It sure seems odd that a company would tell you "you're buying too much of our product" lol. Maybe it's time to move off-grid? We moved to a home with solar and no grid connection and we can use as much electricity as we can produce. Nobody knows or cares.
This was my first thought as well -- what the heck kind of company tries to guilt trip their customers into using LESS of their (overpriced) product? It really shows you that their goal has nothing to do with profit and everything to do with social engineering. Sheesh.
I watched MSNBC once for 52 seconds. I got a notice that I’m consuming 73,945% more MSNBC compared to other Americans with a slightly above average IQ.
I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it, but I developed an urge to fight the racist, hateful, transphobic, fascist, capitalist patriarchy that is LITERALLY murdering our most vulnerable. I also had an uncontrollable urge to get a booster.
It sounds like MSNBC did a real number on you. You sound completely brainwashed like several other liberals I know. There is no capitalist patriarchy, and exactly who is vulnerable and literally being murdered? I recommend some heavy duty common sense indoctrination, and learning solid MAGA philosophy, and you may become curable. But it does depend on how many Covid shots you have had. If you had more than the first two, your case could be more serious or even terminal. In that case I suggest buying an AR-15 or two, and spending many days at the range burning ammo, shooting at pictures of Obama and Biden/Harris - the range will have those targets you can buy. If that doesn't cure you, well then go join the Democrat party and become a transgender and just give up.
As Chris suggested you need your sarcasm meter adjusted. You are welcome to look at my substack to see where I stand which is as an anarchism curious libertarian.
I’d add that if your goal is to persuade anyone that you are correct that little screed helps nobody.
witty, brief sarcasm works.
calm thoughtful arguments work.
What you just wrote sounds like the evil hive mind of bluesky as seen in a mirror.
I'm not concerned with being correct, and I really am not worried about or trying to influence or change or otherwise make anyone think different than they already do. In reality, I have no goal here. It makes no difference to me, I'm nobody, I can't be canceled, I have nothing to steal or take, no status or position to lose. I don't really care very much about where you stand, never even knew you existed until I replied to your comment. And, I'll also be unaffected if I can no longer read or comment here. I'm just sitting at home on my PC playing around, a little bored, but you, I don't know. It looks like I may have struck a nerve. :-)
No, I don’t get comparisons from outside my own usage. I get a snapshot of the past 11 months. My state hasn’t gone New Green Scam tho. Caveat: been an environmentalist all my life. Converted my entire property into a native plant zone. I quit donating any money to the big groups because they are all just pigs feeding at the governmental trough. The Green Scam would be dire for the environment. Nothing brings that to life better than Planet of the Humans documentary. Even Greenpeace 1.0 disavows Greenpeace 2.0. So fighting the Scam is the new environmental activism, since they are now mouthpieces for industries that want to replace Big Oil (who aren’t saints either).
I’ve driven through there a few times on our tour. One time we stopped in deadwood and I visited the graveyard. Lol! It’s a fascinating place. I’d like to go back for a visit.
I did, 10 years ago, from a metro area. It was a long time coming and so worth it! Plus, everyone forgets it exists so we avoid the rush, though there was one during Covid. Traffic conditions certainly changed in Rapid City, the most populated area out here.
Yes. So close… Unfortunately some of the “conservatives” here still believe it is ok for government to control what they don’t like and how they like. Like govt id for porn. Make it make sense, please. Medicinal is here but quite limited even. Plus you lose your 2A rights, which is BE because lots of people drink and that’s ok. It still fazes no one. I see increasingly more people puffing outside than ever before so I think it will change. Last year it didn’t pass by only 2% points (after it did pass in 2020 but they pulled a fast one.) And the lobby is pathetic, btw. They don’t do a good job at outreach. Whereas the fear mongerers do. So the result is still encouraging.
Thank you! I live in what is basically a 4 room Victorian cottage (with kitchen & bath added on to the back; less than 1000 square feet total) in the middle of mansions and McMansions (similar smallish original cottages that have been ‘renovated’ into 2 story soulless monstrosities). My house has a solar/battery/generator system and can go off grid. In part because I use natural light Chromolux bulbs that are expensive and progressively more difficult to find (I hate LED light), I am religious about turning off lights etc. I also have small, very efficient German refrigerator and other appliances. My house has working shutters and lots of light (so I seldom turn on lights during the day and close shutters during summer to keep heat out and open in winter for natural warming. Mind you, it’s a ‘raised cottage’ with 10/12 foot ceilings in the 4 rooms, no subfloor, and working old fashioned real glass & wood windows but it’s still a small house. I constantly get these notices and have wondered how this could be and what/where are the comparison houses. Mystery solved, thank you!
Well, the notices say I use more than neighbor houses of around me … and most the houses around me these days easily 2/4 times larger..(I do have a 7x16 foot saltwater pool in the back so maybe that’s it🤔
I live alone, switched to all leds years ago, installed a high efficiency furnace, never watch TV....and I'm ALWAYS above the average for "similar" homes on my electricity usage. 🤣
I rarely even open a letter from the electric company. All of them have been advertisements, including those "notices" the tell me I use too much electricity. They try to set me up to be satisfied with (always) coming rate hikes, they "invite" my to contact so and so for insulation or windows or some other scam ,sometimes both. They are a bought and paid for monopoly not in the slightest concerned with my welfare. I am not their customer, I am their mark.
the message in all the main stream narratives seems to be that humans are the problem, you! What they seem to assume is that they are better than human and therefore qualified to tell us we are less and inferior.
Totally off the grid, not my problem, but good luck. I agree with Libertarian Prepper, they are complaining about consumption? Sounds kinda unAmerican. We all need to shrink down and think small right?!
Yes we do... I suspect we are what is meant to be shrunk down, and are we are the ones expected to have much smaller expectations. They can pretty much just print all the money they could ever want.
Great point Christopher! As you noted "They" want us to feel shame (While they steal, cause mayhem, Genocide and other horrific things) for living. Good luck with that.
I know you don't watch much TV, I don't either, but I do follow the Yellowstone series and its spinoffs. Like you I lived in Montana for some years. 1923 (set in 1923) is one of the spinoffs and a Native-American elder is talking to a young person and he very succinctly exposes the ridicoulusness of government:
1923, Season 2, episode 1 from 22 minutes to 24 minutes.
I read an article yesterday from someone on substack about living in Tokyo Japan. It sounded like the perfect 15 minute city with 37 million residents. That's 30% of Japan's dwindling population living in one city.
Not much of an energy piggy anymore as all our energy is electric and the monthly bill ranges from $35-47 depending on the season. Since being retired, my wife and I only drive about 5-6K miles per year. But they can shove their 15 minutes cities up their oinker.
I noticed that our electricity company SMECO, the Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative started doing that a while back. I have always not cared in the slightest. I keep my house cool in the summer and warm in the winter while running several computers in the maximum performance configuration. I couldn't give less of a shit. I usually don't leave unused lights on but, if I did/do accidentally, I don't really care outside of the idea that it burns my money for no good reason.
Somehow, despite modern technology, electricity has never ever gone down in price for the entire 60 years that I've been on the planet. I think they're lying about that and just using excuse making scary stories to smokescreen their real intent of wanting to enrich themselves at the expense of common people. I remember before there were nuclear power plants and then they were decommissioned. The effect of anything and everything from fair skies to modern computers does nothing but raise the price per unit somehow.
Same thing with the water company METCOM but more threatening. Last year they started to threaten the potential for what they call "fines" for people that use some arbitrary number that I never agreed to use a cap. I never saw one word of anything talking about me agreeing to stay under some number. I pay around $60 per month before a single drop of water is used. That's their service fees, their "bay restoration" fees, all their communist bullshit Maryland liberal bullshit that I never agreed to. I just want water for whatever amount. I didn't agree to restore the bay, it wasn't me that caused it to need restoration in the first place.
I think this year they're going finally start charging "fines", which are not really fines because they're not the fucken government and no rule or contractual agreement has been violated. They just are making excuses to charge more. And there again, IDGAF what anyone else is using. I want my lawn to not look like a dried patch of random weeds. I spend a fortune on the lawn. Fuck those cunts, charge me more, I will keep doing it anyway.
The electric company had a deal with the people that built my house (QBH). Without providing any option, they originally put in smart thermostats but left it to the homeowners to sign up for the program. I promptly removed those fucken things. Fuck that noise entirely.
And then they keep trying to brainwash people with their EV bullshit in their "newsletter" (that comes unsolicited with the bill and emails). I never asked for that shit. They're lying about all of it anyway! I have a feeling they will try to follow suit with water company and start charging a "fine" for people like me.
I just don't care. I don't buy one iota of the guilt they're wanting me to accept. They think they're climate justice warriors or some completely bullshit but I see them as evil liars. I will do what I'm gonna do and they will charge what they will charge. Call it whatever you want.
If/when I can't afford it, then and only then will I consider modifying my behavior and I still won't give a fuck about the lies they tell. I know better and I just don't care. They can blow that shit up their lunatic liberal asses.
If they would stop sending out all these annoying, useless mail messages, they’d save enough on paper, envelopes and stamps it wouldn’t matter how much electricity I use!!!!!!
I get these as well, though I have in the past gotten the "You're using Less than your Neighbor". However, in the cases I was aware I was fairly certain I had used more electricity that month than in the surrounding months where I used less and wa told I was using more. I totally agree that this is most likely a Global-warming, 15 Minute city... Youre a bad consumer type thing.
It sure seems odd that a company would tell you "you're buying too much of our product" lol. Maybe it's time to move off-grid? We moved to a home with solar and no grid connection and we can use as much electricity as we can produce. Nobody knows or cares.
This was my first thought as well -- what the heck kind of company tries to guilt trip their customers into using LESS of their (overpriced) product? It really shows you that their goal has nothing to do with profit and everything to do with social engineering. Sheesh.
That is my hope!
I was wondering where all my sunshine went. Thief!
... not - yet. Eventually nobody will be able to escape...
(a shameless plug, sorry I couldn't resist) 😁
I watched MSNBC once for 52 seconds. I got a notice that I’m consuming 73,945% more MSNBC compared to other Americans with a slightly above average IQ.
Hi I’m Brett. I’m a pig, and need help.
Wait a minute. Did you enjoy those 52 seconds of MSNBC? If you did, you are indeed a pig. But if it repelled and disgusted you. than you're OK.
I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it, but I developed an urge to fight the racist, hateful, transphobic, fascist, capitalist patriarchy that is LITERALLY murdering our most vulnerable. I also had an uncontrollable urge to get a booster.
Other than that I’m fine.
It sounds like MSNBC did a real number on you. You sound completely brainwashed like several other liberals I know. There is no capitalist patriarchy, and exactly who is vulnerable and literally being murdered? I recommend some heavy duty common sense indoctrination, and learning solid MAGA philosophy, and you may become curable. But it does depend on how many Covid shots you have had. If you had more than the first two, your case could be more serious or even terminal. In that case I suggest buying an AR-15 or two, and spending many days at the range burning ammo, shooting at pictures of Obama and Biden/Harris - the range will have those targets you can buy. If that doesn't cure you, well then go join the Democrat party and become a transgender and just give up.
Brett is just joking around. :-)
I am too. I don't want to see anybody become a democrat or a transgender. Maybe I should use some emojis. :-)
LOL yeah—emojis are helpful!
🤣 🧠 ❤️
OK seems none of us should be sourcing our sarcasm meters from china
As Chris suggested you need your sarcasm meter adjusted. You are welcome to look at my substack to see where I stand which is as an anarchism curious libertarian.
I’d add that if your goal is to persuade anyone that you are correct that little screed helps nobody.
witty, brief sarcasm works.
calm thoughtful arguments work.
What you just wrote sounds like the evil hive mind of bluesky as seen in a mirror.
I'm not concerned with being correct, and I really am not worried about or trying to influence or change or otherwise make anyone think different than they already do. In reality, I have no goal here. It makes no difference to me, I'm nobody, I can't be canceled, I have nothing to steal or take, no status or position to lose. I don't really care very much about where you stand, never even knew you existed until I replied to your comment. And, I'll also be unaffected if I can no longer read or comment here. I'm just sitting at home on my PC playing around, a little bored, but you, I don't know. It looks like I may have struck a nerve. :-)
Okay y'all, let's make nice. It was a misunderstanding. We're better as allies than enemies.
No, I don’t get comparisons from outside my own usage. I get a snapshot of the past 11 months. My state hasn’t gone New Green Scam tho. Caveat: been an environmentalist all my life. Converted my entire property into a native plant zone. I quit donating any money to the big groups because they are all just pigs feeding at the governmental trough. The Green Scam would be dire for the environment. Nothing brings that to life better than Planet of the Humans documentary. Even Greenpeace 1.0 disavows Greenpeace 2.0. So fighting the Scam is the new environmental activism, since they are now mouthpieces for industries that want to replace Big Oil (who aren’t saints either).
Mine is the same. I live in Tennessee.
What state do you reside? Thank you!
South Dakota, West River.
Beautiful state! Makes me want to move there! ❤️
The western half of South Dakota is amazing.
I’ve driven through there a few times on our tour. One time we stopped in deadwood and I visited the graveyard. Lol! It’s a fascinating place. I’d like to go back for a visit.
Deadwood is a hoot. The Badlands is more than worth the trip!
I did, 10 years ago, from a metro area. It was a long time coming and so worth it! Plus, everyone forgets it exists so we avoid the rush, though there was one during Covid. Traffic conditions certainly changed in Rapid City, the most populated area out here.
I would move there in a heartbeat if cannabis herb were legalized.
Yes. So close… Unfortunately some of the “conservatives” here still believe it is ok for government to control what they don’t like and how they like. Like govt id for porn. Make it make sense, please. Medicinal is here but quite limited even. Plus you lose your 2A rights, which is BE because lots of people drink and that’s ok. It still fazes no one. I see increasingly more people puffing outside than ever before so I think it will change. Last year it didn’t pass by only 2% points (after it did pass in 2020 but they pulled a fast one.) And the lobby is pathetic, btw. They don’t do a good job at outreach. Whereas the fear mongerers do. So the result is still encouraging.
Thank you! I live in what is basically a 4 room Victorian cottage (with kitchen & bath added on to the back; less than 1000 square feet total) in the middle of mansions and McMansions (similar smallish original cottages that have been ‘renovated’ into 2 story soulless monstrosities). My house has a solar/battery/generator system and can go off grid. In part because I use natural light Chromolux bulbs that are expensive and progressively more difficult to find (I hate LED light), I am religious about turning off lights etc. I also have small, very efficient German refrigerator and other appliances. My house has working shutters and lots of light (so I seldom turn on lights during the day and close shutters during summer to keep heat out and open in winter for natural warming. Mind you, it’s a ‘raised cottage’ with 10/12 foot ceilings in the 4 rooms, no subfloor, and working old fashioned real glass & wood windows but it’s still a small house. I constantly get these notices and have wondered how this could be and what/where are the comparison houses. Mystery solved, thank you!
Wow. So just to confirm—the notices always say that you use more than the McMansions?
Well, the notices say I use more than neighbor houses of around me … and most the houses around me these days easily 2/4 times larger..(I do have a 7x16 foot saltwater pool in the back so maybe that’s it🤔
Maybe. Or maybe they are just straight-up lying.
After reading your essay, I’m convinced that is the case … so thank you for the insight!
I live alone, switched to all leds years ago, installed a high efficiency furnace, never watch TV....and I'm ALWAYS above the average for "similar" homes on my electricity usage. 🤣
See? This seems like a complete and total scam to me.
I rarely even open a letter from the electric company. All of them have been advertisements, including those "notices" the tell me I use too much electricity. They try to set me up to be satisfied with (always) coming rate hikes, they "invite" my to contact so and so for insulation or windows or some other scam ,sometimes both. They are a bought and paid for monopoly not in the slightest concerned with my welfare. I am not their customer, I am their mark.
I haven’t noticed the ads in ours. I just asked my wife and she hasn’t either. I guess we’re lucky!
As far as the comparisons, do they ever say you used less than average, or only more?
Only more, never less
Energy hog!!
What a moneyed game They play. And energy is all around Us, and can be accessed freely.
Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article):
I've been meaning to address your excessive use of energy.... LOL
Sorry, Ed. We’ll try to be better 🤣
the message in all the main stream narratives seems to be that humans are the problem, you! What they seem to assume is that they are better than human and therefore qualified to tell us we are less and inferior.
It’s utterly sickening.
It’s sad that many humans still believe this inferior/superior setup!
Humans are pretty programmable.
Totally off the grid, not my problem, but good luck. I agree with Libertarian Prepper, they are complaining about consumption? Sounds kinda unAmerican. We all need to shrink down and think small right?!
Right. They care about SOMETHING more than money. Exactly what that something is is unclear, but we certainly do have our suspicions…
Yes we do... I suspect we are what is meant to be shrunk down, and are we are the ones expected to have much smaller expectations. They can pretty much just print all the money they could ever want.
Time to build our own world.
Right on!
Great point Christopher! As you noted "They" want us to feel shame (While they steal, cause mayhem, Genocide and other horrific things) for living. Good luck with that.
I know you don't watch much TV, I don't either, but I do follow the Yellowstone series and its spinoffs. Like you I lived in Montana for some years. 1923 (set in 1923) is one of the spinoffs and a Native-American elder is talking to a young person and he very succinctly exposes the ridicoulusness of government:
1923, Season 2, episode 1 from 22 minutes to 24 minutes.
Did you write that script?
I will have to try to find that. But I am away from the house for another week plus….
Get them, laugh at them, I dgaf.
Fair enough!
And do they always say you are higher than average?
Every time. What ru gonna do?
What I did was write this post 🤣😁
I read an article yesterday from someone on substack about living in Tokyo Japan. It sounded like the perfect 15 minute city with 37 million residents. That's 30% of Japan's dwindling population living in one city.
Not much of an energy piggy anymore as all our energy is electric and the monthly bill ranges from $35-47 depending on the season. Since being retired, my wife and I only drive about 5-6K miles per year. But they can shove their 15 minutes cities up their oinker.
Thy can indeed. Digital currency and concentration cities are where we must draw the line.
I noticed that our electricity company SMECO, the Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative started doing that a while back. I have always not cared in the slightest. I keep my house cool in the summer and warm in the winter while running several computers in the maximum performance configuration. I couldn't give less of a shit. I usually don't leave unused lights on but, if I did/do accidentally, I don't really care outside of the idea that it burns my money for no good reason.
Somehow, despite modern technology, electricity has never ever gone down in price for the entire 60 years that I've been on the planet. I think they're lying about that and just using excuse making scary stories to smokescreen their real intent of wanting to enrich themselves at the expense of common people. I remember before there were nuclear power plants and then they were decommissioned. The effect of anything and everything from fair skies to modern computers does nothing but raise the price per unit somehow.
Same thing with the water company METCOM but more threatening. Last year they started to threaten the potential for what they call "fines" for people that use some arbitrary number that I never agreed to use a cap. I never saw one word of anything talking about me agreeing to stay under some number. I pay around $60 per month before a single drop of water is used. That's their service fees, their "bay restoration" fees, all their communist bullshit Maryland liberal bullshit that I never agreed to. I just want water for whatever amount. I didn't agree to restore the bay, it wasn't me that caused it to need restoration in the first place.
I think this year they're going finally start charging "fines", which are not really fines because they're not the fucken government and no rule or contractual agreement has been violated. They just are making excuses to charge more. And there again, IDGAF what anyone else is using. I want my lawn to not look like a dried patch of random weeds. I spend a fortune on the lawn. Fuck those cunts, charge me more, I will keep doing it anyway.
The electric company had a deal with the people that built my house (QBH). Without providing any option, they originally put in smart thermostats but left it to the homeowners to sign up for the program. I promptly removed those fucken things. Fuck that noise entirely.
And then they keep trying to brainwash people with their EV bullshit in their "newsletter" (that comes unsolicited with the bill and emails). I never asked for that shit. They're lying about all of it anyway! I have a feeling they will try to follow suit with water company and start charging a "fine" for people like me.
I just don't care. I don't buy one iota of the guilt they're wanting me to accept. They think they're climate justice warriors or some completely bullshit but I see them as evil liars. I will do what I'm gonna do and they will charge what they will charge. Call it whatever you want.
If/when I can't afford it, then and only then will I consider modifying my behavior and I still won't give a fuck about the lies they tell. I know better and I just don't care. They can blow that shit up their lunatic liberal asses.
I agree with every sentiment you just expressed.
If they would stop sending out all these annoying, useless mail messages, they’d save enough on paper, envelopes and stamps it wouldn’t matter how much electricity I use!!!!!!
I hate this crap!! 💩
Right on!
I get these as well, though I have in the past gotten the "You're using Less than your Neighbor". However, in the cases I was aware I was fairly certain I had used more electricity that month than in the surrounding months where I used less and wa told I was using more. I totally agree that this is most likely a Global-warming, 15 Minute city... Youre a bad consumer type thing.
Thank you for bringing this to light!
Well, you are the first person so far who has said that they EVER got one saying they used less. Until now, I was not sure if that even existed.