Bravo to @TheFreedomScale for this article. It’s this kind of thoughtful contemplation that leads one to self governance, and the ultimate realization that no one but God has the lawful authority over oneself.

Once there are enough asking such deep questions, the sooner America will be restored via local, decentralized, self-governing men and women who restore their own neighborhoods and communities, and ditch the top-down, behemoth that is government today.

Quick point of clarification to the author and everyone else…we are not human.

We are not “hue” of man.

We are man.

We are woman.

Everything else is title and taxable, for profit, legalese clap-trap with only government-given benefits and privileges that can be snatched by the slightest amount of “misbehavior”.

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I certainly did not!

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We must awaken humanity to this fact.

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Though I am an Earthian, aiming to free Humanity from the psychopaths in control here, who have degraded everything so intensely, I see Your points clearly and agree! These Might interest You if You would like to step back from the artificial divide of "country" that the psychopaths maintain on Our planet to keep Us conquered and justify Their "wars," which They profit from and Humanity is greatly diminished by:

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

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Good stuff. We are on the same page!

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Very glad to hear it!!! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

Interesting videos for the curious of the Senate confirmation hearings for Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991, Sen. Joe Biden presiding as Chairman. When the issue of Natural Law vs. Positive Law came up. An important debate that never was followed up. And here we are, thirty more years down the path of a theory of jurisprudence that as Biden told Thomas, "you know and I know it's a big f'ing deal."

Short version: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4887077/user-clip-biden-natural-law

Long version: https://www.c-span.org/video/?21107-1/thomas-confirmation-hearing-day-1-part-2

Natural Law jurisprudence vs. Positive Law jurisprudence. Positive Law isn't based in any morals that violate natural laws of man, nature and God. Positive law is simply do as your told, moral or immoral! It's the law! Passed by a group of corrupt hypocrites who you must obey. The US Constitution was written under Natural Law understanding of jurisprudence. This shifted last century after the first round of "Progressivism" made its impact on our courts.

Note: Every single crime against humanity under the Third Reich was constitutional, unchallenged under Germany's Positive Law jurisprudence. Morality, humanity, spirituality has nothing to do with Positive Law. Don't think for yourself, don't check in with God, a higher power that guides your thoughts and actions. Just. Follow. Orders.

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I only had time for the short version, so I am probably missing some context, but as far as I can tell, Biden was almost as incoherent then as he is now in his dotage. What is he actually getting at? That Thomas’s preference for and reference to natural law is a disqualifying factor?

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

Yep. There was a documentary on Clarence Thomas that used excerpts from that exchange, a short clip of it here:


In this documentary Justice Thomas deflects about his ideas about natural law jurisprudence. Sen. Biden was right when he said that Thomas wrote and spoke extensively about natural law as a lower court judge, lawyer and constitutional scholar. Yet in the documentary Thomas downplayed his past. Even says he didn't know what Biden was talking about, had barely heard of natural law jurisprudence. His earlier writings and speeches prove his denial was patently false, Biden's assertion - uncharacteristically - was true.

Thomas was right earlier in his career. But to serve on the Supreme Court he had to disavow Natural Law jurisprudence. Why?

I think the Anita Hill salacious character assassination was the cover story. Had Thomas dug in and spoken candidly about the different philosophies of jurisprudence, the merit of Natural Law, that his nomination would've been sunk. "Borked." So he took bended knee and 'played ball.' I love Justice Thomas, in a previous career and life our professional circles were linked. He's the best we have on that Coven of High Priests in black robes. Maybe he threw Natural Law overboard in service to a "greater good" of being on the highest court?

But Natural Law is the only way we ever will achieve the promise that the Founders of this nation made when they wrote a Constitution and Bill of Rights that would be interpreted and applied under Natural Law.

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I am fairly confident that Thomas made that choice for the exact reason you described. He had to disavow his past to get on the Court. Then he could secretly insert some natural law back into it through his decisions.

You and I largely agree. The area where I believe we disagree is solely that I do not believe that this system can or ever will be what you or are or (some of) the Founders actually wanted it to be. The longer we hold onto that dream, the harder it will be to move on to a greater condition of freedom.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

I don't think we really even disagree about that. I concede that mentioning the original system the Founder's envisioned is fantasy at this point. Reference to it just points to where/how/why it failed.

It truly was a great system they conceived of and tried to give legs, every chance that one generation could give to all who follow. But it was attacked slowly, methodically, little cracks presented opportunities to bring about its demise. So that those with yearnings for classic authoritarian governance, be it monarchical or other caste-like blue blood Brahmin leaders could continue governing the "useless eater" "deplorable" "imbecile" caste to serve the realm and kingdom of the ruling class. Lest it all devolve into an idiocracy. Or lest they lose their status at the top.

I half suspect that the woke insanity that we are witnessing around us is to provoke a yearning for an authoritarian government of "betters" who will save us from the insane absurdities we're being subjected to. To hold up as a "we told you so" with respect to self-governance. Knowing that they intentionally put into motion the idiocracy, allowing it to slowly, methodically expand cracks that then make self-governance system collapse in on itself, the weight and gravity of governing insanity too much to withstand.

This classic WW II movie scene is instructive as metaphor for the patience of those who believe there are born ruling classes (eugenicists) and our Constitution. More applied physics:


(apologies for the YouTube Obama/Harris ad that precedes the movie clip. F'n bastards shove that crap in our faces everywhere)

Force 10 from Navarone

(timestamp 03:17)

"Major Mallory: Miller! That useless stitch.

Lt Col. Barnsby: It didn't.

Major Mallory: What?

Lt Col. Barnsby: It didn't work.

Major Mallory: I know it didn't work.

Lt Col. Barnsby: Let's get out of here.

Major Mallory: Yeah, let's get out of here. When I catch that little periclus I'll wring his useless neck.

Sgt Weaver: Nothing. We've been through all this and nothing! Nothing but pfff.

Sgt Miller: You can't expect an enormous volcano with three tiny bags of explosives. You have to let nature take her course. Give it time, it'll work.

[...Time Elapse...small cracks inside appear...small leaks spring...large leaks...big chunks of dam break off...entire dam breaks, water pours out downstream to erode target bridge Navarone]

Sgt Weaver: You son of a bitch!

Sgt Miller: Well I told you, it's only a matter of waiting.

Sgt Weaver: You cute little son of a bitch. You did it. Come here! You did it! You did it! Why you limey genius I love you!"

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Oh man, I loved that movie! I have no seen it in decades, though. Maybe I will rewatch it soon.

I think you make compelling points about the slouch into idiocracy being intentionally engineered. I hadn’t really considered that.

And of course you are right that the condition that things were in in 1789 has undergone serious corruption over the last 200 years.

However, I do not really believe that all the Founders envisioned the same system. What Jefferson envisioned was very different. What the antifederalists wanted is nothing like what we have. What we ended up with was Hamilton’s vision, which was the worst possible vision of them all. And yes, it has gotten worse since, but it was easier to corrupt because it started out corrupt. Hamilton had no intention of keeping the promises he made in the Federalist Papers. He wanted the General Welfare and Necessary and Proper clauses to be interpreted broadly. He wanted to centralize as much as possible. And he got what he wanted. And more’s the pity for us.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

Yes. And I'm pretty sure I've shared the link about the first Chief Justice, John Jay on your pages before, saying "those who own the country ought to govern it." Before the ink on the US Constitution was dry those who opposed the Bill of Rights went about redefining the words on the parchment. Knowing that a maddeningly slow process would eventually undermine the premise of government by all the people, equals.

I'm sure you're familiar with Cass Sunstein - constitutional law professor, author of "Nudge" behavioral science, proponent of the "fundamental transformation" of the US that Obama spoke of, given an outsized role in his administration, as OIRA Director, "the cockpit of the regulatory state." And his wife, color revolution war-monger Samantha Powers. Here's an article that came out at the beginning of the Biden administration discussing any role they'd have in it:


As you read the piece notice how it's filled with progressive voices unhappy with Sunstein and Obama, blaming them for not fulfilling their promises to fundamentally transform the US during his eight years. It characterizes them as sellouts. Keep the dam scene from Navarone in your mind as you read the piece. The unhappy progressive voices are the excitable Sgt Weaver. Sunstein and Obama are voiced by the cool, calculating Sgt. Miller. They are patient. They know physics. The activist rabble are impatient. The scene metaphor.

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Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

In the absence of consent there is only tyranny.

Universal community trust is always looking for responsible nation builders to form sovereign community trusts/anarcho nations within our natural law jurisdiction created by treaty. It's the template for establishing autonomous communities under natural law.


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Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

I did not and do not consent to their tyranny. Besides being grossly incompetent they are Psychotic/Predator/Parasites who have demonstrated their objective is to cause the most harm to the most!

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Tacit Consent, no? Via their enumerable attachments to services rendered (such as they are).

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Author

We will be talking about the scam of 'tacit consent' tomorrow!

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Aug 28Liked by Christopher Cook

We did not consent but sad to say those before us slowly complied through omitting their grievances. Or at least a large enough number did. Are we going to continue the cycle though?

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I am hoping to break the cycle. Not to force anything upon anyone else. Merely to get them to stop forcing the same old thing upon us.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Christopher Cook

So right! Here's how Ben Stone of badquaker.com put it in his short but essential book,



A Three Part Solution to The State:

"If our grandfathers were half the men we imagine them to have been, they would have already completed this task. And if their grandfathers before them had been half the men they imagined them to be, our grandfathers would not have had the opportunity to pass this burden to us. Now we stand, thousands of years bound in slavery to the State, with the choice of passing this Hideous Beast on for our grandchildren to serve, or being the men we ought to be by once and for all times, freeing humanity. Once you have become aware of the Beast, this is the choice; to voluntarily join in resisting or to voluntarily remain bound. Therefore only the individual can decide when he has had enough of being a slave and when he is morally obligated to set himself free...

"We can fight the war our grandfathers failed to fight or we can pass this slavery on to our grandchildren and accept the scorn we rightfully deserve."

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Absolutely. And it is really hard to do it by oneself. Do it in large numbers, we win. Doing it as individuals, we get martyred.

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Aug 28Liked by Christopher Cook

It seems the folks who wish to be controlled are the ones who think other “new” politicians will be voted in and they will clean up the mess. Mess?

I see it as a Planetary DUMPSTER FIRE, these same folks wish to still mow their lawns, go on vacays to exotic places and order take out/take away to their prison homes… as they have for millennia.

Truly disgusting and a waste… my list of friends and family are steadily reduced drastically.

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I agree, and I feel what you are saying.

But take heart, because many people are also waking up. And there will be new friends out there for you too!

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Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

I'm quite willing to be, I do consent in certain locations and situations to be governed. On a baseball field for example. On streets and highways to a lesser extent.

Do I consent to be ruled? No.

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Yep. If you consented, then you consented.

We did not consent on the streets and highways, but we have the good sense not to run red lights anyway.

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Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

Human: born on planet earth, a blessing from God.

Evil Retarded Parasites: Pay us money to live.

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That needs to be a meme. Make it or I will!!

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Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

Run with it, don't let me steal your thunder!

Maybe I can help come up with a good template...

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Sure, please do—it'll be a joint project :-)

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Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

"You did not consent", or we did not consent...makes little difference. By the time I was born in 1950, the government had drifted well away from any "constitutional" words and the Bill of Rights operating in its own little world outside of the sphere known as "government".

They, your appointed masters, have engaged in the outer world of Lex Marcatoria whereby this being Law Merchant and tacit laws some going back to the days of Babylon. This is where the consent comes in as tacit law is performed under a contract and if you do not resist their assumptions, you are deemed to have given your consent. This is exactly what WHO and the UN is trying to do as they want to be able to enforce world wide pandemic emergencies without anyone's consent.

This is why under assumed consent they are virtually free of normal prosecution from today's law. Have any of these cretins, mostly non-elected, who have tried to force their will upon us and also broken numerous laws been convicted of anything? They never will be.

If we do not give our consent, we must find ways to make our intentions known. We can resist. But we must fight them on their level and meet them head on. They do not expect that or like it.

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The alternate view on that last part, though, is that they are just waiting for an excuse to crack down. An initiation of violence against them would give them that excuse, no?

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Aug 27Liked by Christopher Cook

How can there be private property without force

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If people choose to violate the NAP, then protective force protects private property, yes. Coercive force takes it, violates it, trespasses. Protective force responds as needed.

(See yesterday's installment! https://christophercook.substack.com/p/fafo-natural-right-self-defense-justified)

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in your picture, there are men holding non-cartridge firing weapons, and then belts of ammo being worn, but the ammo doesn't fit the weapons . . . WTF?

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Yep, totally. 🤣🤣🤣. ChatGPT has serious problems!

But sometimes, when you get an image that is close, you don’t want to keep asking for revisions, because it just gets worse and ends up being a 15-minute-long rabbit hole.

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OH . . . I had no idea . . . Sorry that I even brought it up . . .

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Oh bro, no worries at all. The picture is ridiculous in exactly the way you describe. Also, the soldier to camera-right has a bent flintlock and he’s carrying stuffed inside his bandolier. It makes no sense!

The reason I use AI so heavily for images (in spite of its shortcomings) is that it allows you to get an article-appropriate image quickly, and, most importantly, one that is copyright free. I ran websites for more than 15 years— image copyright problems were a costly minefield!

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Sep 1Liked by Christopher Cook

Gotta love AI illustrations. Pretty sure there never was and never will be a pump muzzle loader flint lock.

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Especially not a bent one…worn inside a bandolier!

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Aug 28Liked by Christopher Cook

Um... that illustration?

Might I point out that the flintlocks those gentlemen are bearing (where the phrase "lock, stock, and barrel" came from BTW) suggests that the bandoliers they're shouldering may have some other purpose?

Flintlocks don't use cartridge ammunition, and percussion rifles weren't invented until the beginning of the 19th century.

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Hey bro, talk with ChatGPT. I just work here! 🤣🤣🤣

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Aug 28Liked by Christopher Cook


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