May 21Liked by Christopher Cook

When I go for my annual checkup both the nurse and the doctor are continually amazed that I respond 'none' when they ask about my medications. They ask again. The reply is unchanging. They can't believe it. The message I finally heard was that I was an anomaly. How sad.

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Some people have an internal locus of control that tells them to make their own decisions. A greater percentage of people have an external locus of control that tells them to do what the collective is doing.

You and I know who we are.

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That is why I use this meme of "me". http://bornagainclassics.com/images/lion-courage-strength-small-b.jpg Most people are just mediocre minded cowardly conformists because it's comfortable and simple. I'm not one of those people.

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No you are not!

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Me too!!!- in fact I’ve had doctors want to redo my blood work to make sure I don’t have something out of wack to treat😂I stopped going for routine checkups and only go when sick.

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Christopher Cook

Hello fellow anomaly! I'm going to be 70 on June 6th and have been DRUG FREE FOR SEVENTY YEARS! Wait, do anti-biotics count? I had to use Fishbiotics for an infection once. Bought them online from a veterinarian supply.

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Very interesting!! Have not heard about Fishbiotics . Was it better than the usual antibiotics? I haven’t had medicine in a long time because through a good diet and maintaining a healthy microbiome , active recovery and exercise I haven’t been sick . Wanna know more thanks

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It was the same dose and the same name. They have other veterinarian “drugs” too. If I want a dewormer, I say I have a 230 pound dog and buy it for me. LOL! I can’t tell them a lion, because they weigh more than 230 pounds.

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I just heard a horrifying statistic today, that death rates are up about 18% this year. They were about 6% during the Covid lockdowns.

Through their membership in library associations — many librarians listening embrace the tranny culture, and promote it in their libraries because they are expected to do so if they want to belong to the association.

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"death rates are up about 18% this year"

—In other words, the vax is working as they intended it to.

"promote it in their libraries because they are expected to do so if they want to belong to the association."

—This how totalitarianism works. Edicts are imposed from the top down, and humans are too cowardly to resist, even when they know the edict is wrong.

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May 23Liked by Christopher Cook

It’s not even the top that’s the problem—humans are too cowardly to resist their idiot colleagues and neighbors.

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And their idiot neighbors love feeling important by deputizing themselves enforcers of the regime.

Have you listened to Michael Malice talking about what was revealed when the Stasi files were opened up?

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May 23Liked by Christopher Cook

No, I have never heard of him.

But I do know about the Stasi files!

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Among the things he mentions is just how many "normal" people were on the Stasi payroll, informing on their family, friends, neighbors, and lovers. Not even for grudges, but just because they were low-status individuals and this made them feel important. Or they were bored and it gave them something to do.

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Yes, I know. I mention that I am aware of the files.

Anyway, it ultimately goes back to Arendt’s ‘banality of evil.’

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May 23Liked by Christopher Cook

Those librarians need to disassociate.

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Christopher Cook

Absolutely! The American Revolution almost 250 years ago was inspired by Thomas Paine and supported and fought for by about 1 % of the people! Tough video to watch but lots of truth there.

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I hope we have at least 1% for what's likely coming. Whew!

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I understand it was 3%. Which would be about 3.5 million lions running straight at them. With their liberty teeth filled with freedom pills.

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May 21Liked by Christopher Cook

As an extension to the interesting information which Chris has shared here, also follow/listen/read/watch historian MATT EHRET’s prolific work regarding the history of sci-fi films and literature-and its role in predictive programming-or the ‘announcing’ of various technologies and (now awfully familiar) nefarious agendas. Their documentary series about UFO’s is an excellent place to start.

Our family has eschewed all streaming and we have all been reading more whilst occasionally rebuilding our DVD collection . So we grabbed the box set of ‘Star Trek’ Next Generation ( it was on special) - and watching it now, as opposed to back in the 80’s- it is simply astonishing how much blatant predictive programming is embedded within Stark Trek alone! I was considering taking notes on each episode, but usually I just end up falling asleep to the dulcet intonations of Picard, Data, Worf etc ! ? 😂🧐🥱😴

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How do you feel about sci-fi books? Especially libertarian sci-fi, like that of Pournelle, Niven, Williamson, Heinlein, etc.…

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Very sad.

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Yeah. I got feelings watching it. I don't usually have feelings.

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May 23Liked by Christopher Cook

Good to know.

I won’t be watching it, then!

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Desperate to feel, only the emotion's not real, in a world of black and white, emptiness turns the wheel, don't worry just take the easy pill to conceal, don't feel the pain in order to heal.... .... our world is kind of this way already, instead of letting what be, be, we assume something must need fixing, something is wrong, just take a pill....what if your body is detoxing out all the toxins, nope, hurry up and suppress it all back inside because it's easier to be a victim than to be fully alive. Whether tangible or invisible, if it can turn a profit, then it will. People numb out emotions then if they finally return, the system labels them, diagnosis by prophets in white coats, must be true if they said so. Great post and thought provoking video...definitely nothing is too far out after what we have seen play out the past few years especially.

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"...nothing is too far out after what we have seen play out the past few years especially."

You got that right!

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May 22Liked by Christopher Cook


Nah, but in all seriousness, this film reminds me of the song "In the Year 2525" by Zager & Evans, where "Everything you think, do and say/Is in the pill you took today."

These companies don't care about us. They just want to see the world burn and profit off of it. They're run by humans, sure, but humans who lost their souls long, long ago.

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I have not heard that song in years!

I was just thinking a short time ago about how pharma used covid to get governments to transfer so much money from us to them (via taxation and printing/inflation) that it created 200 new pharma billionaires. A tiny number of people, using government as a force vector, enriched themselves by stealing from billions of people.

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Interesting video. In 2011 I was diagnosed with a non-aggressive form of Prostate Cancer that forced me to do mucho research and learn about Big Pharma. I decided to treat that and anything else with natural alternatives as much as possible. There are 3 areas that I don't because the natural approach doesn't work. It's very sad that people have to go to Mexico or Europe etc. to get certain treatments because it's not approved in the U.S. I did not get the COVID Vax and don't get Flu shots :-).

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Agreed. I hope you are able to get the prostate cancer handled. What sort of alternative methods do you use?

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Mega Dosing on Liposomal Liquid Vitamin C while fasting until dinner is one, and Tomato Juice fast until dinner (Lycopene) is another I do mostly right now. I have also done Natural Baking Soda and organic Lemon Juice not from concentrate.

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I have heard about mega-dosing Vitamin C—actually intravenously. Have there been studies on this, or have those not happened because Pharma hasn't paid for the studies (and never will)?

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There was a study I found about 8 years ago, but I lost track of it, so don't take my word for it of course. The study said Liposomal Vitamin C was just as affective. I have taken up to 50,000mg in a day numerous times with no problem. They say we can't take between 2,000 & 3,000mg in non-Liposomal form without spending time on the toilet, lol. If you know anyone that prefers alternative treatments like that, I sell Aurora Nutrascience Liquid Liposomal for any amount over my cost-plus shipping and handling as a ministry instead of a business. They say our bodies absorb up to 95% of liposomal form as opposed to about 20% in regular pill form. My cost for a one month supply is $31.50 and that lasts 32 days at the suggested serving of 3,000mg daily. Less of course would last longer. Just an fyi :-).

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Very cool. So the toilet issue is not an issue so long as it is in liposomal form?

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Correct. I think I noticed (lol) a time or two that I had 'to go" worse then normal. Most of the time this company seems to do the Liposomal right ;-).

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Christopher, powerful and sad short film. I am happy to say I am not on ANY pills whatsoever. No pharma, (not even vitamins or aspirin at this point of my life.) I did damage to my stomach and duodenum from many years of taking Excedrin, had an ulcer and stopped all Excedrin. No pharma for me whatsoever, no jab. I will take my pain directly to God, He is the Great Physician. Write on, dear Christopher, you are a very important voice here on Substack! WEW

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Thanks, WEW, and kudos on the pill-free life!

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This has been on my mind recently since our "Prime" has begun showing commercials during streams. I can pay a fee to avoid it but haven't done so yet.

I am absolutely shocked and flabbergasted at the pharma ads. This didn't start yesterday I know, but the quantity and extent to which they hawk their wares is astounding.

"Better life through chemicals..." races through my mind. And I know that a great deal (all) of these maladies are self-induced by people who are opposing their own natures in chasing the "good life" - the promise of America.

I can only conclude that the people buying are so lacking in self-awareness, that they don't even know that they are creating their own illnesses. For the record, we create ALL of our reality, including our bodies, and any associated maladies and diseases.

Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, heart disease, skin issues, migraines - the list of maladies and chemical fixes seems to have no end. Seriously, if you have migraines, you need to take a serious look at WHAT YOU ARE DOING in your life.

And then, most comically, in the commercials, the cya's, the side-effects from these drugs are so awful including "risk of death" that I have to wonder who would risk the side-effects in favor of a maybe-cure to whatever their issues are.

And the most comical anti-lawsuit cya of all - "Don't take XXX if you are allergic to it."

How tf would you know if you're allergic to it if you don't take it?

Now, I am not completely unsympathetic to the travails of the younger population. I did it. Marriage, career, children - complete with all the requisite ails and ills. I thank God that I survived in as good a shape as I did.

But after seeing these ads for fricken pharma potions that they think might work for something, and considering that SOMEONE is buying this bullshit, I am totally not surprised how many people lined up for untested, unproven, toxic MRNA technology to be injected into their bodies.

It is a crime what was done to people and how it was done, by threatening their livelihoods through the employers and corporations, through their children and schools. It is unconscionable.

I promise their will be a heavy price to pay over the next decades and it was all done in the name of Capitalism and lining people's pockets.

We create ALL of our reality, including our bodies. We take on disease by opposing ourselves. Our energy is everything. We are never victims except to ourselves. This will become clear as we move forward into the Shift.

I have great compassion for those who are suffering. But medical and pharma solutions are only as good as our belief in them. If we believe they will help us, there is a good chance they can. But it is due to us, not to the pharmaceuticals.

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"And the most comical anti-lawsuit cya of all - "Don't take XXX if you are allergic to it."

How tf would you know if you're allergic to it if you don't take it?"

—I have yelled that very question at the TV a bunch of times!

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"if you have migraines, you need to take a serious look at WHAT YOU ARE DOING in your life."

—I have had extremely mild (and rare) purely ophthalmic migraines (all halo, no pain) off and on for 30+ years. They last 25 minutes no matter what I do. And they are usually triggered by being in a dark room and then suddenly looking at a light.

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May 21Liked by Christopher Cook

Not a doctor so this isn’t medical advice…I suggest not being in a dark room and/or not looking at a light 🤭

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LOL Good advice!

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May 21Liked by Christopher Cook

I’m here all week…😁

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Which way to the prime rib buffet?

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This is from a while back, but it still holds true today:

My wife and I were watching Sleepy Hollow on Hulu. Interesting show. But the commercials were what really got me.

We don't have one of the Hulu accounts that doesn't have commercials. So, we had to watch them. And literally every single commercial was for some prescription drug.

Nearly every single drug listed "Reduced Immune Response" as a side effect! Which I thought was really strange. One even said, "Talk to your doctor if you plan to get vaccinated."

I've seen a lot of drug commercials over the years, and I don't remember them listing reduced immune response as a side effect.

Something's not right.

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That was sad , even unbearable to watch seeing like “manufactured “ feelings brought about by a pill 💊 which simulates the addictive nature of drugs . Found it hilarious that they started to snort the capsule in order to get a better Love high as it were haha . Kidding aside , I didn’t like the ending that much either outside of the realization of the girl that the relationship was pointless I guess for lack of a better word. That’s my two cents

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It's a good two cents! Agree.

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What a sick, twisted, radical feminist propaganda clip. Started out good with a great message and concept. I don't understand why you want to promote misandry in young women & shame in young men. So unfortunate.

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I hear what you are saying.

Like I said, I did not love the way it ended—and primarily for the reason you stated. I did not take it as intentionally misandrous (the way so much stuff clearly is these days). Rather, I think they wanted to portray her as rebelling against the system, and him as being symbolic of the system.

BUT…given the way in which men are being treated these days—in media, entertainment, and academia—I did find myself wishing they had gone a different route. His forcing the pills on her made him an unreasoning part of the system, and I took it as such. But still, I too wish they had done a different ending!

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Plain, and simple all comes from within 💕 as I just went thru a prophetic tower moment. Not unscathed, in fact that one was ulgy, and disturbingly “love” based interestingly enough.

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I am intrigued, but I do not understand what you mean…

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Love is not a feeling, it's an act of your will.

In the year 2525 If man is still alive If woman can survive They may find

In the year 3535 Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies Everything you think, do, and say

Is in the pill you took today

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Dang, I never really properly listened to that song back in the day. What a work of dystopian sci-fi!


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Maybe they were prophets?

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It was the '60s, after all.

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Sad. This is already our reality. I know lots of people who go to the 'medicine cabinet' for everything. Big pHARMa advertises/brainwashes with TV ads every commercial break and doctors/sales reps promote a pill for every ill - real or imagined. It takes a lot of fortitude to resist.

One day, people will stop looking outside of themselves for permission, feelings, love etc. and learn how to live free.

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Your last sentence speaks to the fact that a majority of humans appear primarily to have an external locus of control. They do what the collective does.

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I love sex but the drugs that keep me up for 6 hours are a problem.

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Invite over a few friends.

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You’re a hoot Christopher! That one gave me a good laugh…but then I thought….Hmmmm…maybe he’s on to something!

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I am sure someone will see this thread and be very cross with us for prurient humor. But ya can't please everyone all the time!

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Oh, I’m sure that someone will have their pink undies all in a wad. The other possibility is that they have projection issues and are not realizing that what we are saying is actually different from what they think it is.

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I mean if I drink an energy drink I can't get to sleep for at least six hours past my normal bed time! And with that extra six hours, why not have a Scrabble party? Learning new words is a good idea, not a bad one!

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Yes. Or perhaps a spritely game of whist or charades.

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