"Ain't no such thing as a free lunch" comes to mind; certainly as it applies to the topic of search engines. There's a plethora of them out there, all claiming "your privacy" as sacrosanct and top of their mind. Truth be known it's all flim-flam. The pachyderm in the parlour is known as SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. It's a thriving & lucrative industry whose focus is "gain of function" in search engine ranking for their clients. Candour is certainly not their forte.

Anyone concerned with anonymity cannot rely on promises of third parties. Far too many intermediates in the supply chain. My approach is to employ a trusted and reliable VPN service that has not been blacklisted by some email providers. Virtually none exist. Another option to obfuscate your location or identity is to hook up with OpenDNS or NextDNS

I was an early adopter of DDG, but have also noticed their search engine isn't what it once was.

I've been testing alternative providers, specifically Yandex & Tor.

Here's my experience: Became frustrated with the abysmal efficacy of optical wipes, searched for "Blue Wonder Canada", a Canadian brand I trusted. Most all search engines' algorithms ranked Amazon at or near the top. And Amazon doesn't even carry this brand! None (except for Privacia) showed the manufacturer in the top 10. The clear winner was the Yandex browser & its native search engine. I obtained similar results with Yandex using Privacia.org search.

Yandex is the only SE that has gained my trust, its GUI supports interactive definition of search criteria, akin to AI. And above all don't yield to normalcy bias or the PTB's Russia! Russia! hoax,

Tor is really interesting,, especially with the "Onion" search option enabled. Definitely not for newbies, it's a no holds barred, wild west kind of approach, reminds one of the internet's younger years - 9600 baud modems, CPM, DOS, UseNet and all that. If you're into serious unfettered research it's the one, But beware - there be tigers in the grass.

Google's founders' mantra was "Don't be evil", now it's "Don't be evil, that's our job".

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This is a very useful analysis; thank you.

I have noticed that search results have become VERY commercialized. I have done a few different searches recently for some historical term or other and ONLY gotten commercial results—endless examples of the term's commercial usage. (I am blanking on the actual terms; If I remember I will let you know.)

While privacy is definitely an issue (I run a VPN most of the time), that is not even my concern here. Rather, it is curation of results.

So, for example, I have been testing these different SEs with the "covid memes" search. They all come out with the same thing: regime-safe "we're all in this together"-type humor memes about lockdowns, masks, fear, etc. But no "covid is communism" or "vaccines will kill you" memes. Surely all of the former do not have awesome SEO, and all of the latter have terrible SEO or none at all. It just seems like more is at work here…

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Yes indeed Christopher, there is more at work here. First of all, governments pretend to be not for profit, when in fact they are for profit corporations. These corporations are hiding massive amounts of wealth, and because they have so much money, they can buy censorship. Walter Burien presents CAFR's - Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. Every municipality has one




Source Page: https://www.cafr1.com/

Secondly, the COVID crimes are monumental in scale, historical in scope, and are capital crimes, for which the punishment includes death. The perpetrators for obvious reasons don't want to be put to death - so we get censorship.

According to Dr. James Thorpe, the DEVIL'S CLOT SHOT (TM) caused massive increase in fetal deaths, abortions, and miscarriages, and was responsible for 17 million deaths worldwide and 585 million injuries worldwide, extrapolated from Pfizer documents indicating a 33.4 to 1 injury to kill ratio.



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I don't think they are going to be able to hide this forever. And once this knowledge reaches critical mass………

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for decades i could simply ask “definition of” & get dictionary results. a few months ago I entered the search for the word “stress” and got pages of medical articles.

stress is a basic word with applications across all fields of study, work & life. that is why i despise google & all such search principles

i now must enter specific “dictionary definition” and often dictionary.net which gave every definition known & links to further, doesnt appear in my results. i get fed up with the confines & limitations being built in but i have a good memory & so far get around a lot.

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The search engines apparently got bought out and taken over by big HARMA. I find success using a Boolean search (topic + keyword). Then click more about 10 times and start from the bottom, scrolling up, with a discerning eye.

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yes, me too. i have begun relearning boolean. i used it some on dogpile years ago. mojeek had a good article on it & using it for search query. gettin to use www vs internet would be awesome. im trying to get a cell modem. wish i had done it a couple of years ago when more available & cost less.

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truthfully, from what i have observed over time it is all in the wording of the query as to results.

information access has been being limited for a very long time now.

privacy is my concern.

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I hope we get a better answer on this front soon!

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i have no such hope so i keep educating myself. vpn is good i read. what has been happening, especially on city & state levels, is most telling.

england & others jailing for memes, senate hearings bring in social media posts for evidence. if you make yourself public…once a private opinion was that and public & private were different...it is all fair game & subject to others interpretation. private phone calls havent ever really been beginning with party, shared phone lines, switchboards. details matter and we are subject & blind to what we know & dont know.

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change is coming one day—I am sure of it. But maybe not soon enough for our generation :-)

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i know & agree with that. i meant specific to search & the common denominators. i see changes i appreciate & possibilities for more on big scale but local & state i see very concerning possibilities. im just watching, learning to see which way life is taking me. seems to be in a way that i never thought from such a close up & personal view. it also encompasses all of this…fkn mind blowing. 🤪😂

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Use Kagi.com it’s fantastic. It’s subscription based but that should be fine for you, per your first paragraph?

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Please tell me what you like about it—what makes it fantastic?

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They don’t accept vpn, I don’t use the site. I’m not THAT interested in whatever they are peddling, if data scraping is more important than them making cash or sharing info, their values are something I have no wish to support. Same for anyone who doesn’t allow you to reject cookies.

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Good analysis and I also like Yandex. Meanwhile I use often MetaGer.

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I noticed that Brave has also changed. Can't find anything anymore.

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Same regarding Brave

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Someone is suggesting freespoke. I have not used that much yet…

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I switched from Google to Duck Duck Go a long time ago for the same reasons that you stated and it became apparent to me after a time that it really was no different. I didn't even bother to change search engines however, because at this point I have come to the conclusion that they are all compromised in one way or another.

So I just decided to accept that if I want information that is outside of the mainstream narrative I will need to look a lot harder and expect to hit walls and obstacles in those searches. This means you've gotta be really specific about what you're looking for and be willing to scroll deep into the bowels of the search engine - like your trying to get to the subconscious of the internet, LOL.

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I am experimenting with https://www.mojeek.com/, per Andrej's recommendation. So far, I am cautiously optimistic that it is at least an improvement. Less so with images, but maybe more so with text searches. I have already made it my default on one browser, to give it a good test drive.

I will never use DDG again.

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I've seen positive comments on Yandex. Boolean search (topic + keyword) using the + symbol.

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Like the memes but many have been circulating for a while. I have been using the Russian search engine Yandex for about 2 years. I thought about using Brave and even changing from Firefox to the Brave browser. I also use Linux and no phone computing, just desktop.

No google, apple, microsoft, ducky clucky, startpage or any of the mainstream search engines. I tried Ecosia and didn't like it at all. There are no true search engines as they all are geared towards providing the results they want you to find.

That is gonna be the same for A/i. Mostly, like anything digital it is mainly a spy machine, data collector and a nosey SOB.

Yandex has been fine for most searches and I trust the Russians more than the Americans. I don't speak Russian and sometimes the results are rather "Rustic". Google seems more communist to me than Yandex.

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I do use Yandex for some things. And yeah, it is better in that way—though it does not always have as many relevant results as I would like.

(And the Brave browser is much better than Firefox—not just in terms of privacy, but in terms of stability and resource usage. I actually looked on the activity monitor, and nearly every time I bogged down with memory pressure, Firefox was the culprit. Good riddance, IMO.)

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Me too. I trust the Russians more than the Americans. Exactly. Like someone said of Google, 'Don't be evil, that's our job'.

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I have noticed the same thing with DDG in the last couple of months. All Deep State sites come up in searches. I don't know where to.

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I am playing with Mojeek and Swisscows. Swisscows seems more balanced, but it has some other clunky issues. Let me know if you find any other good options!

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DDG has been compromised for a while. I believe the CEO even went on Twitter to brag about how they censor everything related to Ukraine because “we can’t let the evil Russians win” or some such nonsense.

I use Brave browser and search engine. It appears to be better than the others

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I use Brave browser but not the SE. I will have to give it more of a test!

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I think memes are a good way to judge degree of viability. Re Google, they routinely display they have 10,000s of results but only a few pages display.

The Way Back machine has also been comprised as they stop archiving. For the most part I rely more and more on others to obtain new sources and try to mine from there.

They are choking information out from our grasp. Perhaps we need to take an approach like Fahrenheit 451 where people specialize in archiving.

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I remember when I was young thinking it would be cool to bring back the Great Library in modern form—a place where ALL info was stored and kept safe. The internet was supposed to be that! Perhaps it can be again someday…

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I would happily pay a monthly fee for a good search engine. Respect the Boolean terms!

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Same, if it were REALLY good.

But do you know Robert Conquest's Second Law? Roughly, it is

"Any organization not explicitly and consciously right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing."

We can expand that to include the global regime. So, any organization that is not explicitly opposed to crazy leftist ideology and the global regime will end up, eventually, carrying water for both. So I would not pay a SE unless it made some sort of statement that convinced me that it would not become that eventually.

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It is a darn shame to see Duck Duck Go fall in with the dark side. It was my goto browser. Alas, time to look elsewhere. Farewell Duck Duck Go, you are no longer independent.

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I am giving Mojeek a try…

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I read recently, somewhere, that DDG was bought by Google.

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It certainly looks and acts that way!!

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I switched from DDG to Brave a couple of years ago because of this. Ask a question and it gives you pretty good summaries. I've seen a lot of people recommending Yandex lately also.

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Per Andrej's recommendation, I am giving Mojeek a test run. They are a crawler, so they are not getting their results from any of the other engines. And supposedly they are politically neutral.

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Biased? Of course not, simple clear, concise presentation of things as they are and as they were.

Such is so unquestionable I'm quite sure it would be no problem finding 101 academics willing to sign a letter assuring such.

When DD Go first came out I searched 'people European history' & clicked to images both on D D & google. The vast majority of images presented by both search engines were black.

I just redid that search on D D Go, 21 of the first 33 images of European people (My screen page size.) were of only colored folks or included people of color.

So far the least biased search system I've found is to turn away from the computer screen and start digging in the book shelves behind me.

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Total madness. I will never ever use DDG again.

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What is Inflation-Professor Wollf


All War is Evil. No More War


The Bankers Plan for All of Us


All War is Evil. No More War


What You should Know about the Federal Reserve by Peter Shift


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All Wars are Evil


Liberty & Freedom or the Federal Reserve?


All wars are Banker Wars.


Crooks Control the Federal Reserve


All wars are Banker Wars.


All Wars are Bankers Wars


All War is Evil. No More War




All War is Evil. No More War.


Stop Paying Income Taxes.



All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying Income Taxes.




All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Money & the Future


All War is Evil. No More War

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"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King

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All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King




All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Federal Reserve; Definition


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Banks are Teetering 12-1-23


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King








All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Weather, Bitcoin & Control


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Money is a social contract



This video is a must watch; will affect you and is less then 10 Minutes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fbNi2CSoS0ZG/


“…[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 324 (MacMillan Co. 1966).


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


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Thank you for your time and research. Very valuable. Know your enemies.

Do you have any insights about "freespoke.com" . Who's behind them? Clean or the same dirty shit as anywhere else?

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I don't know much about them. I did run the "covid memes" search with them and the results were just as bad, sadly.

They don't appear here, which is interesting: https://www.searchenginemap.com/ I suppose not all search engines do…

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Thank you so much for your lightning fast answer! What’s your recommandation then?

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You are welcome—we have good conversations here!

I don't have a recommendation yet. I am currently looking at Mojeek, with Andrej showing me reasons why it may be better. Work in progress…

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