Apr 15Liked by Christopher Cook

No matter, all government is anti-human. The left runs on hate while the right runs on not much of anything.

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Apr 15Liked by Christopher Cook

I recall a better time when Hollywood appeared to be anti-war and anti-government. They made a lot better movies then. Now that they have fully embraced being an Ideological State Apparatus the glamour has worn off. Unfortunately, they are so out of touch with reality that they are the last ones to see it.

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Apr 16Liked by Christopher Cook

Brilliant deduction. The pattern hasn't changed since pre Roman Time's then basically. Thinking we might want to put out a better proposal to the people than what's obviously going to happen here. DAO - ILLUMINATES the middlemen. And middlemen they are Chris.

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It is refreshing to see someone call Che Guevara what he truly was. He was a psychopathic, rich kid so bored with life that murder was his only fulfillment. Our grandfathers had good reasons to look askance at America's beatniks and hippies.

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Apr 15Liked by Christopher Cook

>>the most governmenty governments ever to exist in the history of governments

This gave me the smileyest smile I've smiled this month!

Also, spot-on, Christopher. I leaned left in my youth precisely because of anti-war. When I tell that to current leftys and question why the left went from anti-war to pro-war, all I get back is 'that fluoride stare.' Preposterous.

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Apr 15Liked by Christopher Cook

We think much alike.

Guess I'll see you at the upcoming gubment indoctrination center someday, for some re-education!

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Apr 15Liked by Christopher Cook


Right on!

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Apr 15Liked by Christopher Cook

This is an exceptional piece Chris, really hits to the heart of the matter. Interested to know what chapter this would be in the book! 🤩

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Christopher, as usual, very well-stated! "the most governmenty governments ever to exist..." is absolutely true and wonderfully droll. I do thank you for the digging you do in understanding all this. The death of my brother in Vietnam in 1968, drove me further to the Left. Decades later, I left the Left and am much more Conservative now. I see the excess and stay on the narrow path with God. I did want to congratulate you on your book, which I see is quite detailed and direct. Very powerful stuff.

You and I are both deep thinkers and our writing reflects that. You are more of an endurance runner, while I am a sprinter by core temperament. No matter, we both speak on core subjects of human freedom and the need for fellowship and astute counsel on how to live in freedom. God bless and keep you and thank you for liking my new writing piece, as well!

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Apr 15Liked by Christopher Cook

Christopher I believe DiLorenzo missed Lincoln's True Essence and Reasons why he did key actions.

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Both the left AND right just championed the renewal of the FISA act, sans the Briggs amendment which would have protected American citizens from the spying covered in the act.

Who cast the tie-breaking vote not allowing the Briggs amendment? None other than Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican.

The Uniparty continues unabated.

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Right! Qaddafi had the Brilliance and Courage to go for Freedom from the Rothschild World Bank, IMF etc. The Rothschilds and their cowardly brutal cartel stranglehold on the economies of the world would have been shattered and may have caused a domino effect. He tried to do it with the Arabs but the Big Shots were too much in the pockets of the Rothschilds to fund their depraved lifestyles.

BTW: If you want to hear the most Courageous Speech to power ever given listen to Qaddafi's 2 hour speech at the UN where he exposed much!

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Great Exposure Christopher!

So for most its just a power play to get in power and then a power play to stay in power by any methods.

Not so for some True Freedom Fighters such as: Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, JFK, Mandela and Qaddafi!

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Ideology, democracy, elections - all this sh*t exists for only one purpose.


If you understand life you despise ideologies, parties, democracy and elections for life.


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I always get Ron Silver confused with Ron Burgundy. 😁

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Couldn’t an anarchist type system become corrupt? Could this type of “government” become a cult? Would you defend it with your life? Is anarchism ultimate freedom? Is it worth fighting for? Isn’t anarchism a form of rule?

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