As sad as this is, I'm going to take this on a slight tangent and mention that the causes of and cures for cancer are largely known at this point. Cancers are caused by a combination of:

- Exposure to toxic chemicals (house paint, vaccines, pesticides, microplastics, you name it),

- Exposure to EMF,

- Incorrect diet not suited to the human body (too much sugar, inflammatory oils like seed oils, other junk food),

- Sedentary lifestyle/lack of exercise,

- Isolation and lack of group belonging.

- Some other things I'm likely forgetting.

Reverse that list for the cures to cancer. Cancer is a relatively new thing, it's largely a disease of modern civilization. Live in harmony with nature, eat a Paleo diet, exercise, stop sitting at a desk all day, talk to people about your feelings, and stop (or dramatically minimize) using wireless device, meditate, and you'll prevent or even cure most cancer.

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All of that makes sense to me.

On the EMF thing, I just moved the modem out of my wife's office for that very reason. I may even get some shields to block it from certain directions.

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We use a wired router at home, no wi-fi. We just run ethernet cables everywhere. If we want to do something on our phones besides make a call, we just connect the phone to a cable (there's adapters, most modern phones can connect to ethernet without issue). My EMF meter reads virtually zero microwaves in the house. The average home I've tested has tens of thousands of times more radiation. It's a relatively minor inconvenience that you get used to, and, wired connections are actually faster and more reliable too.

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That is great. I have fantasized about doing this, but we have three floors and it's a heavy lift…

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Yeah three floors would be challenging, for sure. I don't know what your floorplan is like but you could also just not have internet on two of the floors. Have a dedicated "connected" floor and leave the other ones in the 20th century so you can better disconnect?

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That wouldn't work right now. But maybe someday, or in a different house. Is there any loss as an ethernet cable gets really long?

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There's no loss as such, but I think the length limit on an ethernet cable is around 330 ft. If you want one longer than that, you just need to connect a booster between them, it's an inexpensive device.

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Incidentally, this is also why I don't expect a modern medicine "cure for cancer" is going to be coming anytime soon. Modern (allopathic, Western) medicine is corrupt beyond belief and mistaken on a whole bunch of stuff. You still see doctors recommending vaccines to newborns and the USDA food pyramid! So much research money goes into these super-narrow "cures" for things that cause more side-effects than they fix, and so little time is spent understanding how the body works holistically, that I'm not sure the current medical framework in the west is even capable of coming up with a cure.

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Certainly not capable of coming up with a cure that Big Pharma cannot monetize to the tune of billions.

Along these lines…it looks like I may have finally solved a medical problem I have been dealing with for 25 years, and yeah, Western medicine was no help at all. Quite the reverse, actually—just smug doctors smugly saying that their way—which was not working—was the only way. Did I mention how smug they were about it?

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“Cancer is the cure” in terrain theory. The body is brilliant beyond measure.

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What is terrain theory?

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Terrain theory is the idea that what we call sickness or dis-ease is due to either over-toxicity of or deficiencies in the body, and common symptoms like fever, rashes, tumours etc are the body’s brilliant way of restoring homeostasis. Sweating toxins out or sequestering them.

Instead of treating symptoms as though they ARE the disease with drugs that simply suppress them and further hinder the healing process, symptoms are assessed to determine how best to support the body in its natural healing process, which can include improving conditions of the terrain, ie cleaning the environment, adding missing nutrients and minerals or undergoing detoxification or cleanses.

It’s based on a recognition that we live in a toxic soup of chemicals- glyphosate covered food, chlorinated water, etc

The best meme that depicts the differences between germ theory and terrain theory is two pictures of a fish bowl filled with dirty water. Terrain theory would suggest cleaning the water to help the fish. Whereas in the germ theory pic, the fish gets jabbed with who knows what and is left to swim in the dirty water. 🙂

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Makes perfect sense to me.

In fact, regarding the condition that I think I may finally be solving…I have been thinking that my body is struggling to maintain the right homeostasis, and that all the allopathic treatments prescribed and suggested over the last two decades have just made it worse.

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I have no doubt that they have made it worse. 🥴

It’s just yet another area of our world that is entirely upside down. Doctors are not trained in nutrition nor to view the body, mind spirit connection holistically. You should look into German New Medicine. It’s pretty fascinating. And will make intuitive sense to you, as terrain ‘theory’ does. (I see it as terrain reality;)

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

Cancer is a multi billion dollar industry. The cure has been around for quite a while. I was part of the original creative team that brought Ivermectin to the marketplace and it was already being used to treat pancreatic cancer, which is one of the most deadly. There is no money in cures. They learned that lesson with polio and have been focused entirely on treatment and the bottom line since.

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What dose of ivermectin is needed to kill parasites on the cancer-level scale?

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

That depends on the individual and what stage cancer and where its located. I would listen to your own body. It's a parasiticide, and cancer is bacterial. I take one 6 mg. tablet a week as a preventative during cold and flu season. I can get it in this country without a prescription.

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In which country?

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook


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Is South America the future?

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

It's an excellent survival platform. The country was never industrialized so there's non of that pollution. The growing season is 365 days a year and so food production is the main livelihood. It's a poor country so the growers won't spend money on herbicides and pesticides. Organic produce is only pennies more than conventional. It's on the US dollar, and is easily ten times less expensive to live. The water is glacier melt that runs from the Andes, and turbines on glacier fed rivers turn them into electricity. It's also an oil producing nation. Also the jet streams at the equator keep the atmosphere of the two hemispheres separate. The northern hemisphere has 95% of the world's pollution and the southern hemisphere has only 5%.

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Cancer is a right spinning molecule and toxins spin right. So cancer develops where there is toxicity.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

I'm also aware that baking soda is alkaline, and cancer being acidic, people have been cured with baking soda injected into tumors.

There is a doctor here who has success just giving IVs of Meyers cocktail. Ultimately your own immune system is what beats cancer, and radiation and chemo destroy your immune system. They destroy the tumor but not the cancer stem cells which are agitated and regroup to give you a cancer that comes back with a vengeance. This happens within five years. That's why if you live past the five year milestone you are considered cured.

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I would try lots of stuff before chemo and radiation. Yikes!

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Yes, most big advances are made by a few people. And most real crime is committed a by small sliver of the population. In between is the productive majority.

Our society could not have grown or enjoyed an increasing standard of living unless the average person had been producing more than he or she consumed. Nothing else could be true. And yet the people who fear "overpopulation" and advocated depopulation believe that fewer people will make everyone better off. It's insane.

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Did you read my article here on that very subject? https://christophercook.substack.com/p/depopulation-agenda-the-next-dark

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Great information. Better than my post on the untruth of "overpopulation". https://michael796.substack.com/p/overpopulation?sd=pf

As for me, I have no doubt that the depopulation program is real and ongoing.

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Your post is excellent. A redpill that people need to take!

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Thank you! I don't know if you subscribe to Wrong Speak, but it has a good post today on the relationship of feminism to the depopulation program.


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I read it and tried to leave a comment, but it has a weird sign-in system that seems to be broken…

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