Jan 1Liked by Christopher Cook

I am more than a bit frustrated at times, especially since I work with quite a few folks who are merely waiting to be “raptured” out of this mess. I’m sorry, but I do not believe that. I wonder just how awful it has to become before people simply stop complying. I took quite the beating in myriad ways for not complying with tyranny. That said, I’d do it again if only to set the example for my children. I joined a women's group who said their mission was to create change but it turned out all they wanted to know was how many Louis Vuitton bags I used to own when I was hanging out with unsavory people (who cares???) or how we can “fix our public school system”. News flash….we cannot. I fought my local school board over Common Core curriculum years ago and was threatened with “jail” for not wanting to send my children. I am rather disgusted at this point. I guess I do not have answers as to how to fix this system…I simply think a new one must be built. I AM down for Anarchapulcho, however.

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“ I guess I do not have answers as to how to fix this system.”

There is no fixing it. We need to build something separate and then just opt out of the old and into the new.


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“ was threatened with “jail” for not wanting to send my children.”

Have you written about this anywhere?

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“or how we can “fix our public school system”. News flash….we cannot.”

Ha—wrote about this very thing: https://christophercook.substack.com/p/trans-radical-activism-public-schools

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“all they wanted to know was how many Louis Vuitton bags I used to own when I was hanging out with unsavory people”


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“ I wonder just how awful it has to become before people simply stop complying. I took quite the beating in myriad ways for not complying with tyranny. That said, I’d do it again”

Same, same, and same.

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Re: rapture… I heard Tom Woods say that he recently did a show on this subject. I have not listened yet, but I gather that there is someone who lays out that the whole pre-trib, “left-behind” rapture picture is a construction from the 19th century. Found it: https://tomwoods.com/ep-2413-bad-theology-israel-the-rapture-and-the-end-times/

(If you end up listening to it, LMK what you think. I will get to it at some point.

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Jan 1Liked by Christopher Cook

I LOVE this. I recently told my boss that he is free to send me to Anarchapulcho if he wishes. My brother-in-law has the Bush family over for dinner, my grandfather was a Senator (and an Odd Fellow Freemason…it’s in his obituary for all to freaking read), I hung out with Gary Hart back in the day. I simply choose to not be governed or subjugated at all. My arrival at this was different in that I did not have anyone to listen to or read…I became tired of dealing with psychopaths and their minions, people who bring drugs into my country or bomb the crap out of innocent people, people with no morals or compassion. Whitney Webb has written an excellent book One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein. It explains some of how we arrived here. Catherine Austin-Fitts has written excellent material as well, in particular Dillon Read & Co. Inc. and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits. Every time I go into Denver, I feel like I am in a third world country or a war zone. I would prefer to live away from drugs and crime and certainly attempting to raise healthy children in that environment is not possible. All I can conclude is that we are governed by criminals.

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Thanks, and thank you for sharing some of your journey too.

There is no place too rural for me, but I have to take my wife’s wishes into account as well. We will get some rural land at some point, but we might have to compromise on just how far out it is.

We are governed by criminals.

And I too want to go to Anarchopulco someday.

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Man I love this. You spent years using the Trivium Method to come to truth. You worked it out. I appreciate that cause I did the same thing. You didn’t just jump on board, you delved deep into the philosophical framework. Intellectual training and self defense. Men who jump on board at their whims don’t write pieces like this. Thank you for doing the rigorous spiritual trials we must go through to articulate “what is.” Anarchy means “No rulers.” It doesn’t mean no rules. See, baggage dumped.

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And thank you for recognizing the work that has gone into this. It mostly happened over the course of 15 years, while I was writing a book. I started the book as a fairly mainstream conservative, became a libertarian while writing, and finished as a minarchist. I just couldn't let that last little scrap go. Six months later, I did! (My four-part series on "My Ideological Journey" tells the whole story, for those who are interested in such things.)

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I think Jeffrey Tucker is getting it.

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I am not a pessimist or an optimist; I am a meliorist.

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Hmmmm. Not really compatible with the Judeo-Christian tradition.

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This prayer 👆is from a little prayer book that I found in a used book sale. It was published in 1916, and contains a prayer for each day of the year(including Feb 29 🙂). I have been reading it every day for years, and, as often happens, today’s prayer is perfectly applicable to our discussion. (Also, Christopher, I hope you appreciate that I figured out how to scan and paste. 😂)

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Yes, your scanning and pasting abilities are now top-shelf!

Thank you for the prayer. I especially appreciate having a light upon my faults and failures so I can try to do/be better.

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Yup, always trying to be better.

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Pray without ceasing. I Thess. 5: 17.

OUR blessed Saviour, Who dost dwell in our hearts

by faith, grant us such a clear consciousness of Thine indwelling that each may be able to say, live, and yet no longer I, but Christ liveth in me." Show us that our interests and Thine are one. Enable us so to surrender ourselves to Thee that Thou mayest work in us both to will and to work for Thy good pleasure.

Establish Thy rule over every part of

our nature.

Subdue our passions and energies to

Thy will.

In Thy light may we see our faults and

failures, and, as they are revealed, do Thou remove them, and finish in us the work Thou hast begun.

Grant us grace today to let Christ live out His life in us. May He so possess our spirits and so govern our lives, that men, beholding us, may think of Him; listening to us, may hear His message; and in fellow. ship with us, may feel the influence of His Spirit.

Keep us from stilling the voice within.

Keep us

from becoming so engrossed with our worldly pursuits that we lose sight of the Christ Who reigns in our souls, and Who is our very life. Lord Jesus, make us Thine instruments, prepare us for Thy serv-ice, and use us as Thou wilt for the fulfilment of Thy purposes. Then grant us the joy of Thine ap-proval. For Thine own name's sake.


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My understanding of the word is simply that it means not expecting things will be automatically good (optimism) or bad (pessimism), but rather that it is possible to improve things by acting. Kind of a “the Lord helps those who help themselves” sentiment. Am I missing something about the word?

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Haha. I don’t know. I had to look up the word 😂 and I found the idea of “social improvement through regulated human activity.” Is that what you meant? That sort of sounds like what Hillary Clinton wants to do--which I’m sure is NOT what you meant.

The Bible teaches us that God is perfect and that mankind is inherently sinful; thus we improve by accepting God’s sovereignty over our lives and seeking always to know and to do God’s will.

The expression “The Lord helps those who help themselves” was a favorite of my grandmother’s, and my mother repeated it, though it’s not found in the Bible. A pastor many years ago preached on how much he disliked it, because it suggests that God will help you as you go off and do your own thing.

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“social improvement through regulated human activity” is definitely NOT how I understood the word. 😆

I also never thought of that expression as meaning “ God will help you as you go off and do your own thing.” I have always looked at it as meaning that you cannot sit back, do nothing, and expect God to micromanage your life or act for you. You have to do good things and make good things happen.

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Right, don’t sit back doing nothing, but be prayerful to discern God’s will, and remain prayerful and in touch with God as you act.

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My last sentence doesn’t make sense but I’m guessing you get what I mean. 😉

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As far as I know, all your sentences have made sense to me :-)

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Ha!! Well this is greatly appreciated (and refreshing!)

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Thank you for sharing your story, Christopher! It’s a really interesting journey.

I’m not into “ist’s” (because I’m soooooo into freedom- including that of labels;) but I’d say if I was to label myself anything other than “human” it would be an anarchist.

For me, it was the moment I learned the TRUE definition of anarchy, supplanting the inverted definition of ‘chaos’ that is purposefully programmed into us through movies and such.) 🙂

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One thing that amazes me is how many people insist that we're not allowed to go.

We say, "We're not asking anything of you. We're not suggesting anything about how you ought to live. We are just asking to depart, unmolested and in peace."

And the answer is NO. Not just from governments, but from individual people. No. You can't leave.


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It’s a great question. I think we are all constantly operating as mirrors for one another, consciously or not. And perhaps it’s because under-developed humans are threatened by reflections of those who have something they want but don’t have.

It’s way easier to take somebody down rather than to bring yourself up. And when you’re told that it’s virtuous to do so and there are no consequences for causing harm...then watch out! An avoidance of the heavy-lifting required for maturing is too much work compared to simply enforcing controls on that which threatens you. What do you think?

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That has to be at least a partial explanation. It certainly helps to explain why people feel like it's okay to get angry and rude on the subject. (Did you read my piece on that? https://christophercook.substack.com/p/six-reasons-why-conservatives-hate-anarchism)

I think that the reasons I lay out in that piece also help to explain some of it.

Now that I think about it, collectivism should probably be added as a seventh reason. For a lot of people, you just can't leave the tribe…just because. Because we are wired to be social animals.

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Haven’t read it but most certainly will!

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

Beautiful Piece on all fronts. Love this quote: "Slavery isn’t just dehumanizing in some metaphorical or poetic sense; it is literally dehumanizing. It violates the very thing—self-ownership—that makes each individual a unique and sovereign human person. It attempts to alienate the inalienable. It cannot, so all that remains is force, subjugation, and submission to avoid punishment."

I kind of think the inner truths, awakened are a pre-requisite to a healthy and balanced approach to the practical aspects of a functional, free and wholesome society. I am free of an opinion of exactly what we need to do in terms of structure or lack thereof and more of the heart-mind that if we birth a sovereign divine consciousness on earth, all else will follow. Seek first the Kingdom/Queendom within and all else will be added...

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Author

Certainly cannot go wrong with that approach!

I start from a place of ideas…but I must say, the idea-revelations I have been having have been helping to change me inside.

And thanks for the kind words!

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At least I *think* the ideas come first. I dunno—sometimes I wake up and it's just there…as if angels whispered it to me in my sleep. Goodness knows what is actually going on inside, and what is coming first…

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

Lol...just talking over a card game about how the heart has precognition according to at least one, maybe more scientific studies. Ideas are the same for me...sometimes I develop them, but the ones that feel lightest and most empowering just land.

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What card game are you playing? I used to love canasta. (Ow geez, how old am I?) 😄

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We played Egyptian Rat Screw

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I wonder how that got its name…

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

I totally feel you on that! We all get to the same place when intent is goodness for all, including ourselves.

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We are all seeing with new eyes what "rulers" do for us. Many now see how much they do not care for us at all. They just continue to lie to us all everyday through their Mockingbird Media. They carry on with their agendas and get away with terrorism acts and war against "their own people" , which in my estimation, most people don't even know what they are a "part of". There is an older idea of America, when the deceit and espionage was still going on, but people still had some sense of decorum and held a "general respect" for the "office of president". That is no longer true. "They" are showing their asses too frequently. I work among many democrats (99%, I would say) and lately, their speakers have been mentioning that maybe the media isn't really telling them the truth.

It was beautiful for my ears to hear the first, second and third time. I will be bringing it up again, you can count on it. Maybe there is hope for people yet. Most of us have just been so brainwashed, we don't realize our true power. We don't spend enough time thinking about what life "could" be, because by design, we are running ourselves into the ground. We need another "around the campfire imagining", like when early man discovered and recreated his first fire (supposedly) haha. I hold everything I have ever believed suspect now, I don't think being an anarchist is a big deal by comparison!

It is the basic meaning of things and the contradictions that they represent that have always drawn me in. It started when I was raised as a Southern Baptist. I started recognizing contradictions in things early on. I am no longer Southern Baptist, but I do believe in the interconnectedness of all things. I also believe that we are the beneficiary of the earth, but that's as much as I will nail down for you or me.

We are not here to watch more generations suffer. We are here at an important time, to make change. We are here for it because we are the ones who can do this. That's my intuition about it. I also believe we are entering a new era, and so even though it's a scary time, we should be grateful to be here for it. We have the strength in our hearts to reverberate into the future with our actions and words and intentions.

Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of when I turned away from religion and toward my own idea of interconnectedness and 'source' - for lack of a better description. I know it's a heavily used word, but it's the one that seems the most fitting to me. When I freed myself from the ideology and the common habits of thought and words associated with religious dogma, I stepped out into my yard. I had just told the Southern Baptist version of the god of the Bible that I would be stepping away for a minute to hear my own thoughts on the subject. I will remain open. I will stop using these phrases and words to think about it. If I am meant to be back, I will be back. After I decided that it was like I was seeing the grass for the first time. I cannot describe it, but it looked like the earth was rolling away from me, breathing in a way. And the grass was so green, so alive, so full of mysteries. I was overwhelmed.

Well, I am a more spiritual person than I have ever been, even when I was in a religion. I am just winging it. I am open to old and new information. I don't disregard the Bible, I find it a highly useful tool to mankind for various reasons. (And truly distorted by man and very much not so useful at the same time.) I remain open, that is all.

If more people could free themselves from their current habitual thoughtforms and look more deeply, maybe more people would realize that we don't need rulers at all. It is very clear, when you know who humans really are. When you intuit your real worth and when you realize that everything you do effects the realm we are in, you don't want to do harm. When people do, society deals with it reasonably. If more people were actually free, and the media wasn't always filming or making a film of every horrible imagining to tell us about; there would be less of humans hurting humans. Yes, it would still happen, but there are ways to deal with that without requiring a few to rule us all. A few to rule us all is a recipe for disaster, just by the very nature of the structure. I agree. And the word Anarchist only means without rulers. It's not like people think it is, of anarchy?! That's mayhem and chaos!

Well, it's not. Not at all, it's simply and acknowledgement of our own 'respond ability' and power to create a world that we want to live in. It's not that big of a stretch. We just have to get over our programming. Thanks for helping people to think about it. That's good work!

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Great comment—worthy of being an article in its own right. A few replies…

"I work among many democrats (99%, I would say) and lately, their speakers have been mentioning that maybe the media isn't really telling them the truth. It was beautiful for my ears to hear the first, second and third time. I will be bringing it up again, you can count on it. Maybe there is hope for people yet."

—Great message!

"We don't spend enough time thinking about what life "could" be, because by design, we are running ourselves into the ground. We need another "around the campfire imagining", like when early man discovered and recreated his first fire (supposedly) haha."

—You will like my article for tomorrow!

"We are not here to watch more generations suffer. We are here at an important time, to make change."

—100% Did you read my article "Should You Vote?"

"Yes, it would still happen, but there are ways to deal with that without requiring a few to rule us all."

—Yes indeed. Those ways might even work better.

Again, nicely said. Change is coming!

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