Jun 21Liked by Christopher Cook

This from Doug Casey: "Remember that the government doesn’t really represent the country. The government is a separate entity that has its own interests, much as a church, a corporation, or any other organization does. The problem is that the government is the only institution in society that doesn’t survive by voluntary trade and production. It survives by force, confiscating assets from the people that it rules. People have an entirely backwards view of what the government is. It’s not your friend."

One must come to see this truth and desire to outlast the tyrants. Maybe we are at the crossroads and within the next 10 years the current master-slave relationship will be busted apart and replaced, brick by brick.

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But that means people must stop believing that there is some mystical form of government that is legitimate. They must realize that that does not exist.

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Jun 27Liked by Christopher Cook

It took many decades (centuries?) to craft the belief that our government was a benign institution, that held our best interests and safety as it's top priorities. Up until recently, say after the Viet Nam war, the majority of Americans believed it. Many believe it still. It's scary to face the reality of the truth. Especially if you're invested in the lie and have too much to lose. Like it or not, Donald Trump forced a lot of people to open their eyes and now our government stands naked and shivering before us and we can't look away. Sure, some will, but the seeds have been planted and it will only be a temporary procrastination to the inevitable. It will get better, because good people greatly outnumber the bad.

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I like your optimism. Yes, the scales are falling for more people's eyes than ever before. More people are seeing that the whole concept of government is a problem. That we are not slaves who need masters.

I just wish it would happen faster!

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Jun 27Liked by Christopher Cook

Thank you for responding. It's going to be hardest on those people like you, who faced the truth many years ago, I'm sure. Our fate may seem grim because we have every possible Big Power aligned against us, but I always go back to those rag-tag militia men, who, against all odds, beat their world's current Super Power. Many of them lost everything to give us this "Land of the Free". Are we willing to lose everything to keep it? Perhaps we won't have to, but shouldn't we, at least, be willing? Again, thank you. 🇺🇸💟🙏

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And thank you.

I spent many years as a comparatively mainstream conservative, then got slowly more libertarian the more I studied and explored first principles. Ultimately, carrying those principles to their logical conclusion, nothing less than some sort of market anarchism seems morally viable. That last realization was comparatively recent. So I guess I gave been slowly and progressively facing the truth to increasing degrees over a very long time.

It's hard on all of us, but we need to stay strong and stick together. And stay hopeful and never give in to despair.

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Jun 27Liked by Christopher Cook

There's so much more terrible truth to have to face today, most people would write it off as preposterous. It's one of mainstream media's major tools against us, mocking and belittling "conspiracy theories". I think the strategy is gradual exposure, rather than overload. Like Trump's rationale regarding the JFK Files. Until I'm rotting in a jail cell, I will never give into despair!

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Come come. The overlord is money - the medium of exchange. Call it what you will, gold, water, or whatever. It is the grand master. Sure for some it is power; but power is merely the tool used to achieve money. Some like sex - like it so much they give it away? 😂 Well then it has very little use as a medium of exchange. Yes, the human masters change but everyone will dance to the same tune.

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I am done dancing.

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Jun 22Liked by Christopher Cook

Congratulations. I don’t mean that as a smarty response. Just if you can do it. There are very few.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

I understand, and thank you.

The first step is in recognizing that you are not a slave. That you do not REQUIRE masters.

That does not make the masters go away. They still have the power of the bullet, the ballot, and the bureaucracy. They can still make your life hell if you do not comply.

But ending their power must BEGIN with the conscious recognition that their authority is illusory and illegitimate. One of the ways that they are able to continue is because most people continue to dance OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL to the masters’ TUNE. They say…

“We’re so rotten that without our masters, we’d all be clubbing each other for rat meat within in three days.”

“There are only two choices: government or chaos.”

“‘The social contract’ is legitimate because we all tacitly consent to it.”

“This arrangement is consensual because I get to vote.”

No we aren’t. No we wouldn’t. No we don’t. No it isn’t.

Most people dance because someone told them they have no choice, and they chose to believe it. They surrender without firing a shot.

If I dance, it is only because someone is shooting at my feet. Only the bare minimum, until I can find a way to end this once and for all.

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Jun 27Liked by Christopher Cook

I always thought it was money that was the means to attaining power. Then again, you can't have one without the other, but money has no intrinsic value...it's the power behind it that means anything at all. Who's behind the power? The rules have been laid out before us and we all agree to them. Who determines the ultimate value of anything in this material world?

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I think the real powers at the top are motivated by fear.

Fear of us, mostly. And fear of death.

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Jun 27Liked by Christopher Cook

I've heard it said that there are only two basic emotions in the human experience: Love and fear. I believe you. Everything they do is motivated by fear...Fear of losing control, fear of the people rising up, fear of being exposed, they try to control us by fear. You're absolutely correct, when you break it down! Evil is fear in action. I guess love is our most powerful tool to combat them, then? Thank you for this food for thought!

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Yes, I think there is a lot to that. Love and fear.

It simply occurred to me a few days ago how terrified they must be, to want so desperately to control us and reduce our numbers.

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Jun 27Liked by Christopher Cook

If only people would realize that if we stand up to them, en masse, we could turn this around in a day. Our numbers are our only strength, bc they have everything else.

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Jun 21Liked by Christopher Cook

No winning football team went into a game believing they had no chance to win. This old grey war horse thanks you ! I’m up for another round.

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Rock on!

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Jun 21Liked by Christopher Cook

Thanks for your fight and truth in the movement for peace and justice.

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They want us to be sad and afraid. It will make them implode to see us united in joy.

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Jun 21Liked by Christopher Cook

Great article Christopher. The Psychopaths'/Predators/Parasites self-destruct.

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Yes. Let’s help them along by not giving them what they want: our cowering fear.

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Jun 22Liked by Christopher Cook

They only have the power we give them.

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Jun 22Liked by Christopher Cook

Absolutely. No Fear, Courage.

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Jun 21Liked by Christopher Cook

100% agree that consciousness / positive energy is contagious. I have been thinking deeply about such matters of late and developing my own tools to keep myself in as positive a state of mind as possible. It is quite amazing to see how your vibration affects others when you pay attention to it and consciously will yourself to emit positive energy and thoughts to others.

In regards to the 'would be' Archons, they have most definitely overplayed their hand and it has resulted in more people waking up than I have witnessed in all my years. I have been very fortunate that I have surrounded myself with a group of friends and family that are all intelligent and independent thinkers, makes these times a lot more tolerable and hopeful.

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Well said. Love the use of the word Archons! Maybe that is what we should all start calling them!

And it’s not just the freedom movement that thanks you for the positive vibes. It is your loved ones closest to you!

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Jun 21Liked by Christopher Cook

Ha ha, I’ve been calling them Archons for a few years now, it is pretty much the ideal term for them.

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Do I have to cite you every time I use it? 🎃

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Jun 22Liked by Christopher Cook

Question: What to do if your loved ones cannot see or don't want to look at what's happening? What can you do?

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I think you just described a problem faced by virtually every one of us who is truly awake. Who among us does not have at least SOME family members who are asleep in the way that virtually everyone is asleep in the movie “They Live”?

I just “slept” in an airport overnight, so my answers might not be the best right now. But my belief at the moment is that some people cannot and will not be woken up, no matter what. It’s the mass-formation thing, as identified by Mattias Desmet. A certain percentage, once fed a narrative, will never let go of that narrative. Thus, we will bang our heads into a wall trying to waken them, to no avail. So I figure why try? All it does it messes with relationships without producing any fruit.

Of course, that is for the people who are fully and totally gone. If you sense that someone is convincible, then it might be worth trying.

Perhaps another related question is this: what family members would inform on you or turn you in if the society goes full totalitarian. And the answer, based on things like the Stasi Files, is pretty grim.

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Look at my comment elsewhere here. There may be nothing we can do for our loved ones. But it is entirely possible that they can join us in an alternate reality if it comes to that. But first, we have to believe that we can do this and we can.

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Christopher, excellent writing, as usual. Powerful song. Do remember, however that as I "walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, FOR THOU ART WITH ME..." We do not walk alone, we walk with the guidance, protetion and counsel of God and His way is smarter than ours. Our smartness and "badassery" pales in comparison to Him Who created us all. Repentance, keeping our heart clear of trouble day by day, seeking God's wisdom through the chaotic storm, this we must do. Easy??? NOT REMOTELY. Many days, I just want to lie down and die, as I am often so weary of this world and the turmoil...but I do not harm myself and I somehow, with God's dear Hands in mine, I keep on for another day. Keep writing, Christopher! I will, too. WEW

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Stay strong and keep on truckin’, WEW!

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"Sir, we are they."


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Well said, and it is nice to be in such good company.

And a reminder: I have begun to unhook from many of the "opposition" authors, reporters and podcasters. Not because they are incorrect or bad, but precisely as you said here - pessimism and holding to that perception of reality is not going to serve us. While I appreciate what they have done to bring us to this point, holding to that single-line march of doom aligns us with that reality.

I will remind us here that there are infinite probable realities and futures, and we get to choose which of them we wish to inhabit. The fundamentalists may get their Armageddon, but that need not be our reality. It is entirely possible for us to choose an alternate probable future in which we separate somehow from those who's realities are ending with calamity.

So for those of us here who have understanding: look softly upon our world as if you are dreaming it. Don't participate nor place your attention and energy upon the supposed concrete reality that others are creating in which doom is the final play. Focus on your home, your life, your community, your loved ones, and the positive creations that we can foster that represent the world and reality that we wish to inhabit.

The future is flexible. And we may call ourselves into a future that does not include those who are choosing calamity.

There is no single reality. I know what I am choosing and I hope to see you all there. This isn't magical thinking. We ARE that powerful.

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"While I appreciate what they have done to bring us to this point, holding to that single-line march of doom aligns us with that reality"


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Jun 22Liked by Christopher Cook

Good word, the encouragement and dose of truth was just what I need. I’ve definitely been struggling with the despair lately. Thank you for keeping up the fire.

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We’re not going to lose, bro. We are going to win. If you feel despair in future, check in with your friends here!

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Jun 21Liked by Christopher Cook

When I handle money I always joke how good this fake money looks . Sometimes the clerk will hold it up to the light as if I’m passing counterfeit lol. Any conversation to start their rusty brains thinking

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Imagine what would happen if you handed them a goldback!

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Jun 22Liked by Christopher Cook

They prob wouldn’t take it lol

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Lol probably

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Jun 27Liked by Christopher Cook

Detach from their satanic matrix.If you are relying on anything from the machine you are a slave to it..Ditch their debt even if you have to default and use your money to buy everything needed to be self sufficient and reliant..Ditch their poison evil medical cartel..Better to die on your own terms because they want us all dead..Ditch their satanic bread and circus entertainment cartel. I no longer consent to be governed I will not comply I will not submit and I will not surrender..My rights don’t come from men and men can’t take them from me..Fuck around and find out.

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You should start writing!

I am going to share your comment to Notes.

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Hey this was a great write up Christopher.

I especially liked your point regarding the financial situation collapsing the economies of many developed nations as one of many major events to bring about meaningful institutional change.

I believe we all tend to hear about such serious events seeming to bring about only more authoritarian, or more centralized, institutional change.

However, as you so eloquently communicated , it doesn't have to be the same old change that always seems to happen and only ever results in extending the misery of continual failure.

As you pointed out the awakening that we're fueling with both FIGHT and OPTIMISM is going to be the key that picks the lock for US to open the door to true liberty 🗽.

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Perfectly said, Brandon. Spread the word!

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Thank you brother.

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