I’m a little offended by the lesbian saving the fire victim meme, because I’m a lesbian!!! James Goodrich

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Buy yourself a new flannel shirt and put on some Melissa Etheridge, and you'll feel fine in no time.

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Well I never!! I resemble that!!

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I'm writing a column right now about the random headline generator.

I don't even recognize what people are talking about anymore.

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There's a random headline generator?

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LOL. It's more fun than crying, and I don't think the crazies like it when you laugh at them.

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In any real world with sane justice, people (all guilty of mass murder) like fauci, bourla and gates would be meeting the gallows reaper for a real swinging party. This will never happen so pardons or not, it doesn't matter one iota.

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The Ceaucescus oppressed Romania for decades. Then one day, people started jeering at one of their public propaganda addresses. Four days later, they were shot.

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Big Bird and Homer 🤣 feeling you bros 🤣🤝

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So good! Thank you for sharing!! I needed that laugh!

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We all do right about now. We need light, laughter, and fellowship. Feel free to check in here anytime. Good people to talk with!

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I feel like Big bird when I go back to the US. Just like that.

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It helps not to talk with anyone while you're here 🤣

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OMG. Ahhhh...it really is hard sometimes. Someone who just moved in reminded me that I am lucky to be alive now. And I am. It is just challenging to watch some things. Good to focus on hope and touching mountains. Plus, I do get to talk to interesting people, including you. Hope to meet in person sometime!

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I am thinking a big barn party at some point. Now I just need a barn…

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I helped prevent global warming! I ate a nightcrawler when I was 3 or so.. poor mom .. never got over it. 😂


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I ate a cricket at the state fair to freak out my wife and son.

Of course, that was in Phoenix, where global warming has already won.

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👍 Was it dipped in chocolate or roasted??

And were they freaked out? 😂

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Roasted and drizzled with a little chocolate. It was like a Kit Kat bar, except Kit Kat bars don't have legs the get stuck in your teeth.

And yes, they freaked out. I taunted them with it and the hid in fear!

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So Accurate Christopher!

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They surely normalized calling Our children baby goats - which They sacrifice... That came out of Hollywood. 'Nuff said.

Our Children Are Not Kids! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/our-children-are-not-kids

Other than that issue... LOVE the collection!!!

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