Mar 31, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

You may be interested in Louise Perry and Mary Harrington's work.

I'm listening to Maiden Mother Matriarch with Louise Perry | 5: Reactionary Feminism - Mary Harrington | Maiden Mother Matriarch 5 on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/ea/dir-kc84f-174211a5

Tellingly, I believe both came from the left, but have changed their views in a number of key areas.

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Alatulya, Tar-Ancalimë, Queen of Long Light.

I listened to the intro and I am intrigued to listen further!

I am fascinated by what is happening now. The left has gone so insane on the trans issue that people who have been on the left their whole lives are now talking, and making common cause, with people on the right—in some cases for the very first time. This is of course causing them to question not only the ideology to which they long adhered, but also to question whether people on the right are actually the orcs that they've been made out to be by the narrative-creation apparatus of the left.

It is causing all of us to look at this area of overlap (in our Venn diagrams, if you will) and to wonder what other areas might overlap. It could spell a sea change.

Indeed, if anything, I think that my fellows on the right need to be a bit more understanding of these "questioning" and transitional lefties. I have seen interactions on Twitter where the person on the left is obviously reaching out, tentatively but earnestly, and I think it is important for righties to recognize this for what it is and be friendly and explore—carefully—what else we might be able to agree on.

I plan to write about this.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Christopher Cook

Well thank you, actually I didn't realise her mother sought to feed her with bitterness towards men, otherwise I might have picked another name 🤦‍♀️ Oh well, at least she was a good shepherdess!

Really good points, I agree wholeheartedly. Another awful thing that goes on a lot is that some people on the left, whilst being helpful and calling out things like the terrible misogyny and violence demonstrated to Kellie Jay-Keen (Posie Parker) in New Zealand - previously have indulged in horrible purity tests and had a right go at her because she doesn't fit their preferred (often feminist, very left wing academia driven) narrative etc. The violence on show has finally made them offer support, but they still seem to be believing the nonsense that she supports male neo nazis etc. She does not & never has - she simply runs let women speak events and if such other groups turn up, it's not her fault.

I myself have seen this - got somewhat piled on by a young woman for simply responding to an awful example of the appalling crimes against children by places like the Tavistock/"gender affirming" clinics in the US etc - with a superb interview by Jordan Peterson with a poor young female detransitioner who was irreplaceably damaged as a teenager. Just because it was Jordan Peterson! Immediate hate without any investigation.

But - you are completely right, there must be bridge building.

Louise & Mary's work is fascinating. It has made me rethink a lot of my previous views that as a woman, I held.

You may also really enjoy the work of the bad cat - I have never before read the writing of someone so intelligent, well read/hugely experienced and inciteful - who can present it with such grace and humour. He was one of the few people who kept me going during the terrible darkness of the lockdowns & "vaccine" crimes. We had it very bad in the UK.



I love your writing too, carry on!

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A very close friend also recommended bad cattitude; I will subscribe and check it out. Also followed on Twitter—thanks :-)

I started listening to the podcast you recommended, but when she mentioned her article in First Things, I switched to that, figuring it was a faster-to-get-through summary of her ideas. That article is here: https://www.firstthings.com/article/2021/06/reactionary-feminism

I found very little with which to disagree. In (what I heard of) the podcast, she makes a distinction between conservative and reactionary with which I largely agree. However, if we just think of "conservative" as it is used in common parlance today, virtually every view she espouses in the piece would be shared by the typical conservative. You can hear shades of her leftist/socialist background in what she says about economic matters, and the hints she drops about ways in which the government ought to provide for various social needs. Obviously, as a voluntaryist libertarian, I oppose all forcible redistribution, so she lost me there. But everything else was great. Indeed, I think she may have a few things to teach conservatives. For example, her statement (in the podcast) that there "isn't much left to conserve" is well-taken. Conservatives must now become both reactionaries and radicals in order to find the desirable elements of the past and blend them with a better future.

Your experience of the left's hostile rigidity is, as I am sure you well know, entirely too common. Indeed, I have stopped having arguments with anyone who manifests a boilerplate enforcer-of-the-official-leftist-dogma persona. It's honestly not worth my time to have the same argument for the 10,000th time. However, once someone is at least questioning, or displaying some deviation from official orthodox leftism, the rewards of engagement increase.

And now, it is heartening to see these new potential confluences due to the trans-radical madness. It makes me think that the future may see some strange and wondrous realignments. One such example…

My best friend and his wife live out in one of the canyons north of Los Angeles. He told me that by about 2018–19, his wife's new-age, granola-munching friends were super into Trump, calling him a "lightworker" and the like. I mean, these are hardcore LA hippie types, and that was not what I expected.

Similarly, I know a couple who are yoga instructors, go to South America for ayahuasca ceremonies, she's a doula, etc.—and they are politically libertarian, and even temperamentally conservative in some ways. Or perhaps it is more reactionary, à la Mary Harrington.

Finally, I learned fairly recently that the hippies were initially very skeptical of the yippies back in the 60s. It took a while for them to overlap politically. Which means there is nothing inherent in hippie-ness that requires left-wing politics. Very interesting thought for the future.

Okay, enough for the night. Time to sit on the couch and do nothing for an hour before bed. Or maybe watch some TV, which, in a way, is less than nothing. Cheers.

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