
"When we think about what to do and how to do it, we must remember that simple fact. Government is a giant exsanguination machine, designed to siphon as much as it can from you while still keeping you alive.

The system depends on it. Everyone who works in government depends on it. Every corporation with friends in government depends on it. The Military Industrial Complex…Big Pharma… they all depend on it."

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Jan 25Liked by Christopher Cook

Don’t feed the beast. In truth - No one owns anything in this world anyway. We just pay to use things till we die and they will keep collecting money off the house, car, estate taxes etc… over avd over for centuries.

Pay off debts, pull all investments out of everything and create your own community or charitable trust with likeminded people.

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Jan 25Liked by Christopher Cook

I’ve always chased to be let alone from the Kansas State fusion centers gang stalkers by taking my kayaks with my wife and dog on a pack float for 3 days. You get to be a survivor of your own world with the knowledge of what you’re coming back too! I admire your work and detail Christopher in every writing you make available. I owe gratitude to you for allowing me to see that not all life form has to present a false premise.

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# 1...There have been few examples of the powerful allowing the populous to remove power from the top. It is my hope the Elites of today would do so, though I do not hold my breath. There was a time when the State Power was limited, but over the last couple of centuries, the sphere of influence of Western Governments has grown by leaps and bounds, taking over the responsibilities of other, equally important spheres.

There are several reasons for that. Among them are the various bait-and-switch promises made by electioneering politicians. Every “free” offering by the government must be paid by someone. The establishment of an abundance of “Personal benefit with socialized costs” has driven the deficits of governments all over the free world.

Another big-ticket item is the idea that the State is the creator of the perfect circumstances through which the assumed goodness of humanity can be realized. Another bait-and-switch brought to us by the Enlightenment is this idea that we are all basically good, only requiring the right circumstances to be made. The State has taken this call to arms with great gusto, seeking more and more power to attain their “manifest destiny.” They continue to make policies to adjust the terms of social engagement, trying (mostly in vain) to change human nature. This initiative is a bottomless pit of money and efforts.

#2… Professional sports…Don’t know-don’t care

(I would be sorry if I was not once a sports follower, wasting vast amounts of time on the pursuit of something I could not clearly define)

#3… Perhaps this is where the old adage comes into play. Lead, follow, or get out of the way!

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Christopher Cook

Christopher, I wrote a post stating I wanted to just be left alone which would end my pursuit of happiness; this made a response by you to follow me, thank you. I subscribed back to you. As we see in Texas unconstitutional acts by the executive branch, judicial branch and honestly inaction by the house and certainly the senate. So basically the entire government has abrogated its most basic responsibilities to protect the American citizen and protect the states. To me this is reason for governor Gregg Abbott to take matters into his own hands which could certainly lead to armed conflict with the federal government. I live in Marxachusetts but I now consider myself a Texan. Half of the states have thrown their support behind governor Abbott. People should read the letter he sent to Joe Biden, it was brilliant. I believe this is what happens when every branch of our government has become corrupted by foreign money and influence. This is what happens when we allow stollen elections with no consequences for specific “elites” while jailing their opponents. Tyranny deserves a response. I hope you were able to see a letter I posted written to my father in October of 1945 from the wife of a friend of his that served with him in the battle of the bulge. It described sacrifice that is so lacking in our leadership today. J.Goodrich

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"You are your own Authority. The Gods do not come kneeling."

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Believing that “power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” puts us in good company with Lord Acton, I suppose.

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Jan 25Liked by Christopher Cook


Hei Hei

Bra Jobba

You are always my first read on SubStack

Please continue

Tusen Takk

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Jan 25Liked by Christopher Cook

"Government is a giant exsanguination machine"

I can't think of any way to put it better, or more succinctly. And now that robots with AI are on the near horizon, our rulers are coming around to seeing us as useless eaters, to be disposed of with as little fuss as possible. With a few remaining to keep the robots running, until the robots can do that themselves.

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Feb 8Liked by Christopher Cook

I hope for a peaceful resolution in freedom's favor also. And thanks for the info on the 3000 following limit.

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Yes. The movement forward will be slower, but it will be more steady. That, of course, assumes that forward motion can be universally defined. For example, “Progressive” seems to me to be cranky about anything normal. My definition of forward and a “progressive” notion of the same word are not at all the same.

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I don’t have anything to add just wanted to say looking forward to seeing you speak at Rachel’s Cabaret 2.

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Those who choose to live 'off the grid' will be hunted down and destroyed for the good of the State.

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