These are so good!!

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Thank you :-)

So to what extent do you think my conclusions re: anarchism and the impermissibility of involuntary governance (even the so-called 'democratic' kind) overlap with the awakening you describe in your song here?


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We are awakening from our delusions, and one of them is the idea that we have to be governed, that there is no other way to have harmony. Another is that our government is benevolent and that forced infrastructure helps humans to thrive. My song references the idea that living in nature is healing, that there is a natural harmony, sense and order to life and that we can thrive in a world that is far more beautiful than what we have now.

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I love and agree with all of that.

I find it fascinating, exciting, and inspiring that a significant portion of those now working for true freedom are people from what is generally called the "new age" movement. Twenty years ago, I don't think many people would have predicted that!

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True freedom - I love the exploration of that.

I don't think of myself as a new-ager though. At least, not in the 'bypassing' way lol. I have come to believe that the body / nature knows what it's doing and is always attempting to return to homeostasis / harmony. The more we interfere or think we know better, the worse the outcome. A simplification, I know, but helpful as an overall perspective.

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I agree!

And yeah, that is why I put the term "new age" in scare quotes. I have come to recognize that the movement has moved beyond such limiting terms, but it is still the only catch-all label of which I am aware. Is there another?

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Maybe our conception of 'new age' is different. To me, I think of those that bypass practical realities and shun responsibility. That's the problem with labels I guess - they mean different things to different people and people generally are too complex to pin down anyway. If I had to call myself something, it might be a 'naturalist'.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

I read your article about the masks and had a few chuckles. I'm 76 and certainly not that physically attractive anymore, but I have never worn the mask except under duress, like visiting my daughter in the hospital. And even then, it was accompanied with mutterings and swear words!

I think there are several accurate reasons as you noted, but I think there is another: FEAR. In most cases, it's unfounded, but it's very real to those, especially when they take the N95 leap, adding gloves, face shields etc. It really infuriates me that they are participants in a horrible psychological scam, and my emotions range from pity to disgust. I sincerely wish a slow agonizing death to those who have perpetuated such fear in often simple, trusting people that are seemingly incapable of looking beyond the fear mongering and rhetoric.

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100 percent. The architects of all this are guilty of crimes against humanity.

And yes, there are some people who are more naturally prone to fear, and they are victims here too. (Though they and their fear then impact the rest of us…which I must confess has made me feel a great deal of resentment.)

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

I find it ironic that Darwin promoted the idea of survival of the fittest and THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) wants to assure that the most unfit survive and rational thinking adults are to be destroyed!

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023Author

Can you elaborate on how THEY (love the acronym!) are actuating this objective?

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

Oh dear, I could write a book! The left loves to embrace Darwin to push their ideas of evolution and creation, but ignore survival of the fittest, which is, IMO, one of the tenants of Natural law. Every aberration of nature is embraced into Victimhood; every weakness exploited to divide us. Affirmative action lowered the bar of meritocracy and celebrated mediocrity.

Currently, reason and logic are set aside and the public is encouraged to swallow nonsense on a regular basis. Nut jobs aren't censored; they are elected to public office. But the voices of

reason are shouted down.

The lazy are rewarded if they follow the narrative of THEY. The reasonable and thoughtful with character lose their jobs or are silenced. Someone like Novak Djokovic with principles is denied opportunities because he disobeyed.

Nature's Law isn't allowed to work in any venue. Companies like Black Rock didn't gain control by Nature's Law; they used chicanery and corruption to own half the world. (Aided and abetted by the rest of THEY!)

THEY have controlled education for decades to make sure most just accept the illusion and settle for bread and circuses.

Propaganda has been controlled and such a part of American life that few even recognize the brainwashing. Too many don't know and don't care...about anything.

Of course, I think the schemes of THEY may very well fail eventually, but many innocents will suffer before they eat each other.

I hope I have explained myself sufficiently.

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You have explained yourself well. I think you could easily expand this into an article.

I especially want to hear you elaborate on this: "Every aberration of nature is embraced into Victimhood; every weakness exploited to divide us."

Can you tell me more about what you mean?

I wrote something about what you MIGHT, in part, mean here:


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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

I think aberration was not only unkind, but probably inaccurate as well. I guess a better phrase might be any deviation from the norm, whether it be temporary or not. For example, we have the influencers (I hate that word!) who prey upon those experiencing normal teenage angst. In addition, I understand they use those on the spectrum of autism. Actually, anyone that is anywhere on the fringe of society may be a target. Nothing starts a blazing inferno like pouring gasoline on a simmering ember.

I purposely haven't read your link yet because I didn't want to be swayed by your reasoning. Also, I haven't started a Substack article because I don't think I have a particular niche. I know something about a lot of things, but I don't feel like I'm an expert about anything. But I do enjoy writing and comment on many articles. I was particularly drawn to your page because I have studied the founders and the Constitution, but far from an expert, but definitely know more than John Q Public, which isn't saying much!

I guess I must subscribe to your stack with money because I do find your articles interesting and thought provoking. Frankly, I'm tiring of the covid scene. It seems like, at this juncture, an exercise in futility.

Actually, I'm searching for ways to broach subjects with my peers. I have tried with unsatisfying results. Truthfully, I find myself having very unkind thoughts about many of my friends and acquaintances.

Enough. I'm going to read your link and send you money.

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023Author

First, thank you for your expression of support. Ultimately, if I am to continue doing this at the level I have been, it will have to become sufficiently remunerative. Your support means a great deal to me!

Everything else you say makes sense to me.

We’re all misfits in one way or another, but the left especially preys on misfits, angst, etc. They tear and claw and “rub raw” every bit of vulnerability in order to create new sources of grievance and new grievance groups. It really is gross. I have written about this in some detail, if you are interested.

Re: unkind thoughts—I hear you. I write about some of the reasons why we feel this way here: https://christophercook.substack.com/p/will-you-comply-masking-lockdowns You are not wrong to be frustrated. I am trying to learn understanding, but sometimes understanding takes the form of, “I can no longer take a significant portion of the people around me as seriously as I once did.” For obvious reasons. Because they’re stuck in the Matrix. Because they don’t even know what it is that they don’t know. Because their ignorance and compliance pose a threat to me and my freedom. But of course that is no good either—spiritually and emotionally. I am still looking for that right way to look at things. I am happy to talk it through with you anytime. Perhaps we can discover a good path.

And finally, I am a sick of the Covid thing, and other things too. I have been writing and thinking, for example, about the nature of and problems with the ideology of the left for more than two decades. And I find myself saying to myself, “Okay, yeah—so now what?” The ideology of the left is messed up. But just exploring all the different ways that is true isn’t really helping build something better. So I have been moving away from that.

Once again, thank you for considering supporting my work. That is huge for me.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

Your comment was worth that $50! You expressed my sentiments exactly; I agree with every single word. And isn't that part of why we're really here? I've felt the isolation acutely for three years especially, but in other ways before that. We just can't buy into the illusion that most people believe.

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Yes! Natural Law is the answer! Thanks for this!

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