Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

This is spot on:

"Corporations are a problem, but corporations are not THE problem. Corporations as they are now would not exist without government."

But the fundamental error is in the perception of these two entities ( corporations-government) as being separate. It isnt quite fascism or other antiquated terms that we have been programmed to use, but the public-private partnershipis are all operated by the national security administrative state on a particular level. Think indexing or logistics for power, they are both controlled by the same hands. (This is why you see an out of the box intelligence program like open AI get a NSC board member)

To address these agendas is to first understood how they are engaged. To only blame corporations, or government, is to only see part of the picture. The system is captured.

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

The governments create the corporations through corporate charters.

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

Similar scheme power has been running since the East India company.

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Yes exactly - British East India company had a standing army larger than the King.

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Not necessarily a bad thing, depending. For example, the Hanseatic League had private armies, but, IIUC, they were used for defense only.

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

I kept waiting for the little girl to stab the social worker in the neck with a screwdriver.

Was I the only one looking for a happy ending?

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Trust me…………you were not the only one.

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A "friend" told me that he fantasised about the little girl's father turning up and the social worker ending up with a 12-gauge hole where her face used to be...just sayin'...

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Everyone who enforces a tyranny is part of the tyranny. We have to wake them up that they are on the wrong side!!

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I think this is a story clearly in need of the wisdom embedded in fan fiction.

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Bravo to the film-makers for creating this art. It's the perfect depiction of where we are at.

Honestly, I think I'm 'cried out'. I have no tears left for the collective dysfunction of humans relying on 'authority figures' and for wanting bandaids instead of cures, and for the corrupt institutions being willing to provide them at great profit. it takes two to tango in this twisted 'corporate-controlled compliant consumer dance'. I'm leaving the party to build my own dance floor.

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It's the little things that got me to cry. But the biggest emotion I feel is righteous rage.

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I get it. ❤️

I suppose the only silver lining is that more people seem to be waking up to the evils of Big pharma and learning how to take care of themselves now. The mind-control is wearing off.

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Jacqueline, I can fully relate to your statement, "I'm leaving the party to build my own dance floor." A very LOUD AMEN to that. I feel the same way. I have been to the side of things for a very long time and that means, for me, poverty. That being said, there is great power on the dance floor! In fact, I just wrote a new piece about how much I forged in my youth, from the dance floor in multiple places: a place to vent, to be free for a few hours, to move, to get the "stink out" and to build up the ballast we need for the honorable change we seek, if only for ourselves and the handful we link with. Keep on, Jacqueline and also Christopher, I will too. WEW

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Thank you, Wendy, for sharing your story, and for cheering us on! Yes, there's a lot of power in creating our own charging stations, and staying anchored and connected to what's true, linked with those we love! ❤️

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Jacqueline, indeed!!!! Dance on, I will too (if only in my mind nowadays!) WEW

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I also wanted to point out that if anyone in authority like a doctor, police officer, sheriff deems you to be dangerous to yourself or to others they can automatically 5150 you to a mental facility. While there, psychiatrists can administer any drugs available —approved or not approved by the FDA. You are a test dummy. Both my brother and my ex-husband or 5150ed.

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And eventually, the wrong views will be "justification" enough.

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Yep! That’s how they filled the sanitariums

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Maybe more people will resist.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

If you have been following Demi about the old world I have to wonder how they managed to commit so many people? Did they going willingly in the dark? So many questions.

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Yeah—I really don't know much of anything about it.

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It’s certainly shrouded in mystery, but physical evidence shows this world was there. Forgive me for not liking your comments but for some reason I have a glitch on my Substack and I can’t like comments. Only on the app and I like comments.

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When? Who’s “they”?

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

Also, to say this plainly, the hill I have chosen lies between my children and mandates from the government. If my children consent as adults to things I must respect that, but until then these things will be resisted at all costs as we have already done.

To a great extent, many people are already pharmacologically modified including children so they can feel "happy". I can see many people accepting a "happy patch".

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100 percent on all of that!

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

Any ANCAP knows where the problem lies. Car manufacturers can make ugly cars but only government can make you buy them. In my opinion any appeal to saving the children is evil. That’s how we got the vaccination schedule, which leads to behavioral drugs for the children. The happy patch reminds me of happy meals.

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Death to all tyrants.

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Somehow, we must make it clear to as many people as possible that what they are experiencing is, in fact, tyranny.

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Jun 18Liked by Christopher Cook


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Thank you. I will do my best to keep ‘em coming.

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Jun 18Liked by Christopher Cook

Anyone that tries to force something on my child will probably be fed to the pigs. Government can not make you do anything at all. They can only suggest. They literally cannot force you to do anything. They don't have enough thugs to make you do it. They can arrest you, charge you and put you in jail, but they can't force you to do anything.

During the couf, the feds were mandating masks. I never wore one. They mandated jabs, I refused to get one.

The government needs to go away. I think they've served their purpose.

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(For those keeping score at home, that says that I agree 100 quintillion percent.)

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Wow. "Non-compliant". Yep, I get that , I am one of them, even as an Elder of 71 and a half. One of the smartest things a human ever did for me was a therapist long ago, who when I asked him for a prescription for Valium, he said "No, I want you to be with your pain." As tough as that was, it was excellent for me. As a sensitive soul and empath, I feel things deeply. I am often overwhelmed with the world and have not had "worldly success" in any remote fashion. I have survived. I am fine going Home sooner rather than later...but that is not up to me. I do not want vax shots, did not get the c vax, I do not want Pharmas to kill my pain, I want to live as a wilder thing. I am not living "off the grid" or anything like that but I stepped back from the world in my youth. When I returned from many long years as a Prodigal from God and His Son, I was in total chaos. God loved me back into His Household and that is the ineffable path I remain on until I leave this world. As the Psalmist said, "I would rather be a doorkeep in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." Amen to that, 100% and that is me. Thanks, Christopher, for again "hitting it" with your searing commentary on the world. WEW

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Stay strong and good, WEW!

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Christopher, with God's help every day, I will! WEW

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

I do not think this was far fetched at all, as a matter of fact, this was pretty much an allegory for what happened during the pandemic. Replace happy patch for the vaccine and that is essentially what they were doing. They didn't force it on you, but non-compliance was a major issue and it could lead to serious repercussions.

As far as the woman goes, she was absolutely complicit, she could see that she was dealing with a pretty normal, healthy and relatively happy kid with a strong imagination and a love for nature and the outdoors. That kid did not need the happy patch and trying to cajole her into taking it was morally bankrupt, then to lie to her and report her as non compliant anyways was another ethically reprehensible act.

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At some point, the Nuremberg defense isn't gonna cut it, even for the lower-level folks.

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

Well fiction is fiction but making women register for a draft is coming if we all don’t stop them . My granddaughters are not going to fight in any war theater over my dead body. Hear that Jack Reed in the box of RI !

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No one should be conscripted period. Conscription is slavery.

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This is reality.

Fiction is reality.

And reality is worse than fiction.

Look at my cancer series, which momentarily brings me hundreds of subs on the German Stack, I started it just for English too.

Since 1967 the truth is buried.


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I am glad you are drawing new people to consider your work!

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

It's subtle, but your allusion is that "Trump" would mandate some sort of policies like this. But it's pretty obvious by now that the Fauci fraud has been perpetrated by the Biden regime. Unfortunately, this IS the future and most people will simply, but maybe somewhat reluctantly, go along. The idea that "an entity" (government) will always be able to ascertain what "is best" for "everyone" is, yes, quite chilling. But allowing individual freedom unfettered also has its dangers. We are only here for a short time and cannot choose "the world" we are born into. Some in my family do not agree, but ONLY CONSTANT VIGILANCE AND CONSTANT QUESTIONING gives "us" even a small chance of the pace of change being walked down to a reasonable gait. Trust small; question big. Good luck everyone.

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My thinking process while writing did not involve Trump at all.

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Jun 17Liked by Christopher Cook

Thanks, that really makes me feel better, seriously. All the best.

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This is already happening, almost as-is, to many, many people. Some of the details are a little different. But it is not just a future possibility. It is a current reality.

I'd like to see that more widely known and recognized, because many people still don't realize it's going on and how easily one can find oneself directly at those intersections.

Thank you for the post, friend.

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Thank you for your ongoing work!

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I believe that they are planning to do something similar to what is outlined in the short film. Have you seen Japan's moonshot goal 9 "Increasing peace of mind and vitality"?https://www.jst.go.jp/moonshot/en/program/goal9/index.html

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No, I hadn’t heard of it. Does it include pharmaceutical drugs or other similar technologies?

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I've only just come across it- so need to look into it further re specifics. They talk about technology to make a person happy. Here is their short promotional video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD_m_y3XD9g&t=5s

And here is where they discuss it a little further- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QoUaGNWOWo

There are 9 goals of Japan's moonshot 2050 project. The other ones are also very dystopian. The G20 met in Japan in 2019 and the Osaka Leaders Declaration was signed. Part of this declaration states that the leaders "share the notion of a human centred future society which is being promoted by Japan as society 5.0..." Society 5.0 is the 9 goals.

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I was thinking just a couple of days ago…

It is so common to bash businessmen and people who “just want to get rich.” But those guys don’t have much of a negative impact on any, or many, and can sometimes have a positive impact.

Busybody scientists, on the other hand, could quite easily kill us all with one or another of their ambitious schemes.

Also, the businessman rarely has any paternalistic pretensions (or he develops them much later [see Bill Gates]). Scientists and other “elite” types really do think that they have some sort of noblesse oblige to shepherd us poor benighted masses into their technocratic utopia. Which, naturally means that a) they are in charge and b) the rules they make for us do not need to apply to them.

And they are so wrapped up in their narcissistic elitism that they would not even recognize any of what I just said as being even the remotest bit true.

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Jun 23Liked by Christopher Cook

Yes. I went back to school as an adult and completed BA through PhD. It wasn’t as bad then as it is now (at least I dont think so) but I would make very different decisions today. I think of St Paul’s admonition often “knowledge puffs up but love edifies.” And the thing is that today the “knowledge “ is so shallow and ideologically driven in many cases. Wisdom often comes at quite a cost.

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Very well said.

Everything I know now, with only a few exceptions, I learned somewhere other than college.

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