Watch It Before It's Banned Again
Conspiracy Music Guru's 'Big Pharma' for #FreedomMusicFriday
Set aside, for the moment, the subject matter of Conspiracy Music Guru’s songs. His music is just really good hard blues-rock! The subject matter is an added bonus atop some really solid playing.
His themes tend to get him banned on censorious platforms (which is almost all of them these days). This really rockin’ song, for example, was banned by Spotify. Why? Couldn’t they have just thought of it as parody? It is sufficiently over the top. Why are they so sensitive to alternative ideas? If the ideas are so silly and wrong, what is there to be afraid of? I am not sure I agree with every “conspiracy” in there, yet I somehow managed to survive listening without melting into a puddle or bursting into flame.
I could have chosen that song, just for its willingness to tweak all the right noses. Instead, I will go with his song “Big Pharma.” It it, CMG adopts the persona of Big Pharma in order to demonstrate just how evil they truly are.
The video has been age-restricted by YouTube, so if you cannot view it below, you can always click to watch it here or here (Facebook).
I have an appointment today (and I am still working on my presentation for tomorrow), so I will leave you with this excellent song. Its lyrics are shown in the video. You’ll love ‘em.
(Also, look for a post script below the video.)
PS: Others have now picked up on #FreedomMusicFriday, so I’d like to let you know about their posts when I can. Here’s
with “Stand Up” by Cynthia Erivo.
HOLY crap man, first I hit the wrong video and watched his "I told you so" conspiracy jam, that was AMAZING. This big pharma one is WHOA. "One size fits all", that very premise alone................This dude can JAM. He is important to me, now. Thanks for sharing this. Screw you, YOUTUBE and every other dumb assholes following the orders from the top. You can't stop the truth. You simply cannot.
Couldn’t get Video to play even at you tube google etc. So much for the first amendment!!! Communist don’t allow parody, comedy, or an individuals right to choose what to watch or what to think. America creates about 65 thousand engineers per year. China creates 650 thousand engineers per year. So why is America always producing the cutting edge technology? It’s because people have the freedom to choose their path in their profession. In China they are told what their path in life is. Fight for your rights to be free or you won’t be!!! J.Goodrich