This is me yelling for you. Keep up the great work.

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Thank you!

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On top of all of this, in the very first Congress after the Constitution, Hamilton proposed and they voted to purchase all of the continental script at face value. Previously, Hamilton and his banking cronies had purchased almost all of the script from bankrupt farmers for a few pennies on the dollar. So Hamilton and other bankers made a 50 to one return on their investment in a very short time with no risk. Remember that the entire nation, over 95% of the people, were farmers. They have been paid in script to serve in the Continental army and when food and other goods and services were purchased for the revolution. After the war, Hamilton and other bankers refused to accept the script to pay taxes or to make payments on property or loans. Essentially, their banking and government policies made it worthless. Then they bought it for pennies. Then they sold it to the government under the new law they just made for full face value funded by tax dollars. And that's how our nation began with one big scam of the American people by the bankers. Hamilton also started the first political party so the bankers and largest businesses could control the government, which they did successfully for many years. Now we have the two-party system where the winning party runs the government. Alexandra Hamilton wasn't just a narcissist. He was an elitist. My favorite quote of his is, "the masses are asses." So political corruption and elitism didn't start in the 1960s as everyone is writing these days. It started at the beginning.

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That’s not a story you hear in school textbooks!

And it’s funny, because they certain seem fine with undermining other aspects of the American historical narrative. Why not that one? 🧐

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As Christopher said, "not a story you hear in textbooks" even with the growing criticisms and judgments of the founders as slavers and rich elitists. The story does match other things that violated the spirit and letter of the constitution and ordinary ethics though, like the Whiskey Rebellion for instance.

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The Whiskey Rebellion was one of the first hypocritical incidents that took place of hundreds later.

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Yes, it began right off the bat under Washington when the anti federalists should have come down on this violation like a ton of bricks, but that didn't happen. Not a good sign for the future.

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Yes, they were thieves. That's a shocker. As if what we labor under today isn't run by a bunch of thieves. Down to the COUNTY level with RENT on your home.


Seems like PSYSCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES have been around FOREVER. Where's God? https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks So what is the answer? No one really has one. Christopher, Gary, me...what is the answer. I'd like to at least TRY anarchy, but some shit for brains psychopath will CONvince a bunch of people to follow him and then we will be right back to square one. Maybe we need to kill them all and let God sort them out.

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I think market anarchism specifically has the best chance of mitigating the problem your describe. But no solution will be perfect.

I begin laying out my ideas for a new direction late next week. It too will not be perfect, but it is my contribution. Let a 1000 flowers bloom.

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... That's what they (psychopaths) thought too, apparently.

And you're precise and correct about the county level. It's sickening that the states are following and not leading. Consequently *money* has become the invisible and illusive weapon that which nobody can deny.

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💯 Property taxes are Satanic. Possibly literally.

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Vampires? Or - certain death by a thousand cuts and so forth. Literally bleeding property owners dry!? Seems to fit the description of something parasitic in nature at the very least, indeed.

Thinking about starting a Proposal for Mandatory Property Tax Insurance. Paid - by & through the "Haitian migrant protection act." Or the Immigration Reform Bill -- TBA by the Make Americans "Free Again": MAFA.😎

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What would happen if we started dealing with one another in silver coin? Oh, I know…ask Bernard von NotHaus. He can tell you! Can you say PRISON? Can you say PERSECUTION? The way out is Articles 1 Section 8 and section 10. and getting our militias back in force and effect.

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Precisely, and that is exactly why the Deep State HAS to deem such a thought as domestic terror. Therefore must disarm the public of their god-given Rights clearly written within the Bill of Rights. 💯

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Yes, 100% since more than 2,000 years.

It began with the Roman Empire that got broke in 476

It contiued with the Vatican Empire to date, as their law system, the cannon law is still in place. Fundamental to cannon law is, that everything belongs to god. In the cannon law you find the key term "person". With the holy communion newborns change the ownership to the Vatican.

The system of the European world was that the nobility regulated the worldly things and the Vatican the spiritual things. But the Vatican had to approve every coronation otherwise it was not valid. If a monarch did not obey, then the Inquisition was sent. If that was not enough, he was excommunicated and had to resign.

The Vatican and the nobility still play together TODAY. Nobility still controls countless NGOs and knightly orders. As does the Vatican. The most notorious are Maltese, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Knights of St. John, Benedictines, .... you name them. In addition, everything is infiltrated by Freemasons and Talmundists, Kabbalists.

Also consider the split of the russian orthodox church from the Vatican in 988. Maybe that makes clearer why Russia is under fire all the time as well.

Orthodox Church of Ukraine, from the merger of the non-canonically recognized Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, which was subordinate to a Kyiv Patriarch from 1991 to 2018. This was the separation from the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been BANNED since 2024. Funny circumstances, isn't it!

Religions are super-controls. And religions are increasingly being replaced by ideologies, such as climate salvation, communism, socialism, gender theories, ...

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I know, the protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion where written by members of the Vatican Empire and by stealth they make it look like the fake Israelites or Judaeans wrote it. Right? And all of those members of the tribe that are in the government, entertainment and media are really Catholics pretending to be in that tribe. Right? And the Bolshevik revolution where Christians were hunted down and murdered by those tribe members who hate Christianity were all trained by the Vatican. Right? And those members of the tribe that are behind the world monetary system are really Catholics beholden to the Vatican. Right? Help me out here as I have two conflicting thoughts going on in my mind and if I’m going to have any conflicting thoughts I’d prefer only one. And when people who talk about censorship ban me for asking questions like this, like Francis “Leader” did, it really causes confusion for me. Other than that? Thank you for your lengthy response that really makes me confused.

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I know the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were written by members of the Vatican Empire and secretly they make it look like the fake Israelites or Jews wrote them. Right?

>> Who wrote the book is unknown

And all the members of the tribe who are in government, entertainment and the media are actually Catholics pretending to be part of this tribe. Right?

>> I wouldn't say that. The Catholics have been massively infiltrated by Freemasons. There are people who wear many hats. Only insiders know which hat is relevant. We can see from reality that nothing is "Christian" anymore. The churches are willingly following this parasite and destroying the churches from within.

Gieole Magaldi has published about previously unknown super lodges and their affiliations. Here is a summary: https://eckstein.substack.com/p/warning-to-humanity-gioele-magaldi

And the Bolshevik revolution, in which Christians were hunted and murdered by the tribesmen who hated Christianity, was all trained by the Vatican. Right?

>> All the intellectuals, nobles and influential people were killed. Much of it points to revenge by the Khazars who were forced to join a belief system. It is said that they chose the Jewish faith. Chabad also comes from this region.

And the members of the tribe who are behind the world monetary system are actually Catholics who are beholden to the Vatican. Right?

>> That was the case, but the system was taken over. Today we have four centers of power in the "West". Vatican spiritual power that is being destroyed from within. But the decentralized Christian faith of the people still exists. Therefore the Bible should be rewritten again. Financial power is the City of London Corporation (a one square mile sovereign country since 1200), military power with Washington DC. Legal power with the UN in the region of Switzerland. Whatever it is, what it looks like, what hat it wears, everything has some ubiquitous symbolism: obelisks, suns, triangles, pyramids and everything comes from Ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians undoubtedly had abilities that we are light years away from today. It is a spiritual war. And apparently there is knowledge that is now called paranormal. Slowly, very slowly, it is coming to the surface.

Help me here because I have two contradictory thoughts going through my head and if I have to have contradictory thoughts, I would prefer only one. And when people who talk about censorship block me from asking such questions, as Francis "Leader" did, it really confuses me. Anything else? Thank you for your detailed answer, which really confuses me.

>> What are the two contradictory thoughts

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That those who claim they are Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan vs the Vatican. To me the one that is IN YOUIR FACE is the group that Revelation 3 vs 9 describes. NOT the Vatican. As for all of the CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD that prevails, it makes it FRAUD from it’s inception. I accept rule from The “City” as much as I do rule from Pago Pago. They can both KMA.

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I, as it seems were you, raised to revere our founding fathers. I knew they had flaws, and I did suspect and come to abhor Hamilton and Jay, had my suspicions about the morals and ethics of Benjamin Franklin, but had a great deal of respect and admiration of Thomas Jefferson and thought of Madison was quite a wise and astute man. Washinton could have been a hereditary king without much trouble, but seemed content to retire from politics to his home when he could after valiant service in the war against the major world power of the times. These men had courage and for their times held to higher standards than most men of the day. However pretty early in my life I began to suspect the truth about the constitution and think it was a big step down from the articles of confederation which kept almost all the power distributed among the states. I ran across Spooner at some point and from there it began to become pretty clear that the most of the arguments for the constitution were bogus, and it was just another fraudulent lawyer speak phony scam contract that wasn't really a contract at all. I certainly never signed it or even shook hands on it. As someone said, and I think I heard George Bush repeat it, that "the constitution is just a few pieces of paper." Time has proven that it was not this guarantee of liberty and justice for all that so many seem to believe. Even beloved fairy tales and santa claus stories we were told as gullible children at some point must be given up for reality, and it is time. Thanks Christopher.

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Well said in every regard. Thank you.

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I still like it better than the Communist manifesto that we labor under today.

Look at the 10 planks and see if you can find them in the Constitution. I can't. My response above reveals a lot. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

“A regrettably large share of our legal experiences operate not in the shadow of the Constitution and its constraints, but rather in the shadow of explicitly unconstitutional rules, actions, and orders. In the time it takes for improper Executive Orders to be reined in, for illicit administrative decisions to be corrected, and for misinterpretations of constitutional power to be overturned, so much of society’s activity is framed by what we might call the not-Constitution — all those acts of government that are deemed illegal only after they have caused enduring harm. A most troubling aspect of government power is its insistence on pushing past constitutional constraints and operating in a blurry legal wilderness of its own creation while forcing Americans to prove that those power grabs lack legitimacy.” ~ J.B. Shurk

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Yes, I can certainly agree it was an improvement over the dictatorships of the past as the relative success of this nation and its people have demonstrated. I have always wanted to encourage any step in the right direction, even if flawed, but the question still remains whether the flaws in the original were really designed intentionally, with a cunning plan built in for those who understand that enslavement of a people who have become used to a certain amount of real freedom in a new land means that the chains must be slipped on gradually, and the line played like that of a fine fly fisherman lest the intended victims slip the hook once caught by the attractive lure. The devil is in the details is really valid here. The weakness in regards to a lack of any effective methods of enforcement by the people of the violations of the liberty and power limiting aspects of the constitution, the vagueness of the general welfare clause, validating the dangerous idea that the people should look to papa gov to spend the people's money to "make things better" or to solve problems that should be handled by the free market and voluntary means, like charity for the poor and private watchdog and consumer rating agencies. The poisonous influence of money and power motivated people like Hamilton in the nation's financial affairs and currency to be controlled centrally paved the way for what we have today.

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Wow! So human traffickers who laid the groundwork for strong centralized govt didn't have our freedom in mind when they wrote that garbage. 😂

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😆 Well when you put it that way….

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I'm SHOCKED!! Maybe a few did, but it's hard to say without getting inside of their heads. So many quotes say that men like Jefferson were at least normal. On the same level as Matt Goetz or Jim Jordan or Thomas Massey.

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Jefferson was one of the good guys, I think. He was a hothead and a bit two-faced in some of his letters (read Mallock’s “Agony and Eloquence”) but those are just normal human flaws.

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IDK, I'm kinda thinking that maybe we should just go with the fact that All of them were pointing us in the right direction and were working what they had. Even if that involved some "traditional" mischief. You gotta give them credit for that.

It's a shame though, that they never realized that money in any format was the actual problem or the "banksters" are, at least...

... there's never been a revolution specific to the matter.🤔

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I would like to learn more about Franklin's land-based scrip…

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I'd like to go back to tokens. Without a master token, of course. It just makes better cents. lol

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Every American president, INCLUDING Martin Van Buren shares a common ancestor, England's King John.

So,we've never had a real election. Ever.

Cognitive dissonance is going to be a real bitch for most red-blooded Americans over this one for sure.


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I've always wondered about that too. And actually believe that most career politicians are too. It's a matter of survival for them and the generational wealthy protect. That which we, so called, "common folk" - suffer from.

Good catch.

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Hard truths need to be told . Great work christopher!

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"Continuing to gaze wistfully to the past not only holds us back from the journey we must undertake, it also constitutes a belief in a false idol."

This is so true!

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Really? What is the journey we must take? Please specify.

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That’s what this whole book is about. The journey will begin to unfold in chapter 2, starting sometime next week.

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And thus we awaken from our long slumber. Many, many voices are joining in a chorus. Many of those same voices are still blinking the sleep from their eyes.

So while they awake, we must guard against replacing one authority with another. Unfortunately, the Republicans are leaning towards yet another fairy tale in which the revival of service to God as the ultimate authority is the way back (forward).

No different from the storied "Founding Fathers," we must be steadfast in disavowing the awakening from yet another stumble into the dark.

We all need a way forward. Reaching backwards for God is not that answer.

Don't misunderstand me... God DOES exist. As surely as we are all reflections of that energetic source. But not in the way that that we have been led to believe.

Time for us to stop romanticizing outside authorities - the founding fathers, God, etc.

We are the saviors we have been waiting for.

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I feel this way when I hear people say that we should “let go and let God”/surrender our will/etc. I just cannot do that. I have to do my best with what I have, by my own lights, and then hope that I am proceeding in a way that God would wish, or that comports with the flow of Source, or however one chooses to think of it.

leithian has explained to me that there is a better way of interpreting the whole “let go and let God” aphorism which made more sense to me. But just surrendering is not in me.

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I’m with you. God did not create me to be a robot. We are created in the image of the CREATOR and he wants to see our creativity

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I am in a hotel room with my wife still asleep. Can’t listen now.

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Amen, Brother. 🔥💯🔥

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You seem to have overlooked the obvious solution to the problem: Vote harder next time! 🫣

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Oh goodness, such a simple solution was right in front of me the whole time! How could I be so stupid? 😂

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Vote early, vote often!

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Hello. I just landed here for the first time. New insights for me to suggest and pursue. I know one thing-- The Declaration of Independence is the key, Natural Rights are only supported by the Declaration. I don't know yet how or if you apply moral law to your discussions but there is a Proverb, Referring to "An apple of gold in a picture of Silver." That speaks to me as the Apple being the Declaration, and the picture of silver as the 4 corners of law, binding. grounding, bonding, holding Law to Morality, as Lincoln stated so succinctly, I shall never be a slave nor shall I ever own a slave--as in, for all times, persons, situations, seasons, it shall never be right to own another. The courts are clueless...

Also, our Constitution cannot even be fulfilled by a dead corporate entity masquerading as government, with tyranny in its teeth and lies on its tongue... the 13th and 14th were evil partners that ruined it all. Then add the 17th, depriving us again and more.

Anyway, I look forward to reading more and learning. Glad I wandered in here.

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I am very glad to have you here!

Yes, all of my work is grounded in natural law—in extremely painstaking detail, in fact.

I know it is a lot of catch up on, but if you can, I recommend starting at the beginning of chapter 1, or even at the preface if you can, and then following along here after you’ve caught up. Think of it like reading the first chapter of a book. In there, you will find all the details you seek, and then you can ask me for any clarifications you wish.


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Have you checked out The Law 2024? https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-law-2024

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The 14A put everyone on the planation after the Lincoln junta made "these" United States "the" United States. Lincoln set the conditions for Woodrow Wilson to put the statist project into high gear and the Deep State reached Singularity on 4 March 1933.

Hamilton built the architecture for all of this.

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Ouch, that you could find a single quote from Lincoln worth repeating. Talk about our first dictator!

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We are all at various stages of discovering all this and letting go of our previous presuppositions. I myself have needed time to shed the “Lincoln was wonderful” baggage with which we all were saddled… 😁

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Well considering that they were Freemasons and secret society cultists it's no wonder all this history is based on lies

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It’s shocking stuff, no matter how you slice it. For example, see Brent Naseath’s comment elsewhere in this thread…

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Reminds me of Spooner, that man was a leader in political thought. Go Christopher 🧡

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Honored. Thank you.

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You're welcome. I've been bingeing on his work lately, and I got a little sad too because it's such a rare quality. The unquenchable yearning for truth, justice, and liberty.

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Well then, we’ll just have to do our best to set an example, the way he did.

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Reminds me of your words...


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Cristopher also you were able to astutely articulate about the Constitution what I had in my head but only gave a glimpse of on a recent skirmish on this subject!

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There is so much info out there!

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Very few know!

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Including us! So much yet to learn…

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BTW: It is clear the Federalists and maybe even the anti-Federalists had a childish fantasy about Rome which lead them to ape its institutions! That was unwise from the standpoint of Liberty as even the much vaunted Roman Republic was Statist and Imperialist to the Core! Rome was already a nightmare before the rise of the Caesars.

However, in contradiction to this article, looking to the past was successful in organizing the new as it always is. Progress must be built on the past, but with the modifications needed!

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Excellent point about Rome!

I do mention in upcoming installments (today’s, I think, and Monday’s) that knowledge and lessons must be gleaned from the past. But it is also important to forge a clean break in people’s minds, less they think that what we need to do is simply “reform” what was.

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Rome was a slave state, period. Like the entire planet until the 19th century when the powers that be needed to replace Chattel Slavery with a new-fangled rebranding called communism or Chattel Slavery 2.0.

Karl Marx stepped up with a bright shining lie to make the people beg to be slaves on the new-fangled plantation.

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Well, that's a fine gutt-punch to the common patriots. 😁

I only wish that I hadn't been one too. And like yourself; you said that you had to dig a lot deeper after we realized something doesn't make sense. As we expected the reality in adulthood. Additionally, we think, how could this be done better.

Therefore we are doing so. That's what America has to look forward to.

The bigger question is; are those who write the script with their generational "wealth" willing to, as well? Let's make THEM take a poll for once regarding the fate of their own future...😎

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I cannot answer the last question, though I suspect they will not go quietly!

And yeah, it is hard to shed one’s level-one patriotism. As is evidenced by the comments I get where people get very angry at me for pointing all this stuff out!

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Agreed. That's to be expected from the many generations of military and public service workers. Kinda like the women who are going nuts about the abortion rights situation. They all believe that the Federal Government is operating under the guidelines of the US Constitution. Meant to protect them from everything including themselves. But It's actually gone beyond the scope of what is considered Constitutional. That's why everyone is going through denial. And the ones like Courageous Lion are correct about the facts regarding their perspectives as well.

It's like everyone in public service has assumed that they All are immune to corruption, "sworn in". Think again...

...$$$ & influence is the flame gnats are irresistible to. Bribery & blackmail usually follows. It takes strong mental and emotional fortitude to realize that America isn't perfect either and is very much a work in progress. Like a machine requires constant monitoring, maintenance, repairs, and in some cases, parts replacement. In order to maintain it's value, longevity and top performance.

America must realize that and this responsibility has been laid upon the Republic for such a reason. Instead of the Imperial order. And to tolerate or forgive mistakes that may have been made or not (not without reprieve) "not to throw out the baby with the bathwater".

Another analogy could be: if a person was dropped out in the middle of the forest. Would they expect the trees and critters to suddenly come to the rescue? Good luck with that. The natural predators of the forest would soon pick up the scent. You're either food or constantly running scared. Unless you find the courage within to survive. That's what a human is made of and capable of. It's either a constant struggle or constant improvement. We can make that decision based upon on what makes complete and actual *sense*... Logic.

In conclusion, what took about 500 years to evolve isn't going to be fixed by next week or by the ones that made it devolved. It's going to be as much a challenge as it was from the beginning. Maybe that's why people don't want to bother. And just complain and vote. Life has become too fkn complicated and difficult in America for many of us naturally born here from previous generations of Americans. We're seeing how much better things are going for All of the "Newest" migrants over the past 30-50 years and we are rightfully feeling dejected. There's no "denying" that Fact.

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I just not longer believe this is a renovation project. I am not trying to tear down anyone else's barn, but I want to build my own.

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I heard you loud and clear. Unfortunately the seeds of *America* were planted in someone else's yard. Meaning The Aboriginal or more precisely the Indigenous people we reference to as Indians and Native Americans'. We're All apparently not mentioning the elephant in the room. Another "traditional" piece of mischief. So, on that matter, it seems logical to determine that nobody will be able to be "left alone" in the "laboratory" of the free while that festering wound is left unattended. Because even if we fixed the symptoms, the roots of the entire colonial history need to be resolved.

I blame the Empires because of that historical fact. And we're gonna need some seriously powerful weedkiller to exterminate it at this point. They've known this all along and I believe that they've been fooling humanity into believing that we must build up weapons and refine warfare to protect us from the enemy at the gate. But in reality every other Human Species including the people who believe their stories and submit to the matter are the ones that are the threat to Them. It's only wealth of Nations that gives them any consequence. That which was stolen from the labor and trade systems along the so-called Silk Road. Knowledge is powerful weedkiller.

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Eventually, the people who live on the land are the indigenous. Various paleolithic, and then neolithic, bands drove each other out. Then tribes did. Then colonizers did.

Ultimately, we have to get away from the whole phenomenon of violent displacement. People need to be able to have and hold clear allodial rights to be on their land. Not to be driven out by force.

The BLM alone is hoarding millions of acres. More than enough for everyone to hold allodially. Everyone can be sovereign and indigenous on their own land. And then we can defend and respect each other's rights to be so.

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Absolutely, and the violence is essentially the problematic past. The indoctrinations and so forth.

Even the Aztec laid waist to others that they invaded to enslave and sacrificed. Points are well taken.

BLM needs a makeover as well. It's about time to have an expose' around that agency once and for all too.

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TL/DR version: Publius was right!

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I hope Publius is watching!

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They all are, Chris. (And even if I'm wrong and they're not, we should all conduct ourselves as if they were). ;-)

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