Hello Chris, from Hungary! I am not American, but we are a distributed nation as well: out of the approx. 15 million Hungarians, only 9M+ live within the borders. And as we say: we are the only nation that is surrounded with itself: huge native ethnic minority groups living in every neighbor states, since the aftermath of WW1. Also, many Hungarian communities worldwide: everywhere in Western Europe, in the USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Australia...
Escalation of the Ukraine war would definitely have a negative effect on everyone in the world (except for the few oligarchs making money on it)
Another concern is local: it looks like DS is trying to "export democracy" to Hungary.
Apparently they have realized that a Maidan-style coup wouldn't work here, so they found a puppet who, since half a year or so, appears as The Messiah who will save us all from the evil dictatorship of Viktor Orbán... The plan is similar to how it happened in Poland last year when globalist Donald Tusk was installed at the not-really-clean elections.
This Hungarian man is an undescribably disastreous jerk, with the only positive point being his youngish look of an instagram celebrity. Take Trudeau or Macron, divide their personality or leadership traits by 5, and you get this extremely narcissistic guy who has built a large political cult already, creating a huge division in our country.
And the highest EU bureaucrats are openly endorsing him as "the future Prime Minister of Hungary" - already interfering in our elections due in 1.5 years!
God save us or any country from such.
Hopefully now that you have elected Trump as the US President and with him, Soros & Co. will have much less influence in the world, our handsome progressive-globalist puppet will also go down the chute. So, thank you America for that in advance :))
Thank you for being here and for all those details. The globalists really do not want us to be free, do they?
Not to beat the distributed-nation drum (though that is my job right now 🤣), but I think what happened in Poland and what you describe that is happening in Hungary is further evidence of what market anarchism is the only way to be free. The system right now is winner-take-all. Orbán wins and he and his people are in charge. This globalist puppet challenger wins and now they are in charge, and they get to tell you what to do. But take away the government, and no one gets to tell you what to do. Government gives one person or small group the mechanism to control everyone.
I ponder the necessity of even that, given We have the tech to automate the needed work no One wants to do, and the tech to make accounting for Our energy added into a system pointless...
Sure, as I illustrate in My novella, when We are freed from the slavery of proving We added energy in some way (and 80+% of Us today get "paid" for adding energy moving energy accounting tokens about, overall upward to the psychopaths in control), We will exchange things if We feel like it, but most often We will be paid in reputation, thanks, appreciation, and other social currencies.
Will be posting the chapters soon, but here is the novella in present state if You're at all interested...
I am a non-local consciousness, but my avatar (material vehicle) resides in a beautiful but harsh desert environment of the Southwestern continental land we call America, and would like to think of myself as native to all the known and unknown world I was born into. Sadly it has been divided along a lot of imaginary lines. Wouldn't it be nice if people of good will were welcome to travel anywhere on it? What I am sure of is that everywhere on its surface there are people who I could love and appreciate, along with a few stinkers I might prefer to avoid. Why don't those of us who do appreciate each other and are relatively sane join in a distributed nation no matter where we live and enjoy what we have in common as sojourners on earth?
I’m currently on the Gulf coast between Houston and New Orleans. Working on launching an intentional community with a couple partners, we’ll soon be located several hundred miles north of here.
I also think that FreedomCells.org is a great resource for finding 6-8 like-minded people near you to collaborate on projects and support each other.
hi Chris ! From Nantes, France. I'm very interested in how we take things on from this mess, how do we self-organise now ? I write about self-organised businesses mostly, but I'm interested in governance mechanisms in general. Happy to have come across your substack !
These are good questions. Let’s explore them a bit…
I think the first key to self-organization is SELF. Each of us is a sovereign being. We know our own needs, desires, and personal situation better than anyone. We are, by nature and by right, captains of our own ships. Not only ought we to be left free by others to exercise that self-organization, but I think we should also, as individuals, embrace it. And then, to whatever degree we choose to collaborate, it will be as an alliance of strong individuals, not a clingy collective.
From a governance standpoint, I think the best way to facilitate all that is market anarchism. If others wish to live in other ways, they ought to be free to do so. But I think market anarchism is the best bet for protecting and nurturing a condition of individual sovereignty.
Thank your for your response :) Yes, it definitely starts with the self. We should be left free by others, but I feel like realistically today it’s more about our ability to claim it back as we will not be given it freely by others. Also, most of us are not sovereign yet in our minds, so that takes work.
I’m not too familiar with market anarchism; I’m reading up more about anarchism in general and it feels very utopic. We’re a long way off and I wonder what the steps are to get there, and how to build those bridge.
I get that anarcho-libertarian ideas sound utopian on the surface. They aren't meant to, though—no responsible anarchist is proposing that something like market anarchism will be paradise. Just that it will be better and more morally supportable.
Sure ! I'm very new to the whole thing and have found a couple of blogs (including yours!) on here. I've been reading Elle Griffith's posts (https://www.elysian.press/). I'm also turning to SF, just finished 'The Dispossessed' by Ursula Le Guin. Would you have any good reccos I could turn to to understand market anarchism? The more I think about it, the more I feel like these are the ideas we need to gather around, but I need to read up more. Would love to hear of your own journey towards anarchism.
Thanks so much for checking in! Took a nice long break, and now beginning to put together a reading list of things that will expand my mind...I'm looking to read stuff that's outside of conventional reading. Your essays are on there!
As far as market anarchism goes, nothing, in my view, is more effective than hearing visions of how it can work in future, as well as examples of how it has worked in the past and is working in various ways now. For those, Hoppe, D. Friedman, the Tannehills, and Rothbard are the classics.
(The first half is an expression of frustration, so obviously that does not apply to you! :-)
As far as my journey goes, much of what I have written over the last 18 months describes that journey, in one sense or another. However, since I ought not heap you with 50 links, here are just two:
hi Nelson ! Yes, that's exactly why I recently got onto substack, is to find like-minded people I can grapple ideas with. The quality of ideas on here is unparalleled to any other platforms, I'm loving it :) What other cool accounts are you following ?
Amaterasu Solar has some great insights as to how money systems will always result in control by the psycho/sociopaths. Bringing known overunity energy technologies into widespread use (currently suppressed) will cause the money system to wither and fade away, and facilitate humanity's transition from the past age of scarcity into a new age of Abundance.
I also enjoy Jim Davidson at L5 News when he discusses community building, local search and rescue groups, and space scouting in preparation for space exploration and colonization (though Jim includes a lot of religious stuff that I don't care for and just sift through).
There's much more, but those are two of my favorites for forward-looking, action-oriented info. (Besides Christopher here, of course!) What are your favorite 'stacks?
wow thank you, I'll definitely check those out ! I'm new to substack and am enjoying reading Elle Griffin's The Elysian. I'm stumbling across more and more of those, I'll have a more curated list soon I hope :) I've myself worked in a self-organised business and I'm loving seeing how those ideas can be applied more widely.
Cool. Regarding self-managed companies, are you familiar with the Morning Star tomato company in California? Its organizational model is completely flat, zero hierarchy.
"Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.”
That cogent argument hardly lasted as long as it took for the ink to dry. Your argument that no government is preferable to any government is a natural endpoint of Paine's.
Yessiree. Many of us have to be dragged kicking and screaming to that realization—goodness knows I did—but it is indeed the natural endpoint.
What Paine is describing there is what I call the “sweet spot”—the amount of government at which enjoyment of rights is maximized and disruptions thereto are minimized. But if you factor in the endpoint conclusion of the principles that animated both us and Paine, some sort of consentist market anarchism (or framework that allows it, at least) is the only way.
as always such great resonance to my work and words - its always wonderful to read something you would perhaps say written ini another way... collective intelligence - a form of oneness - collaboration is essential for it is the way the Living System is, creates and evolves ... our consciousness can only rise to this as a part of All That Is.
Yes. It feels like we must be on the right track for there to be such overlap.
Let us perhaps explore a little further. In addition to collaborative intelligence, my work also emphasizes separateness. Every human person is absolutely unique—his/her own being. Irreplaceable. Sovereign, with exclusive control of his/her own actions, thoughts, and choices. Capable of freely associating in a community, but not in any way a subunit of a collective or a “cell” in a larger “body.” (That is one reason why I use the term “collaborative” instead of “collective.”)
It is a tough dance to dance, because we are an ultra-social species. We need, crave, and benefit from togetherness. But we must somehow find a way to balance this with sovereignty. Sovereign but social? Social but sovereign?
Anyway, I guess I am thinking out loud somewhat, on this chilly Wednesday morning. But what do you think of this and how it might dovetail with your work?
Government has always existed for the few at the expense of the many. And because most people live their lives in a state of psychological sleep, they accept whatever scraps they are given.
Michigan USA after living in many parts of the USA. Communism or Fascism One World Order Ultimate Control of Humans and their fight for dominance - WWIII, Psychotic Racist Supremacist Mentality and War on Defenseless Women and Children, Culling of Humanity by the Psychotics in charge, WEF- WHO-Ai-Neuralink- CO2 BS for Absolute Control, Destruction of Civilization/Humanity and Big $$$ to Musk and Friends and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Censorship and the Destruction of the Bill of Rights, Trump - Biden - Harris - Musk etc. are supposedly Saviors and just follow them and all will be fine are the biggest problems.
I Know Climate Change is Very Real but not caused by CO2 and only very minimally contributed to by humans.
Besides not buying into their lies and BS the Best Solution I know of outside of Divine Intervention is the Distributed Nation.
Hello Chris, from Hungary! I am not American, but we are a distributed nation as well: out of the approx. 15 million Hungarians, only 9M+ live within the borders. And as we say: we are the only nation that is surrounded with itself: huge native ethnic minority groups living in every neighbor states, since the aftermath of WW1. Also, many Hungarian communities worldwide: everywhere in Western Europe, in the USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Australia...
As my country is neighbor to Ukraine, these are my concerns at the moment: https://substack.com/@andreagerak/note/c-75966103
Escalation of the Ukraine war would definitely have a negative effect on everyone in the world (except for the few oligarchs making money on it)
Another concern is local: it looks like DS is trying to "export democracy" to Hungary.
Apparently they have realized that a Maidan-style coup wouldn't work here, so they found a puppet who, since half a year or so, appears as The Messiah who will save us all from the evil dictatorship of Viktor Orbán... The plan is similar to how it happened in Poland last year when globalist Donald Tusk was installed at the not-really-clean elections.
This Hungarian man is an undescribably disastreous jerk, with the only positive point being his youngish look of an instagram celebrity. Take Trudeau or Macron, divide their personality or leadership traits by 5, and you get this extremely narcissistic guy who has built a large political cult already, creating a huge division in our country.
And the highest EU bureaucrats are openly endorsing him as "the future Prime Minister of Hungary" - already interfering in our elections due in 1.5 years!
God save us or any country from such.
Hopefully now that you have elected Trump as the US President and with him, Soros & Co. will have much less influence in the world, our handsome progressive-globalist puppet will also go down the chute. So, thank you America for that in advance :))
Thank you for being here and for all those details. The globalists really do not want us to be free, do they?
Not to beat the distributed-nation drum (though that is my job right now 🤣), but I think what happened in Poland and what you describe that is happening in Hungary is further evidence of what market anarchism is the only way to be free. The system right now is winner-take-all. Orbán wins and he and his people are in charge. This globalist puppet challenger wins and now they are in charge, and they get to tell you what to do. But take away the government, and no one gets to tell you what to do. Government gives one person or small group the mechanism to control everyone.
Why "market?" Why do We need to account for the energy We add so as to create "markets?"
Market is really just a term to describe the phenomenon of a large number of voluntary transactions by free individuals.
I ponder the necessity of even that, given We have the tech to automate the needed work no One wants to do, and the tech to make accounting for Our energy added into a system pointless...
Sure, as I illustrate in My novella, when We are freed from the slavery of proving We added energy in some way (and 80+% of Us today get "paid" for adding energy moving energy accounting tokens about, overall upward to the psychopaths in control), We will exchange things if We feel like it, but most often We will be paid in reputation, thanks, appreciation, and other social currencies.
Will be posting the chapters soon, but here is the novella in present state if You're at all interested...
The Abundance Paradigm: https://tapyoureit.boards.net/thread/242/abundance-paradigm-novella
I am a non-local consciousness, but my avatar (material vehicle) resides in a beautiful but harsh desert environment of the Southwestern continental land we call America, and would like to think of myself as native to all the known and unknown world I was born into. Sadly it has been divided along a lot of imaginary lines. Wouldn't it be nice if people of good will were welcome to travel anywhere on it? What I am sure of is that everywhere on its surface there are people who I could love and appreciate, along with a few stinkers I might prefer to avoid. Why don't those of us who do appreciate each other and are relatively sane join in a distributed nation no matter where we live and enjoy what we have in common as sojourners on earth?
That’s the plan, hermano!
I’m currently on the Gulf coast between Houston and New Orleans. Working on launching an intentional community with a couple partners, we’ll soon be located several hundred miles north of here.
I also think that FreedomCells.org is a great resource for finding 6-8 like-minded people near you to collaborate on projects and support each other.
Yes to FreedomCells, and I am excited to hear about your community!!!
hi Chris ! From Nantes, France. I'm very interested in how we take things on from this mess, how do we self-organise now ? I write about self-organised businesses mostly, but I'm interested in governance mechanisms in general. Happy to have come across your substack !
Good to meet you, Sandhya from Nantes :-)
These are good questions. Let’s explore them a bit…
I think the first key to self-organization is SELF. Each of us is a sovereign being. We know our own needs, desires, and personal situation better than anyone. We are, by nature and by right, captains of our own ships. Not only ought we to be left free by others to exercise that self-organization, but I think we should also, as individuals, embrace it. And then, to whatever degree we choose to collaborate, it will be as an alliance of strong individuals, not a clingy collective.
From a governance standpoint, I think the best way to facilitate all that is market anarchism. If others wish to live in other ways, they ought to be free to do so. But I think market anarchism is the best bet for protecting and nurturing a condition of individual sovereignty.
What are your thoughts?
Thank your for your response :) Yes, it definitely starts with the self. We should be left free by others, but I feel like realistically today it’s more about our ability to claim it back as we will not be given it freely by others. Also, most of us are not sovereign yet in our minds, so that takes work.
I’m not too familiar with market anarchism; I’m reading up more about anarchism in general and it feels very utopic. We’re a long way off and I wonder what the steps are to get there, and how to build those bridge.
I get that anarcho-libertarian ideas sound utopian on the surface. They aren't meant to, though—no responsible anarchist is proposing that something like market anarchism will be paradise. Just that it will be better and more morally supportable.
May I ask what you have read so far?
Sure ! I'm very new to the whole thing and have found a couple of blogs (including yours!) on here. I've been reading Elle Griffith's posts (https://www.elysian.press/). I'm also turning to SF, just finished 'The Dispossessed' by Ursula Le Guin. Would you have any good reccos I could turn to to understand market anarchism? The more I think about it, the more I feel like these are the ideas we need to gather around, but I need to read up more. Would love to hear of your own journey towards anarchism.
Checking in, Sandhya. How is your journey of exploration proceeding?
Thanks so much for checking in! Took a nice long break, and now beginning to put together a reading list of things that will expand my mind...I'm looking to read stuff that's outside of conventional reading. Your essays are on there!
I just subbed Ms. Griffith. Thanks :-)
SF is a great source of inspiration! E.g., https://christophercook.substack.com/p/backstory-distributed-nation-lessons-fiction-neal-stephenson-snow-crash-diamond-age
As far as market anarchism goes, nothing, in my view, is more effective than hearing visions of how it can work in future, as well as examples of how it has worked in the past and is working in various ways now. For those, Hoppe, D. Friedman, the Tannehills, and Rothbard are the classics.
I have some links in the last half here:
(The first half is an expression of frustration, so obviously that does not apply to you! :-)
As far as my journey goes, much of what I have written over the last 18 months describes that journey, in one sense or another. However, since I ought not heap you with 50 links, here are just two:
Bonjour Sandhya,
“…how do we self-organise now?”
It’s a simple process, nothing new, though simple is definitely *not* a synonym for easy in this context:
- Regular periods of contemplation, taking note of our own ideas
- Frequent conversations and discussions with like-minded people, seeking and giving feedback on each other’s ideas
- Trial and error—implement the best ideas and periodically reassess and redirect.
It’s up to you, it’s up to me, it’s up to each of us individually to take action in whatever ways we deem best.
There are plenty of like-minded people here in Christopher’s comments if you’d like to seek feedback on your current ideas?
hi Nelson ! Yes, that's exactly why I recently got onto substack, is to find like-minded people I can grapple ideas with. The quality of ideas on here is unparalleled to any other platforms, I'm loving it :) What other cool accounts are you following ?
Awesome, thank you.
Amaterasu Solar has some great insights as to how money systems will always result in control by the psycho/sociopaths. Bringing known overunity energy technologies into widespread use (currently suppressed) will cause the money system to wither and fade away, and facilitate humanity's transition from the past age of scarcity into a new age of Abundance.
I also enjoy Jim Davidson at L5 News when he discusses community building, local search and rescue groups, and space scouting in preparation for space exploration and colonization (though Jim includes a lot of religious stuff that I don't care for and just sift through).
There's much more, but those are two of my favorites for forward-looking, action-oriented info. (Besides Christopher here, of course!) What are your favorite 'stacks?
wow thank you, I'll definitely check those out ! I'm new to substack and am enjoying reading Elle Griffin's The Elysian. I'm stumbling across more and more of those, I'll have a more curated list soon I hope :) I've myself worked in a self-organised business and I'm loving seeing how those ideas can be applied more widely.
Cool. Regarding self-managed companies, are you familiar with the Morning Star tomato company in California? Its organizational model is completely flat, zero hierarchy.
"Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.”
That cogent argument hardly lasted as long as it took for the ink to dry. Your argument that no government is preferable to any government is a natural endpoint of Paine's.
Yessiree. Many of us have to be dragged kicking and screaming to that realization—goodness knows I did—but it is indeed the natural endpoint.
What Paine is describing there is what I call the “sweet spot”—the amount of government at which enjoyment of rights is maximized and disruptions thereto are minimized. But if you factor in the endpoint conclusion of the principles that animated both us and Paine, some sort of consentist market anarchism (or framework that allows it, at least) is the only way.
I'm in ... my chair ... my also-studio apartment ... the Democratic People's Republic of New Jersey.
No matter where you are in the world…
If it has “democratic” in the name, be afraid. Be very afraid.
as always such great resonance to my work and words - its always wonderful to read something you would perhaps say written ini another way... collective intelligence - a form of oneness - collaboration is essential for it is the way the Living System is, creates and evolves ... our consciousness can only rise to this as a part of All That Is.
Yes. It feels like we must be on the right track for there to be such overlap.
Let us perhaps explore a little further. In addition to collaborative intelligence, my work also emphasizes separateness. Every human person is absolutely unique—his/her own being. Irreplaceable. Sovereign, with exclusive control of his/her own actions, thoughts, and choices. Capable of freely associating in a community, but not in any way a subunit of a collective or a “cell” in a larger “body.” (That is one reason why I use the term “collaborative” instead of “collective.”)
It is a tough dance to dance, because we are an ultra-social species. We need, crave, and benefit from togetherness. But we must somehow find a way to balance this with sovereignty. Sovereign but social? Social but sovereign?
Anyway, I guess I am thinking out loud somewhat, on this chilly Wednesday morning. But what do you think of this and how it might dovetail with your work?
Herr Chris
From the infinitesimal to the infinite
No matter where we go
There we are!
Tusen Takk
Buckaroo Banzai!
Well said 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you!
Government has always existed for the few at the expense of the many. And because most people live their lives in a state of psychological sleep, they accept whatever scraps they are given.
It is time for that to end. We cannot end it for everyone, but we can work to end it for ourselves and our fellows who agree with us.
Michigan USA after living in many parts of the USA. Communism or Fascism One World Order Ultimate Control of Humans and their fight for dominance - WWIII, Psychotic Racist Supremacist Mentality and War on Defenseless Women and Children, Culling of Humanity by the Psychotics in charge, WEF- WHO-Ai-Neuralink- CO2 BS for Absolute Control, Destruction of Civilization/Humanity and Big $$$ to Musk and Friends and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Censorship and the Destruction of the Bill of Rights, Trump - Biden - Harris - Musk etc. are supposedly Saviors and just follow them and all will be fine are the biggest problems.
I Know Climate Change is Very Real but not caused by CO2 and only very minimally contributed to by humans.
Besides not buying into their lies and BS the Best Solution I know of outside of Divine Intervention is the Distributed Nation.
It is the solution we have chosen. Others are free to make their own choices!
It rather reminds Me of My spiritual experience, all that encompassing of infinite out and in...
My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience
But yes... Controlmind is inevitably what the psychopaths seek to impose on Others. And with money, usually succeed. But it is not a natural thing.