What a great song. "I am also seeing a few more slings and arrows in the air these days. People are a bit edgier than usual. The tiniest shades of disagreement are used as an excuse to separate." Something I've seen and mourned over in the freedom community, as well as religion, and seems to be especially bad among the collectivist crowd, but you expect that from them. People condemned as "controlled opposition" because they fail to stress something that is a hobby horse that some individual thinks is the "key" to our situation. Instead of applauding and acknowledging all the true and correct points they may be making and those at various levels of awakening need to hear. We are all mixtures of light and dark, one of the things that make us interesting, but what is important to you? The light or the dark? Which will you acknowledge and amplify? Shine some love on that diamond in the rough, it is like water to a plant. Our reality in this world is quite flexible, I've seen it, it responds to your attention just like a child. What you "know" deep within is your reality, not what you want.

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" What you "know" deep within is your reality, not what you want."

—Working on it!

"seems to be especially bad among the collectivist crowd, but you expect that from them."

—Sadly, we have it too. Seems to be human nature.

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Yes, someone once said "You don't get what you want in this world, you get what you ARE." Well, human nature is a dual thing. These avatars we inhabit and so firmly identify with are from this predator/prey construct, we are both spiritual beings and an animal programmed to feel physical survival is the supreme value. It is something that facilitates survival as an organism here, but we are here to overcome and rule righteously over it, to raise it to a higher level, to spiritualize it, to demonstrate that there are higher values, and that we are much more than we appear to be.

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Your words are often very inspiring.

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Thanks Christopher, I have to give the credit to my Teacher, so often the words flow and I know it is not really coming from me, though I will give myself credit for growing in my ability to listen to that still small voice of Truth which is available to anyone who sincerely seeks it.

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Who is this teacher?

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I call it the Divine Presence within, the Holy Spirit of Truth. It may even be what some call the Oversoul or the Higher Self, or it could be what some would call a Guide or Guardian Angel. In 1 John 2:27 it says, "But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true—it is not a lie." It is a very subtle thing, it takes patience and a quiet mind, it's not a audible voice in my head, but impulses come that I have learned to recognize, things in your environment will sometimes "stand out" or are illuminated in an odd way, or suddenly feels highly significant. For example I was commuting from Bakersfield to Silicon Valley to a company I was doing some work for during the dot com bubble. It was a long lonely road almost deserted and I tended to let my speed get up a bit. I was sailing along and listening to a radio station. There was an ad or something the announcer said something about "slow down" enjoy the ride..." etc and those two words were high lighted in that moment. Yet I did not take much account of it then. Yet in about twenty-five miles I met a California Highway Patrol car coming the other way, something I had never seen on this road. He pulled me over and gave me a ticket for speeding.

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"Plant a thousand seeds. Let’s grow a forest."

A new national motto!

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I do like trees and tree metaphors.

And I am thinking of a tree for our flag…

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This resonates!

We are complex beings, through lifetimes of psychological operations from establishment, we are conditioned to fit in certain boxes, things need to be cut n dry or black n white, things need to be “evidence based” and if they aren’t, brains explode 🥴😅. There’s a place for it, there’s also a place for everything else, ALL of it is valuable, until one way of thinking thinks it is the be-all and end-all, then we’re in trouble!

Personally, I find I might not even consistently agree with my own self 😂 On one day, I can think practically and with reason, the next day I can think with deep feelings involved, anyone who didn’t know me would think I was schizophrenic!! You know what helps? More conversations, not shutting each other down. I’m not patronising, we fundamentally know it! But we somehow have lost the ability to have patience and allow time for contemplation.

Not sure if I’ve managed to convey my thoughts well here, or how they relate to the article 😅 in my head I know the connection 🤣🤣

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It definitely relates, and I get it.

Maybe I can piggyback and add on…. We want surety. We want the world to make sense. We want, as you say, to take given fact sets and put them in neat boxes. And that’s fine. But we should also be able to explore ideas without getting bent out of shape.

Of course, I am not going to agree much with communists, but at very least within the freedom movement, we have to recognize that no one is going to agree 100 percent on everything.

I remember I did write on this subject a while back…


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Absolutely. That’s exactly why the current/recently historical system doesn’t work, one way of thinking takes the “majority”. I see why, but when the so-called majority turns completely radical (recent events) we’ve saw and experienced the outcome and had to wait 4 years for the chance to change it, isn’t “democracy” wonderful 🤣. UK method, we have multiple parties on offer, result: Starmer was considered the “majority” win, one single party obtained the highest percentage in votes, but if you tally the numbers of the population who voted every other way, the actual majority didn’t want them😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

The system doesn’t fit OUR wants/needs, it fits theirs. It’s why I believe a new way, where communities decide, is the way to go.

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Communities and individuals, yes!

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I think I have some value to a community, but in current system and after recent events, I’d rather go it alone, accountable to me, the individual 😂 but that could be complete exhaustion and complete loss of trust talking 😅🤣

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Right there with you. That is why I am trying to create a new kind of "nation."

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It’s why I subscribed to you 🤣 and I’m an optimist, I know my “feelings” change and trust lost in one area, doesn’t mean it’s lost altogether 🤩

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perfectly conveyed. ty!

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Nihilism is beneficial to the dark occult.

They have rituals where they focus their thought energy on achieving specific goals and we can do the same with our collective thought energy in focusing on gaining the knowledge to achieve freedom.

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I would imagine the effect is magnified the more people do it and the more they coordinate their actions.

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“We’ve seen the sun only a handful of times since the start of December. Every day is a formless gray, moved only by the howling wind.” It’s very similar here in the upper peninsula of Michigan, half a mile from the south shore of Lake Superior.

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The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down…

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Too cold for me, it is going to be sunny and 77 degrees today in Terlingua, Texas.

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"Ronald Reagan—a person with whom you agree 80 percent of the time is an ally, not an enemy."

Our own isolation bubbles seem to highlight differences by force feeding us only what we already believe. Leaving us to think those in disagreement must be out of their minds.

That rumbling sound we hear is either our collective teeth grinding or the chasm opening wider with accelerated consumption of algorithm-based information feeds.

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What can/should we do to combat it?

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Good question.

Since everything starts locally, my focus is ensuring my family realizes the traps set by the overuse of social media. It's manipulation. But people like floating around in their self-imposed isolation bubbles. Human behavior is hard to change.

Hopefully, soon there’ll be enough data to show the physical and mental harm from big tech products. They’ll even have a name for it. I’m copyrighting “Socialpathy” because the initials for “Post-Tech Social Disorder” are already taken.

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You make an excellent point—if it had a name, people would take it more seriously.

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It's bizarre that he says it's not some "law of attraction newage nonsense." This is the exact thing I write about on my Substacks. Our beliefs are powerful. If we feel like "victims" we will stay like "victims." That's the whole "victim mentality" that keeps people down. Optimism wins in the end. And that means we win in the end, because the people who want to lock down others (take away freedoms) do so because they are afraid (pessimistic). Choosing optimism is the way to win.

Yes, the cold, cold winter can get us down. It's far easier to be pessimistic in winter. I have to keep reminding myself that Spring is coming. The more we focus on what we can do to better prepare ourselves for that time, the better. When we focus on our internal locus of control we feel more powerful, so focusing locally (our bodies, homes and city rather than nationally or worldly) helps too.

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"It's bizarre that he says it's not some "law of attraction newage nonsense.""

It's not terminology I would have chosen, no.

"Optimism wins in the end. And that means we win in the end, because the people who want to lock down others (take away freedoms) do so because they are afraid (pessimistic). Choosing optimism is the way to win."🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥

And yes to everything you said in your last paragraph!

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I think sometimes people just make certain "phrases" or ideas into "all-evil persecutors" and never bother to look at the fruit that comes out of it. I've written on the excellent fruit of the law of attraction (LOA). https://lawofattraction.substack.com/p/the-fruit-of-the-law-of-attraction?r=l1st4

If you believe that you attract everything in your life then the logical conclusion is that you stop trying to control other people and focus on controlling yourself first. THAT IS WHAT WE WANT in this world. The people who continue to drive people away from the LOA because they think it's "woo nonsense" are self-harming. The demonize that belief system makes people less likely to look into things that would benefit themselves and everyone else in the world.

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I will read this shortly. Thank you :-)

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Thank you, Christopher, for the mention. I love the encouraging message of this post.

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And thank you for yours!

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these are beautiful words, simple, and as with most things simple not so easy. beginnings are awkward, foreign cultures and whole other worlds become exposed and you find yourself there wondering and looking, wait, what, no. i cant go back..really?

that world for me is the state prison system and i have resisted, preferring to remain in the background, yet find myself known of by too many. it is rumored i know & call the governors office weekly...on one hand its funny and on the other it isnt.

gaining confidence to speak and listen and trying to communicate with a closed system, working as a bridge is tricky & frankly scarey. a lot of hard work. confidence & courage are very deep concepts. to trust but know that "sht happens", to have faith knowing you dont walk alone, to stand in storms raging...the winds of change are rarely gentle...and i can rip like a badger and show my ass. sometimes just your presence or knowing of your existence can change worlds. ❤️

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we all need shelter from the storm from time to time.

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New political leaders present an opportunity for people to show their truer colors. I've encountered plenty of people who were very vocal about freedom, until "their team" got back into power; then, it was more about trusting the political process and cheering for their team. Of course, this also brings out a few folks whose team is now out of power, and they start yapping more about freedom from government overreach!

The principled must keep showing good principles, and let the opportunistic splitters and joiners make their own decisions. Perhaps the good example shown by enough principled folks will attract some others to leave the revolving door of political team sports.

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You are absolutely right.

But we also have an unbelievable amount of splitterism within the movement. Libertarians, for example, are notorious for this. Splits can happen over the use of the wrong term for something, or a slightly different view on how to handle externalities, or whatever else. I am sure you’ve seen it yourself. And in a way, it’s worse, because we are more individualist by nature!

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You are Very Astute in your perceptions Christopher!

In Michigan you can go many weeks with gray, overcast and no sun in the winter. Thankfully I learned when I lived in Montana and Vermont that this is the best time to go inside to the Consciousness our True Spirit.

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And then you get those quiet snowstorms where there's no wind and it's just flakes falling—that is when you go for a walk.

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I do not know what most folks are thinking currently. today I just bought 30,000 WOW coins at .05 per coin. WOW has recently dropped from .14 cents to .05 per coin. WOW I have owned for the past 4 years and is dirt cheap for a world class privacy coin. WOW is also a world class layer one MEMe coin and that is what most see this improved XMR spin off anti-government coin that is hard as heck for any government to see, not invisable but very close. This whole issue is a bunch of super rich billionaires are trying to take over the world and kill most of us in the process. The Covid Bio-weapon and this Clown Donald Trump with his Warp Speed no testing experimental Covid-19 shit and filling his cabinet full of Super Rich Jews like the world's richest man Musk; who has never been elected to any office and has been trying his best to 5-G the world and bring in a anti human age full of completely automated and controlled humans. Anyway fuck it I choose to be invisible as to my purchases and wish to live within our constitution in our American Republic. I will pay zero taxes on any gains I may make on WOW or any other privacy coin I buy on my strict 100% social security and food stamp budget.

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Stop worshiping Negros.

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I worship no humans—with the possible exception of my wife.

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As a Canadian I've been wondering more often where 'THE FREE WORLD" our Leaders say we live in is? What is FREE when the Financial, Psychological and Emotional costs keep rising?

With your mention of AI, permit me to post my new article from Yesterday.

'Chronicle and Signpost: Ray Joseph Cormier-SIGNS OF THE TIMES' with this preamble:

The SIGNS OF THE TIMES article I originally posted on September 1, 2013, is too long and convoluted. To refine and improve it, I turned to one of the growing number of AI platforms for assistance. The result is a significant improvement over my original writing and organization, making the narrative clearer and more engaging. For those interested in comparing the two versions, SIGNS OF THE TIMES is a live link to the original article.

If reading this article is still too long, you can scroll down to see after all the back and forth input between AI and I, AI wrote a good synopsis of this article.

Liberty Memorial Mall in Kansas City with the Museum of WAR on the left and the Museum of PEACE on the right of the obelisk.

Video clip from the 1983 movie THE DAY AFTER, which depicts Kansas City—of all the major US cities—being incinerated in a nuclear holocaust, including the iconic Liberty Memorial Mall. Directly below the video is the Kansas City Times follow-up to the September 13 record, featuring a picture of me standing at the base of the obelisk. Remarkably, this image mirrors the very same end scene from the movie, echoing the Newspaper record from seven years to the month earlier on ALL SOULS DAY 1976.


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