Twenty-eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution

The United States will assume the pursuit of peace to be its primary goal in foreign and domestic policy, make a peace economy its highest priority, and in that process reduce its nuclear weapons to zero within ten years, and demand that all other nations reduce their nuclear weapons to zero as well.

Other dangerous weapons such a depleted uranium, mines and cluster bombs, biological and nano weapons, electromagnetic and infrared weapons, and the project of information warfare will be ended decisively. The United States will oppose efforts to wage war by conventional, nuclear, or psychological, biological, or nano-technological means.

The United State military will be restructured to focus on the long-term security of the United States, calculated in the hundreds of years, giving up its short-term obsession with weapons and war, and devoting itself to preventing the destruction of the environment, earth, water, and air, the rising power of the rich and powerful, the use of technology to manipulate citizens and to destroy information, and other threats to human security.

Americans will only be deployed outside of the United States in a transparent and accountable manner for multinational efforts that are clearly defined, and such deployments will only be for a proscribed period of time.

The above Is Emmanuel's suggestion for an amendment to the USA Constitution. I am 100% on board for such.

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It would be an improvement.

But not nearly so much of an improvement as eliminating all involuntary authority whatsoever.

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Traffic rules need be followed. Do No Evil should be the rule for all.

All War is Evil.

Do No Harm.

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"Do No Evil should be the rule for all."

—I hear you. My concern, however, is that the concept of "evil" is sufficiently vague as to leave too much open to interpretation. I prefer the greater degree of specificity of the "first protocol" herein enumerated:


"Traffic rules need be followed."

—Of course. We must avoid injuring others, and traffic rules do that. However, traffic rules can also exist on privately owned and operated roadways.

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Giving up our nuclear weapons would be suicide. It would be the national equivalent of you always keeping your doors unlocked and wide open.

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Nuclear weapons kill all and are the ultament evil.

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Chemical/ medical warfare .. just look at Covid.. easy too.. just spray them with poison filled drones and airplanes ... loaded with the next plandemic... they have finally realized that they need Earths resources .. kill the end user.. more for them.

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Yes Bill Gates has been working on mosquitoes to deliver payloads very simular as the Limes disease ticks were modified only with gene altering bioweapons.

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He is also behind Bovaer, the meds that stop cows from farting.. because now we blame the cows and trees for environmental damages ... oh the insanity! This medication messes up the uterus suppossdly ... more de- population...

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They also kill indiscriminately. They cannot be targeted only to aggressors.

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Nuclear Weapon drills at school scared me as a kid. They kill all life above ground and leave a lingering death with half lifes of 100's of thousands of years. The bombs and weapons are all controlled by the elete's and most of them are preparing bunkers

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Right now is a very interesting time between Covid-19 and the collapse of the dollar. Buy all the Privacy crypto you can. The biggest is XMR and the most private is "ARRR" at .22 cents. WOW is the worlds coolest Meme coin is also a world class privacy coin @ 14 cents.

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I have a 100% no risk silver coin idea that I will be posting on my subtract. The idea is to be 100% out of the dollar as soon as possible and before the over whelming crowd figures things out and the banks all fail. Very soon the crypto market will catch fire and privacy coins will participate. This is the small guys chance at a shot of wealth. The silver idea is a servival plan and is portable, anyone mostly can carry 10 pounds of silver coins. Sewing them into a belt or coat, etc could be a great idea. It is also a versatile plan and can be started with very small amounts; but is a 10 pound plan. Which givers you a small back log to barter with for perhaps 6 months. Gold at $2,600 is too expensive for most. Silver to be at 100 to one its normal prive needs to rise to #260 right now and has more use in the commercial manufacturing in today's economy. The fiat bankers are in complete control and will leave everyone that is in their system as slaves and owning nothing. Not very nice folks these fiat paper bankers that counterfeit currencies all over the world.

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I have thoughts about a potential meme coin for the distributed nation...

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Fun and True!

Happy, Healthy New Year to Christopher, his Family and all the good people on The Freedom Scale!

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I may not collapse the government and the state so that anarchy is achieved, in fact, it's quite certain I won't, but I can definitely be the entire problem for government and the state.

It's actually quite simple (not easy, just simple): I don't participate in the economy, I don't contribute to the government's coffers, and as a result the government has an entirely serious problem with me.

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Yeah. The government may collapse itself, but I do not think we should try to collapse it. Rather, I think we should try to get away from it. Your approach is one of those ways.

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The Michael Malice quote is perfect.

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Brilliant memes today !

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Right on!

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Wonderful collection

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Thanks for sharing

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Thanks for reading

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Great round up

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Happy New Year!! 🙌💟☮️

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Happy New year!

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Thanks Chris!! :)

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The meme about the 2 party system with the caboose, sums up how I feel. A veteran, I don’t have any service connected issues but others do. And many are not getting the care or recognition from the government that they should. Still waiting for their disability payments. Vietnam veterans and atomic (the ones who handled the radioactive materials that power our subs) veterans. This is unconscionable. And some people wonder why I didn’t vote. These are some reasons. Not that I don’t like Trump. I do. It’s everyone else (broadly speaking, not specific individuals) that I don’t trust.

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Those are good reasons!!

There are other good reasons too!

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I need a meme that would showcase H-1B Visas as Corporate Welfare. Thoughts?

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What about somehow using the template of the guy checking out the one girl walking by, as his gf looks at him angrily?

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Oh, that is perfect!

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Looking forward to seeing the result :-)

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😂 I’m laughing because I’m well passed the other emotions that came before it 😵‍💫

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Ya gotta laugh!

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Strange world where bald statements of truth can be so very funny. And I'd always rather smile or laugh than groan and mourn. I suspect there is nothing the conniving controllers and manipulators hate more than being laughed at.

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Yes! Ridicule is a powerful weapon.

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Ah yes, a sweet reprieve of quality memes. I will continue to spread them 🏴‍☠️👽🙏

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If the five revolutions in human communication are spoken language, written language, the printing press, telecommunications, and the internet, are memes the sixth revolution?

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A fair selection of memes to steal from! I imagine I will being one of the thieves. [grin]

So spot, with the possible question of socialism, which We might want to define... I would think that it would best be applied as a system that is run socially - money system added complicates things greatly, with the power over Others.

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Steal away!

In true freedom, people can use money if they want, or not, or live as socialists, or not. So long as no one is forced.

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[hugs!!!] And yes, I agree, as long as it is Ethical, do what Thou wilt. But I’m just saying that the point of money will so completely vanish to where collecting a penny is more effort than it’s worth.

And then… No One will bother with that tool.

If ever You’re in the mood for a futurist novella… I offer Mine:

The Whole Package! – The Abundance Paradigm novella chapter links! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-whole-package

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Good ones all the way around. All are sad in a way but truly the truth. Can't wait for the DC Swamp to be swallowed whole by some alien.

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Or we can just go Sideways to the Sun


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