Does anyone on this thread frequent anarchipolco ( not sure if I spelled that right ) ? It seems to be a very amazing thing, I’ve always wished I could go. I even tried to see if I could work there one year so I might get be able to go for a lot less than it would normally cost, but I wasn’t cool enough. I have never been able to see any other way than anarchy, and I’m someone who believes whole heartedly in Jesus. It really bothers me that such a peaceful word is so ignorantly seen by the rest!!’ Anyway I just wanted to see if anyone had been to find out if it was as amazing as it looks?

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I think they might have switched from Acapulco to Morelia. But yeah, it does look really cool. Maybe I will get to go someday too.

Hopefully someone else who's gone can chime in here…………

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Look like it’s a pipe dream for all of this comment section!! The the puts it on or helps Jeff something ( I forget his last name for some reason ) in a way started my decent down the rabbit hole. He did a speech at a collage in Montana a long time ago, it was the most sincere speech I’ve ever heard on our current situation. There was absolutely no sales pitch it was just his honest opinion. He brought up the book by G Edward Griffin, the creator from jeckyll island after talking about how his business was stolen by the bank in a nut shell. Always knew something wasn’t right about the money, it was causing all of the problems. I read that book and down down down or really up up up because we are climbing out of the hole!! He’s a crypto consultant, not really my thing, but he seems like a pretty honest dude. He runs the dollar vigilante and I think he does anarchcast, both are really informative.

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Western MT is incredibly beautiful, I’m not much for high planes desert so eastern MT I don’t think I would like to much.

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It is certainly drier east of the divide. But much of it is still very beautiful.

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I used to live in MT :-)

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Next one coming up in February!



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Have you been ever?

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No, I almost went back in '19 or '20 but it fell through. Now it's kinda lost its shine for me. Other more important and rewarding things for me to spend my time and energy on...

Still it looks like a great event and I'm glad it exists and continues on!

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I love this! It makes me want to learn more. I struggle mightily with the word "anarchist" for some psychological reason. It probably has to do with watching self-proclaimed anarchists do immature and violent things that have no end goal. I need to get past it, I just wish there were a new word. Ugh. It's a me problem, like most of my problems, 🤣

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It isn't just a you problem. The word is laden with terrible baggage! I wish there were a better word too.

Voluntaryism/ist bothers me for some reason. Plus, it gets confused with volunteerism.

Consentism? Maybe that could work…

Or KYFHO, from the F. Paul Wilson's "Enemy of the State." 🤣

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That last one works! NGA = No government allowed 😂

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That same book also has POE:

Peace…or else.

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Yes. I like that one, too. KYFHO is more my style in real life, to be honest.

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It certainly works for me. Though some people might not like the cuss word.

I suppose we could consider “filthy” to be an alternative F-word!

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MYOB is another good one!

'And Then There Were None' by Eric Frank Russell


The ship gradually increased its rate of climb, went faster, faster, became a toy, a dot, and finally disappeared.

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Is it good ancap sci-fi?

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Yes, very good.

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"inspiration comes in unlikely places"

fr that

there are many of us that have walked our lives living this, even amongst you, to varying degrees. many of us live by the Law and between the rules. all of this begins right here & now with everyday conscious choices in our daily lives, living & reclaiming, our self & our own pursuits.

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I enjoyed learning that some good fiction got you moving on this project! I wrote about fiction and nonfiction in a pair of back-to-back posts in August. I admit I don't do much long-form fiction these days, but fictional narratives can be valuable in the real world for showing character development.

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Yeah—for the longest time, I went away from fiction entirely. I thought I simply had to read as much non-fiction as I could, in order to gather knowledge. But then I realized that there is knowledge to be had in fiction too!

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"We should not have to move to be free."

I do have to respectfully disagree on this one: sometimes we should. This is corroborated by a bunch of folks from something called The Mayflower that are clamoring for your attention. It might sound like they are cursing but that's just because a fair proportion are speaking Dutch.

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Heh. I think one of my English ancestors may have been on that ship!

Let's be clear about our terms.

"We should not have to move to be free."

I mean ethically, morally, in terms of the justice of natural law, people ought not be oppressed. You should not be placed in a position in which your only option in order to escape said oppression is to flee your home.

People in history have of course had to flee in order to be free. I am simply saying they should not have to do so. I am making a normative ethical statement.

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I see. Hmm. Ok, let me read the piece through again.

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I can’t imagine Anarchy working as much as I love the ideas. Energy = money . Until energy is abundant and free such as suppressed quantum field energy , zero point and electro-gravidic propulsion systems are normal . We are constrained to densities of population and can’t spread out to have breathing space . Making governing people irrelevant if money is aligned back with intellectual property and barter not energy , a truly free market with no one putting their hand out because “we are government” .Free education and free exchange of ideas and concepts not necessarily with a price tag , because service to others is the prime human motivation not competition but co operation, knowing you are me and I am you . The cruel egos, are still not seen as stunted souls but successful entrepreneurs. The world is too fucked up in 3D egoistic selfhood unfortunately to the be honest. I love the thought like trust truth and honesty and communion with the soul consciousness in each other , too many individuals will never ever give up their selfishness and greed until they no longer possess a body and wake up the hard way , by no longer being in a Physical body and still vibrating as a selfish competitive individual and be ostracised by their own frequencies to others that learned the lesson in this earthly plane , this kindergarten called earth.

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If I am properly understanding what you are saying, it appears to carry a presupposition: that an anarcho-libertarian condition can only exist if it exists worldwide. That isn't so. I and some fellows could form such a polity tomorrow, if there weren't the immediate likelihood that government enforcers would come and shoot us or burn us alive. Of course, it would be rendered easier if, for example, the roads upon which we had to travel and trade were owned by a roads-owning corporation with which we could then contract, rather than by governments. But there is no theoretical reason why anarchism cannot begin in specific places. The presumption that it must be worldwide or not at all is something of a Marxian error.

As to energy—a freer condition of market anarchism would make it more likely for suppressed technologies to come to market!

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I am having a similar journey from small-state classical liberal to full-fledged anarchist. In your opinion, what percentage of liberty-minded people go this path? What do you think how many “get stuck“ at minarchism (or even come to full-heartedly endorse people like Trump)?

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Oh goodness, I am not sure of how many, what percentages, etc. Just speculating, though…

I suspect that very few people become anarchists right away. I assume, given the fact that we are all raised with statist presumptions of one sort or another, that almost everyone starts out believing that some amount of government is needed and then realizes, at some point, that it is not. It mostly seems to come down to how fast that realization occurs.

For example, it took me until I was middle aged. I had to shed multiple layers of baggage. First, my left-wing upbringing/childhood. Then a time in the wilderness, coming to grips with how dangerous the left is. Then fighting it as a comparatively mainstream conservative. Then slowly reverse engineering the principles, with eventually led me through minarchism to anarchism. Took some time!

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Not what I had hoped to hear but a great insight! I think that describes the journey of many well. Thanks for sharing that trail of thought!

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Ohh, what were you hoping to hear? 😁

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I wanted to hear some numbers, but your answer is fine too. I had hoped you had maybe come across some.

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I bet one could gather a lot of data using a simple survey done with FreedomFest attendees.

I love going to FreedomFest!

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Fiction is a viable view into a better world. In point of fact, ALL of the views of the world are works of fiction. Religions are often described as fictions, but even the scientific materialist world that currently claims the minds of most people today is very much a work of fiction. Most of what we think about science is fiction, pieced together by consensus.

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We must do our best to draw truth from it all, wherever we find it.

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I have also walked these very paths. Hoppe and Stephenson around the same time. Few.

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I thank God my eyes were opened.

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Very interesting!

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I'm so glad you mentioned Hoppe in this article. You mentioned him once before, and on that suggestion i did some checking and found a couple of his books. I DL them. I am way behind on my reading list and honestly it's been a while since i sat down and cracked open a whole book. Shameful, i know. But i am inspired by this deconstruction of governmental systems with the attendant theories on rebuilding something different. Still, im stuck on monarchy at the moment. I am going to explore what Hoppe is on about there.

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As it happens, Hoppe is a sort of anarcho-monarchist, in a way. He advocates market-anarchic solutions (such as the aggression insurers he describes at length in "Democracy…"), but he also describes how private-law jurisdictions can work. That would include a PLJ run by a meritorious aristocrat or king. If such a king can make his PLJ good enough that you want to go rent a patch of ground in it and live according to its rules, why not!

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Yeah, that’s what i’ve gathered from your comments. Thanks for pointing me in that direction! Actually i think Librarian Of Celaeno was, i think, the first to enlighten me that monarchy is a viable option. He’s a smart dude. When he speaks, i listen, even though that sounded pretty crazy to me at the time. Then you mentioned Hoppe and i’m ready to do some reading!

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Monarchy for those who want monarchy. Minarchy for those who want minarchy. Miniature American flags for those who want those. And always twirling, twirling, twirling toward freedom…

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I’d certainly prefer the minarchy. But i’m still checking out this monarchy possibility because its captured my interest for now.

I’ll pass on the American flag twirling - i never imagined i’d be having thoughts like that, but here we are. I’m a red-blooded American boy who grew up idolizing the military heroes like we’re supposed to do, did my time with the 101st Airborne doing some tough training and another eight years overseas supporting the troops as a contractor. It provided me with a job, some amazing experiences, but America is built on lies. I’m very sad about that.

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"I’d certainly prefer the minarchy. But i’m still checking out this monarchy possibility because its captured my interest for now. I’ll pass on the American flag twirling"

—Sorry, I was making a rather puckish allusion to a couple of different moments from the Simpsons, from a long time ago. Those moments were, of course, poking fun at democracy and the American system:



"i never thought i’d be having thoughts like that, but here we are."

—But yeah, I am right there with you. Patriotic, conservative, heart goes pitter-pat to the strains of patriotic music. But then, yeah, I realized so many truths that it made maintaining that fiction impossible.

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Fiction indeed. Just like everything else we learned in public school.

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Here's My stance...

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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