I don't know if we have to claim anything as we are born with everything. No government can selfishly or foolishly take anything away. They want to pretend they can as all governments are mastered by power hungry mongrels and control freaks. There is no other reason to work in government as for sure and for certain it is never for the people.

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A lot of people simply do not know that their birthright exists, though. They assume that this slave-species condition is just normal. Affirming the truth will help with that.

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Wonderful Christopher! Very Courageous and a True Path Forward!

I especially appreciate these sections:


"But there is no way to “give” an area back to the original population, because for any given area, no one knows who the original population actually was.

And even if we could know, the last thing we want to do is to start assigning property claims to entire groups based on ethnicity."


"This is not a LARP. It is a first step toward a larger goal:

We will make the claim because it is true, right, and good. And it is important that we acknowledge what is true, right, and good.

We will make the claim as an example to others—to light a beacon that they can follow.

We will make the claim to put our would-be overlords on notice: we are free people, not their serfs.

We will make the claim as part of a larger strategy of sequential steps toward greater independence.

We will be the first humans in many generations to claim what is rightfully ours. This is not a game. This is nothing less than our birthright.

We will also be the first generation of a new nation of free people. We must do the hard work now, so that our descendants can live as humans should.

We will plant the seed, so that they might stand beneath the boughs of a mighty tree.

How can we do any less?"

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Thank you—I am trying to get the point across every way I can!

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You are Very Clear and Energetic in your writings!

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I am energetic in general—especially in the morning, much to my wife's dismay before she's had her coffee.

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I'm sure! She may deserve the medal.

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The idea of ownership is becoming clearer to me. Good discussion!

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I am glad to hear it! These ideas are truly eye-opening, when we look at them clearly.

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Your excellent paragraph above:

“Yet violence is not the only way to gain property, nor is the threat of violence the only way to keep it. We also have the phenomenon of recognized property titles, protected by custom and law. Property titles can be exchanged voluntarily and peacefully.”

reminded me of a favorite quote of mine:

“The fundamental purpose of property rights, and their fundamental accomplishment, is that they eliminate destructive competition for control of economic resources. Well-defined and well-protected property rights replace competition-by-violence with competition-by-peaceful-means.

- Armen A. Alchian, Property Rights


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Nice! YES!!

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Brilliant! 👍

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I was doing ok through the article until YOU are Indigenous .. and I am seeing this phrase more and more lately (and the claim of being Indigenous to the planet) - and it just doesn't sit right. Perhaps because as wife and mother of an Indigenous Family I am all too aware of where much of the paragraph on that topic leads and the harm it causes ... and so I am sitting with your words and language and choices and just being open to hearing .... which is more than I can say most people are around the opposition of those words and language who are seeking to feel included in the spectrum of Indigeneity ... there is more room for allyship and all people moving towards a collective unified diverse future but there is no room for opposing that which is right (decolonisation) or pretending to be what we aren't.

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I hear you, and I understand the controversy. Let's explore it a little.

Have you colonized anyone? Have I?

Personally, I refuse to accept even an iota of guilt for what other people have done. I did not do anything. Did my ancestors? Maybe, but also maybe not. Each of us is made of many, many family lines. Yes, one of mine goes back to the Mayflower. But my Italian relatives got here at the turn of the century and many people did not even consider them "white" when they arrived. (Margaret Sanger and her crowd certainly did not.) They were treated like garbage. And they were poor. Indeed, the vast majority of my relatives were poor. There was no privilege or exploitation. There were midwest pea farmers and Italian clothes pressers. And people who fought and died (on the Union side) in the Civil War. And many others.

Collective guilt and collective privilege are dangerous. They lead to bad places—among them, testing DNA to see just how much guilt or privilege a person is owed based on how much membership in a certain group (s)he has. Very bad places.

We can, however, fix *situations.* The reservation system in America, for example, is appalling. The forced sterilizations were appalling (and continued until far more recently then most would imagine). So many crimes.

But I did not commit those crimes—government did. The world I seek as an anarchist/voluntaryist would be far more beneficial to these attacked groups than any other solutions. I am on their side because I am on the truly human side.

But also, by way of illustration, those forced sterilizations did not just happen on Indian reservations. Lots of other poor people, including many poor whites, were forcibly sterilized.

The point of that being that we are all in this together. Our would-be overlords want us to continue playing Cowboys and Indians. They want us to consider having the low-level fight of "you are descended from a colonizer, so you are guilty." Because that way it keeps us from seeing that the fight really is on a higher level. That we and native peoples are on the same side, and have the same enemy.

Of course I get what you are saying. I am not talking about trying to steal someone else's status or horn in on anything. But all humans must take a stand against governments and say that we will no longer be pushed off our land, controlled, exploited, and abused.

Our mutual enemy want us fighting each other, and feeling guilty, and trying to exploit each other, so that we don't see that THEY are the ones who are exploiting all of us.

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Do you have a Discord server where people could organize to plan how to implement these ideas?

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Two days ago, I launched the Freedom Scale subscriber chat here on Substack. That will certainly work.

Prior to that, we were just using comment threads, which was actually working reasonably well, since I read and reply to everything and can thus collate and filter ideas. But the chat will improve things further.

Do you have any specific ideas, implantations, etc. in mind right now?

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I'm not sure, I don't usually read all comments but I suppose the subscriber chat will work just fine. I haven't read all your writing so I feel I should catch up with everything before talking in the chat.

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Lots to catch up on. 🤣 But just focusing on the book of which this is an installment would work fine.

I look forward to your input at any time. (You certainly don't have to wait until you've read every word.)

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Thanks for the link/shoutout, and good to see you continuing the DN serial after the holiday break!

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Thanks. It was nice to have a little break, for sure.

And now I will be working back in a little of my older content, too, since people seem to have missed that. Plus, trying to keep up with the DN writing pace I was on was pretty rough. So I'll keep it coming, but at a slightly slowed pace.

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YES! yes, yes.

"Here too, a religious view may argue that in some sense, we are all “renting” our little corner of the world from God. That’s fine. But when it comes to all other humans, your ownership ought to be exclusive and complete."

i would point out this includes those humans, those individuals, born into "your" family & those deemed & who chose to be "your/my wife, husband, partner by whatever circumstance or situation at the time. at some point in history they became property in thinking and practice. we must each claim our full birthright as individuals & in relation to others. we cannot possess another human. it is always choice. some want possessed. some dont. 💙

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I have given this some thought vis-a-vis children. (Here, e.g., https://christophercook.substack.com/p/trans-athlete-injures-three-what-would-you-do)

Our children are not property, but they are, in some sense, ours…

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i would agree. we are accountable, as in answering, for, until...and responsible to them. some say responsible "for" and i do not agree.

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I was just thinking in the terms of uprooting to save the tree and here you are with a tree, synchronicities man. I say well done sir!

I do think it's cool that people with Native tribal Denosivans and European Neathandrathal hints is an interesting combo of both and would make those who have it a bridge between both. Interesting stuff but you are correct, it really matters not and is best to never dole out privilege in those terms. We are not one human better than the other in the eyes of our Creator who endows such rights. Good stuff dude.

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Thank you, and well said.

As the Vulcans say, "infinite diversity from infinite combinations."

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Let us Lord willing, live long and prosper. ( Sorry I love alliteration 😂)

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Alliteration is an amazing advantage and assistance to all Americans.

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It goes well beyond this... Every One of Us born here on Our planet owns a share of the wealth. We are ALL multimillionaires. But back in 1666 (interesting number, I know) They started putting the wealth of People "lost at sea" into "TRUSTS" (legal caps) with Them (the moneyed psychopaths in control) as "TRUSTEES."

It was not long before They started declaring children "incompetent" and putting Their interest in the wealth into "TRUSTS" with some convoluted path to claiming it (though We are never told what it is, or even that the TRUST is there) when We are adults - and if We don't lay claim, They declare Us "lost at sea." And control the TRUST... "Own nothing, control everything," As JD Rockefeller said.

Our birthright is held from Us, and I agree, We must start claiming it.

But to effectively do that, We need to take Their power tool away. And that is "money" - My definition of "money:" anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).

And to do THAT... We need to add free energy to make accounting for Our energy pointless.

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

And what it will look like:

The Whole Package! – The Abundance Paradigm novella chapter links! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-whole-package

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