Chosen Destinies and Culturally Appropriated Breakfasts
And cereal lies for #ThreeThoughtThursday
#1 Do You Choose Your Destiny or Not?
At the beginning of the television show Merlin, the dragon tells the title character that “None of us can choose our destiny.”
But in the Mortal Combat theme, that one dude keeps saying, “Choose your destiny” over and over.
These mixed messages are very confusing.
#2 Cultural Appropriation Breakfast Burrito
I while back, I made and ate a delicious breakfast burrito…
I culturally appropriated the concept of the burrito, and the tortilla and salsa, from Mexico.
I culturally appropriated the Dubliner cheese from the Irish.
I culturally appropriated the Spam from the Hawaiians—no wait, they culturally appropriated it from the Hormel Food Corporation.
The origins of sriracha are disputed, but whoever first came up with it, I culturally appropriated it from them. (Indeed, I used a special kind of sriracha given to me by my Thai neighbor, so I actually culturally appropriated it from her. I am sure she's feeling super-oppressed by me right now.)
I cooked it on an electric stove—people in cultures across the world have contributed to the study of electricity, so I culturally appropriated my cooking technology from them.
I culturally appropriated the practice of cooking food from cavemen, and I stole the concept of eating unfertilized bird ova from species throughout the animal kingdom.
The left’s doctrine of ‘cultural appropriation’ is evil. Full stop. Don’t let them get away with it. Share, mix, blend, borrow, live, love, enjoy!
#3 Cereal Liar
And speaking of breakfast…
Box after box of Grape-Nuts, and I find neither grapes nor nuts.
Why is Post Cereal gaslighting me?
For the cost of a cup of coffee once a month (about an hour’s wage for the whole year), you can keep the Freedom Scale rocking!
Hahahaha!! Yes the woke ideology that maintains “cultural appropriation is bad” while saying “open borders is good” is a very confused one indeed, and similar to your destiny question, it sends out very mixed messages. 🤡
Nothing works better than derision and laughing to really get the goat of the hypocrites and mentally challenged. I like the idea of a board game. Competition is good. (Except pitiful loser males competing against real women in sports. Another unamusing joke.)