I read this article with great interest. I come at this issue from an almost opposite perspective. For I would suggest redistribution keeps recipients of the redistribution in bondage and is therefore perpetuating a system of bondage and so I would suggest that rather than redistribute wealth and property we redistribute justice, educate, and speech that favors no voice over another, so while one may entitled to his personal property, everyone is entitled to be respected enough to decide his own destiny. So rather than redistribute wealth, it is power that needs to be redistributed.

In the end I come to a very similar conclusion that you arrive at in your article.

And that is exactly why the debate about blocking ideas is so absurd. To me, there is no difference in the left calling for the right to be blocked or the right trying to eliminate dialogue. It's pretty hard to learn if you only consume information you already think you believe. If you open your eyes, you learn. If you close them, you dream.

And thank you, from your article, I learned a lot more than I would have been capable of doing if I had only purviewed what I already thought. Because now that thought is challenged and while I'm not going to become a disciple of anyone, I have to reference your thoughts into what I had thought and my perspective does become refreshed because it must take into account, and to some extent reflect, the new concepts. The problem when we refuse to encounter or interact with what we might believe contrary we deny our own freedom, or will, that you call it, and become disciples of broken ideologies.

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Yes. I published a reply yesterday on my post:


I enjoyed your article and, like always, try to gain from disagreement. I also recommended The Freedom Scale as worthwhile reading even by those who might claim to be liberals as one of the best interpreters of the so-called right. Of course for many on the left I'm too far right and to the right I'm a flaming anarchist pinko, which assuredly I am not. I just believe strongly in social order but I believe it can best be served by local communities who can determine their own destinies. Perhaps we part company because I dislike big business as much as I dislike big government and I find both guilty of "redistributing wealth"---and both disrupt social order.

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