about the fact that men can't get pregnant and give birth?!

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Exactly right. People can be very easily tricked and programmed, which is why the truth is so damned important!!

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Thank you. This is succinct and spot on, and your clips are perfect. America is a nation of cinematic delusions that doesn't prioritize reason, so women have believed their "equality" was physical rather than in the realm of mental reason.

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Well and rightly said.

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Just look at trans gender boxing in the last Olympic games. What happened? Reality bites!

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That trans guy broke TWO women's skulls, didn't he?

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