"Is this what it was like in Rome, near the end?" Probably some version of the same absurdity and idiocy. Endless distractions. I'll take it as a sign of desperation.

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Yeah. At very least, mannequin makers have been infected with the same absurd zeitgeist that afflicts the rest of Western societies.

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"allows people to see what clothes will actually look like" is hilarious because most people don't have the body shapes of these mannequins.

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Totally. Even a woman in good shape, if braless, generally is not this perky without silicone.

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I also meant that mannequins are generally tall and slim, not just compared to modern populations but past ones as well. The female mannequins (womannequins?) look like ballerinas.

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Charlotte in a separate comment noted that she is starting to see overweight mannequins now. Womannequins, specifically.

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I knew there was a reason I am avoiding all the shenanigans in the DC Swamp today. Reading this instead.

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Hah! Thanks, Crixcyon 😁

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I babysit and tutor a little girl several nights a week. At Christmas she was given about a half a dozen Barbie dolls. I remember mine from the late 50’s-early 60’s had nipples. Now they don’t. I haven’t noticed the mannequins because I never go to the mall because we don’t have one. But we do have Target and Kohls and most their mannequins appear overweight. Normalizing obesity?

Editing here to mention to you Christopher that Brad Zinn’s wife Brenda is in hospice care. Brain cancer 😔 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10222005126797849&id=1851188588

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Do you still have your nipple-Barbies in an attic somewhere? I'd bet they'd be worth money now...

And yes, they are totally trying to normalize obesity. After they do that, they can turn it into another grievance group. Cultural Marxism at work. (Good thing there aren't many potential grievance groups left—they are finally running out!)

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No, but I wished I’d saved them! Lol! Incredibly, I still have a trunk full of dolls my grandma and mom had. There is an doll shop over in Cambria that has offered me a nice sum of money. I didn’t want to sell them because they are family heirlooms but I might do so, but a few need serious refurbishing. The owner of the shop refurbishes dolls, so it feels like a perfect home for them. I don’t have kids to pass them to, And my nephews and nieces are not interested.

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Yeah, it sounds like it might make sense to part with them. One possibility—take photos of all of them,. so you have some record of them. Or have an artist immortalize them in a panting, as my grandmother did when she painted a bunch of cool old puppets she had.

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Great idea! It’s so difficult to part with so many of your heirlooms and things you have emotional connections too. Randy and I are both in our 70s now, and we don’t want to burden our loved ones with sorting out our things that only had meaning for us.

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We are nearing our 60s and starting to see that same writing on the wall!

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I actually feel more freedom not tied to “stuff”. We hoping to stay independent as long as we live, and if you reduce your burden you find more space and direction in every aspect of your life.

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Yeah—Brad and I are in touch; thank you. It is very sad. And sad that they have all had to suffer through the last year the way they did.

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I was reminded of your relationship with Brad and Brenda after reading @Cameron M. Bailey story about friends passing and finding out much later, and how it robs you of the time to say good bye. So I just wanted to let you know. And all the red tape and nonsense Brad has had to deal with from the medical community. Awful! ✨💜🙏

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I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.

The whole situation has also prompted my wife and I to talk about what we would do in a similar situation. Of course, it's had to know for sure unless one is actually there, but at least we talked about it a little…

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It’s definitely a topic to talk about before you get there. My sister passed away from brain cancer, similar to what has caused Brenda’s cancer. During that time, her husband was incapacitated because she was his caregiver. I had to place him temporary early and a rest home while I seat a caregiver. Fortunately in my sister’s case, she had been in a great nurse is in a fabulous doctor. And it was less difficult to negotiate the hospital environment in the 2000s that it is today over 20 years later.

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Wow—I am sorry your family had to go through that. Some pain is inevitable in life, I suppose. But that's rough.

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The details of the human form don't bother me. I don't see it as harmful or "sinful" that I enjoy seeing a beautiful body. Who does that hurt. What I think hurts no one when I keep it to myself. I think it is a sure sign of our childish, immature culture that we have so little trust in each other, and sadly for good cause. People are so ready to judge and put responsibility "out there" on externals rather than taking personal responsibility for their reactions and temptations. Therefore others must be assigned externally to protect our sensitive snow flake self control and attitudes so we don't act on stupid whims or temptations. It is just one more reason why people give away their own personal judgement to "authorities" and grant them so much enforcement powers to MAKE things the way that most people think they ought to be, (There oughta be a law!) with coercion and a plethora of rules, some of which are so silly and have such unintended consequences that we see the kind of world that we unfortunately see today.

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I am right there with you. See my other reply. It's not the nipples for me; rather, it is the social trend-line.

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Did they make new mannequins or just paste on fake ones? Isn't it telling that retail even thinks of such things? But it did get your attention which was probably the whole point. Increase sells? I doubt it.

Rome is beginning to look like pikers compared to 21st century America. At least they didn't think men could become women.

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No, but Camille Paglia has pointed out that as their decline got closer, their statues did start to become more androgynous. (I have not confirmed this; I assume she did the research.)

And yeah, maybe retailers added them, but I saw it in lots of different stores. I don't especially care one way or the other from a modesty standpoint. It just feels like part of a larger trend…

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It does reach another low for shallowness though.

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Yeah. And maybe even closer to the mark—childishness. I think a lot of behavior these days is driven by a sort of childish petulance. "I'lll show them…"

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Yeah, childishness is in abundance, along with tantrums. "I want it now or else..."

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Best song and scene in the whole movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zcVnNwAHys

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My first thought (from a woman trying to not be conspicuous) was, "You get to see whether or not your shirt will cover them well." But the fact that none of the shirts cover it well (like, at all) means they're not worth buying. So.... wouldn't that lead to a loss in sales? At least before, that wouldn't be my thought. I would be surprised if it led to more sales. So, I guess I don't understand the point.

But this one time I heard a conspiracy theory that all the malls charge too much for stores to make a profit selling what they sell so they're all just fronts for illegal activities to launder money and such. If so, maybe the criminals just want something to look at while at work. ;)

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Heh, yep.

I don't know whether it would cause more sales or fewer. But it is very possible that the people who made the nipple decision don't really care. Kind of light Anheuser Busch didn't much care what happened to Bud Light with Dylan Mulvaney.

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people should look into DARPA's AD509724: “Forest Fire As A Military Weapon"...


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I said 25 years ago that you can cause complete chaos in a country using forest fires. I was thinking at the time about "terrorists," but anyone could do it.

It's a horrible thing to do.

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I wonder when the mannequins will all be black or asian? All the advertising is black and asian, now I think the mannequins should follow suit, or skin to be more precise.

All I have noticed is that everything I actually liked to buy has been taken off the market and replaced with tight badly cut clothing that is made of synthetic material and is in a colour that would make you look like a dull and boring moron.

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Yes, the shift in mannequin "ethnicity" would certainly follow the rest of the trend.

And ugh—I hate synthetic fabric.

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I remember seeing nipples on mannequins a long time ago, maybe the seventies or eighties. Then they disappeared, global warming?

Like end of Rome near? Maybe but Rome didn't end in a day.

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Yeah, we never know what's gonna happen. But civilizations do seem to follow some patterns…

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Another thing, maybe it's me but I still don't understand how the detail of a nipple is so dangerous and sinful that it is going to inflame passions that must be kept under control. You see on youtube and so many places elsewhere that it is takent to the extreme that you can be considered decent as long as that square inch of detail is covered or adequately masked. They can get attention and can sexually arouse those who enjoy it, and as long as they cover that one specific detail you are safe from sin I suppose. Seems pretty silly to me. There have been societies that it is no big deal, others where baring the nape of the neck or the feet or limbs was totally taboo.

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To me, it's not so much about the nipples themselves. Like, I am not on some Victorian modesty kick. Rather, my main question is…why now? We were fine with normal mannequins for many decades, but now, suddenly, it is important to make them more anatomically correct. I don't personally care about the nipples. It just seems so agenda driven somehow. Like it's part of the overall slide, and they want it that way.

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Yeah, well "teasing" seems to be a thing. Let's see how close to the line we can go while still repressing and judging but encouraging people to be "shocked". I don't know. They just seem to love a reaction. The need for attention, especially the negative kind. The push to find something "new," which of course is never really new. It's all been done.

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Hay, maybe they are just cold?

How much do new dummies cost anyway? And how often do they wear out? A major expense just to keep up with the trends.

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Yeah. And there are so many different ways to analyze this, at so many different levels. Is it just what you said—childish prurience by lefties who think they're hip by shocking the squares? Is it part of an overall cultural zeitgeist/trend? Is it what Nancy in NC said—retailers hoping to make money by titillating passersby? Is it more organized? Who knows?!

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Right on Christopher! The Psychotics have time after time demonstrated they want to Genocide us. THEY NEED TO GO!

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"Is this what it was like in Rome, near the end?", if you have to ask you haven't been to Rome or Italy for that matter. I hesitate to mention the Greeks, as your head might explode if you saw some of their early mannequins.

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I more meant the combination of corruption, currency inflation, social decay, license, and bread & circuses that preceded the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

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So it really wasn't the absurdity as much as the ambiguities in meme creation.

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This world just keeps on getting weirder and weirder. I do hope We solve for those moneyed psychopaths in control soon!

Free Market Capitalism (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/free-market-capitalism

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