Great writeup. Isn't the first step to ending addiction realizing you have a problem? Kinda reminds me of that. We're addicted to the modern convenience that is so often coupled with totalitarianism (that's how they get you). Many people are addicted to not thinking for themselves. Here's a good song I found a few months ago that epitomizes this type of mentality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOgnA3CnARk

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Thanks! This is just the first of a series.

I have had "Autocorrect" in my playlist for a while, though I had never watched the video. Cool. Would you like to expand on your thoughts in a guest post for #FreedomMusicFriday?

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Sure! How does it work? I write something and send to you?

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That would certainly work fine. Unless you plan to start writing regular #FreedomMusicFriday posts on your Stack, in an effort to turn it into a more widespread phenomenon. In that case, I would cross-post yours.

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Gotcha. Not sure if I know enough freedom-minded songs. I'll have to think about it and compile a list!

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You could, although that's not how it happened to me. For me, I just started realizing that music I was listening to had freedom-oriented messages, or could be interpreted in that way, or served some purpose in that regard, even if unintentionally.

Now that you're thinking about it, you might start to hear it to. Then you don't have to stop and try to think about songs for a list—the list just begins compiling itself over time.

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

Reticular Activating System - activate!

(Picture power rangers as you say it.)

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

I like Dylan's "It's All Good" better. Same topic.

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I'll check it out!

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

I'm, like, old (though the song isn't really), so my opinion doesn't have to count. 8=)

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Okay, so I just read the lyrics to "It's All Good," and it is eerily similar to a conversation my wife and I were just having ten minutes ago. Then I see this comment! So tell me—what does the song mean to you?

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

For me the song speaks to the ignorance and indifference of 3D humans; i.e. humans caught up in their own dramas, their own warped priorities, their own movies in which they are the protagonists, though, to be honest, there aren't any cameras anywhere. When you've got bills to pay, an image and a lifestyle to maintain, it makes it harder to busy oneself mentally or physically with the real, tangible problems of the world. Which is why so few people have or make time for voices like ours, sadly.

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Interesting. Somewhat different from how I saw it. The conversation she and I were having was along these lines:

there have always been horrible humans and horrible events and horrible partisan politics, and there will be for some indefinite time to come. So why let it impact one emotionally. Obviously it is going to have an emotional impact sometimes, but why let it make you angry every single day? Because it's just going to be the same thing tomorrow.

So when I read the lyrics, I understood them in that context…

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

After Skool did a wonderful video about Mass Psychosis on YouTube–your piece reminded me of this, especially with the mention of Gustave LeBon. "We do what we're told..." Peter Gabriel, (Milgram's 37). I'm independenting myself as I speak; from enslavement and grammar. Great piece.

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Thanks, Jack. Big things are coming!

Re: Le Bon—did you watch the Desmet video?

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Thanks for writing this! Thank you for the steps we'll need to hopefully exit this nightmare!

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It begins with changing our psychology. And though people want something more concrete right away, the consciousness-changing steps are essential!

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I agree 100%!

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