I love your take on this. But I'm laughing too hard. That cat! 🤣🤣🤣

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Cats are hysterical. And when they get angry, they get even funnier.

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It sounds like... I can't think of the name of this thing... you know the plastic toy that's a long cylinder and when you shift it by turning it over from side to side, it makes the same noise as that cat? 🤣🤣🤣

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I know exactly the toy you're talking about!! I had one! It IS the same sound!!

Funny enough, Demi's Telegram channel is where I first heard a cat-collab by this guy. The one where the cat is outside his window, I think? Amazing.

Sigh...how great is music?!

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I knew y'all would know what the hell I was talking about! It's the same exact noise!! 🤣🤣🤣

This was in my channel? Did I miss this or did I forget? Could be either!! 🤣

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It is!! hahah! So funny to think that a toy like that was enough to entertain us back then.

No, it wasn't this song of his...it was a different one!

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Easily amused!! 🤣

Ah! That might be why I didn't recognize it. That's hilarious! 🤣

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I love the Duke quote. Another Duke quote I love.

Interviewer: What’s your favorite song you’ve ever written or played?

Duke: Oh, the one I’m going to write tomorrow.

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Jan 12Liked by Christopher Cook

Lovely reflections! Thank you!

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Jan 12Liked by Christopher Cook

Maybe it’s just because I’m a lover of all things feline, but that hit me in the feels. Beautiful on many levels. Thank you Christopher.

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I am so glad you found it so. Me too!

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I love this so very much. Thanks for starting my day in this way. It is very beautiful. And free time seems like time to create, or to sit in communion with the beauty and challenge of it all. Someone is pinging at some guitar strings next door as I type and butterflies are cruising around the garden. My neighbor found me too loud last night. I love how even the challenges, like the sound of that cat, are woven into a tapestry of beauty. Again. Thank you so much. And thank you for recommending my blog. I am still practicing soaking in the gift of that.

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Thank you.

What were you being too loud doing last night?

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I was talking to my son on the phone at 10:30 and laughing. Many things are lovely here at this retreat center, but with only screens for windows and thin walls, you can hear nearby casitas.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by Christopher Cook

Amazing. Reminds me of how humans communicated via music with space aliens in the movie "Close Encounters ... ".

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Yeah, it’s a super-nice song, huh?

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yes but I was referring to your commentary as being brilliant

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Ah…well thank you!

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Jan 18Liked by Christopher Cook

Truth! about good aspects of the internet. Since it can't be fully controlled it will remain a freedom engine.

You found The Kiffness :-D The guy is a genius.

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Freedom Engine!!

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Jan 18Liked by Christopher Cook

They have a nice catalog on utube.

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Thanks for the tip!

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Jan 18Liked by Christopher Cook


Modern songs done lounge style.

Mix of singers, mostly women. Very entertaining.

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I have seen them on Facebook. Groovy.

I have a couple of Andrews Sisters' tunes in my playlist. I love the thick harmonies.

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Jan 18Liked by Christopher Cook

So cool the the tech that makes these possible. The creativity being unleashed and exposed is incredibly inspiring. It's the best part of tubing. Post modern jukebox is one of my faves

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Post modern jukebox—are they they 40s-style reboot?

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Yes indeed!

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Jan 18Liked by Christopher Cook

Love this. Amen to your observations.

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Jan 18Liked by Christopher Cook

Music is a language that can't always be put into words, yet refuses to remain silent. that was a poster 40 years ago or so. and I was just reminded of it. Thanks

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Thank you. What a cool quote!

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Jan 17Liked by Christopher Cook

The Kiffness is extremely talented. I'm always interested in what he'll do next.

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Yeah for sure. If find his choice of harmonies and chords really pleasing.

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Great essay. Many confuse Globalization with Globalism which are two different concepts. Globalization is the free exchange of goods, services and organic human interaction across arbitrary borders. This is what your essay beautifully hints at. Globalism is the institution of an unaccountable supra-national power structures that wants to manage, control, and restrict organic human interactions at a global level.

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Well said. The next evolution is more devolved, but also more globalized.

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Jan 13Liked by Christopher Cook

Started out laughing at the funny cat noises then REALLY enjoyed the beautiful music. Love the way so many different artists added their special talents too. Thanks for sharing this🥰

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Exactly. It seems like a gimmick, and then you realize they've really got something…

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